OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 April 2006 - #3

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I know I'm odd man out here but I never could get to the point where I thought Brian was murdered either inside or outside the bar or building. I also never thought he committed suicide. I did at one point entertain the idea he was still somewhere in the building but after hearing the podcast not so much anymore. I 100% believe he got out of the building and took off to parts unknown.


How do you believe Brian avoided detection for all these years, and got out in a drunken state without ever being seen again? Do you think that he had help in escaping? How would he avoid all cameras in the city, especially Columbus, which is loaded with them? IF Brian is alive, I think he may have assumed a new identity and is no longer living in the United States. That would be the best way to avoid detection for all of these years. I could see him somewhere off in the Caribbean. If that is the case, I don''t think he will ever be found. Unless someone who helped him spills the beans about where he was, at least back in 2006. Brian may not even look like Brian anymore, perhaps even changing his name.

I think it's unlikely, but it has happened.


How many of you think that Brian went to talk to the band? However, the band was too fast in leaving and packing up their equipment. Brian tried to follow them, took a wrong turn, and wound up trapped in the Construction Site and therefore died there?


Brian committed suicide, he just couldn't take the pressure of everything in his life anymore?


Brian was killed that night for whatever reason?


Brian knowingly and voluntarily left to start a new life and hasn't been seen since? If that is the case, how could he due all of this in a drunken state of mind with nobody seeing him ever again for over a decade?

I think Brian most likely is buried somewhere in the Construction site. In which case, he died by accident. The other possibilities are close as well Or he got out of the building and found some isolated location to kill himself in an area so remote. Intentionally seeking a remote area so that his body would never be found. Or Brian got out of the building and met with foul play.

Community post your percentages on Brian Shaffer's status. Your percent totals should add up to 100:

Accidental Death: 40%
Suicide: 30%
Murder: 25%
Start New Life: 5%

Accidental: 45%
Manslaughter/Murder: 30%
Suicide: 20%
Start a New Life: 5%
I know I'm odd man out here but I never could get to the point where I thought Brian was murdered either inside or outside the bar or building. I also never thought he committed suicide. I did at one point entertain the idea he was still somewhere in the building but after hearing the podcast not so much anymore. I 100% believe he got out of the building and took off to parts unknown.

The podcast made me more convinced that Brian died in the construction area. In the interview, the detective reiterated major, REAL clues.

The lead detective suggests Brian was in the construction area that early morning, which is *coincidentally?* the time at which he disappeared w/o a trace.

The lead detective says that at some point they - not clear who or exactly when - searched the construction area - which he characterized as 'heavily under construction' 'completely dug up' and 'would be difficult sober' - but failed to find Brian. Thus, the assumption is that Brian presumably 'got exited out of there'.

I don'f find it hard to believe at all that Brian died there and his remains may still be there.
Accidental Death: 20%
Suicide: 50%
Murder: 20%
Start New Life: 10%
I know I'm odd man out here but I never could get to the point where I thought Brian was murdered either inside or outside the bar or building. I also never thought he committed suicide. I did at one point entertain the idea he was still somewhere in the building but after hearing the podcast not so much anymore. I 100% believe he got out of the building and took off to parts unknown.
Well people if anyone plans on going to the Ugly Tuna they better do it before May 1st because that's when they will be closing for good.

How do you believe Brian avoided detection for all these years, and got out in a drunken state without ever being seen again? Do you think that he had help in escaping? How would he avoid all cameras in the city, especially Columbus, which is loaded with them? IF Brian is alive, I think he may have assumed a new identity and is no longer living in the United States. That would be the best way to avoid detection for all of these years. I could see him somewhere off in the Caribbean. If that is the case, I don''t think he will ever be found. Unless someone who helped him spills the beans about where he was, at least back in 2006. Brian may not even look like Brian anymore, perhaps even changing his name.

I think it's unlikely, but it has happened.


We are not really that sure how much alcohol Brian had to drink that night. We know that Clint said they drank a few shots but even 4 or 5 shots over a period of hours is not going to totally incapacitate a person especially the size of Brian. We saw Brian at 1:55 and he was still standing and conversing.

I do think he had help but that's just me speculating. As far as avoiding cameras, one of the detectives in a interview said that if Brian would have left out the front door and exited to the right he would have not been seen. Well he didn't go out the front door but to the right is where the construction exit was and I'm pretty sure the side door that the dogs supposedly caught his scent and tracked him to Wendy's.

With all the cameras if Brian caught a ride in Wendy's parking lot he would have been home free. Det Hurst said that the drive thru camera didn't really show much of the parking lot.

I have given a few examples of people who have literally seem to disappear only to show up over 40 years later. I'll post another below. Why is it that people seem to think if Brian is still alive that someone would see him? There are over 325 million people in the USA alone. I live in a small town and can go for weeks at times and not even see my neighbor. I don't think that we can say that Brian is dead just because no one has seen him.

I do agree that he may have gone to a place like the Caribbean. Back in 2006 you could go to a lot of places with just a drivers license. He's something else to consider. I'm betting if he did take off he never would have dreamed he would get this much publicity. If he is out there and I was him I'd never let it be known I was still alive. I'm betting there are a few people who would be more than POd he did what he did.

I know I'm odd man out here but I never could get to the point where I thought Brian was murdered either inside or outside the bar or building. I also never thought he committed suicide. I did at one point entertain the idea he was still somewhere in the building but after hearing the podcast not so much anymore. I 100% believe he got out of the building and took off to parts unknown.

It’s interesting how everyone has a different take on things, isn’t it? But FWIW, I’m with you on him leaving and walking away alive. Now whether he’s still alive, I have no idea.
We are not really that sure how much alcohol Brian had to drink that night. We know that Clint said they drank a few shots but even 4 or 5 shots over a period of hours is not going to totally incapacitate a person especially the size of Brian. We saw Brian at 1:55 and he was still standing and conversing.

I do think he had help but that's just me speculating. As far as avoiding cameras, one of the detectives in a interview said that if Brian would have left out the front door and exited to the right he would have not been seen. Well he didn't go out the front door but to the right is where the construction exit was and I'm pretty sure the side door that the dogs supposedly caught his scent and tracked him to Wendy's.

With all the cameras if Brian caught a ride in Wendy's parking lot he would have been home free. Det Hurst said that the drive thru camera didn't really show much of the parking lot.

I have given a few examples of people who have literally seem to disappear only to show up over 40 years later. I'll post another below. Why is it that people seem to think if Brian is still alive that someone would see him? There are over 325 million people in the USA alone. I live in a small town and can go for weeks at times and not even see my neighbor. I don't think that we can say that Brian is dead just because no one has seen him.

I do agree that he may have gone to a place like the Caribbean. Back in 2006 you could go to a lot of places with just a drivers license. He's something else to consider. I'm betting if he did take off he never would have dreamed he would get this much publicity. If he is out there and I was him I'd never let it be known I was still alive. I'm betting there are a few people who would be more than POd he did what he did.


I also agree that if he decided to disappear, he wouldn’t want to come back. Too humiliating, too much shame and embarrassment, too much drama. If he decided to walk away, it’s forever. Jmo
It’s interesting how everyone has a different take on things, isn’t it? But FWIW, I’m with you on him leaving and walking away alive. Now whether he’s still alive, I have no idea.

I'm not alone lol I guess if he did walk away his odds of being alive today at 39 are no different than if he would have stayed. If he did die for example say 3 years ago, if he had a fake ID on him there might never be a reason to ever check on him.
My two cents based on what I know currently:

Accidental Death 70%
Homicide/manslaughter 20%
Suicide 8%
Start New Life 2%

Before the podcast, I would have put "accident" at closer to 90% or more, but I've now been convinced based on the scent out of the side door that it's possible he may have left / been taken out via foul play. I have a hard time believing he left on his own (although I understand there is some upcoming information in the podcast that might change my view).

Normally given his circumstances I'd rate suicide as a more likely possibility, but it seems they would have most likely found the body.
Community post your percentages on Brian Shaffer's status. Your percent totals should add up to 100:

Accidental Death: 40%
Suicide: 30%
Murder: 25%
Start New Life: 5%

RS&BBM ... As of today:

Suicide and is likely in the river: 50%

Accidental Death and is likely in the construction site: 30%

Accidental Death and is likely in the river: 15%

Murder: 5%

Start New Life: 0%

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Just noticed the new podcast episode is up!
Well after listening this it definitely does give us a better idea as to Brian's personalty. I always thought that he could be sarcastic or a smart *advertiser censored* as his cousin puts it. That's one thing that Clint said that apparently rings true. Randy had mentioned in an interview Clint saying how Brian could pretty much speak his mind to anyone and at times and possibly get into an altercation.

I also find it odd that out of the 3 family members they talked to they all seem to think Brian is dead and maybe got into trouble somehow with the wrong people but at the same time they think Clint may know something. Lets say that Brian walked out of that building was walking down the street and mouthed off to the wrong guy or guys and was killed, how would Clint know anything about this ? Given that scenario I also have to wonder if someone did kill him I don't find it likely anyone is going to take the time to stick around too long let alone hide his body.
I was able to get a small piece of info from the Tuna as far as when the bands would wrap it up for the night. I was told that even though they played till late into the night there was no exact set time for them to quit.

When Brian said he wanted to talk to the band it may have been because they were already done playing and he saw that as an opportunity to be able to. Since it seems that Brian pretty much was off the radar with in minutes after that I would doubt he was following them but maybe he was ahead of them and knew where they would be exiting from.

He also could have been lying to Clint and had other plans. I wonder if he was wanting to meet up with one of the girls he had just talked to. Brian had a plan. Clint was looking and calling for him within minutes after he walked away. If Brian did make it out of that building then it's possible he ignored Clint's call. It all happened between roughly 1:55 and 2:09. At some point between that time Clint called Brian.

I would guess the call had to be about 5 to 10 minutes after 1:55. So I'm guessing if Clint looked for Brian and couldn't find him then maybe he called Brian around 2:05ish. Within roughly 15 minutes Brian was not answering his phone. IMO Brian chose not too. The question is why? What possessed Brian to not answer his phone and exit that building another way?

I have also wonder why Clint was in such a hurry to leave. He still had about 20 minutes before the bar was closing. Think about it, he was leaving Brian with out a ride home. Of course one has to consider that it was Meredith that drove so maybe he didn't have much to say about it if she wanted to get going. Personally I would have waited and got a cab home and tried a little harder to find him.

I'm betting that from the time they got back to the Tuna Brian didn't spend much time with the two of them. This may have annoyed Clint to a degree and once he left he felt a little guilty and thought Brian was mad at him and wouldn't answer his phone so the next day he went to his apartment. I'd like to know how many times Clint called Brian the next day before he went to see him.
Just FYI, on the first anniversary of Brian's disappearance there was a ceremony held near the Tuna. Pretty much all of Brian's family was there and Alexis. There was one person who didn't attend. Actually I don't think Meredith attended either. So make that two people.
He also could have been lying to Clint and had other plans. I wonder if he was wanting to meet up with one of the girls he had just talked to. Brian had a plan. Clint was looking and calling for him within minutes after he walked away. If Brian did make it out of that building then it's possible he ignored Clint's call. It all happened between roughly 1:55 and 2:09. At some point between that time Clint called Brian.

I would guess the call had to be about 5 to 10 minutes after 1:55. So I'm guessing if Clint looked for Brian and couldn't find him then maybe he called Brian around 2:05ish. Within roughly 15 minutes Brian was not answering his phone. IMO Brian chose not too. The question is why? What possessed Brian to not answer his phone and exit that building another way?

I have also wonder why Clint was in such a hurry to leave. He still had about 20 minutes before the bar was closing. Think about it, he was leaving Brian with out a ride home. Of course one has to consider that it was Meredith that drove so maybe he didn't have much to say about it if she wanted to get going. Personally I would have waited and got a cab home and tried a little harder to find him.

I'm betting that from the time they got back to the Tuna Brian didn't spend much time with the two of them. This may have annoyed Clint to a degree and once he left he felt a little guilty and thought Brian was mad at him and wouldn't answer his phone so the next day he went to his apartment. I'd like to know how many times Clint called Brian the next day before he went to see him.

My understanding has always been that the phone started going straight to voicemail when Clint started calling (rather than it ringing and Brian just not answering). But I could see that being a detail that gets misreported.

It’s a critical detail, so I wonder if perhaps that could be cleared up with Det. Hurst in a future podcast?
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