Found Deceased OH - Cheryl Coker, 46, Riverside, 2 Oct 2018 *husband suspect* #2

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I did some digging, first I cannot find any record the police searched the work vehicle.
I reread all 50 pages of posts and I think around page 38 there was discussion about Cheryl leaving on her own..

I am beginning to believe the police are lying about having evidence she’s dead, if they had evidence like that they would be working like hell to get the suspect off the streets...

I am beginning to think this whole disappearance was preplanned, I think William helped her disappear, I think she made her great escape hidden in the work vehicle..

did anyone ever wonder why the family is carrying on with life like nothing wrong,who’s to say that the minor child isn’t using a burner phone to stay in contact with mom, and William staged her SUV and disappearance , this may sound like fiction but why couldnt be true..

unless nonbelievers think the police are truthful about their so called evidence, they need to step outside take in some fresh air and take blinders off..
The work vehicles have expensive equipment inside for accident investigation. When she didn't show for work, they came to get the vehicle. They found out it was inoperable and had to have it towed.

Why do you think he was messing messing with it at 9:00 a.m. on the street?

I mean, what would be the purpose? Sounds like the company was out to pick up the vehicle pronto, so what would his purpose be in messing with it? Whether the company's driving it away or towing it, they were obviously out to get it.

It makes me uneasy to know her employer acted that fast (one day after a no-show) in seizing her work vehicle. Did she need to share that vehicle with other employees?
Do you think he was pretending to work on it to be a deversion, so no body would think the otherwise......

is it possible that Cheryl’s friend at work, secretly worked with Cheryl to get her out of the relationship discreetly in the work vehicle
Do you think he was pretending to work on it to be a deversion, so no body would think the otherwise......

is it possible that Cheryl’s friend at work, secretly worked with Cheryl to get her out of the relationship discreetly in the work vehicle

No I don't think for one minute she planned to leave her life and her family. By all accounts she was a devoted mom and grandmom. Whoever was seen in all black, leaving her parked vehicle, disguising his face walking back to their neighborhood is guilty of silencing Cheryl.
I know I have been back and forth on this case, then why would a devoted mom and grand mom , file for divorce in secret , bar hop, and see other men in this open marriage me a devoted mom fights for her family, not lead a dark secret life ..
I am so tired of people today thinking marriage is disposable, I will stick with my impressions of immaturity, selfishness, the trouble is today’s society and culture, anything goes, makes me sick...your spouse is supposed to be your best, best friend, and when rocky roads come you work the problem, not be a coward and run away

so yes Cheryl was living a double life, and I think if the right man came around she would leave, ....
Because the "open marriage" thing seemed to be a new aspect of their marriage (and considering all other factors: that Bill ended up preferring the GF over the wife and wife filed for divorce and that Bill is suspected of murdering Cheryl) I get the feeling their marriage was already in trouble of some sort prior to this and the "hey let's add more people to the mix" was an attempt to spice up a dying marriage more than anything else. A plan that apparently backfired.

I'm not saying all marriages where the couple takes part in these "lifestyles" or sorts of things are doomed or that's the only reason a couple would choose to add other parties to the mix, I just get the feeling that is what occured here.

There was trouble before the GF or side guys came along, imo.

I completely agree. I think it was an agreement and/or a new aspect of their marriage and Bill preferred the GF, which led to Cheryl filing for divorce. I also agree that there was trouble early on.
I know I have been back and forth on this case, then why would a devoted mom and grand mom , file for divorce in secret , bar hop, and see other men in this open marriage me a devoted mom fights for her family, not lead a dark secret life ..
I am so tired of people today thinking marriage is disposable, I will stick with my impressions of immaturity, selfishness, the trouble is today’s society and culture, anything goes, makes me sick...your spouse is supposed to be your best, best friend, and when rocky roads come you work the problem, not be a coward and run away

so yes Cheryl was living a double life, and I think if the right man came around she would leave, ....

I do believe the divorce filing was kept from her family. Maybe out of embarrassment, or maybe because she was hoping he'd come back into her fold and the proceedings would be called off, so why bother alerting people.

Work friends are different from family, and there's a comfort in knowing the two groups will probably not be meeting and conversing; hence, the work texts about the divorce.

If you examine the timeline I posted, you'll see she was accompanied by her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend on one of the outings to Julia's bar, so she's hardly trolling for pickups. She really liked that place, so I don't think it's fair to label her bar-hopping, either. She also looked radiant attending her niece's wedding that weekend before she was disappeared. She was family oriented. She was almost twice divorced. The last thing that would make her leave her life at this time would be "if the right man came around". She knows there is no such thing and probably feels a bit insecure in her decisions and insecure about herself.
If they were in an open marriage and BOTH seeing other people, how could she levy that against him in terms of bringing his character into question to ensure he gets legally removed from the home and that she solely retains custody of the daughter? To point a finger at him for that would only result in the finger being pointed back at her since they had both been seeing other people.

As for what woman would stand back and "allow" the husband to choose the girlfriend instead; that appeared to be HIS choice. If he preferred to be with someone else instead of Cheryl, why fight for someone who doesn't want you? File for a divorce and attempt to move forward with your life, which it appears she was trying to do prior to her disappearance.

The divorce had very recently been filed; perhaps neither party felt they could immediately financially maintain a separate household on their own since they had been maintaining one household with 2 incomes for some years.

I can understand Cheryl being reluctant to stand up against him; if Riverside PD is correct and their investigation has led them to believe Cheryl was Murdered by Bill, he probably wasn't the most approachable person, around that time at least.

As for the work truck and his working on it that morning, I've never been sure of how that fits into the timeline or why he was doing that. It wasn't necessary in order to cover up what happened to Cheryl, and they didn't seem to be on good terms, where he would be compelled to help her out, so it's always seemed like a piece of the puzzle that didn't quite fit anywhere perfectly.
I not a divorce attorney but I think Cheryl should have been more like a mom than going to Julia’s, the perception in divorce court would have gone better for her......

I also see a report on WHIO today that The Bobcat population is on the rise in the MetroParks, these are the same parks that people suspect Cheryl was dumped, this is not a good thing for human remains, I reside in Riverside, and I have seen a Bobcats roaming around my home, so if he disposed her around here, I’m afraid there would not be a body to be found.......
The police don't (or at least should never) make moral judgments about the lives of victims. It doesn't matter if you're a prostitute or Mother Theresa, murder victims should be treated fairly and not accused of being bad mothers or bad humans. It has nothing at all to do with being PC or being liberal. It has everything to do with treating others with respect and compassion. Cheryl deserves compassion. The worst possible thing has happened to her and she didn't deserve it. No one does.
Someone brought up the work truck and Bill being seen working on it at 9am a few posts back. What are the theories on what he was doing or why? How does that fit in or is it unrelated?
Another poster mentioned that work immediately came and picked up the truck. Was that standard procedure?
Someone brought up the work truck and Bill being seen working on it at 9am a few posts back. What are the theories on what he was doing or why? How does that fit in or is it unrelated?
Another poster mentioned that work immediately came and picked up the truck. Was that standard procedure?

Cheryl's employer was a government contractor. My thinking is that the equipment and possibly even the vehicle was government property. There also could have been a lot of confidential data involved with the equipment. Also what if WC moved her in that vehicle and then purposely disabled it. He could have done so quickly between the 7:45 and 9am time supposedly seen trying to start vehicle. And who disposed of the keys to the work truck and why. Never found according to a coworker who was there when her employer picked up the vehicle. What if WC is the one informing her employer the next morning Cheryl was missing and that's why they came so quickly to get the vehicle and it would not be there to be searched. If it's a gov't vehicle would they be able to get a search warrant?
A lot of what ifs!!
I do believe the divorce filing was kept from her family. Maybe out of embarrassment, or maybe because she was hoping he'd come back into her fold and the proceedings would be called off...>>>

Family new of the divorce. Search warrant affidavits released to media reports a conversation between police officer and Cheryl's sister that they were going through a divorce, and it was a messy divorce according to the sister
This was when family reported Cheryl missing night of Oct 2 and a Riverside police officer came to the Coker residence to take the report.
Cheryl's employer was a government contractor. My thinking is that the equipment and possibly even the vehicle was government property. There also could have been a lot of confidential data involved with the equipment. Also what if WC moved her in that vehicle and then purposely disabled it. He could have done so quickly between the 7:45 and 9am time supposedly seen trying to start vehicle. And who disposed of the keys to the work truck and why. Never found according to a coworker who was there when her employer picked up the vehicle. What if WC is the one informing her employer the next morning Cheryl was missing and that's why they came so quickly to get the vehicle and it would not be there to be searched. If it's a gov't vehicle would they be able to get a search warrant?
A lot of what ifs!!

That's a possibility, which would mean her body's within a 30 minute drive radius of their home.

Maybe that's why he was "fooling with it at 9:00 a.m". Needed to appear like he was working on it, as opposed to parking it or been seen exiting it by neighbors.

Apparently her work picked up her work vehicle, and had to get it towed, the day AFTER she was a no-show at work. She wasn't even known as a missing person then when it was taken away. It made me uneasy that work came and towed so quickly. LE had no access to it at all when they deemed this may be a crime. And I don't believe this vehicle was part of the search warrant.

I really want to know if her work vehicle was shared by others (hence, the quickness), or if someone from Cheryl's household called and exclaimed it wasn't working properly.

Expensive equipment or not, I find it odd that a company would jump into towing a valued personnel's vehicle immediately, when they couldn't get a hold of Cheryl and she failed to show up that one day. I wonder what their protocols were in trying to connect with other family members, or if this had happened before in their records and they were quick to react because of past history?
Websleuths is victim friendly. Posts that are not victim friendly have been removed, along with all responses.

Any further incidents of victim blaming in this thread will be met with a temporary or permanent loss of posting privileges.

I posted in support of the victim in this case and my post was deleted and I got an alert about victim blaming, which I most certainly did not. Not sure about the reviewing that was done.
I posted in support of the victim in this case and my post was deleted and I got an alert about victim blaming, which I most certainly did not. Not sure about the reviewing that was done.

I had several of my posts axed as well; all benign. I think it may be because you quoted or "replied to" a controversial quote -- if so, it all went down like the Titanic.

Stick around please...we need your voice.
So what if Cheryl had the key to her work vehicle on her when she was murdered and the murderer unintentionally (unknowingly) disposed of it when he disposed of Cheryl? Maybe he originally planned to leave her work vehicle at the Kroger parking lot and maintain possession of her SUV after she went missing.
So what if Cheryl had the key to her work vehicle on her when she was murdered and the murderer unintentionally (unknowingly) disposed of it when he disposed of Cheryl? Maybe he originally planned to leave her work vehicle at the Kroger parking lot and maintain possession of her SUV after she went missing.

A neighbor reported Bill was working on it, with hood up, and Highlander in front of work truck like he was trying to jump start it. He had to have had the key to get into the vehicle.
And to answer another poster's question, Wyome I think, Cheryl did not share the vehicle. It was in front of the house the week of her vacation and all weekends.
Family knew Cheryl was missing and filed report with LE evening of 10/2/18. Coworker texted Cheryl morning of 10/3 asking where she was as it was Tuesday, a mandatory day to be in office as they got their cases for the week on Tuesday. She was always there by 9 or 9:15.
So my thoughts are that a family member could have called saying she's missing. Or since no one could get in touch with her that Tuesday, they decided to get the work truck just to be safe since it had valuable equipment and likely confidential data inside. But the work van had to be towed. It was also reported hood latch was broken so they could not access engine compartment. And they brought keys from office to open vehicle and it was locked. So where did the keys go that WC apparently had to open hood, because hood release is in pssenger compartment.
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