GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #2

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I don't see any evidence of injuries on baby Elaina in the anonymous surveillance tape. The video tape is poor quality (as most inexpensive home video surveillance tapes tend to be).

Comments were posted upthread regarding supposed visible injuries on the baby (including a black eye). I've watched the video several times, and I see no visible injuries on the baby. IMO, due to the poor video quality, it's not possible to ascertain any details.

@ 0:08 I see a dark area around AS's left eye as she goes into the house. Does that mean AS has a black eye? Of course not - especially since that dark area isn't present a few seconds earlier in the video. Same goes for the supposed dark area around the baby's eye. The dark areas come & go, and I believe are an artifact of the poor video quality, recorded on what is more than likely an inexpensive camera.

The most useful information, IMO, is the date/timestamp, which shows AS and the baby on Saturday, June 1, @ about 6:35 p.m. If the date/timestamp on the video is accurate, we know that baby Elaina was alive at that time.

What time does JK say that AS contacted her to ask if she and her children could stay the night at her house on Federal Street? I don't think there has been a definitive report regarding the timeframe of that conversation.

Link to surveillance video:
I can not believe that our sweet girl is still missing. I have drove to FL, spent 3 days on various beaches, drove back home to VA and got a solid 9 hours sleep and all that has changed is that Angela is in jail? That should have happened on day 1 so why is she still there alone and where is this precious child?

I can't imagine the pain that TJ is in and how bittersweet tomorrow will be for him. There is no way he will be able to enjoy the day with his own father and beautiful little K when his baby is still missing 2 weeks later. It's time to lock up every adult that was in the King home that day and hold them until Elaina is found.
I don't see any evidence of injuries on baby Elaina in the anonymous surveillance tape. The video tape is poor quality (as most inexpensive home video surveillance tapes tend to be).

Comments were posted upthread regarding supposed visible injuries on the baby (including a black eye). I've watched the video several times, and I see no visible injuries on the baby. IMO, due to the poor video quality, it's not possible to ascertain any details.

@ 0:08 I see a dark area around AS's left eye as she goes into the house. Does that mean AS has a black eye? Of course not - especially since that dark area isn't present a few seconds earlier in the video. Same goes for the supposed dark area around the baby's eye. The dark areas come & go, and I believe are an artifact of the poor video quality, recorded on what is more than likely an inexpensive camera.

The most useful information, IMO, is the date/timestamp, which shows AS and the baby on Saturday, June 1, @ about 6:35 p.m. If the date/timestamp on the video is accurate, we know that baby Elaina was alive at that time.

What time does JK say that AS contacted her to ask if she and her children could stay the night at her house on Federal Street? I don't think there has been a definitive report regarding the timeframe of that conversation.

Link to surveillance video:

Don't know why I'm confused....whose porch is A on in this video? Is it SK's house?

kmartin - an "anonymous source" living 11 blocks from SK's house, near Raymer school, provided this to media as an "exclusive" -

Sleuthing has deduced that it COULD be Angela's dad's house, since he lives near Raymer and is 11 blocks from SK's house, according to someone who posted on the page before this one, or the one before that, and who I would happily credit if I could only remember who it was!


"Less than 24 hours after the mother of a missing East Toledo toddler was arrested for child endangerment, an anonymous source released surveillance video that shows her in a different light.

According to the source, the video was taken the day before the toddler was reported missing. Angela Steinfurth can be seen kissing 18-month-old Elaina Steinfurth on the head and cradling her.

The person that released the video (only to WNWO's Bryant Maddrick) says the surveillance images were captured at his home near Raymer Elementary School in East Toledo.

The residence, where the video was taken, is about eleven blocks away from where Elaina Steinfurth was last seen on the afternoon of June 2."

Much more at link above
I don't care if folks misspell, mispronounce, or use words in a grammatically incorrect fashion. I notice it when it occurs, but, as far as I'm concerned, it's no big deal. The state of public education is in dire straits in some areas of our country. I don't blame the recipients of our underfunded educational system. I blame the PTB. I try to pay more attention to what the speaker may be trying to express, rather than how incorrectly they may or may not express themselves.

Rather than poor spelling or grammar or what-have-you, what concerns me are some of the threats of violence I've read about on various SM pages. According to Ferretmommy, SK has had to go into hiding because of alleged threats.

Threats of violence are not helping this investigation whatsoever. I include AS's stepfather as someone who has made veiled threats of violence when he said SK better turn himself in before he finds him. Of course, I understand where he's coming from (he loves his grandbaby), but he (as well as others) need to cool it and let LE do their job.

If SK is involved in whatever has happened to baby Elaina, then I trust that investigators are doing their utmost to collect evidence to bring him (and anyone else responsible) to justice. The last thing LE needs is for folks to try to carry out vigilante justice, as that will do baby Elaina no good at all.

I commend baby Elaina's daddy for taking the high road. He's setting a good example.

DITTO I don't know how he does it , especially at his age. He really is staggeringly mature !
I think that video has been altered (with AS and baby). She does the same things TWICE, all while the "clock" is ticking, and there is some kind of alteration - watch the porch floor and the bottom of the screen, something/someone has been edited out.

Perhaps the 4yo sister, K., was edited out of the video for privacy reasons?
Another thing that has occurred to me: IF (and I must emphasize the IF) this video surveillance is from AS's step-dad's house (since it's been released anonymously, we don't know), why did AS contact JK claiming she had nowhere to go that night?

JK stated that AS "lied" to her about having nowhere to go, implying that AS did have somewhere to stay that night (if we are to believe JK).

If AS had been staying at her step-dad's house, why did she all of a sudden need to stay elsewhere on Saturday night, June 1, the night before baby Elaina went *missing*?
Since none of you were there let me help you with the speculation. He has had these friends since grade school and understands that people are under enormous pressure to keep secrets they would rather not keep. He wants his baby back and in the spirit of forgiveness is willing to forgive them for those lies.
Since none of you were there let me help you with the speculation. He has had these friends since grade school and understands that people are under enormous pressure to keep secrets they would rather not keep. He wants his baby back and in the spirit of forgiveness is willing to forgive them for those lies.

Thank you Fred, for posting.

So I take it that there's a "code of silence" in the neighborhood, even though there is a precious, helpless baby missing?

What kind of secrets are some of these folks trying to keep when a vulnerable baby's life is at stake?

I can understand where TS, Jr. is coming from. What I don't get is where these other folks "with secrets" are coming from.
Another thing that has occurred to me: IF (and I must emphasize the IF) this video surveillance is from AS's step-dad's house (since it's been released anonymously, we don't know), why did AS contact JK claiming she had nowhere to go that night?

JK stated that AS "lied" to her about having nowhere to go, implying that AS did have somewhere to stay that night (if we are to believe JK).

If AS had been staying at her step-dad's house, why did she all of a sudden need to stay elsewhere on Saturday night, June 1, the night before baby Elaina went *missing*?

According to TJ she had been staying at her moms house without the kids (TJ had them during the week), there wasn't room for the kids so she called JK. I will look for link.
Since none of you were there let me help you with the speculation. He has had these friends since grade school and understands that people are under enormous pressure to keep secrets they would rather not keep. He wants his baby back and in the spirit of forgiveness is willing to forgive them for those lies.

That makese sense to me, all he wants is his baby back. And really, none of us know the exact pressures that are being placed on some. I just wish some could find a way to come forward if they know where she is or what happened. It is heartbreaking that "someone" took her.
Since none of you were there let me help you with the speculation. He has had these friends since grade school and understands that people are under enormous pressure to keep secrets they would rather not keep. He wants his baby back and in the spirit of forgiveness is willing to forgive them for those lies.

Nice article, I think he will appreciate the effort that went into it. As far as pressure, I hope it is from LE to make sure the case is solved. I can read between the lines as far as the lies. People say the worst of the worst to get their own way. I hope he is able to find this precious baby unharmed and have a great Father's Day. Praying for a good outcome.
Found the link
So if this is correct than TJ & JK have the same story about AS being kicked out the week before.

From your link:

Mr. Steinfurth, a baker for Panera Bread, said he and Ms. Steinfurth are separated. The girls stayed with him for the last week, except for the weekend when Ms. Steinfurth had them. He said Ms. Steinfurth used to live with Mr. King at his mother’s place at 704 Federal until she was “thrown out” a week ago and went to live at her mother’s place, where there was no room for their two daughters.

So AS was staying with her mother the week before baby Elaina went missing, and the children were staying with TS, Jr.?
I don't think TJ 'knows' anything and is just throwing it out there hoping to get his daughter back in case other people besides AS do know where Elaina is.
A helpless 18 month old baby girl is missing.

What "lies" have been told that TS, Jr. is supposedly willing to forgive?

It sounds to me as if there may be more than a few folks who are covering for whomever is responsible for baby Elaina's disappearance.

If so, perhaps these "liars" & "keepers of secrets" need to be informed about obstruction laws, and about aiding & abetting laws, and about lying to LE (lying to the FBI is a potential felony offense).

If any of TS, Jr.'s friends give a damn about him or his baby girl, they need to grow a pair of whatever it is they need to grow, and help LE and her daddy find baby Elaina.

I have zero respect for anyone who clams up when a baby is missing. To hell with your so-called "secrets". Deal with it & for once in your miserable life - do the right thing.

Above BBM....

IMO...I think that 'others' that may be involved, or have information quite possibly (probably) have criminal behaviors that they could be brought in for (meaning not necessarily related to this case, but maybe something to collar them for...
my thought is, I think their frame of mind is "why bother coming forward...." IMO they're thinking A will be held responsible. If someone else was arrested, and it put the fear in them of some REAL could make a difference. No one else has brought in....their not scared enough.

Above BBM....

IMO...I think that 'others' that may be involved, or have information quite possibly (probably) have criminal behaviors that they could be brought in for (meaning not necessarily related to this case, but maybe something to collar them for...
my thought is, I think their frame of mind is "why bother coming forward...." IMO they're thinking A will be held responsible. If someone else was arrested, and it put the fear in them of some REAL could make a difference. No one else has brought in....their not scared enough.


Here's what fredlefebvre said:
Since none of you were there let me help you with the speculation. He has had these friends since grade school and understands that people are under enormous pressure to keep secrets they would rather not keep. He wants his baby back and in the spirit of forgiveness is willing to forgive them for those lies.

IMO, it sounds like the word on the street is that folks are either refusing to come forward with what they know, or they're lying about what they know regarding the baby's disappearance.

If someone has a warrant for their arrest (on charges unrelated to baby Elaina's disappearance), why would Fred have said "people are under enormous pressure to keep secrets they would rather not keep. He wants his baby back and in the spirit of forgiveness is willing to forgive them for those lies"?

To me, it sounds as if folks are lying about what they may know or may have heard/seen regarding baby Elaina's disappearance, not their own alleged criminal behavior independent of baby Elaina's disappearance.
Here's what fredlefebvre said:

IMO, it sounds like the word on the street is that folks are either refusing to come forward with what they know, or they're lying about what they know regarding the baby's disappearance.

If someone has a warrant for their arrest (on charges unrelated to baby Elaina's disappearance), why would Fred have said "people are under enormous pressure to keep secrets they would rather not keep. He wants his baby back and in the spirit of forgiveness is willing to forgive them for those lies"?

To me, it sounds as if folks are lying about what they may know or may have heard/seen regarding baby Elaina's disappearance, not their own alleged criminal behavior independent of baby Elaina's disappearance.

sorry if my post was confusing. I agree, I also agree that they are lying about what they know re: Elaina's disappearance.....but "they" have not been arrested (or brought in, that we know of).

IF there were some OTHER unrelated reason to bring them in, maybe LE could use that as leverage to get them to talk....

I also meant, if just ONE 'other' person had their feet held to the fire by LE, and were charged, maybe that would put some REAL FEAR into various 'others' to talk, because right now, I don't feel any "others" are going to be compelled out of the goodness of their hearts, or swayed by any heartfelt pleading. I believe only FEAR of CONSEQUENCES (seeing someone arrested & charged) will get to the truth.

I hope that was more clear
I think that video has been altered (with AS and baby). She does the same things TWICE, all while the "clock" is ticking, and there is some kind of alteration - watch the porch floor and the bottom of the screen, something/someone has been edited out.

The video loops - showing the same footage twice. If you look at the date/timestamp at the beginning of the video, and when the footage loops/repeats (@ 1:59), it's the same date/timestamp as the beginning.
I don't think anything or anyone has been edited out of the surveillance video.

It's a poor quality video with one loop.

I don't think it's necessary or helpful to jump to wild speculations.

AS is in custody. SK is under surveillance, and has/is being questioned by LE.

I have no doubt that investigators are doing their damnedest to find out where baby Elaina is, and to find out what happened to her, and to determine who is responsible.

It may be more fun to some to jump to wild speculations, (IDK - as I don't have any fun following missing child cases) but it doesn't serve baby Elaina one bit.
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