GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #3

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Niiiice... could she be any colder?

Right? This girl is hanging herself, just heard on JVM that she texted her stepdad that she wasn't going to stay with him Saturday night because "SK is the only one who can help me with this"

Don't know what "this' is
LE officer on the show said that the whole thing of being threatened he thinks is a red herring.

I'm with him. I just haven't been able to buy the being threatened thing, because it just doesn't make any sense, no matter how you look at it.
Correct term, if I am remembering correctly is Intrauterine Growth Retardation and is not related to the size of the uterus. It may occur for no known reason, but most often because there is a lack of blood flow and nutrients to the baby. This is often seen in the case of drug abuse and other medical conditions. It is often abbreviated: IUGR. I'm digging deep, its been about 20 years since I was an NICU nurse. Thanks.

That's correct. I had IUGR with low amniotic fluid. My daughter was born at 41 weeks, 5 pounds 4 ounces. She kept getting smaller and smaller for date and had to do with the placenta. I had to lay on my left side to increase blood flow. I did have a nurse ask if I smoked and I almost decked her. Anyway, not sure what orthopedic problem Elaina had but my dd had hip dysplasia. It's common in very big babies who do not have a lot of room which was not her but I think it is because she was crammed into the small portion of the uterus where the fluid was. She was in a body cast from 3-6 months and a brace til a year. I wonder if it was something like that.
Showing cliips of RS saying she shouldn't have been in that house, she doesn't know where she is but she knew what happened to the baby.

Going back to Mary Schiewe, half sister to Angela. Mary you just heard your half sister's step father say Angela knows what happened to her little girl but is afraid to say what happened so my question to you is what did she tell you about what happened? She told me that she was done talking but she don't have to answer to nobody. I overheard her telling someone that Elaina had a black eye, blood in her nose, and a bump on her head. I asked how she got it. She said she don't know. I asked her why she didn't take her to the hospital, she said I don't know.

When she said she doesn't know why she didnt' take her to the hospital, what did you say?

I told her that you take that baby to the hospital when you see that, you get her to a doctor.

What was her reaction?

She didn't really have any reaction. I don't understand why she didn't just open up on the fist day to begin with, threatened or not threatened.

She told my Dad on the phone that she would be next, whatever that meant.

So who would be threatening her?

Um Steven and one of his friends, I don't know if it was one of his friends or a relative, but from what I hear it was someone what was with him.

I have Sgt. Joe from law enforcement on the line with us too, let me ask him, ...(missed a few words here)... and he's not considered a suspect right now..
(Joe interrupts - )All I have to say about that is that if it was my child, threatened or not, if my child is injured I'm going to get it medical attention. I think this is a red herring, this "I was threatened"

ok thanks for clarifying that, Sgt. Joe, now I want to ask you Mary, have you ever seen her be rough with the kids?

Um she's always been a strict person on my older niece Kylee, Elaina's always been a Mommy's girl, I just don't understand, I just don't know why this would've happeend.

If she'd come to your house could she have stayed with you? Because reports are that she had nowhere to stay.

No, she was SUPPOSED to stay at my house, she chose not to,


I have no idea, she had asked my dad if they could stay the night and we told her yes and she texted him later and told him that "i'm sorry but she was going back to steven's house because he was the only one that could help her through this"

help her through what?

I don't know .That was her last text.


JMO but AS is beyond help
There was a report and you can find it a few pages back, the link from from one of the Toledo papers, that Elaina had trouble walking and talking and that AS' 'womb was small' so it caused problems developmentally. I don't know how they knew this at such a young age - my daughter definitely talked pretty well by 2 but she did not walk until 19 months. Every kid is different but I don't know if it's confirmed or not that this little one for certain had problems. This poor child. It breaks my heart that children live such short troubled lives.

I guess I'm playing devil's advocate here so here goes--- The "womb" is her uterus, right? AS has an older child, "K", her first baby. If her "womb" was so small with AS it would have been smaller with KS. What does this have to do with developmental delays? The position of a baby (feet and legs), I can kind of understand, but not a delay in other such as talking and other cognitive abilities, etc. Her story of a small womb, just smacks of a red herring to me. I don't think this part of her story has any bearing on her disappearance.
Well he's a very important person to this case, we've been able to talk to him every time we've tried to talk to him, he's made no effort to hide from us, he's been available to us every time we have wanted to talk so that has not been an issue.

Really? :confused:
replaying clips from nancy grace last night interviewing TJ and Terry Sr about what he did in the past when he saw bruises in the girls, they called CPS and didn't get a call back, then saying she was getting thrown out of SK's house because of her being rough on the kids.

Straight out to our producer in our investigative unit in LA, what have you learned about the parents of this baby?

The father of this baby - looks as though there have been some financial issues with both of them, showing they were evicted by the home they owned together due to owing some money on the place they were living, maybe Mary can confirm or deny.

Mary can you tell us what the back story is because we're told Angela was staying at the BFs house even though the BF's mom had complained how she had treated the kids, what was their financial situation, what was the reason for the financial situation/eviction (missed the wording)?

The situation was good when they were married, I know a couple of reasons but I'm not gonna put them out, it's not my business..
Were they in severe financial crisis?
Well no, TJ was working and made good money, but my sister... SHE didn't work.

You just heard from Sgt. Joe that the whole pointing the finger at him, that was a red herring, so that's interesting. (THAT IS NOT WHAT WAS SAID!!) So anyway, Angela moved in with the BF...

yes, she called me several times complaining how he treated the kids, she even gave TJ the kids a week before this happened because she couldn't lilve there no more because of how he treated them,

why on earth would she go back to the ex BF who she said she had complained about how he treated the kids, instead of go to your house, is that more romantic interest in the BF than interest in the kids?

I think maybe she wanted to try working things out with Steven, that's my only guess, I don't know why because of how he treated the kids, we told her several times that she don't need to be in that home but what could we do?

Thank you for talking telling it like it is we know you want to find your precious little niece, we pray to find her too so that's why no stone is being left unturned... more developments on the other side of of the break, we're just getting started, and we have new information.
they no longer use the term "retardation".
pure speculation, if she has a limited educational bsckground, she might have the understanding that her womb is small?

I tried to explain this once before but I have a niece that had the same prob as Elaina for the same reason. Katy was a big baby (long) and her mom was really small and has a very short torso so Katy was cramped. Her foot was kinda wedged in an unusual position thus she required therapy and a boot to straighten it.
I've been of the opinion that AS wanted to stay with SK simply because she probably wanted to get back together with him, but now I'm a little confused.

Oh, wait, sorry, I forgot that so far just about everything out of this womans' mouth has been a lie
I tried to explain this once before but I have a niece that had the same prob as Elaina for the same reason. Katy was a big baby (long) and her mom was really small and had a very short torso so Katy was cramped. Her foot was kinda wedged in an unusual position thus she required therapy and a boot to straighten it.

OK, with my dd her legs were not in position so her hip sockets did not grow. The cartilage grows around the ball of the femur but if the ball is not in place the socket does not form. Casting and braces early on while there was still cartilage rather than bone allowed the sockets to form.
I tried to explain this once before but I have a niece that had the same prob as Elaina for the same reason. Katy was a big baby (long) and her mom was really small and had a very short torso so Katy was cramped. Her foot was kinda wedged in an unusual position thus she required therapy and a boot to straighten it.

IUGR is a condition where the baby does not grow as expected and it is not related to a small uterus.
I hate, hate, hate people referring to Elaina as "the baby". she has a name darnit.
replaying clips from nancy grace last night interviewing TJ and Terry Sr about what he did in the past when he saw bruises in the girls, they called CPS and didn't get a call back, then saying she was getting thrown out of SK's house because of her being rough on the kids.

Straight out to our producer in our investigative unit in LA, what have you learned about the parents of this baby?

The father of this baby - looks as though there have been some financial issues with both of them, showing they were evicted by the home they owned together due to owing some money on the place they were living, maybe Mary can confirm or deny.

Mary can you tell us what the back story is because we're told Angela was staying at the BFs house even though the BF's mom had complained how she had treated the kids, what was their financial situation, what was the reason for the financial situation/eviction (missed the wording)?

The situation was good when they were married, I know a couple of reasons but I'm not gonna put them out, it's not my business..
Were they in severe financial crisis?
Well no, TJ was working and made good money, but my sister... SHE didn't work.

You just heard from Sgt. Joe that the whole pointing the finger at him, that was a red herring, so that's interesting. (THAT IS NOT WHAT WAS SAID!!) So anyway, Angela moved in with the BF...

yes, she called me several times complaining how he treated the kids, she even gave TJ the kids a week before this happened because she couldn't lilve there no more because of how he treated them,

why on earth would she go back to the ex BF who she said she had complained about how he treated the kids, instead of go to your house, is that more romantic interest in the BF than interest in the kids?

I think maybe she wanted to try working things out with Steven, that's my only guess, I don't know why because of how he treated the kids, we told her several times that she don't need to be in that home but what could we do?

Thank you for talking telling it like it is we know you want to find your precious little niece, we pray to find her too so that's why no stone is being left unturned... more developments on the other side of of the break, we're just getting started, and we have new information.

The financial issues should not have even been brought up, IMO it has nothing to do with the case.
Fred LeFebvre ‏@fredlefebvre 3m
Don't blink or you'll miss me on Nancy Grace tonight. Another appearance tomorrow and Thursday. Interesting show...
IUGR is a condition where the baby does not grow as expected and it is not related to a small uterus.

Yes, I know. IUGR was something that was thrown around by posters as speculation for what Angela meant before FM & CC came and clarified. IUGR was not the issue.
Make sure everyone watches NG tonite-RS is caught in a blatant LIE! I won't say any more than that right now.
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