GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #3

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LE officer on the show said that the whole thing of being threatened he thinks is a red herring.

I'm with him. I just haven't been able to buy the being threatened thing, because it just doesn't make any sense, no matter how you look at it.

I'm with you on this Cheese. The first day I thought ok this makes a tad of sense as to why mom's acting the way she is ( if she was threatened ) but at this point no one else is considered a suspect or poi means that LE doesn't buy her story . So does this mean that no one else hid baby Elaina? Could SK not have anything to do with this? Perhaps Angela hid her overnight when the house was asleep ? IDk, what a mess. :( Come home baby girl !
Who was the last person to see Elaina?
Did MS see her on Saturday?
If AS texted RS that, paraphrasing, 'only SK could help her with this', does 'this' mean that AS did something to Elaina?

Where are SK and his parents? and the other adults in SK's home?
What are their statements?

So only SK can help her with this. Didn't AS say that only her and Elaina's dad can help her with her problems? Does AS always need this much help?
IUGR has nothing to do with this case and the constant references to it is only serving to confuse the situation.

Actually it could. IUGR can be caused by drug use. Drug use could be a factor in mom's (don't know all the initials yet) lifestyle and acquaintances.
People referred to by initials in this case:

AS = Angela Steinfurth (Elaina's mom)

TS jr = Terry Steinfurth, Jr (Elaina's dad) *also referred to as TJ for Terry Jr.

TS sr = Terry Steinfurth SR (Terry jr's dad, Elaina paternal grandpa)

Ferretmommy= WS poster who is Elaina's step Grandma, Terry Sr's wife

SK = Steven King (Angela's bf or ex-bf, depending on who you believe)

JK = Julie King (Steven King's mom)

Mike (MH?) = the other adult male who is alleged left the home with Elaina and SK

RS= Richard Schiewe (Angela's stepfather, Elaina's stepGrandfather

That is all I can think of. Let me know if I missed any or got any wrong.
Nancy Grace up next - JVM signing off and segueing into NG's show..
clips - just want her home in one piece

Former prosecutor, missed her name - what do you make of it?
well there have been so many secrets during the show, it makes me suspect drugs or child *advertiser censored*, sometimes if you owe a lot of money they take children for these things and it just breaks my heart.

Dr. Judy Ho - hidden epidemic, child abuse, we lose 5 children every single day to abuse related deaths, she might've been afraid she'd be arrested if she got help but this is a problem we have across the whole country. (paraphrasing badly, that lady keeps talking too fast)

Joe Lieberman - take everything she (Angela) says with a grain of salt don't believe anything she says until it's corroborated.


BBM Oh please NO! I couldn't bear it :anguish::anguish:
Is this our WS member talking? Is he a local reporter?
People referred to by initials in this case:

AS = Angela Steinfurth (Elaina's mom)

TS jr = Terry Steinfurth, Jr (Elaina's dad) *also referred to as TJ for Terry Jr.

TS sr = Terry Steinfurth SR (Terry jr's dad, Elaina paternal grandpa)

Ferretmommy= WS poster who is Elaina's step Grandma, Terry Sr's wife

SK = Steven King (Angela's bf or ex-bf, depending on who you believe)

JK = Julie King (Steven King's mom)

Mike (MH?) = the other adult male who is alleged left the home with Elaina and SK

RS= Richard Schiewe (Angela's stepfather, Elaina's stepGrandfather

That is all I can think of. Let me know if I missed any or got any wrong.

Mod, is it possible for this to be a sticky at the beginning of the threads for This case? Thanks!
Showing more porch video on NG. Elaina is walking around. Doesn't seem to have problems walking. This is video I haven't seen before.
Showing video clips from last night of Angela "loving on" the baby, talking about how much she looks loving in the video, then clips of TJ saying all the stuff Angela used to do to the kids that was abusive, then clips of RS saying she was threatened...

Bombshell tonight - Live, Toledo, a parent's worst nightmare, 18 month old baby Elaina last seen taking a nap and just minutes later she's gone, vanishing in broad daylight, story developing by the minute, how does an 18 month old baby girl vanish in the middle of the day and nobody sees a thing? We've got crystal clear video of Elaina with her mother... exclusive tonight the man who captured them on this video, and taking you calls as dive teams scour the Maumee river, straight out to Fred Lefevbre for the latest..

The latest is, they didn't find anything yet, more important this mystery man you're about to have on as a guest who claims Angela told him about the injuries which he says she told him and other people in the home about and then did nothing in the way of medical care.

NG- I've been wondering, because I have the arrest affidavit here, this doesn't have to lay out the specific facts but we're hearing tonight the child was injured, but every time I put a witness on the stand I would ask myself what interest do they have in the story, rememebr mommy is behind bars, what is she willing to say to get out from behind bars? OR, is she telling the truth?

Now ,Frank than you for bein with us (he's live on camera) - we know you put the cameras on your porch because of a spike in crime in the area... what we want to hear about is what if anything did Angela tell you about the baby.

Well, also I got surveillance aroudn the WHOLE house, we wrere sittin on the porch while FBI questioned my GF and then searched my hosue with my consent, and she told me the baby ahd a bruised eye, bump on the head, and a little bit of blood around one nostril..

they said it was light aroudn the outer edge of the nostril, is waht she told me..

bruised eye, was it a black eye?


Did she say bruised or black?

black eye.

Did she say about the bump on the head, was it a goose egg, what did she say

she didn't say

where was she when she told you that?

right on the front porch, right where the chalk marks are (in the video)

when was this?

two days after the baby went missing

and how did it come up?

well the fbi asked if htey could talk to us so we went to my home where we was away from the media, they asked if htey could search my home, I gave permission, they were questioning my gf, and Angela told me she woke up and found Elaina like that

wait, she told you she woke up and this baby's beside her and has a black eye, bump on her head and bloody nose?

thats correct, i asked her why she didn't take it to hte hospital, for me I'd be flipping out

Is he a medical doctor?

No, not that I'm aware of.

I mean when my husband says to me "oh theyr'e fine" that's exactly when I get in the car and go to the ER.


so she asked the BF, what happened next?

He said the baby would be okay. and then we stopped talking about it.

WAit wait the baby is missing and she's telling you this, you didn't ask..

well I was talking to an officer then who was taking my surveillance video.

so how did it go from the baby's missing to theyre dredging the river?

well after they got done talking to my GF I went and told FBI everything I knew, I told them about the bump they acted like this was new news, they said where did you hear that, I told them she just told me on my front porch.

They questioned her, took her downtown, released her, then she was arrested about a week later.
Who was the last person to see Elaina?
Did MS see her on Saturday?
If AS texted RS that, paraphrasing, 'only SK could help her with this', does 'this' mean that AS did something to Elaina?

Where are SK and his parents? and the other adults in SK's home?
What are their statements?

So, Frank says on NG that 'she (AS) woke up and she was like that (injured)'.
Was this waking up on Sunday (day Elaina went missing)?
Was Elaina in bed with SK and AS?

Showing more porch video on NG. Elaina is walking around. Doesn't seem to have problems walking. This is video I haven't seen before.

Elaina is adorable! i hadn't seen that part of the video either.
Not sure I believe this story about her just waking up & finding Elaina injured. Not saying it couldn't happen, but everything else that has come outta her mouth has been a lie.

The video of Elaina toddling around that porch is just breaking my heart
So, Frank says on NG that 'she (AS) woke up and she was like that (injured)'.
Was this waking up on Sunday (day Elaina went missing)?
Was Elaina in bed with SK and AS?


Reportedly (not sure how much is actually true since it is coming from Angela and the other adults in the house)

Yes. AS says she woke up and the baby was injured.
Yes, upon waking Sunday, the same day Elaina "went missing".
No, it is reported (by the 4 yr old sister) that Elaina was on the floor sleeping with her 4 yr old sister.
(my finger is SO cramped from all this typing, have to paraphrase more)

frank you obviously are a smart and standup guy because you told hte fbi everything you know and some poeple wouldn't even get involved.

with us tonight TJ, Terry Sr, RS, and capt. Brad Weis.

Capt. Weis were you aware of everything Frank just told us?

yes that's why we continued to have interviews with Angela.

going to Richard Schiewe, willing to take your questions tonight... good sign, he's not afraid to take questions, none of these men are.

Did you hear what Frank just said, Richard?

Yes I did.

What do you make of it?

Everything Frank said is true, and when she was released I told her if there's anything else you better tell us because it's gonna come out.

Did Angela tell you what happens between the tiime she wakes up and the baby's just laying beside her with a black eye and the time the baby went missing?

Yes but ther's things I can talk about and things I can't because it could mess up the investigation.

Lets go to TJ and Terry Sr, youv'e been out searching giving out Tshirts with her picture on it, tell me what you've been doing ot find the baby.

We have been workgin with Justice for Neveah, friends, family, neighbors, we're meeting at a command post and designating different areas around town, they're searching roads, fields, ponds, railroad tracks anywhere we can look that they could hide a baby.

IT almost just made me sick to my stomach to think of one of my children being out in some field, people looking aroudn railroad tracks for them, I don't know how you can even feel at this point... back to Richard SChiewe, with my training ther's a big glaring hole in taht story, you wake up your baby has a black eye you don't take it to hte hospital and then the baby goes missing, it's not adding up to me Mr. Schiewe.

Like I said there's things I cannot talk about and what you're saying it is true and I wish that I could tell you so that these two guys. .so that everybody else could understand but I cannot tell you because it would mess up the investigation.

Are you telling me you have faith in your daughter?

Yes, she did not do it.


(OW OW MY PINKY IS ON FIREEEEEE so sore from typing LOL)
Cesspool is right :clap:

I can't believe we're heading into DAY 17 :sigh:

OT a bit, but if the city/county are allowing other children to stay in that disgusting house, I would throw a fit

I've been wondering the same thing!! If the home was as bad as they said, why weren't the other children who were present at the home when the police arrived immedietly removed??
OT not sure if anyone answered this but I've seen alot of questions about the development delay. If I'm not mistaken (it could have changed since my boys were little), that covers such a broad area. It's not more specific to a certain disability until the child is older (around eight yrs old). All three of my children were classified as developmental delay when they were babies, it wasn't more specific until they were older. (My youngest stutters - now classified as speech impairment. Middle child has hearing loss- hearing impairment. Oldest is autistic and is still receiving services as a developmental delay)
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