GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #3

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I've been wondering that too. In one of the articles, I think a local reporters peice on what kind of person AS was/is, the sister MS, said their mom wasn't in their life much. ( going by memory correct if wrong). Also that she has a heart condition I think? I've never seen any statement by her.

Originally Posted by SCHMAE View Post
Did AS mom ever say anything? If so , I missed it. tia

Ferret God bless you and your family. I'm so so sorry you have to go through this.

Sorry to quote myself, ( haven't figured out how the multi-quote works)
This has some info. from MS, Angela's sister about their mom.
Also Ferretmommy spoke about Angela's mom once way back at the start. She said Angela's mom (Lisa) got ahold of them after Angela kept the girls from TJ for 2 weeks once and she told them that the reason Angela did this was because there were bruises on Elaina that she didn't want TJ to see. Perhaps this led to them seeing less of one another (Angela and her mom)?

It can be found in the first thread of Elaina's, or more easily by going to Ferretmommy's profile and clicking on "statistics" then "show all posts by Ferretmommy", or by using the advanced search for the forum and specifying to show the results as posts, not threads - search by her username specifically, in this forum only, for the keyword "Lisa" and it should pop up for you I'd think.
Just wondering if it's ever been asked what the girls had for breakfast that Sunday morning. Did the older sister remember sitting down to eat breakfast with Alaina that day? Any of the other children or adults in the house? Was Alaina ever up and awake on that Sunday morning?
Not that the swat is the best way to go in that situation, but the other female is standing right next to Elaina at the time of the swat so she wasn't in imminent danger of falling. Will try to screencap in a minute.

edit - this is a split second after the swatting

Is that Elaina's stroller to the left of the porch in that screen cap? Because it wasn't there in the other part of the video that first came out. There must be a lot more video that has been turned over to LE from that day on the porch.

And I wonder why NG didn't ask Frank where the 4yr old child was?

Back when I first saw that surveillance video I mentioned here that it looks like Elaina is crying and rubbing the back of her head right before burying her head in Angela's chest while Angela is rocking her like that.

Now that NG had it on the big screen and I can watch it over and over and over on my computer, I'm positive of it. I wish I could cut the video down to just the most important seconds, but I obviously can't.

Look at 3:22 1/2, almost 3:23 on that tape - be SURE to fullscreen the video first by clicking on the little icon that looks like a small white square within a larger white outlined box (you'll have to hit your ESC key to make it stop being fullscreen after you're done).

Watch it a few times right there.

As the footage continues you see Angela kiss her twice on the top of her head and then Elaina rubs her eyes, too, another sign of crying (or being tired, but crying in this case).

Then the footage ends and gets started over again.. but we know from the original footage that at this point she stood up and put Elaina in the stroller and left. (Really wish news shows wouldn't always loop clips like that, I know they need a background video/image while they talk that relates to what they're saying but I'd rather see it play out fully then cut to something else then play out fully again then cut to something else again, etc to make the looping more clear.)
Just wondering if it's ever been asked what the girls had for breakfast that Sunday morning. Did the older sister remember sitting down to eat breakfast with Alaina that day? Any of the other children or adults in the house? Was Alaina ever up and awake on that Sunday morning?

Haven't heard anything about what or IF the girls ate anything. It wouldn't surprise me if they hadn't been fed! We don't know if Elaina was awake on Sunday or not. We only know she was awake on Saturday. And God how I hate typing this!

Please God, bring baby Elaina home.
Haven't heard anything about what or IF the girls ate anything. It wouldn't surprise me if they hadn't been fed! We don't know if Elaina was awake on Sunday or not. We only know she was awake on Saturday. And God how I hate typing this!

Please God, bring baby Elaina home.

From the video of that bedroom and descriptions of that home- I hope they ate somewhere else! or ate McDonald's on the steps outside....:stormingmad:
Did anyone ever say why the video was taken? Surveilence? Was it to be evidence for something like child abuse?
Did anyone ever say why the video was taken? Surveilence? Was it to be evidence for something like child abuse?

They live in a terrible neighborhood. Crime is high. The owner of the home has surveillance cameras all around his home because of a spike in crime last year, he said in an interview.

As someone who has listened to many hours worth of their local police scanner calls, I can vouch for the fact it's a terrible area as far as crime goes.
When the stepsister on JVM said she got a text from Angela saying she is staying at SK Saturday night because he is the only one that can help her through this. Paraphrasing.
I wonder if something happened to Elaina on Saturday.
I would be really interested to know where the 4 year old is while Angela was w/ Elaina on the porch on the video.
They said she went to a family dollar store and left both kids at SK's house, was anyone in that house watching after the two girls?
People referred to by initials in this case:

AS = Angela Steinfurth (Elaina's mom)

TS jr = Terry Steinfurth, Jr (Elaina's dad) *also referred to as TJ for Terry Jr.

TS sr = Terry Steinfurth SR (Terry jr's dad, Elaina paternal grandpa)

Ferretmommy= WS poster who is Elaina's step Grandma, Terry Sr's wife

SK = Steven King (Angela's bf or ex-bf, depending on who you believe)

JK = Julie King (Steven King's mom)

Mike (MH?) = the other adult male who is alleged left the home with Elaina and SK

RS= Richard Schiewe (Angela's stepfather, Elaina's stepGrandfather

That is all I can think of. Let me know if I missed any or got any wrong.

bumping or helpful.
It seems like Angela didn't get a lot of alone time w/ her two girls bc TJ had them living w/him. I wonder why Angela didn't take this opportunity to take the girls to a park, or do something special the kids would enjoy with this time she had w/both her two girls rather than going to a boyfriends house and sitting on a porch and hitting Elaina w/a newspaper!!!
passionflower- try refreshing the page, your thanks button should pop right back up

edit - silly me, not saying "you're welcome" while I'm here. :)
There's no way that the eleven people in the house that night and any/all dogs inside all slept through the child giving herself a fatal injury. IMO.

Nor did everyone sleep through her crying after someone else gave her a fatal injury.

Either someone heard something, or this happened outside the home and she was brought inside the home already having gone to sleep/gone unconscious/who knows what, possibly still in her baby carrier/car seat with a blanket draped over her "because she's sleeping" (to hide the injury).

JMO, just don't buy it. Ever try sleeping through the sound of a crying baby. Not so easy.

I have a 10 month old and a 22 month old and when they start to cry I can hear them... For me it's like a sixth sense when my little cubs cry
On JVM, according to MS, Angela's sister, when asked by JVM what AS told her, MS said Angela said " um, I spoke to her the day before she went to jail, and she came to me and said that she was not talking, that she didn't have to answer to nobody."

Well, Angela DOES have to answer for whatever she did to baby Elaina, and she will! I got soooo pissed when I heard that! Reality ought to start hitting Angela now, now that she's in jail, and NOT likely to be getting out anytime soon! I'd like to smack the crap outta her! Bet she loses that attitude in gen-pop! I'll bet Angela has been running her mouth after being let out of solitary. I can't wait to hear what these three inmates have told LE!

So, tomorrow is JVM and NG continuing to cover baby Elaina's case? I hope so!

Praying for baby Elaina to be found.
I know I'm late, just starting NG now.... Why are Frank's eyes so red?

Judging by the video camera on his porch, the quick drop-by from AS, and his slick clothing, I'm going to go with Frank as drug supplier. MOO!
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