GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #3

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Was AS ever in a bed that night? I haven't read anything about her sleeping arrangements except for waking up next to Elaina. She lies a lot apparently so I would love to hear from someone else that AS was in a bed asleep at any point that night. In the last thread I saw a floor plan of the house with no mention of a kitchen so is there one upstairs? Do you know anything about the layout of the house for upstairs?
Also has anyone said where AS and the girls were on Friday night? I read that TS dropped the girls with AS on Friday but I don't remember hearing anything about where they slept that night.

It shows as a 1 1/2 level

Value = Less than $25,000

Sorry - that was 660 Federal.

This is 704 Federal (King)
Thanks, to you and to EVERYONE who hs thanked me. :) I click "thanks" on the posts where I'm being thanked but once in awhile it's good to come right out and say I see all of you thanking me and I appreciate it, it makes me smile every time, and that makes it worth it. I just want to help in any way I can, and this is something I can do.

I guess with my big mouth and habit of talking fast I just am well-suited for this kind of thing. If only my fingers could keep up with their mouths on tv! Sure do try though.

You are awesome!!!!!!!!! :rockon:
Oh. My. God.

The inside of that house is DISGUSTING. How can people live like that????

Poor Elaina. :(

BBM: One possible reason might be apathy due to drug use. Hypothetically, of course. (IMO)
BBM: One possible reason might be apathy due to drug use. Hypothetically, of course. (IMO)

TY ! Did I imagine the other part ? Maybe I got confused with all the dropping talk. I could have sworn there was a point where 4 yr old said SK threw or shoved someone on the bed and that's what scared her. I might have been reading late at night. I'm so sorry if I've said wrong information.

Also I know the 4 yr olds name and I know many are using it but I'm just not going to at this point . Shes' a victim and completely helpless and has a whole life ahead of her and there really is no telling if she or Elaina were victims of other things and other people. Shes' the 4yrold to me for the moment. I wanted to clear that up in case ya'll thought I was unable to remember her name ! :) tia
I will never find the post GGE so I'm relying on your amazing memory here. Ferretmommy's post stating that 4yr old said something to the effect of shes' afraid of SK because he threw / dropped 4yrold/elaina on the bed/floor. Please help me with the details of that. The girls were sleeping on the floor ( never mind what a stupid idea to put an 18 mo old to sleep on a floor where they can wander anywhere, SIGH ) initially. Could SK have at that point, putting them to bed done the throwing / dropping ? I understand he may not have done anything to elaina but for this particular theory, could it be? Or possibly Angela did it and then when Elaina cried, to calm down the 4yr old, Ang told her SK did that to Elaina, not me, not your mommy. :( I hate everything I have to say in this case .
I don't know how to carry post over from previous thread but it is here-
post 573 by Ferretmommy
"Yes, Childrens Services interviewed Kylee, but we have heard nothing more. I know when TJ left Kylee with me and took Terry Sr. back to get Elaina that first day, Kylee was crying when she got out of the car and ran to me. I asked her what was wrong, she said she's "scared of Steven" (the boyfriend). I picked her up and sat rocking her, and I told her it's going to be okay, she's never gonna have to see Steven again. "
Took some screencaps from that video (I also haven't heard the audio portion yet) -

Room Elaina was napping in when she went missing:

The pool out back (appears to have been drained):

The outside of the house:

ETA: IMO that dog wouldn't stay quiet with a kidnapper in the house. And no offense but who's really gonna break into that house looking for something valuable to take? It clearly wasn't a robbery gone wrong or anything, not that anyone ever threw that into the mix of excuses.

OH.MY.GOD. - that mattress should be dragged out to the curb and burned. I want to vomit....
guys my computer has a tiny screen, being a laptop/tablet hybrid. On here I think I slightly blew the margins. On a regular computer, did I? Go back to page 20 please and check my post with screencaps. If so I'll shrink them so they fit in that post. Don't want them removed and replaced with links since way fewer people click links than see images that are in-thread.

guys my computer has a tiny screen, being a laptop/tablet hybrid. On here I think I slightly blew the margins. On a regular computer, did I? Go back to page 20 please and check my post with screencaps. If so I'll shrink them so they fit in that post. Don't want them removed and replaced with links since way fewer people click links than see images that are in-thread.


Im on a small chromebook and the margins look ok to me.
guys my computer has a tiny screen, being a laptop/tablet hybrid. On here I think I slightly blew the margins. On a regular computer, did I? Go back to page 20 please and check my post with screencaps. If so I'll shrink them so they fit in that post. Don't want them removed and replaced with links since way fewer people click links than see images that are in-thread.


Looks good to me.
post #818 from thread 1
Originally Posted by SCHMAE
Has this 4 yr old ever mentioned a fear of Steven in the past few months?

answered by Ferretmommy-
"Yes she has, and when questioned about it, she said it was because "mommy & Steven were fighting".

Also, when I saw her at TJ's on Memorial Day or the 28th, I noticed Elaina had a horizontal cut on the back of her head, about 1.5-2 inchest across, in the healing scab stage. I asked Kylee if she knew what happened, and she said Steven was shaking her, then he dropped her into the bed and she hit her head on something. They took pics of it and were going to turn them in to CSB"
I will share something here that I am not at all proud of and I have not read further in the thread so I'm building kind of off of what you are theorizing here. I'm completely with you. As you guys can tell by my posts, I have a young daughter who's 5 and I'm also I single mother. It's hard enough with my background and education to keep 'it together' at times and I know that the times when I have really been angry with my daughter or frustrated to the point I have almost walked out of the house, is in the middle of the night when I'm trying to sleep and she wakes up in some fit or doesn't want to sleep. Could be that I have a big day the next day or that it was a late day the day before but there have been times where I'm disgusted at myself for how frustrated I allowed her to get me. I have never hit her or did anything physical to her but I've gotten angry and raised my voice and sometimes walked away slamming a door because I just don't know how to make her calm down (clearly that's not the way.) Much of this was happening when I lived in Hamburg at a horrible job that was beyond stressful and I realize now that she sensed my stress and it reflected back to her. In the middle of the night when I'm half awake, half asleep, I have zero patience and when there has been tantrums or crying fits in the middle of the night like this, I wake up the next morning and feel HORRIBLE that I got so angry. During waking hours I am probably TOO patient with her. I'm glad this is over now, or seems to be.

But at any rate, kids sense the lack of stability and frustration in the mothers and NOW, to carry it further, add some drugs in the mix. Did AS black out (or SK for that matter) and they don't remember what happened to Elaina? Was she trying to sleep and became frustrated that the baby was fussy, which I imagine she was being on a floor in a strange house? If AS was 'high' and partying and the kids were fussy then I imagine that was a huge inconvenience to her. And back in the previous post where the Investigator says he can't talk about what the four year old has said, I would bet it is about how Elaina was acting or if the Mom got angry with her.

While it's of course possible there were no drugs involved, this is my opinion putting everything together. Who was AS talking to on the phone that day on the porch (or texting?) Was it SK or JK or someone else? Why did she need to go to the SK house if she could have stayed with her step-father? And if drugs were not involved, was this a setup on her part to point the blame at the K family? Better question too, what motive would SK have to harm the baby if they were broken up and she wasn't even normally staying at JK's house?

One last thing, do they drug test when you're arrested? Was the mother possibly drug tested and tested positive for something?

They do a test blood and urine right away, I was a nurse, so I know that.
My question to you after reading your heart felt post, I really think it could help you, I know you said you are feeling better, but to call your local hospital
and ask if they offer, or if they know of services that help Moms Coping Alone,
or even go on the inter-net and see what services are offered in your area, and I am sure you will find some, because I think that will help you with coping tools, I am not trying to offend you by any means, just trying to help, I live in Ontario, so I am not aware of Family Services offered in the States.
guys my computer has a tiny screen, being a laptop/tablet hybrid. On here I think I slightly blew the margins. On a regular computer, did I? Go back to page 20 please and check my post with screencaps. If so I'll shrink them so they fit in that post. Don't want them removed and replaced with links since way fewer people click links than see images that are in-thread.


Yep, you blew the margins. :slap:
Is that a blood stain on the mattress and blanket in pics#1-3?
Is "Christie" the Taco Bell employee, the same Christie E that is MH's sister and JK's niece? She was on MH's search team with SK's sis and mom.

Huh? Wait....rewind please ( I am not all caught up, but getting there).

MH? As in "Mike"? He had a search team??????????

Hah! LE is so smart. Good job, giving him that job. I'd totally want to follow him around and see where he avoided searching, too.

Shoot, Angela got to search then she produced the diaper. If MH gets to search maybe he'll produce the baby... or something that leads us to him.

I totally get it, just hope he doesn't get that it's a setup.

Their police scanner has had multiple calls from someone with the female name you mentioned above over the past weeks, but no last name given, but it sure does make me wonder....

I need to go back to this. Ferret, do you know anything about this search team made up of MH, JK, SK's sis and this "Christie". I am quite honestly baffled by this! GGE, I see your point...and maybe that's what's going on, but it makes me feel really uncomfortable.
Is that a blood stain on the mattress and blanket in pics#1-3?

I think if it was blood then the mattress would have been removed from the home for testing. MOO

ETA: Wait...maybe they did take it, I have no factual knowledge either way, but feel we would have heard about it if LE removed a mattress.

Also, whatever it's nasty.
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