GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #7

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You know, I hope JK and the rest of those who were there and did nothing will be charged as well. I have no doubt that JK knew everything that happened in that cesspool of a house. And as for RS, I hope the media doesn't give him any more attention. If they do though, what can RS really say? Anything and Everything he says will ring hollow. No one will listen to him anyway. If he had something to do with AS and the diaper being planted, and I bet he did, maybe it was his idea, I hope he'll be charged, but my guess is there isn't enough to charge him. He'd do best to just keep his mouth shut and leave the Steinfurth family alone.

And I hope when the time is right for TJ, he goes to court to get AS's parental rights permanently revoked!
When Angela asked to go to the funeral of Elaina it made me so angry. I'm so much more thankful today that she wasn't allowed to. I thought at the time how dare she! I think it even more today.
Richard? He needs to zip it and realize what his dear Angela took from his family, Elaina's real family (the Steinfurths), and the world. A beautiful little girl named Elaina.
IF Angela really loved Elaina she would have given her up to TJ. This could have all been avoided if only she had loved her.
I've been crying out to God ever since reading this. We knew this day would come because the truth most always comes out, but I really didn't think it would come this fast.
These type people, these type people, ugh! Pow to the moon!!

Ferretmommy, Cherubcollector, and family~my heart is broken all over again for you having to hear and know this. It sounds like so little but we're all still here for you.

When Angela asked to go to the funeral of Elaina it made me so angry. I'm so much more thankful today that she wasn't allowed to. I thought at the time how dare she! I think it even more today.
Richard? He needs to zip it and realize what his dear Angela took from his family, Elaina's real family (the Steinfurths), and the world. A beautiful little girl named Elaina.
IF Angela really loved Elaina she would have given her up to TJ. This could have all been avoided if only she had loved her.
I've been crying out to God ever since reading this. We knew this day would come because the truth most always comes out, but I really didn't think it would come this fast.
These type people, these type people, ugh! Pow to the moon!!

Ferretmommy, Cherubcollector, and family~my heart is broken all over again for you having to hear and know this. It sounds like so little but we're all still here for you.


Menmo, excellent post! So true the words you speak:

"IF Angela really loved Elaina she would have given her up to TJ. This could have all been avoided if only she had loved her."

If only AS had really loved baby Elaina.
Five bones, including arms and legs.

Makes me ill just to type it.

I'm not convinced that one throw would break all those bones. There was more that went on, I think.

Disgusting. Throw you baby off the bed so you can have sex while your children are in the same room.

Why is SK getting a harsher sentence when AS threw the baby?
checking in... camping, got service for just a minute... I'm in shock.

sending prayers for peace, fm.

logging off... can't bear to read more. much to say, but... id get banned if it even posted.

fly high sweet elaina, you've touched so many hearts.

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When Angela asked to go to the funeral of Elaina it made me so angry. I'm so much more thankful today that she wasn't allowed to. I thought at the time how dare she! I think it even more today.
Richard? He needs to zip it and realize what his dear Angela took from his family, Elaina's real family (the Steinfurths), and the world. A beautiful little girl named Elaina.
IF Angela really loved Elaina she would have given her up to TJ. This could have all been avoided if only she had loved her.
I've been crying out to God ever since reading this. We knew this day would come because the truth most always comes out, but I really didn't think it would come this fast.
These type people, these type people, ugh! Pow to the moon!!

Ferretmommy, Cherubcollector, and family~my heart is broken all over again for you having to hear and know this. It sounds like so little but we're all still here for you.


AS had her time to say goodbye before they put Elaina in the box. She had one last chance to hug and kiss her goodbye which is more than TJ had. She had closure for the last 6 months which the rest of Elaina's loved ones did not. Hopefully they are able to now that Elaina has justice.

RS set off my hinky meter the very first time he spoke. He needs to face the reality of that AS is and what she did. IMO that while SK may technically and legally the one who ended Elaina's life AS is a far worse monster because it is all the outcome of her selfish actions and selfish choices. Because she wanted to smoke, she wanted to be with SK, she wanted to have sex and she was annoyed that Elaina was fussy. What child isn't when they are ill? I can't remember if it was hand and mouth or an ear infection but either way they are both painful and enough to make anyone fussy.

I wish that part of her plea would have had the condition that she forfeits all parental rights to Elaina and K so that she can't try to get visits from K or have any say about anything concerning her.
I've brought this up before but I can't get it out of my mind when AS was screaming that morning when TJ was there to pick up the girls "I will never see her again!!" I'm wondering now if she did not know that SK had actually smothered little baby Elaina? Did she, at that point, think Elaina was just horribly injured?
I'm not convinced that one throw would break all those bones. There was more that went on, I think.

Disgusting. Throw you baby off the bed so you can have sex while your children are in the same room.

Why is SK getting a harsher sentence when AS threw the baby?

I'm guessing because he admitted to 1) smothering Elaina, 2) hiding Elaina's body, and 3) lying repeatedly to police.
AS admitted nothing except that the DA had enough evidence for a conviction. SK's plea required him to admit some sort of guilt and take responsibilty for it. AS's plea required none of that - she never took responsibilty, never admitted anything.
how sad is this...she was badly hurt from mommy throwing her against the wall, mommy had sex with boyfriend, after sex boyfriend finished it...dear God in heaven...what a pair!! i'm just at a loss for words here this evening...

he put his big hand over her tiny nose and mouth and smothered her...what a brave man...NOT!! (our baby was smothered by his daddy and this is really hard hearing what he did to her)

will be back after I have calmed down and can control my feelings about this...say a prayer...

I am so sorry....Please please PM me if you need anything....
The news of what happened to Elaina is just too emotional for me and have to step back. I can’t even begin to imagine what Elaina’s family is going through. Knowing what happened, and hearing of Elaina’s suffering has to be unbearable. I can only hope that she was too out of it to feel pain :( I almost wish I did not know what happened. Having a 15 month old of my own, it hits way too close to home. I have been holding him so tight since I heard what was done to Elaina and cannot fight back tears bawling. I cant even begin to comprehend how someone can hurt their child or any child. And to suffocate the baby instead of calling 911? I am so sick and my heart hurts so badly for her. I feel so incredibly sad and grieve for her like I would my own loved one. Elaina has gained the hearts and love of so many, it is a shame she will never know this.

Ferret, Cherub, I wish that there was something I could do to ease your pain. I cannot imagine.......... And poor T.J. Please tell him that he has my prayers today and every day as all of you are. A parent should never have to endure this ever ever ever!!!! And please give K a huge hug from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AS has no remorse for anyone, is as selfish as they come. And her crying in court is only for herself, not over Elaina, not over never seeing K again. And her laughter and smiles during other court appearances just shows the monster in her!
Sk is a piece of @#$% and a gutless rat and I hope they find him in prison.
RS better be finally realizing what a liar his daughter is and shut his mouth!!!!
And JK better be in jail soon to along with the cousin and the rest of them who did NOTHING!!!

grandmaxs6, my prayers and thoughts are with you too!!!!!!

Bless you!
Post 268 this thread

The confessions to LE, and subsequent "sanitized versions" (according to Judge Ruth Ann Franks) that SK and AS presented in court outlined just how they murdered Elaina. Knowing that little KS was probably a witness to her sister's suffering and AS's deep betrayal, gives another perspective from which to view KS's story. What did she have to do to keep from crying in her fear of all that went on in that room? How could she be sure that she too wouldn't be thrown into a wall? Or worse. Now, the wicked witch will be tethered and won't be able to swoop in to take K away, or hurt anyone else that K loves, and K can cry without fear.

My hope is that no well-intentioned legal beagle spouting chapter and verse about "incarcerated parents' rights" will attempt to force TJ to bring little K to whatever prison will house AS for the next 18 years, or so for court ordered visits.

Justice for Elaina

BBM. Rest assured, her parental rights will be terminated and there will be no visits. The surviving little girl is going to be protected by the State, which in my opinion failed miserably in protecting Elaina or her sister.

The next step should be the prosecution of every adult in that filthy household. I still believe drugs were a factor.


Circumstances That Are Grounds for Termination of Parental Rights
Rev. Stat. § 2151.414
A court may terminate

The parent committed abuse against the child or caused or allowed the child to suffer neglect.
I'm guessing because he admitted to 1) smothering Elaina, 2) hiding Elaina's body, and 3) lying repeatedly to police.
AS admitted nothing except that the DA had enough evidence for a conviction. SK's plea required him to admit some sort of guilt and take responsibilty for it. AS's plea required none of that - she never took responsibilty, never admitted anything.

I'm still at a loss as to why AS was even offered a plea deal. What exactly did she offer to the DA in order to get this deal?

Early in this case it was reported that she stated that she had to see SK and that only he would know how to help her. This makes me think that she had already severely injured Elaina prior to going over to SK's house that day. I've got to say that I'm very pizzzzzzzzed that she got off so easy but not very surprised and I did predict that she would be offered a deal. Totally disgusting.
K is a victim as well. I cannot imagine any legal body forcing visitation and I would hope, if they have not already, that the family will get a small case of AS against K , so that K is a legal victim and can receive victim's compensation in this case from the state. I'm not sure how it works state to state. She may already be classified legally as a victim due to the specs of the case. If not, AS could ' plead guilty' to an assault case on K, now K is a victim and can get state funding for counseling and such from now on. I did not know this could happen but when my niece was a victim of a felony many years ago, the DA told us to keep record of every penny spent in gas and co pays for meds and she was going to the court house and back and to counseling, many trips a week, and even gas to the pharmacy to fill her meds and time off of work to take her to said places. The state reimbursed every PENNY of that expense. It was invaluable because at the time money was so tight and the court house and her psyche drs were over an hour away. Few trips a week like that adds up in gas even at 10 or 15 $ per trip , few times a week for months to a year or so.

ETA Not to mention after that there would be no question about visitation and TJ could have her rights permanently removed very easily .

Fantastic information! Previous posts have indicated that there were witnesses to AS manhandling and otherwise abusing little K, so there shouldn't be a problem getting evidence for a case. I had no idea that someone legally recognized as a victim could receive that kind of assistance.
What a practical program. I hope it's available in Ohio and that TJ can take advantage of it for K!!

Justice for Elaina
I'm still at a loss as to why AS was even offered a plea deal. What exactly did she offer to the DA in order to get this deal?

Early in this case it was reported that she stated that she had to see SK and that only he would know how to help her. This makes me think that she had already severely injured Elaina prior to going over to SK's house that day. I've got to say that I'm very pizzzzzzzzed that she got off so easy but not very surprised and I did predict that she would be offered a deal. Totally disgusting.

I've always felt that Elaina was injured before she arrived at the King house that night. I wish more time would be invested in finding out exactly when and where the first injuries were inflicted. I don't believe that all the guilty parties have been rounded up and forced to take responsibility for their role yet. With that in mind, keep talking Richard ...
Should have been life with NO parole and this sickens me that chose to save their own butts after what they did to this baby. I never want to hear AS's step father on the news again, since he defended this slop and was still doing it Monday.
BBM. Rest assured, her parental rights will be terminated and there will be no visits. The surviving little girl is going to be protected by the State, which in my opinion failed miserably in protecting Elaina or her sister.

The next step should be the prosecution of every adult in that filthy household. I still believe drugs were a factor.


Circumstances That Are Grounds for Termination of Parental Rights
Rev. Stat. § 2151.414
A court may terminate

The parent committed abuse against the child or caused or allowed the child to suffer neglect.

Thanks researching that point. I am so in agreement that the adults present in the house at the time should be prosecuted. IIRC, LE did hint that other charges would be laid, but that was before the plea bargains were finalized.
AS had her time to say goodbye before they put Elaina in the box. She had one last chance to hug and kiss her goodbye which is more than TJ had. She had closure for the last 6 months which the rest of Elaina's loved ones did not. Hopefully they are able to now that Elaina has justice.

RS set off my hinky meter the very first time he spoke. He needs to face the reality of that AS is and what she did. IMO that while SK may technically and legally the one who ended Elaina's life AS is a far worse monster because it is all the outcome of her selfish actions and selfish choices. Because she wanted to smoke, she wanted to be with SK, she wanted to have sex and she was annoyed that Elaina was fussy. What child isn't when they are ill? I can't remember if it was hand and mouth or an ear infection but either way they are both painful and enough to make anyone fussy.

I wish that part of her plea would have had the condition that she forfeits all parental rights to Elaina and K so that she can't try to get visits from K or have any say about anything concerning her.

MDATCA, first I want to tell you how very sorry I am for your loss. God Bless you.

I also wish that part of AS's plea required her to give up all rights to K. I don't think TJ will have a problem getting this done. I also wish AS had got the same sentence as SK.

AS and SK give new meaning to the words 'depraved indifference'. I wonder if they've been transported to Prison yet? I hope so. AND, I still hope more charges are forthcoming in this case. JK and the rest should be charged with Obstruction also. Maybe that cesspool of a house will be condemned. It should be demolished. If RS had anything to do with AS and that diaper, as I suspect it may have been his idea, I hope he's charged as well.

Who would have thought that 6 months and a day after baby Elaina was murdered that both AS and SK would be sentenced? Of that I'm relieved for the Steinfurth family.
I am heartbroken for this little baby and the family that loved her. IT is just unbelievable to me that people can be this horrific to babies.

Rest in peace baby girl.
I am pretty sure that that is the same reporter that has the non official Elaina FB page that was causing problems for the family over the summer....

Yes, he ran the Find Baby Elaina site. The MAJOR problem site has been Elainas Army.

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