OH OH - Jane Gault, 17, Barberton, 14 March 1982

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Yes, I think that must be what happened with the social security number. I know she had one because we all did and she had a job working at a pizza place when she disappeared.
upallnite, I just checked out the website of poster Stacy Horn- it is called the restless sleep. I think there may be info there that could be useful on where to find info, and what you need to get together before contact a cold case squad.
I don't know if I'm ever going to need to contact a cold case squad as I still have no clue what happened to Jane. After hearing on TV that very cold water can literally stop your heart and your lungs, thus no water in the lungs. I did have shocking revelation a little bit ago. I realised my oldest sister is in Novia Scotia doing geneology research on my family. Maybe we are French- Canadian. LOL!! I'm so embarassed about this. I've been dying to talk to her and tell her what's going on with this and here...My fiance's been teasing me since I realized this, he keeps talking to me in French. I dropped out of French so I have no idea what he's saying.
At what point is a foreign national living and working in the US able to get a SSN? If they have their "green card" and a job, do they get a SSN to pay taxes? Or is there another number they use for tax purposes? Sorry, I'm out of my own swimmin' hole on this one.
hahaha see you have already gained something from this research.
As far as the cold water stopping the heart, don't accept that so fast. The case you cited was a young child. Your sister was older and weighed more. She was also in shallow water. It is something you will probably need to discuss with a doctor at some point, but let's see what the autopsy report says first. And one thing to remember is that they ran toxicology on your sister. Make sure you get a copy of that report also.
I posted the above because it is a good resource to the type of paperwork you will need to assemble if you intend to reopen your sister's case. It also has info as to where to look for some of those items needed.
I guess what is needed at this point is- if you find that your sister's paperwork indicates the possibility that she was murdered- what do you intend to do with that info? Will resolving this in your own mind be enough, or do you want to follow thru to see if you can get justice for her and for your family?
I understand your reluctance to contact the cold case squad- and that probably wouldn't be the way I would choose to proceed either. But what ever step you decide to take- you will need the same info.
ShadowAngel your mailbox was full. It says Origin of descent: Canadian French
Seems to me like they just don't record things very carefully in Barberton, because her Birth Certificate has the Hospital name and address and then My mother's name and address , and both addresses are the same, which was my Dad and Mom's home address, I am assuming the hospital wasn't ran out of their home.
upallnite said:
Seems to me like they just don't record things very carefully in Barberton, because her Birth Certificate has the Hospital name and address and then My mother's name and address , and both addresses are the same, which was my Dad and Mom's home address, I am assuming the hospital wasn't ran out of their home.

LOL, the type of mistakes I have heard of on BC's you wouldn't believe. That is mild. I have heard of BC's where the race was wrong, the DOB was wrong, number of siblings was wrong, the name was wrong. Sometimes it it typo's, sometimes human error, sometimes carelessness. But is there any possibility that your sister was delivered at home?
mysteriew said:
LOL, the type of mistakes I have heard of on BC's you wouldn't believe. That is mild. I have heard of BC's where the race was wrong, the DOB was wrong, number of siblings was wrong, the name was wrong. Sometimes it it typo's, sometimes human error, sometimes carelessness. But is there any possibility that your sister was delivered at home?
Maybe, but I think I would have heard about that. Anyways the two addresses are far apart on the form. It lists their home address as the hospital's
upallnite said:
ShadowAngel your mailbox was full. It says Origin of descent: Canadian French
That makes more sense, I guess, they could have gotten that from your folks. I thought they were stating that was her nationality. As to the BC...I can see some errors happening, but the place of birth? That one's kinda bizarre. Or someone was just too lazy to look it up?
shadowangel said:
That makes more sense, I guess, they could have gotten that from your folks. I thought they were stating that was her nationality. As to the BC...I can see some errors happening, but the place of birth? That one's kinda bizarre. Or someone was just too lazy to look it up?

I think at that time the Doctor's filled out the BC. You know how they are in doing paperwork. Nowadays parents fill out the info, doctor's add their part, and signs off on it. But it was different then.
upallnite said:
Maybe, but I think I would have heard about that. Anyways the two addresses are far apart on the form. It lists their home address as the hospital's

LOL, you are a Canadian- you wouldn't understand.

(Just teasing)
Been following this case. I spoke to a few members in chat about my brother.

He died from suicide. A 357 magnum to the head. But the gun he killed himself with was sold by a person in the police department to another policeman. My mother fought to get the gun back and it was returned to his ex wife who was at the scene and her statement was used to help declare a suicide.
She ended up giving my mom the gun as she is intimidated by her. I wonder why?
At the time my brother was said to kil himself he was in her yard. She was the only witness. They did not bag her hands. She did not come to the funeral stated she was scared. My brother shared custody but had his son most of the time. He was documenting raising his son and that his ex rarely came to see him. He also documented she left him without diapers, babysitters called when the ex kept the child on weekends saying she said he was to pay.
Come to find out she is a well known prostitute in this town. She had connections to the sherrif as I spent time with her and she told me she had sex with him so he would not bust her or her sister.
The sherriff she slept with lost his job due to trafficing in cocaine. The ex wifes sister was indicted but the case was dismissed as they felt her boyfriend(not her husband) was the dealer.
So we have a small town, a brother ready to turn his ex wife in if she did not straighten up and start caring for the son, and a botched crimescene, and an autopsy that placed massive blood and blowback which the ex wifes hands were not checked, and the weapon was sold by the investigating police.
I know I can get the autosy as my mother did. I understand a relative can request one and it will likely be granted.
Becba said:
I know I can get the autosy as my mother did. I understand a relative can request one and it will likely be granted.
It's no coincidence that almost everyone on this web-site has a story to tell similar to this. I know Jane is probably the reason I got so interested in these cases even when I was a child. Sorry about your brother, how sad.
upallnite said:
It's no coincidence that almost everyone on this web-site has a story to tell similar to this. I know Jane is probably the reason I got so interested in these cases even when I was a child. Sorry about your brother, how sad.
I know one thing for sure and that is that there are way to many of them. I am so sorry about your brother Bebca.
Upallnite...How was the determination made that this young woman was your sister? She had no ID (of her own), she had been in the canal for months, and as I recall your parents were not allowed to see her...

Just wondering.
shadowangel said:
Upallnite...How was the determination made that this young woman was your sister? She had no ID (of her own), she had been in the canal for months, and as I recall your parents were not allowed to see her...

Just wondering.
This is a little strange imo, when I spoke with the Chief, he told me that he "knew what she usually wore" and recognized the clothing on the body. Surely that is not all that identification of the body was based on. Of course he also told me that nothing seemed unusual about the body to make it look like anything other than an accidental drowning I didn't mention to him that I had been told her hands and feet were bound. He told me that she was walking across the ice and fell through it and drowned. When do the canals usually freeze over in that area? For that all to fit, then the canal would have to have been frozen for quite a while.
Also, Upallnite said that she wasn't even wearing her own clothes. She was supposed to have gone missing in the fall...Must have been an early feeze! "Broke through the ice and drowned" sounds like a convenient blow-off to me. She also said that the PD requested her dental records. If thats the case, this would reflected in the autopsy and police reports, wouldn't it? "Identity confirmed by...."
I assume the parents didn't have her dental records lying around, and would have had to get them from the family dentist. Upallnite, is there some way to check into that? Did your folks take you and your siblings to the same dentist when you were kids?
Why would the Chief know what she usually wore? I finally found the guy's name (don't have it with me, but it is not who Upallnite thought, I'll PM both of you later). He took over in '96, so if he knew Jane he must have been a local or was on the force and got promoted.

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