OH OH - Jane Gault, 17, Barberton, 14 March 1982

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shadowangel said:
Also, Upallnite said that she wasn't even wearing her own clothes. She was supposed to have gone missing in the fall...Must have been an early feeze! "Broke through the ice and drowned" sounds like a convenient blow-off to me. She also said that the PD requested her dental records. If thats the case, this would reflected in the autopsy and police reports, wouldn't it? "Identity confirmed by...."
I assume the parents didn't have her dental records lying around, and would have had to get them from the family dentist. Upallnite, is there some way to check into that? Did your folks take you and your siblings to the same dentist when you were kids?
Why would the Chief know what she usually wore? I finally found the guy's name (don't have it with me, but it is not who Upallnite thought, I'll PM both of you later). He took over in '96, so if he knew Jane he must have been a local or was on the force and got promoted.
I have the name, just don't want to post it. No, it is not the same guy she was talking about. He has been on the force for a long time. I just don't get that comment about the clothes that she was wearing:confused:
I checked into something else...The fall of '81 in the Akron area appears to have been a mild one. Temps in Sept ran into the mid '70s, Oct in the high '60s, and into the low '60s through mid Nov. By late Nov temps were back near 60, with the first day with a temp below freezing being Dec 10th. Temps were seasonal through Dec and Jan, but moderated again in mid Feb (the high on the 15th being 52).Temps stayed above freezing from early Feb til around the 23rd-24th, with night temps below freezing. However, by the end of the month, temps were back above freezing and stayed there with the exception of a few days in the beginning of March. From Mar 11th to the 25th, temps did not fall below freezing and daytime highs averaged in the low 50s.
Shadow205 said:
I have the name, just don't want to post it. No, it is not the same guy she was talking about. He has been on the force for a long time. I just don't get that comment about the clothes that she was wearing:confused:
Well, he said she spent a lot of time on the streets, maybe he's saying she was always seen wearing the same (or same style) clothes? Maybe something that stood out???:waitasec:
That's what I thought was odd about this, she had been in regular contact with my older sisters and even though she was not at home she always contacted them. All of a sudden in the late summer or early fall of 81.. nothing. She was just gone. Even my mother was concerned. They began to look for her and inquire about her and couldn't find her. I don't know if they filed a missing persons report, but maybe that will be in those reports I have to go pick up whenever they call me. I think they used dentals to i.d her and that will probably be on the autopsy which should come tomorrow( I hope). As far as all of the chief's comments, I have no clue.
I know the chiefs name too and it does sound familiar, but I don't think I know him.
By the way, everyone, I had kind of an interesting adventure last night, my car had been leaking a little anti-freeze and it was supposed to go in the shop today anyways, but I left my house to go tanning Tuesday evening and forgot to take my cell phone. I got halfway across the state street bridge in Barberton that goes directly over the canal where my sister was found. My check guages light came on. My temp. was way beyond the hottest it shows on the guage so I pulled over and shut it off. I had to walk about a mile upstream. It was really dark. My car is fixed now, it was the waterpump,it set me back a little, but I did call the BPD today to start getting those police reports together and a really nice lady said she may have them together by tomorrow. Hopefully.
I'm glad everything turned out okay. Maybe sis was watching. :angel:

"May there always be an angel in the shadows for every devil at your door".
The chief saying he knew what clothes she normally wore- twenty years later- he had a strong familiarity with her then. And he remembered that all these years later- that the male clothing she had on, were what she normally wore. Most guys don't pay so much attention to what a girl has on, other than how she looks in it. Wonder if he is referring to a man's tshirt or what?
Do you remember anything more about the clothing other than they were male clothing? And was that just the shirt, or was she wearing male jeans or anything? If your sister's kept in contact with her during that time, they would have been likely to notice what she wore. Have you considered asking them?
What I am thinking is that single guys often keep a spare set of clothing in their vehicles. Esp. if they are partyers. So if for some reason someone needed to redress Jane- someone might have gotten the spare clothing out of his vehicle or have gone to the bar and picked the clothing up out of the vehicle.
mysteriew said:
The chief saying he knew what clothes she normally wore- twenty years later- he had a strong familiarity with her then. And he remembered that all these years later- that the male clothing she had on, were what she normally wore. Most guys don't pay so much attention to what a girl has on, other than how she looks in it. Wonder if he is referring to a man's tshirt or what?
Do you remember anything more about the clothing other than they were male clothing? And was that just the shirt, or was she wearing male jeans or anything? If your sister's kept in contact with her during that time, they would have been likely to notice what she wore. Have you considered asking them?
What I am thinking is that single guys often keep a spare set of clothing in their vehicles. Esp. if they are partyers. So if for some reason someone needed to redress Jane- someone might have gotten the spare clothing out of his vehicle.
I remember it having been said she had men's jeans on and men's cowboy boots that were way too big for her, I don't know anything else until I get that report.
upallnite said:
By the way, everyone, I had kind of an interesting adventure last night, my car had been leaking a little anti-freeze and it was supposed to go in the shop today anyways, but I left my house to go tanning Tuesday evening and forgot to take my cell phone. I got halfway across the state street bridge in Barberton that goes directly over the canal where my sister was found. My check guages light came on. My temp. was way beyond the hottest it shows on the guage so I pulled over and shut it off. I had to walk about a mile upstream. It was really dark. My car is fixed now, it was the waterpump,it set me back a little, but I did call the BPD today to start getting those police reports together and a really nice lady said she may have them together by tomorrow. Hopefully.

Sounds scary, but unless the mechanic noticed something odd- probably was just the water pump.
mysteriew said:
Sounds scary, but unless the mechanic noticed something odd- probably was just the water pump.
Oh, I wasn't thinking the water pump was foul play. LOL!!! That's more my fault for having the same vehicle since 1994 and being unwilling to strap myself down with car payments, I haven't had a car payment since 96.
Any ideas what the final disposition of the clothes she was wearing is? A description of her clothing should be included in the police report, by the way.
shadowangel said:
Any ideas what the final disposition of the clothes she was wearing is? A description of her clothing should be included in the police report, by the way.
What do you mean by " the final disposition"?
upallnite said:
What do you mean by " the final disposition"?

Final dispostion of the clothing would be what happened to them. Were they given to your parents, held as evidence, destroyed or what happened to them?
mysteriew said:
Final dispostion of the clothing would be what happened to them. Were they given to your parents, held as evidence, destroyed or what happened to them?
Oh, I don't know what happened to them. After hearing about what condition her body was in, I'm sure the clothes were a mess, they were probably either destroyed or bagged and maybe they still have them. Maybe it'll say that in the reports.
upallnite said:
Oh, I don't know what happened to them. After hearing about what condition her body was in, I'm sure the clothes were a mess, they were probably either destroyed or bagged and maybe they still have them. Maybe it'll say that in the reports.

When you talk with your sister's could you ask them what type of clothing they saw her in?
shadowangel said:
I checked into something else...The fall of '81 in the Akron area appears to have been a mild one. Temps in Sept ran into the mid '70s, Oct in the high '60s, and into the low '60s through mid Nov. By late Nov temps were back near 60, with the first day with a temp below freezing being Dec 10th. Temps were seasonal through Dec and Jan, but moderated again in mid Feb (the high on the 15th being 52).Temps stayed above freezing from early Feb til around the 23rd-24th, with night temps below freezing. However, by the end of the month, temps were back above freezing and stayed there with the exception of a few days in the beginning of March. From Mar 11th to the 25th, temps did not fall below freezing and daytime highs averaged in the low 50s.

Did you happen to notice if there was much rain that fall?
The reason I ask is that it takes really cold weather to freeze over something like a canal. And if there was much rain- the water would have been moving faster and be less likely to freeze.
upallnite, are you familiar with the canal at all? Any observations as to how wide it is, how deep, how often it freezes over in the winter? Does it freeze completely over, or is there usually some open water in the middle?
Just an odd note- there was a small bible found with her purse in the cafe. You haven't said much, but the impression I have is that she wasn't exactly leading a life involved in the church.
Could there have been a church in the area that she might have gone to for help? Or maybe one who did a lot of outreach in that area?
Do you know where the purse and bible are now?
You mentioned she had been staying in the cafe. Were any of her other possessions located there? Do you know what else they may have found of hers?
upallnite said:
My parents also recieved a call from a girlfriend who said she knows exactly what happened and made an appointment to meet with my parents and then didn't show up. Someone posted a memorial to her on a Barberton High School website this past year and someone is always putting flowers on her grave and it isn't any of my siblings.

Do you know this girlfriend's name? Don't tell me, but just want to know if you know it.
Does she still live in the area or do you know what happened to her?

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