GUILTY OH - Johnny Clarke, 21, & Lisa Straub, 20, murdered, Springfield Twp, 31 Jan 2011

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Here is more info on the prison time.

Among the things they are considering, Detective Stooksbury said, is the time Clarke spent in prison for convictions in Lucas County Common Pleas Court on two counts of robbery.

"We're following up every aspect of both of these young people's lives and in that we are looking at his prison history and seeing if he had any problems while he was in prison or anyone connected with that who has been released from prison just as a process of elimination," Detective Stooksbury said.

Clarke was arrested, along with DSC and QS, in 2007 for robbing two men at gunpoint in two separate incidents in Toledo when Clarke was 18.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My son is in the basement, tied up with a towel (ph). I just saw him through the window. The police were (EXPLETIVE DELETED) earlier and did absolutely nothing!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Both cell phones are on the ground, and we can see the people. Him and his girlfriend are tied up in the basement!

911 OPERATOR: Cell phones on their bodies?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: With cell phones on their bodies!

911 OPERATOR: She`s unclothed with (INAUDIBLE) pants on.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She only has pants on! And their hands are tied!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Four cop cars were already out at this residence. They`re not there, and her car is in the driveway. I want to know where my son`s at.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I want to know where my son and his girlfriend are at. I want to know if they got abducted by whoever tried to assault them and rob them. And it`s pretty funny that this girl named Tiffany, which is there right now by the residence, waits two hours to call somebody to report this.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK, where is my son and his girlfriend, and her car is in the driveway?

DAVID LOHR, CRIME REPORTER, AOLNEWS.COM: Yes, that`s correct. 11:00 is when the girl spoke with Johnny. For whatever reason, she waited two hours to call the mom. She called the mom at 1:00 a.m. then the mom calls the police department. The cops go out there shortly after that. It`s about 20 after 1:00.

As you mentioned, they were on the scene for 11 minutes. Left. She called them again around 2:00. They were there within 10 minutes, left -- stayed for about 30 minutes and then left. And then it was after that that the parents finally went out there on their own and the third 911 call came in at 4:00 a.m. after they unfortunately found them deceased inside the home.

JIM VERBOSKY, UNCLE OF MURDERED 20-YEAR-OLD NURSING STUDENT, LISA STRAUB: That`s correct. Like I said, we have about a half foot of snow on the ground here, and there were no fresh footprints anywhere in that house, and the layout of the house is, you would enter through the garage -- the garage door would have been up, then we would entered through the door and then gone right into the kitchen.

They did have a security alarm system in the home, but that was deactivated.

CASAREZ: Where was their car at the time? Would it have been in the driveway or in the garage?

VERBOSKY: I believe it was in the driveway.

CASAREZ: Do you know if police searched for tire tracks in the snow that were not Johnny`s or Lisa`s?

VERBOSKY: I don`t know that.

CASAREZ: Because if there weren`t any footprints in the snow, they had to get to that garage some way. I would think those tire tracks extremely viable to them.

DR. VINCENT DIMAIO, M.D., FORMER CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER, BEXAR COUNTY FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST: She would have had to have been injured prior to being asphyxiated. Maybe she was struck on the head and had scalp laceration. Because if she had any injury to the head after the plastic bag was put on, it could have gotten out, would have been contained in the bag.

CASAREZ: When the bodies were found or when the father of Lisa ripped the bag off his daughter to try to see if he could be resuscitated, her face was very cold to the touch. Her body was cold. What does that tell you? This was about -- I think a little after 3:00 in the morning. What does that tell you about time of death?

DIMAIO: Well, usually you can feel a body being cold. It takes about an hour, an hour and a half, because you know it initially retains the heat. The rest of the time determination would have to be whether she was or he or she were in rigor mortis. That would have been an important analysis.

CASAREZ: And the reason I`m touching on that is when this gets to trial, that can be important to corroborate with phone calls and times and other forensic evidence that they may gather from the scene.

To Joey Jackson, defense attorney. There is an all-out search tonight by police to try to find the perpetrators of this. They`re going to look for latent prints. What else do you see that may be incriminating to someone you could represent in this case?

JOEY JACKSON, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, certainly, Jean, if there was a struggle here, there would be a full body of DNA all over that place. And as a result of that, it would match the defendant or defendants to the actual crime scene. This is going to be problematic. And finally, as you know, Jean, this is a death penalty jurisdiction and I certainly would suppose if they catch them, they will apply it.

CW Jensen, retired police chief joining us from Portland, Oregon. The pings, this friend that didn`t call for two hours, authorities, in fact, she never really called authorities, she called a friend who called the family. The pings of where she was and when she went over to that home, that`s critical to this investigation.
Thank you for the transcript Wondergirl. It helps.

I had a couple of thoughts this morning about these murders.

I think the way in which the couple was murdered not only tells of premeditation, but also can provide suspects.

The victims' hands were duct taped behind their backs. The duct tape probably wasn't something the perpetrators found in the house. It was, most likely, brought to restrain the couple and was on hand when the perpetrators entered.

The father (or mother I can't remember which) has stated that when the father approached the bodies, there was a bag adjacent to them that contained duct tape.

Here is a question to the web sleuth community, and I am not sure if it is possible, but can they trace the duct tape back to a store and a specific sale?

I checked Google Earth and it seems that within two miles of the crime there is a Wal-Mart, Lowes and a Home Depot. Even if the perpetrators weren't going there to kill the two, they were going there to rob them and stopped to get duct tape to restrain them. The major chain stores in the area probably sell 95% of the duct tape.

The perpetrators probably didn't bring an old roll of tape from their house because it would have prints on it, it could be traced back to their house if they ever found that exact tape in use at their house and tape picks up hair and DNA on the edge of it when it is coiled.

I'm not sure if there is a way to get a subpoena for the major chain stores in Toledo and identify any transactions that included duct tape from that day, but I'm guessing that there wasn't much tape sold. If the person paid in cash, they could at least check the store video and see if anyone they have interviewed appears buying tape.

I know that many stores like Walmart keep detailed information as to what is purchased and when, in an effort to understand not only how much they need to have on hand, but when an item is popular. This would be a good way to use these systems to solve this crime.

I have a feeling that any people related to the crime are probably not talking, and this is coming at it from a different angle.
Thank you for the transcript Wondergirl. It helps.

I had a couple of thoughts this morning about these murders.

I think the way in which the couple was murdered not only tells of premeditation, but also can provide suspects.

The victims' hands were duct taped behind their backs. The duct tape probably wasn't something the perpetrators found in the house. It was, most likely, brought to restrain the couple and was on hand when the perpetrators entered.

The father (or mother I can't remember which) has stated that when the father approached the bodies, there was a bag adjacent to them that contained duct tape.

Here is a question to the web sleuth community, and I am not sure if it is possible, but can they trace the duct tape back to a store and a specific sale?

I checked Google Earth and it seems that within two miles of the crime there is a Wal-Mart, Lowes and a Home Depot. Even if the perpetrators weren't going there to kill the two, they were going there to rob them and stopped to get duct tape to restrain them. The major chain stores in the area probably sell 95% of the duct tape.

The perpetrators probably didn't bring an old roll of tape from their house because it would have prints on it, it could be traced back to their house if they ever found that exact tape in use at their house and tape picks up hair and DNA on the edge of it when it is coiled.

I'm not sure if there is a way to get a subpoena for the major chain stores in Toledo and identify any transactions that included duct tape from that day, but I'm guessing that there wasn't much tape sold. If the person paid in cash, they could at least check the store video and see if anyone they have interviewed appears buying tape.

I know that many stores like Walmart keep detailed information as to what is purchased and when, in an effort to understand not only how much they need to have on hand, but when an item is popular. This would be a good way to use these systems to solve this crime.

I have a feeling that any people related to the crime are probably not talking, and this is coming at it from a different angle.

Great post.

Matthew Hoffman, the perpetrator of 3 recent horrific murders in Ohio, was apprehended, and his 4th victim spared her life, because of a Walmart receipt for tarps (and/or the UPC Scan Code) that were recovered by LE.

LE was able to trace the transaction of the purchase of the tarps used in the crime, identified MH, went to his home, and rescued the remaining victim from certain death.

So, yes, I would imagine LE will be intensly scrutinizing all duct tape transactions in the days prior to the crime, not only in areas close to the Longacre home, but close to the home of any current suspect(s), especially if they have determined that the duct tape was not from the Longacre home.
This case reminds me of the movie One False Move--basically a women sets her friends up with the intention of stealing money and cocaine. The deaths in the movie mimic the deaths Lisa and Johnny. I often refer to the movie as one of the most disturbing scenes, not bc of blood and guts but of brutality and caliousness its takes to watch someone sufficate

Sad that this happened to them---wierd how much it mimics this movie...
Lisa's car was in the garage, I think JC's mother was referring to Tiffany when she said and "her" car is in the driveway. But yeah when Tiffany said she was talking to Lisa and then He hung up..That makes no sense unless for some reason Lisa was talking on Johnny's phone and then handed it back to him, and when she called back again he answered. And another thing that is strange, in this day and age, noone calls someone back to say hey come a little later, I'm running to the store. They would most certainly send that message via text.

I have called people and told them to "give me a few minutes, before you head out here" many many times.

Just throwing it out there.
I didn't realize there was a bag with the duct tape in it. I hope it is a store bag that identifies where it was purchased! A receipt would be even better.
Part of me wonders if whoever did this actually meant for them to die. I'm wondering if they thought they would be able to free themselves but wouldn't call for help because it involved drugs. The concern in the friends conversation in the 911 call could have been genuine because she knew of the robbery but didn't expect the deaths.
I really think IF it was a setup it was for robbery and not murder. Even if it WAS a setup that doesn't mean the person helping to delay them knew it would even be a robbery, they could have thought they were being asked for another reason (though unless they were in fear for their life they would likely spill their guts and tell the police what happened and who asked them if they were completely innocent and simply duped).

It just doesn't make any sense for the person in question to KNOW it was going to be a double homicide and then go over to the house and want to see the bodies, see the mother and father, meet with the police etc... They had no reason to do that, they could have just not called anyone and then if questioned they could have said "yeah we were going to get together but then Johnny never showed up and I figured he was busy...yada yada". If they wanted to see the gruesome details they would have BEEN THERE had they know it was going to go this way.
Thank you for posting the transcript. Reading it just REALLY frustrated me, though. It feels like so much information is just there, but not really in reach. I would have liked a little more detail about certain things. The key, for example.

I do hope something turns up with the fingerprint search.
I read Johnny's mom's comment today on a Facebook memorial she, her husband and the cousin (who was lifted to see into the window I'm assuming) have been hospitalized for 3 days...just released...for dehydration and haven't been able to sleep...just so so sad...

Question: How come Tiffany was able to drive by the house and determine all the lights were on and the house was ransacked if the police had been there twice and couldn't determine that...strange...

I can't imagine the pain of both sets of parents...

in one of the articles it indicated a set of "digital scales" was on a kitchen indicative of drugs...still heartbreaking...who could be so evil...

anyone find out who Johnny's mom had the civil stalking restraining order on? She is a very attractive lady, maybe just some random nutjob with no relation to the case...

was lisa an only child? No other mention of siblings...just so sad...

my prayers go out to all the families involved...let us hope they didn't mean to murder them - just to scare could anyone be so stupid tho- not to know that would deprive them of air?
The police made a grand announcement on local tv last night stating that they have concluded that it was a robery gone wrong. I don't understand how it could be considered that when the perps brought plastic bags and duct tape with them. Duct tape I can see for restraint, but what were the plastic bags for?
Apparently "grieving friends" is posting on a few forums. More comments on a story here:

As more comes out, Johnny was obviously involved in a lot of bad stuff, and if it had JUST been him I would likely write it off to "live by the sword...". If he was convicted of armed robbery it is just too bad the person he robbed WASN'T armed...all of this could have been avoided. People want to feel so sorry for him, I doubt if they would feel sorry for him if they had been looking down the barrel of his gun and getting robbed by him.

Regardless killing the girlfriend was just evil. They had to know the killer well, even by voice as that explains why a mask wasn't enough. This truly is an interesting and very dramatic case.
The police made a grand announcement on local tv last night stating that they have concluded that it was a robery gone wrong. I don't understand how it could be considered that when the perps brought plastic bags and duct tape with them. Duct tape I can see for restraint, but what were the plastic bags for?

How did they use the term? I mean, does saying "robbery" just imply it was spontaneous? It has always seemed like a robbery to me, but a planned one. From all accounts, the house was torn up. Somebody had something someone wanted. The murders were a side effect, if you will, part of the plan, but the main objective was taking something from them.
How did they use the term? I mean, does saying "robbery" just imply it was spontaneous? It has always seemed like a robbery to me, but a planned one. From all accounts, the house was torn up. Somebody had something someone wanted. The murders were a side effect, if you will, part of the plan, but the main objective was taking something from them.

Yeah I agree, "robbery gone wrong" makes it sound like things just got out of hand.

Gunshots might be "things getting out of hand" however duct tape and plastic bags are a bit different. When unexpected things happen and people panic they don't go reaching for a plastic bag.
I really think IF it was a setup it was for robbery and not murder. Even if it WAS a setup that doesn't mean the person helping to delay them knew it would even be a robbery, they could have thought they were being asked for another reason (though unless they were in fear for their life they would likely spill their guts and tell the police what happened and who asked them if they were completely innocent and simply duped).

It just doesn't make any sense for the person in question to KNOW it was going to be a double homicide and then go over to the house and want to see the bodies, see the mother and father, meet with the police etc... They had no reason to do that, they could have just not called anyone and then if questioned they could have said "yeah we were going to get together but then Johnny never showed up and I figured he was busy...yada yada". If they wanted to see the gruesome details they would have BEEN THERE had they know it was going to go this way.

Just throwing this out there: what if she needed a reason to explain either a cell phone ping or her vehicle being seen in the area of the crime? What better way than to tell LE that you went by to check things out.

It is also conceivable that she thought it would deflect involvement away from her, when in fact, placing yourself at the scene of a crime is IMO a huge flag to LE.

I don't know if this Tiffany on the phone is involved or not, but something certainly seems 'off' with her story.

I'm not really following the train of thought that their murders were accidental?

The bags sealed on their heads and being bound would have prevented them escaping their predictment, and it seems very unusual that there were things placed on their bodies, like it was a message or something.

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