GUILTY OH - Johnny Clarke, 21, & Lisa Straub, 20, murdered, Springfield Twp, 31 Jan 2011

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I think it was to keep him from running or getting up, which makes me think they attacked him first. One of LS's family members said she always changed after she got home from work. I suspect she and JC were in 2 separate rooms. She was changing, heard the commotion and came into the kitchen and was hit in the head and knocked unconscious. Hence, the blood around her head and the fact that she was partially undressed with no need to tape her ankles.

exactly what i have always thought!!!!
I think it was to keep him from running or getting up, which makes me think they attacked him first. One of LS's family members said she always changed after she got home from work. I suspect she and JC were in 2 separate rooms. She was changing, heard the commotion and came into the kitchen and was hit in the head and knocked unconscious. Hence, the blood around her head and the fact that she was partially undressed with no need to tape her ankles.

Good point, Surfie, I never thought of that.

Didn't we hear from the 911 calls that there was a "3 way conversation" going on with Lisa, Johnny and the friend, or there was a switching back and forth of the phone between the couple?
Investigators point to robbery as a motive. Sources say Clarke was bragging about a safe Lisa's parents kept in the house.

It's a safe that Lisa Straub's uncle, Jim Verbosky, says was never there. "It never existed," Verbosky says. "When they ransacked the house, they punched holes in the wall, moved pictures down. There's no safe in the house, no money in the house"

Family and friends have rallied around the family for support. The reward money in the case is up to $10,000 and growing.|
Now that we know that Johnny had been bragging around about a safe, that wasn't there, it makes more sense, especially knowing they punched holes in the walls and moved pictures. As if looking for a safe!

That COULD be why Lisa didn't have her feet taped. Perhaps they were dragging her around the house to point out where it was, and she may have been saying, 'There isn't one!' They may have pulled her around by the hair and smacking her into walls when she didn't give them the answer they wanted.

I think it's very possible the perps KNEW the victims, but they may not have been 'friends,' if you know what I mean.

What a total waste. Two young lives, cut short because someone...POSSIBLY, believed bs.

I also think it is odd that if a complete stranger was in the home, that Johnny wouldn't have said "get out of here" and why didn't Lisa and/or Johnny scream?

Tiff claims that JC's phone dropped and then went dead. It seems to me that it could only have been a matter of seconds that elapsed from the time JC uttered his first words to the perp(s) till the phone went dead. I imagined myself in his situation and I'm certain I would have blurted out those questions (Bro...what do you want?,etc.) one right after another without pause. I timed myself and it took me just 5 seconds to say the several questions that Tiff claims she heard JC say. If it was just mere seconds then I WOULDN'T necessarily EXPECT TO HEAR ANY SCREAMS. In addition, I believe that Lisa was in another room changing out of her work uniform and didn't hear the perp(s) arrive. I think that JC was immediately subdued and bound. I think that Lisa heard the loud commotion and came out of the other room with only her work pants on (she was found with no shirt and work pants). I think she had a chance to run unlike JC who was ambushed. I think they struck her head with something and then bound her. Maybe she was unconscious so they didn't bind her ankles. I think they took drugs and any money JC may have had on him. I think they decided to search the rest of the house since they were already there. I think that JC bragged to Tiff and other friends that he was staying at a really nice house in an upscale neighborhood and that maybe there might be a safe. I think some of his friends and maybe even JC himself planned the robbery with Tiff's help. LS would have no knowledge. I think it was Tiff's job to convince LS to leave the house so it could be robbed. I think when the perps arrived that JC knew them but had to act surprised otherwise LS would know he planned it. They weren't supposed to be there and they killed them so LS couldn't talk. IMO!!
I have been verified as a family friend of LS. I said earlier that i am family. I am not immediate family but rather extended family so they only verified me as a friend.
Thanks least we know that you do indeed know the family. Glad to have you. Any insight is always welcome...
Tiff claims that JC's phone dropped and then went dead. It seems to me that it could only have been a matter of seconds that elapsed from the time JC uttered his first words to the perp(s) till the phone went dead. I imagined myself in his situation and I'm certain I would have blurted out those questions (Bro...what do you want?,etc.) one right after another without pause. I timed myself and it took me just 5 seconds to say the several questions that Tiff claims she heard JC say. If it was just mere seconds then I WOULDN'T necessarily EXPECT TO HEAR ANY SCREAMS. In addition, I believe that Lisa was in another room changing out of her work uniform and didn't hear the perp(s) arrive. I think that JC was immediately subdued and bound. I think that Lisa heard the loud commotion and came out of the other room with only her work pants on (she was found with no shirt and work pants). I think she had a chance to run unlike JC who was ambushed. I think they struck her head with something and then bound her. Maybe she was unconscious so they didn't bind her ankles. I think they took drugs and any money JC may have had on him. I think they decided to search the rest of the house since they were already there. I think that JC bragged to Tiff and other friends that he was staying at a really nice house in an upscale neighborhood and that maybe there might be a safe. I think some of his friends and maybe even JC himself planned the robbery with Tiff's help. LS would have no knowledge. I think it was Tiff's job to convince LS to leave the house so it could be robbed. I think when the perps arrived that JC knew them but had to act surprised otherwise LS would know he planned it. They weren't supposed to be there and they killed them so LS couldn't talk. IMO!!


Thank you so much, Anthony, for all the info you have provided. I think the scenario you laid out is very possible. The one thing that I question is the part that I bolded above...

I do think that Tiff had some part in all of this, but since she was on the phone with him, then she would know that they were still there. So if it played out like you have written, then I don't think the perps would have been surprised to find them there, kwim? I guess it depends on how close of contact Tiff kept with them. I'm sure phone records will show...

If Tiff is somehow involved, then I wonder if the deaths were planned or an afterthought. I wonder if Tiff drove by after the robbery to check on things, only to discover that something went wrong or at least not the way she thought it would happen (with Johnny/Lisa being killed or left to die).

So many questions. Yet someone - I think several someones - know the answers. JMHO
From the very beginning I have found it hard to believe that the "phone went dead" It's like those scenes in movies where someone is talking on the phone and the person on the other end hangs up; the person holding the phone hears a dialtone, but we all know phones don't work like that. What would make the call drop?? Dropping the phone? no ... I think that is a little "hollywood" and doesn't seem likely to happen(imo). With that being said, I have to question Tiff's story on what was said/wasn't said ... she could have made the whole conversation up for all we know.
Sometimes just changing ears on my phone can cause a call to drop in certain areas.
Sometimes just changing ears on my phone can cause a call to drop in certain areas.

True, I have an iPhone and have had calls drop from time to time. However, it seems awfully conveinent for someone with a story that hasn't made any sense from the beginning. :twocents:
I honestly thought someone would have cracked by now and this would have been solved. There is no honor among theives and I still believe this will be solved soon. I feel awful for these two families, I cannot imagine their heartache.
I just have a question regarding Tiff saying the phone dropped, her hearing JC's questions to the perp(s), and then the phone going dead. Or maybe it is more a thought. Just from my experience alone, I have dropped some cell phones in my day! Whenever I drop them, they have never went dead(except the one time I dropped it into water). I would always be able to pick up my phone and keep carrying on whatever conversation I was having before dropping the phone. My point is, for me, I always have to end the call myself, by pressing whatever the appointed button on my phone is to end it. So, does this mean the perp picked it up and ended it? To me, this would mean the perp(s) would have absolutely known JC was on the phone with someone at the time of attack.

Now, I am not saying it isn't possible to say the phone wasn't dropped hard enough for it to possibly break and die. But, again, just from my experience alone, I have dropped on concrete, down flights of stairs, etc, and it has never ended the call for me.
I just have a question regarding Tiff saying the phone dropped, her hearing JC's questions to the perp(s), and then the phone going dead. Or maybe it is more a thought. Just from my experience alone, I have dropped some cell phones in my day! Whenever I drop them, they have never went dead(except the one time I dropped it into water). I would always be able to pick up my phone and keep carrying on whatever conversation I was having before dropping the phone. My point is, for me, I always have to end the call myself, by pressing whatever the appointed button on my phone is to end it. So, does this mean the perp picked it up and ended it? To me, this would mean the perp(s) would have absolutely known JC was on the phone with someone at the time of attack.

Now, I am not saying it isn't possible to say the phone wasn't dropped hard enough for it to possibly break and die. But, again, just from my experience alone, I have dropped on concrete, down flights of stairs, etc, and it has never ended the call for me.

IMO a dropped cell phone more often than not, would allow the person on the other end to continue to listen to what was going on in the background. Cellphone records will show if the call was ended as stated OR if the call was not ended in which case this person may have only thought the line went dead. IMO turning the cell off would not be the #1 priority, but then again maybe it is... wonder what would have happened if LE had been called immediately. OR if the person tried to call back immediately. If cell call drops I always call back, or wait for a call back- if I don't get one within a min or two I call thw person back and make sure they are ok...
If you Google search pregnancy and polygraphs, there are a variety of answers most of them having to do with the stress and well being of the subject. Subjecting yourself to stress can be hazardous to some pregnant women. I am on the fence about the idea that it is the movement of the fetus that could throw it off-they do baselines with innocuous questions before they get into the reason for the polygraph, so I would think that they would be able to work around things like that.

IMO this day and age of electronic advances LE would have found a way to get around a pregnancy. Keeping in mind there are 2 heartbeats, the increased blood volume in the mom as well as lung capacity changes. I seem to remember seeing some type of monitor placed around the chest during the test, maybe it would pick up subtle fetal movements... Also many pregnant women already have elevated blood pressure. Must to to risky for LE to try and find a way to make it work. They don't want to get suedI guess, it's easier to just wait it out and do it after delivery.
Just a thought about the phone going dead or not going dead--if the battery came out when it the floor, it would be off, so therefore "dead." It's happened to me a few times. Drop it on a floor hard enough, and there it goes.
From the very beginning I have found it hard to believe that the "phone went dead" It's like those scenes in movies where someone is talking on the phone and the person on the other end hangs up; the person holding the phone hears a dialtone, but we all know phones don't work like that. What would make the call drop?? Dropping the phone? no ... I think that is a little "hollywood" and doesn't seem likely to happen(imo). With that being said, I have to question Tiff's story on what was said/wasn't said ... she could have made the whole conversation up for all we know.

Do the cell phone experts here know if LE can determine precisely where the phone was, when it "went dead"?

They will certainly be able to determine the length of time on the phone with the friend.

Anthony, you said you think that Lisa was likely changing, and was in another room. That is certainly possible, especially since her family said she always immediately changed out of her clothes from work.

If Lisa WAS in the middle of changing out of her work clothes, then she might not have been on the phone with Tiffany, as was indicated by Tiffany in the 911 call (I *think*). She wouldn't have been able to be changing and talking.

What time did Lisa get home from work?

How long WAS the call with Tiffany?

Where was the phone during the entire length of the call with Tiffany?
Anthony, are you able to say:

-What the key was for?

-What time Lisa finished her shift?

-Were there any chairs involved?

-How many cell phones were there, and were they found "in the corner" or "on them"?
Would Lisa have been done her shift on the hour? If they got home "around 11 pm" (how do they know this?), what time would she have been done work, 10 pm? 10:15 pm? 10:30pm?

Seems an odd time to arrive home, on the hour, unless she was done her shift irregularily, in which case, a perp that was watching her/the home, may very well have been taken by surprise (were Lisa's shifts "regular"?)
Would Lisa have been done her shift on the hour? If they got home "around 11 pm" (how do they know this?), what time would she have been done work, 10 pm? 10:15 pm? 10:30pm?

Seems an odd time to arrive home, on the hour, unless she was done her shift irregularily, in which case, a perp that was watching her/the home, may very well have been taken by surprise (were Lisa's shifts "regular"?)

I am sorry if you were addressing this to Anthony, but I do know people who have serving jobs(which I heard is what Lisa had) and they do not always have to work their entire shift. Some get the opportunity to be "cut" before their shift is scheduled to be over. It is possible she got cut, hence the odd time for her arriving home. Just a thought.

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