OH OH - Katelyn Markham, 22, Fairfield, 14 August 2011 - #1

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If JC had anything to do with her disappearance, she could have gone missing much earlier than previously thought and the whole incident taken place elsewhere and not necessarily at her townhouse. JC could have returned to the townhouse late Saturday night and staged the place to look as if nothing out of the ordinary happened and returned all of her personal items except that he pocketed her cell phone in order to get rid of the evidence on it.

Yes. The window of time, if the fiance harmed her, potentially changes from say 12 hours of time (from when he left her to when she didn't answer the morning text or show up for work) to about 36 hours, from when friends saw her Friday night until Sunday morning when JC reported for work (Papa John's opens at 11 am).

The window changes to about 24 hours if there were identifiable friends present at the firepit who can back up his story, in other words, from Friday night at the church festival where people saw her, until 11:30-ish Saturday night when JC showed up at the firepit to burn her stuff.

That's time enough to drive west, throw her body into the Mississippi and drive back, if he wanted to. Easily. Time enough for many, many things.
I've been working on breaking down the information we have regarding the disappearance of Miss Markham

DimeDetective, I made a similar list last night but included statements made in the media, by JC, and by folks in the Facebook group. A kind of "assuming they're all telling the truth" list. Should I post it?
  1. The discrepancy where he said he in an interview he expected her home from work around 7 or 7:30 from a job that ended at 6pm, yet when he sees her car at home around 7 or 7:30, he is supposedly "freaked out" because she should be at work (said in the same interview and in his 911 call).
  2. Supposedly burning her documents in a firepit (presumably outdoors) at the very same time a big rainstorm swept through in the Fairfield area, plus her weird reaction (via text to him) when she heard the papers were burned ("Oh, I wish I could have been there... but that's okay"), even though it was supposedly at her very recent request that they were being burned at all.
  3. Him going into her apartment and finding it empty, saying he freaked out and "immediately called friends, family, police" (quote is from an interview) - when in fact he left her apartment, went somewhere, and was (supposedly) on his way back before he made the call. This has to to be the case because he told the dispatcher her purse is in the apartment, indicating he had to have been inside before he called 911.
  4. The couple having plans to meet with his parents to discuss the move to Colorado on Saturday, which were cancelled because Katelyn was too tired. This opens up the window of her being missing from Friday night, when friends saw her, to Sunday noon, when she was supposed to work.

I don't remember seeing it but was she off work on Saturday? Both jobs?
I don't remember seeing it but was she off work on Saturday? Both jobs?

That I don't know. I'm basing my hypothetical window on the fact that the last time I've heard that anyone besides JC saw her, it was friends of theirs, who saw them at the church festival Friday night. What I've heard is probably not the whole story, but it's all I've got.
That I don't know. I'm basing my hypothetical window on the fact that the last time I've heard that anyone besides JC saw her, it was friends of theirs, who saw them at the church festival Friday night. What I've heard is probably not the whole story, but it's all I've got.

If that is case (please confirm) wouldn't that contradict or at least question what JC said in his 911 call about the people at the festival being questionable.?

If they were questionable people why was JC and KM there in the first place?
Finding more possible answers reading through these FB pages (along with a LOT of drama-oy vey!)

On this one- the night of the NG show, at 8:20 ET a poster makes a comment about the show putting doubt in her head. The thread evolves into talking about burning the docs. At 11:45 there is a loooong post from GK (who I believe may be John's cousin? not sure) in it she says Katelyn was moving in with John (at his mothers in 2 weeks) and that's why she was getting rid of documents. She goes on to say that he was at a friend's and with other people and that she believes that these people have been questioned.

I'm taking all of this with a huge grain of salt, but thought I would pass on what I saw. Interesting that she was moving in with John and this was never mentioned, that I saw.

If that is case (please confirm) wouldn't that contradict or at least question what JC said in his 911 call about the people at the festival being questionable.?

If they were questionable people why was JC and KM there in the first place?

I don't know. In his radio interview with Scott Sloan & Tracy Jones on August 18, he said they went to the Sacred Heart festival every year since they've been dating (six years).

But, maybe he noticed weird people or someone looking at Katelyn the night they went, which was the night before she vanished, which put the thought into his head.
I've seen numerous posts about KM's relationship with her mother being strained or even problematic and the mother being unstable.

That's interesting because of this exchange (radio interview on 700 WLW radio, 8/18/2011):

Scott Sloan: What are the reactions - because they've been rather tight-tipped, her family - how close is she to her mom and/or dad, if either one...?

John Carter: She - she was very close to both of them. Um, she really, like, she really loved her parents very much and, um, they loved her back. I mean, they, they - actually she's adopted, and they had adopted her, and I mean - they, they really loved her. Very mu... er, they STILL love her. Of course.

Also interesting to note is that SS asks about KM and her parents in the present tense, and JC replies speaking of her in the past tense, then catches and corrects himself.
I've seen numerous posts about KM's relationship with her mother being strained or even problematic and the mother being unstable.

That's interesting because of this exchange (radio interview on 700 WLW radio, 8/18/2011):

Scott Sloan: What are the reactions - because they've been rather tight-tipped, her family - how close is she to her mom and/or dad, if either one...?

John Carter: She - she was very close to both of them. Um, she really, like, she really loved her parents very much and, um, they loved her back. I mean, they, they - actually she's adopted, and they had adopted her, and I mean - they, they really loved her. Very mu... er, they STILL love her. Of course.

Also interesting to note is that SS asks about KM and her parents in the present tense, and JC replies speaking of her in the past tense, then catches and corrects himself.

Sounds like he caught himself. That's a first. He has been using past tense all along.
I really wish we could get some new info to work with. Something to tighten up the timeline and maybe clarify some of JCs statements would be great. It just seems like we are adding new questions by the minute but no answers in sight.
I really don't think most LE know how to deal with a missing persons case, beyond the obvious, of doing local searches, checking electronic devices for clues, searching the home and interviewing people close to the victim. And I am not saying I know what they should be doing...but I do think they run into a natural dead end of sorts if none of the above points them in a specific direction (and sometimes, even if a suspect is indicated, there is little they can do about it, a la Drew Peterson.) If a missing person is no longer alive, it almost becomes a matter of luck whether or not they are found.

I guess we probably don't know if and what type of dogs were used from her residence outward, to see where her scent might be picked up?

I would guess LE knows about her cell activity by now as well as her scedule for that Saturday and Sunday, hopefully some of it confirmed by someone other than JC. LE's refusal to talk about LD test results does make me wonder if they have encountered some issues with JC (beyond his inability to answer a question without contradictions.)

They may have arrived at that dreadful point where there is not much they can do other than try to talk to people again, or to more people. Maybe her computer is being analyzed. I wonder if Tim Miller's group would be at all useful in this case; he usually requires at least some sort of a general search area determined by LE as a starting point. But it couldn't hurt to contact him.
It looks like her phone, battery earring and shoe have been found, more to follow...
Wow, some items found? Please keep us posted...

Okay, I saw it on the FB page...no place else as yet. Said to be found in Harbin Park-do we know where that is, from her home?
It looks like her phone, battery earring and shoe have been found, more to follow...

Redgoblin, I think you need to cite a source on this website.

Very interesting.

Has the post you are referencing been removed from that facebook page you are linking? I did a "find" for earring and it's not on that page, as far as I can tell.
ok that is really bizarre considering LE did a ground search and found nothing and now suddenly 3 items found? hmmmmm

Why did they search that park? Is that where she used to hang out?
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