OH OH - Katelyn Markham, 22, Fairfield, 14 August 2011 - #2

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I have finally finished catching up on this thread, and I am usually just a lurker, but I just have to say that this case has really grabbed my attention. I have watched the videos of JC's interviews, and listened to the 911 call, and he seems to have made so many strange comments and so many coincidental little things that just do not add up... but then I look through her artwork and her FB photos, etc. and they seem like a very happy couple and she seems like a very happy person in general. I just do not know what to think.

From my personal experience though, I suffer from anxiety/depression and it is at its worst when I am going through major changes in my life. For example, once I almost got a job in another state and would have to move my family, and I just about had a nervous breakdown even though it would have been a great opportunity (maybe fortunately I did not end up getting the job). Also, the fact that she was set to graduate at the end of summer tells me that she might have been a little behind... maybe she was worried that she would not finish her project/not graduate as planned (yes this has happened to me too) and she may have wanted to run away from the problem. I really hope that she has only run away and is safe somewhere. Sadly I know that this is probably not the case...
I know it takes a while to get organized but I hate that TES isn't starting their search until Thursday, if that is in fact true...I think I read that someplace above.
Talk about going from thinking he's the perp and then thinking he's not.

I think if JC was the guy then what would be the motive especially for a couple who outwardly at least look very much in love. Then I think if KM was playing away and JC found out that would be real motive.

I hope LE is looking at every angle, interviewing potential POI, JMHO.
TES has the best equipment...but they can't find everyone...they did do a search for Lauren Spierer, as well Amy Ahonen in CO. and Paige Johnson in KY, all still missing. Hope if Katelyn is in the area, they can find her.

TES searched for Paige Johnson? When? I knew I heard rumors that they were going to come here but I was not aware they ever did. They were not part of the full scale search at East Fork, I do know that much.

If they didn't, maybe it's time, while they're here in town.
Dave Rader of the Star Search team is helping Miller's team. He said he expects as many as 500 to 600 people to eventually join the search.

Read more: http://www.wlwt.com/news/29029198/detail.html#ixzz1WZicdTvQ
Possibly with Star search team and TES and all the town people, who will probably come out in droves, because TES is there, won't be surprised if they have more than that.

Does TES search for bodies only, or do they search for the living also?
This is my first post, but I have been reading all the post for a couple weeks.

I want to comment on the mother, I think it is more than strange that she
shows no interest in her daughters where a bouts.

So what if they had problems, most families do. But her daughter is missing, and very likely murdered, and she doesn't care?

On the other hand maybe she is so distraught that she can't get out of bed, and is on medication.
In that case she needs to have a family spokesman speak for her.

If I was her PR person I would write a statement something like this:

I want to thank all of you who have been looking for my beloved daughter, thank you for your prayes and your concern, thanks to those who have contributed to the
reward fund.

And please anyone that knows anything, however small please call the hot line

Does TES search for bodies only, or do they search for the living also?

I've seen them searching in mountains or parks for wandering children . . . I think in this case, they're searching for a body. An adult woman wouldn't be wandering around lost in the area they're searching.
I'm still :fence: about JC as well.

On one hand, he says very very many sketchy things and contradicts himself quite a bit.....but on the other, there are quite a few people who freak out when they have to talk to a crowd of much more than 2 people. Having cameras shoved in your face, having the spotlight point blank on you, and having a good part of public suspicion pointed in your direction would only make that worse.

One question I have is what was JC's personality like before they started arguing (if they did)? What was it like when their relationship was totally smooth sailing? What was he like at work?

So on and so forth.

Some people just don't show emotions....for example, I knew one engineer at VT who never showed emotion about anything; you could tell this guy his mother died and he'd stare at you with a blank face and ask you what happened in a totally blank voice.
Okay. I slept late and I'm behind again. You guys need to stop it. LOL

Here's a thought:

Let's say they were in a heated argument between 11pm and 1:00am. Something happens to Katelyn during the argument. JC panics and sends a "picture" of a picture then he turns his phone off. He leaves the townhouse and drives to a friends house and turns his phone back on and receives this picture via his phone. Wouldn't it be critical for LE to drive the distance from the townhouse to the friend's home to see how long it would take to get there? This is all of course based on JC thinking ahead that LE could check to see where a call on his phone would "ping" when he received a text or call.

Would one of you excellent sleuths...and there are so many on this forum, post one of your wonderful detailed outlines of texts, facebook comments that are reportedly coming from Katelyn's phone and computer so we could study this a little more extensively?
Well I must say I had a run in on FB with JC's aunt yesterday and can I just say....well no I can't say what I want to say or I'll get a time out. I don't understand how this family is representing him. I understand "standing by" your family member BUT I don't understand the personal attacks.

I am now up to 10 people who have sent me private messages on FB saying they are afraid to post because of the attacks but pointing out some pretty good stuff, a lot of which we have already pointed out here.

1. The weather
2. I guess people who have had contact with JC in the community prior to this say he's just not motivated, pretty "laid back", the word lazy has been used.
3. I have heard from some local searchers that are VERY reputable that JC goes to the searchers BUT he doesn't search, but his aunt is claiming he has messed up an old injury from all the searching he is doing...again haven't seen it with my own eyes.
I am on the fence also about JC. But... I am wondering about the alleged hidden key out back. It could be very possible that if someone had been watching her for sometime they may have seen someone (KM, JC, the father etc.) take the key or put it back into its hiding space. They could have seen KM & JC arguing at the festival (if that is true), folowed them back to KM's and waited for JC to leave. They could have then used the hidden key and entered the house. The dog MAY not have barked if it was upstairs with KC, is used to hearing normal house sounds from tenants next door, and there was a thunderstorm passing through. (I have 3 large very protective dogs and there are times that people have made it to/ thru the door that the dogs didnt hear them. They bark at everything.) If KC was in her room with the dog it would be very easy for the perp to quickly overtake her with the element of suprise and possible other aids (gun, knife, an ether soaked rag will knock someon out pretty quickly, etc...) without showing signs of a struggle. KM could have tried to reach for the phone or had it already in her hand and it was damaged. Depending on the dog, (each one is different) it may or may not have tried to protect her. Some dogs just cower in fear. The dog could have been shut in the bedroom because thats where it was with KM when the perp entered. It would be easier to just shut the door on the dog than to risk it following and barking or biting.
If the festival was going on people wouldn't really think too much about an odd vehicle parked nearby, especially if it was one they had seen before. It would only take a few minutes and the perp could have had her in a car....

Going back to her Facebook and texting...

(If) JC had hurt KM, on purpose or accidentally, and (if) he did indeed go onto her facebook for X amount of time to cover his tracks....would the speech patterns of her comments be different?

Now, they might very well not be....my bf and I have been dating for about 2.5 years now and he can flawlessly come across as me on Facebook and Skype, but he's a crafty one. Its possible that JC could do the same (especially after dating KM for 6 years), but from what we've heard he's not the brightest guy around.
thanks shouldbeworking

I'm listening to Bill Cunningham talking to Sheriff Jones talking about the death penalty. Is that what you're listening to?
They liked the dog or the dog was making to much ruckus and they wanted out fast and with as little noise as possible following them. A dog barking like crazy in a room would distract from the door the person was being taken out.
On another note not related to your post - just tossing this in the mix.
Also, if a dog is stressed out majorly they often will loose potty training skills in fear and anxiety. (Not all, there is no 100% ever)

Yes, if JC is telling us the truth and is not the one responsible, then it is possible the person was in her apartment the entire time (hidden in closet or in attic) and was just waiting for him to leave. Her and dog fall asleep and he pounces
and again, dog barking distracts from him taking her out back door or front door and any car driving away. Hard to hear anything when you have a dog in full blown owner protect mode, IMHO.

Didn't JC say KM never wore hoop ear-rings?
Here is a pic outside the townhouse with huge hoops.

If that's true (that is, that JC is being honest), then she was up and on the computer at 12:42 am leaving an FB comment, and then presumably sending him her final text, the picture of a picture. Then SHE had to turn off her phone and/or take out the battery (I'm still confused on the tech stuff). Then she had to fall asleep, and then the person had to pounce.

So she'd have to do something unusual for her (turning off her phone) at the same time JC was doing something unusual (burning her papers, in the rain). All on the night she vanished. That would be pretty strange... however, just because something is strange doesn't mean it's impossible.

You quoted the bold part of my post above.
Schoolgirl - First, I should have made my IF REALLY BIG (because it was meant to imply I don't think it is very likely at all)!
Second, I think the 12:42 am FB comment was the day before but showed up on another wonderful sleuths computer as that night because that person is in Australia.
Third: Pic of pic (agree - like who does that anyway! but then again, my personal opinion is she did not, but this post was responding to the hope that JC is telling the truth) Still does not mean she took the pic of the pic - the perp could have done that for timeline or as a hidden message. (Might even explain why JC doesn't want to disclose the stalker - perhaps he is in fear himself???? again, working from *IF* JC is telling 100% truth...and in his anxiety and grief misstating times, etc).
Forth - here is where you really loose me - why would she have to turn the phone off and take the battery out?????? (Unless you are thinking she ran away and wanted it to look like a crime?)
Fifth- You say then she had to fall asleep - not sure that would be necessary either - she could have been in bathroom or just laid down - if an intruder was in the house her being asleep would make it easier maybe, but not be required.
Lastly - you said she would have to do something unusual for her turn off her phone - again, why would she have to be the one to turn off phone and how do we know she didn't do that every night?????? Also, JC burning papers in the rain - unusual - YES, but then again I personally find most of what I have seen about him unusual.

So, I don't get your post - please help! Maybe you misunderstood my hypothetical? ((Or maybe I need more coffee!! LOL))
Okay....this is what I've learned...

Bill Cunningham asked this Sheriff about whether or not JC DID or DID NOT take a LD test. He refuses to comment because the police chief won't comment yet.

BUT....Cunningham states just by the mere fact that since the police dept. is allowing search teams to come in, that's it's probably a definite that she is dead and not living a new life in another state, etc.

Bill Cunningham asked Chief Dickey a few days ago whether or not JC took a lie detector and he refused to answer.

They discussed that due to the fact that the Chief won't comment, this would mean that he failed it or that the test was inconclusive. The fact is if he passed it, the Chief would have SAID that he passed.

Also, Bill Cunningham is going to interview the Chief again in two days on his show.
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