OH - Kathryn, 54, & James Stockdale, 21, shot to death, Stark Co., 15 June 2017

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I had neighbors that were controlling but not that bad. The daughter is friends with my daughter. The oldest boy is ok, I guess. The middle boy has served prison time a couple of times and the girl was into drugs.

They went to regular school but their lives were controlled.

I asked my daughter why she thought the kids turned out so badly. She was about 21. She told me," Mom, you can't raise kids that strictly." That was about 15 years ago. Wise kid
This is so sad and scary. I know some people just like this and I feel so sad for the kids. I really worry about them as they grow up. Not that I think they will become murderers, but so much stifling is just not good for anyone.

Interesting post on the father's FB page from a few months ago about an article regarding screens....

Just so sad all around.
There are some amazing you-tubes of these brothers performing. Some show case Jacob's remarkable talent and charisma as a fiddler and some are just heartbreakingly poignant. ("tall buildings" "get together"). Kid must have just snapped one day when the controlling became too much. Interesting that the mom had a normal childhood that she felt so compelled to re-act against. There must have been such an undercurrent of pent-up angst in these boys.
OMG ..... this is awful. So much is running through my head st the moment, and I am only partway through this manual.

" I like things done my way..... I watch over them to make sure it is done right".

It seems as if they had no control over their own actions nor thoughts.

What happened with the older brothers' chores as they left home? Did the younger two have to take them on as well as their own?

Why kill the younger brother? To "save him" from having to be controlled further? To "protect him" in some way?

I may change my mind as this unfolds further, but at this point my heart aches for this young man. For what he has been through and for what is coming .....

The mother seemed like such an inflexible and dominating presence. Utter, total control. Scary. Let your kids breathe.

There are some amazing you-tubes of these brothers performing. Some show case Jacob's remarkable talent and charisma as a fiddler and some are just heartbreakingly poignant. ("tall buildings" "get together"). Kid must have just snapped one day when the controlling became too much. Interesting that the mom had a normal childhood that she felt so compelled to re-act against. There must have been such an undercurrent of pent-up angst in these boys.

Could you link to the videos?

Its interesting that the family took down their webpage along with that hideous family manual. One has to wonder why? They did it after the murders.
Could you link to the videos?

Its interesting that the family took down their webpage along with that hideous family manual. One has to wonder why? They did it after the murders.

Just type in stockdale family you-tube. I actually am too much of a luddite to know how to do the links. I think all the anger Jacob had was directed at the mom. I think the brother was in the wrong place at the right time sadly. You also have to wonder how a family so intent of keeping the outside world out would be involved in something so exploitive and trashy as Wife Swap????
Just type in stockdale family you-tube. I actually am too much of a luddite to know how to do the links. I think all the anger Jacob had was directed at the mom. I think the brother was in the wrong place at the right time sadly. You also have to wonder how a family so intent of keeping the outside world out would be involved in something so exploitive and trashy as Wife Swap????

They want to show off how great their family is so they can convert others. People like this are narcissists IMO.
Cod Liver oil! That is like eating raw fish, straight from the water and the taste stays in your mouth for hours.


Jacob is currently listed in critical condition.
This family reminds me of the Duggars in that both sets of parents have total control over their children. They both homeschool them, teach them music lessons, assign the children work duties around the house, and the parents chose who the children could mix with.

The big difference, from my viewpoint, is the Duggars are very open with the public on their lifestyle while the Stockdales appear to be more private. Naturally, we only see what the Duggars want us to see!

But, is that really true, with the Stockdales appearing on "Wife Swap"? This program opened their world for all to see and much criticism to follow. Were the Stockdales really in hope that a network would pick them up for a reality show?

Why did they come out of their private little nest to appear on that crazy show knowing that the world they live in was so totally off the norm? And why did they publish that Manual on their website?

Such a horrific sadness brought upon this family by one of their sons.

My opinions only.
That's not a family manual, that's moms manual. It's filled with "I" just about every paragraph. I certainly see teaching your children responsibility but those boys did everything but cook and they were even learning to do that.

Charging them when they were late to the table and not giving them anything else to eat until next meal if they didn't clean their plates?
Shocking. That manual was written 10 years ago, Jacob's 25, his brother was 21. It was high time for mother to let go and stop running their lives, but I'd hazard a guess that wasn't happening.

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I think the manual is what they supplied to the wife swap show because I notice on the left side towards the bottom the manual from the other family from the wife swap episode
There's a very well known large family in the state I live in, Arkansas. This family has their own reality tv show, profess to be ultra-Christian, and home schooled all their children. However, you never know what goes on behind anyone's closed door.

A few years ago it came out that their oldest son had molested his own sister who was about his same at at the time (both early teens) AND four other girls with most of the perverted invasions upon these girls taking place while the girls were asleep. The boy's family and their reputation kept the son from ever facing any charges at the time and now the statute of limitations has run and he can never be charged. The local police and the family's church got involved and the whole thing got swept under the rug.

I have to say for me personally I've always thought something was off. I've lived in Arkansas my whole life, with the exception of about 6 months when I lived in Florida. I lived in Northwest Arkansas for nearly 4 years - the same area of the state this family lives in. Around that time they only had about 9 or 10 kids, but the family was well known in this part of the state (the largest area outside of the greater Little Rock area). They were very astute when it came to publicity for their family even back then - around 8 - 9 years before they ever got the tv show. When the father ran for some local government position around 2000-2001, they very publicly used their children in billboards and ads to get votes.

Like I said, something never seemed right. The image they over sold, even before reality tv came into their lives, was too perfect. I'm sure they're very nice people, but whenever someone goes overboard trying to convince me of anything I immediately become skeptical about why they're trying so hard to convince me. The public perception or image of this family in Ohio bares an uncanny resemblance to the family here in Arkansas.


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This reminds me of David Brom. Although we didn't see inside that family in the same way, there were lots of reports of strict control over the children's lives. It was reported that he murdered his siblings because he didn't want them to have to deal with the aftermath of their parents being murdered. The brunt of the violence was aimed at his father. I was in high school at the time and rode his bus. He always seemed like a sad soul.
Looking a bit more at videos, it seems to me so unusual for someone like him to do this, he's no 16 year old misfit. he's obviously talented, hard-working to be able to get to that level of performance, confident on stage. He's very attractive and would have girls all over him, I wonder if something went very wrong in that department, was she trying to control his choice and relationships with girlfriends...

EDITED to add: or, of course, possibily gay, or something else not acceptable in a perfect family.

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Well, that didn't work out for her so well, did it? There are worse things than 'hanging out', like murdering your mother and brother. I suppose that is ok though, at least they didn't date or hang out.

I think things started going wrong a long time ago.

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