OH - Pike Co - 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered - 4 Wagner Family Members Arrested #87

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IMO, I wondered if he is even capable of telling the (whole) truth.

No. Notice how Jake "the jail preacher" would tell one story on the stand then when asked later he would change his story.

Of course he lied in every Chris Graves' article pre arrest, he even changed his story about when he picked up his daughter. He called the killers monsters. I'm sure he lied along with "mommy dearest" when she told people to call BCI to tell them the Manley's did it for insurance money.

Isn't it interesting that Jake told Angie to buy the shoes and they happened to be the same shoes Leonard M bought in February? Angie bought the shoes in early April.

I believe 100% he lied when he said his reason for confessing came about through prayer when his grandmother said she didn't want to lie anymore because it wasn't the Christian thing to do, she had lied saying she signed the fraudulent custody documents when it was Angie who faked her signature.

No way. Jake Wagner I am totally convinced, confessed for one reason and one reason only:

To save himself. Period.

His trial was closing in on him. In the spring Canepa said he had been working with them for about a month and his trial was scheduled for that summer, 2021.

There was just too much evidence against him. He said he lied to his attorneys that he was not guilty but then because of God and prayer he went and confessed his guilt to his attorneys.

I believe what actually happened is that his death penalty attorneys did the job that death penalty attorneys are paid to do, and that is to keep their clients off of death row at all cost.

I believe his attorneys totally leveled with him about the evidence against him, that the evidence was just too overwhelming against him to overcome. And that his chances of being convicted were extremely likely. Also, that if found guilty of the 8 murders the jury would be likely to sentence him to death row.

His saying he is sorry to the families is because he was caught and cornered like the rat he is. Do you think if he hadn't been arrested that he would have prayed on what to do then had this epiphany from God and then went to LE and confessed? Giving the families closure?

Nope, he even lied on the stand when he said he "had to do it." Yup, he said he "had to do it." He was still justifying the murders in his mind and he would have continued to do so for the rest of his life if he could have gotten away with it.


He was arrested in November 2018 and confessed to prosecutors in spring 2021. Well over 2 years of lying to the Court and the families and the public while sitting in jail thinking about it. He saw the evidence building and building up against him.

His "change of heart" just so happened to coincide before his trial that summer. No coincidence.
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Thank you for this article, now we know 2 questions answered. Will Billy seek a change of venue and will Billy really go to trial?

From article:

“Because of the wide breadth of the media coverage … we believe this county is saturated,” said Mark C. Collins, one of two Columbus attorneys representing the older Wagner. “There’s probably not even a chance to get a fair jury.”

Collins and fellow lawyer Thomas F. Hayes said Wagner III will not seek to settle the state of Ohio’s charges against him, including eight for aggravated murder.

“He said he definitely wants to go to trial,” Collins said. “He is focused and he is going to be an active participant and he will help in his own defense.”

The attorneys declined comment on Wagner IV’s fall trial, in which he earned the rest of his life in prison after a jury found him guilty on all of the charges he faced. But Collins noted that

“Our trial will be different than that” without offering specifics.


You're very welcome. Yep.. IMO, very different. :eek:
You're very welcome. Yep.. IMO, very different. :eek:

Would love to hear your opinion (anyone else have an opinion?) on what you think it could mean about his trial being different. It says he is getting involved with his defense. His attorneys had said in court in 2021 or 2022 that he tells them when he is not happy with his defense. He tells them how he wants it.

I have to wonder if this is a hint that he is contemplating testifying? What an outrageous "trip" that would be. Be very tempting to drive down and get a hotel for that.

I wonder if his mom will testify? I wonder if she is influencing him in some way? Just wondering. Alibi? Back problems so he could never move bodies? Jake made it sound like Billy moved the bodies.

I also wonder if there might be some surprise witness testimony coming down the pike. Maybe he will accuse other people of involvement, although his wife and son confessed.

Jake testified he suffered 2 head injuries and was throwing up - which is a sign of a concussion - but his dad refused him medical treatment. Maybe having a head injury causing mental problems will be used against Jake's testimony and of course a defense could be that Jake and Angie have beefs with Billy so they are lying about him and setting him up as mastermind.

Who knows? Could just be smoke and mirrors his attorney is blowing just to raise doubt because let's face it - there is no defense when co-defendants turn State's evidence against you, you really can't win.

George's attorneys put it in a Motion that Jake was "dropped on his head" also suffered mental problems and was a chronic liar.

“You lied to everybody until you got your plea bargain, isn’t that true?” Parker asked.

“Yes.” Jake Wagner replied.

In addition to attacking his credibility, Parker zeroed in on the Jake Wagner’s memory, which Jake Wagner at one point described as a jigsaw puzzle. “Sometimes I remember things that didn’t happen that way,” he said.

“How long have you had this problem?” Parker asked when Jake Wagner said he sometimes has trouble remembering things.

“A long time,” Jake Wagner replied.

“Do you get confused sometimes?” Parker asked.

“Yes.” Jake Wagner answered.

Prior to that back and forth, Jake Wagner had described to the jury the at least two times he had been hit in the head as a child. He said he was so hurt the second time that he vomited if he tried to walk.

His father didn’t believe in going to the doctor, Jake Wagner explained during his testimony. George “Billy” Wagner III would stitch his kids up himself if they got hurt.
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No. Notice how Jake "the jail preacher" would tell one story on the stand then when asked later he would change his story.

Of course he lied in every Chris Graves' article pre arrest, he even changed his story about when he picked up his daughter. He called the killers monsters. I'm sure he lied along with "mommy dearest" when she told people to call BCI to tell them the Manley's did it for insurance money.

Isn't it interesting that Jake told Angie to buy the shoes and they happened to be the same shoes Leonard M bought in February? Angie bought the shoes in early April.

I believe 100% he lied when he said his reason for confessing came about through prayer when his grandmother said she didn't want to lie anymore because it wasn't the Christian thing to do, she had lied saying she signed the fraudulent custody documents when it was Angie who faked her signature.

No way. Jake Wagner I am totally convinced, confessed for one reason and one reason only:

To save himself. Period.

His trial was closing in on him. In the spring Canepa said he had been working with them for about a month and his trial was scheduled for that summer, 2021.

There was just too much evidence against him. He said he lied to his attorneys that he was not guilty but then because of God and prayer he went and confessed his guilt to his attorneys.

I believe what actually happened is that his death penalty attorneys did the job that death penalty attorneys are paid to do, and that is to keep their clients off of death row at all cost.

I believe his attorneys totally leveled with him about the evidence against him, that the evidence was just too overwhelming against him to overcome. And that his chances of being convicted were extremely likely. Also, that if found guilty of the 8 murders the jury would be likely to sentence him to death row.

His saying he is sorry to the families is because he was caught and cornered like the rat he is. Do you think if he hadn't been arrested that he would have prayed on what to do then had this epiphany from God and then went to LE and confessed? Giving the families closure?

Nope, he even lied on the stand when he said he "had to do it." Yup, he said he "had to do it." He was still justifying the murders in his mind and he would have continued to do so for the rest of his life if he could have gotten away with it.


He was arrested in November 2018 and confessed to prosecutors in spring 2021. Well over 2 years of lying to the Court and the families and the public while sitting in jail thinking about it. He saw the evidence building and building up against him.

His "change of heart" just so happened to coincide before his trial that summer. No coincidence.
Excellent detailed explanation, CC. Appreciate it. I’ve always been curious about the Walmart shoes as I know they were same make as what LM had and figured there’s reason for purchasing similar model. MOO
Excellent detailed explanation, CC. Appreciate it. I’ve always been curious about the Walmart shoes as I know they were same make as what LM had and figured there’s reason for purchasing similar model. MOO

Yes, one has to wonder if the Wagners deliberately bought shoes Leonard wore then in some way tried to draw LE's attention to them.

LM bought his shoes in February and Angela bought her shoes in April. Enough time for the Wagners to see LM's shoes.

The Wagners accused the Manley's of the murders to get insurance money.

How ironic. It is the Wagners who committed multiple arsons on their Bethel Hill Rd property to reap insurance claim payouts.

Turns out LM had thrown out his shoes and BCI retrieved them from the trash. His shoes were size 10, the crime scene shoes were sizes 10.5 and 11. Also, the tread on LM's shoes was worn but the crime scene shoe prints showed the tread was in new condition, not worn.
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Yes, one has to wonder if the Wagners deliberately bought shoes Leonard wore then in some way tried to draw LE's attention to them.

LM bought his shoes in February and Angela bought her shoes in April. Enough time for the Wagners to see LM's shoes.

The Wagners accused the Manley's of the murders to get insurance money.

How ironic. It is the Wagners who committed multiple arsons on their Bethel Hill Rd property to reap insurance claim payouts.

Turns out LM had thrown out his shoes and BCI retrieved them from the trash. His shoes were size 10, the crime scene shoes were sizes 10.5 and 11. Also, the tread on LM's shoes was worn but the crime scene shoe prints showed the tread was in new condition, not worn.
I would be thrilled to hear G3 testify. I think he'll do as G4, and probably take the stand. I do believe it will be a much different trial, b/c of G3 being more of an accomplished criminal and thinking he knows the system, and the ins and outs. G3 probably feels he is smarter than LE, and his lawyers. That quote from his lawyers; "He tells us when he's unhappy". That part makes me chuckle. It's like how you might describe babysitting Baby Hughie. :rolleyes:

JW knew the Rs/HHG inside and out. He'd been in every home except, maybe, KR's (I can't remember if he was there at some time or not), but I think KR was on G3's list, either way.

JW had a beef, my own theory, with HHG b/c of her brother and HMR. He saw they'd never be on his side yet they had lobbied for HHG's brother to see K... (based on the FB argument, that occurred hours after K was born). He had a beef with DR, and HMR. The others were collateral to him to justify an end.

G3 knew that if he didn't take out the R men, they'd come after him and his family. He was p*$$ed anyway, so he's on board. This would have put him in a good place too, in his mind (my theory). Possibly make an upward move, combined with fear of retribution from the R men.

JW, AW, started the ball rolling, in my theories, and G3, hopped aboard their train of thought. Those three were the driving forces.

I do not really think that G4, would have been a part of the murders, had his family not "voted". G4 may have gone on to be one of those azzjack, kinda guys, who we never hear about, other than running his loud mouth nearby, otherwise. He seemed to use legal recourse, to his benefit, rather than murder. He sided with them though, even though he had the most to lose, and he lost it all. Just look at the fallout he put upon his own son. (His parents, for all their love, and concern, for "the children", never even considered G4's child, nor their own sons, or so it appears.). I'm no helicopter parent, but not taking your child for medical assistance after an evident head injury, is beyond any belief about medical care, it's borderline abuse. (JM2)

I'd not be surprised if they did call G3's mother to the stand. He doesn't care about her. He didn't care about his dad, his niece, or his siblings. Who gives their niece a "murder truck"?! He nor AW cared about their OWN sons. They could have been killed too. AW sits her @ss at home, no harm will come to her, (maybe she took another couple selfies for FB), but she sure assists with the planning.

G3 has shown he's not above threatening others (The brandishing a firearm incident, to name one.). AW handing it to him, at that.

I feel sorry for G4 and JW, as children, being raised by AW and G3. I always wonder what folks like them could have been, had their parents gave a damn.

Yes, it will be different this time, I'm sure. They will have to prove their case against him just as they did G4. G4's part in this was completely different than what I see G3's to have been. G3 may not be the brightest bulb, but he's criminally savvy as far as what I've seen from the history of this case. I don't care where they hold the trial, as long as it is a fair trial, and one he can't overturn on appeal if/when convicted. I'll be watching, for sure, and in juror mode, as I did last time. I hope the state is ready.

Apologies for the long rant/post. G3s and AWs are like the Lady Gaga song, in my belief, Baby, they were born this way.
Would love to hear your opinion (anyone else have an opinion?) on what you think it could mean about his trial being different. It says he is getting involved with his defense. His attorneys had said in court in 2021 or 2022 that he tells them when he is not happy with his defense. He tells them how he wants it.

I have to wonder if this is a hint that he is contemplating testifying? What an outrageous "trip" that would be. Be very tempting to drive down and get a hotel for that.

I wonder if his mom will testify? I wonder if she is influencing him in some way? Just wondering. Alibi? Back problems so he could never move bodies? Jake made it sound like Billy moved the bodies.

I also wonder if there might be some surprise witness testimony coming down the pike. Maybe he will accuse other people of involvement, although his wife and son confessed.

Jake testified he suffered 2 head injuries and was throwing up - which is a sign of a concussion - but his dad refused him medical treatment. Maybe having a head injury causing mental problems will be used against Jake's testimony and of course a defense could be that Jake and Angie have beefs with Billy so they are lying about him and setting him up as mastermind.

Who knows? Could just be smoke and mirrors his attorney is blowing just to raise doubt because let's face it - there is no defense when co-defendants turn State's evidence against you, you really can't win.

George's attorneys put it in a Motion that Jake was "dropped on his head" also suffered mental problems and was a chronic liar.

“You lied to everybody until you got your plea bargain, isn’t that true?” Parker asked.

“Yes.” Jake Wagner replied.

In addition to attacking his credibility, Parker zeroed in on the Jake Wagner’s memory, which Jake Wagner at one point described as a jigsaw puzzle. “Sometimes I remember things that didn’t happen that way,” he said.

“How long have you had this problem?” Parker asked when Jake Wagner said he sometimes has trouble remembering things.

“A long time,” Jake Wagner replied.

“Do you get confused sometimes?” Parker asked.

“Yes.” Jake Wagner answered.

Prior to that back and forth, Jake Wagner had described to the jury the at least two times he had been hit in the head as a child. He said he was so hurt the second time that he vomited if he tried to walk.

His father didn’t believe in going to the doctor, Jake Wagner explained during his testimony. George “Billy” Wagner III would stitch his kids up himself if they got hur
How will it be different.....I think Billy's attorney is going to make a hard push to get the change of venue. I think his attorney's realize that the murders were just too horrendous. I think they have to play a different defense card then George's attorney's played. Obviously, since George was convicted that is not the blueprint Billy's team would want to follow. Just to be clear I think Billy is guilty, but I think his defense is going to do everything they can to distance Billy from the other 3....He did not live at the same address, he was not with them when they bought the shoes at wal mart, etc, etc. They are going to have trouble with the Guns and the murder truck tracing back to Billy. I also wonder if there was any other evidence against Billy that did not come out in George's trial. This will be interesting, but yes, I believe he is guilty with everything I saw so far.
How will it be different.....I think Billy's attorney is going to make a hard push to get the change of venue. I think his attorney's realize that the murders were just too horrendous. I think they have to play a different defense card then George's attorney's played. Obviously, since George was convicted that is not the blueprint Billy's team would want to follow. Just to be clear I think Billy is guilty, but I think his defense is going to do everything they can to distance Billy from the other 3....He did not live at the same address, he was not with them when they bought the shoes at wal mart, etc, etc. They are going to have trouble with the Guns and the murder truck tracing back to Billy. I also wonder if there was any other evidence against Billy that did not come out in George's trial. This will be interesting, but yes, I believe he is guilty with everything I saw so far.

Not to be flip or disrespectful of the victims in any manner but I don't think the best of the best defense team could ever come anywhere close to saving Billy Wagner at trial as he seems to me to be his own worst enemy.

I dunno -- maybe it's his body language or his talking over the Judge when simply responding "No," but I can't shake this image of BW kicking his own lawyers under the table. JMO.

Wagner III spoke just three words – “yeah," "yes" and "no” – responding to Judge Randy Deering’s questions on whether he was satisfied with his defense team or had questions.

Billy Wagner, 51, back in court for pre-trial hearing in Pike County massacre case​

Not to be flip or disrespectful of the victims in any manner but I don't think the best of the best defense team could ever come anywhere close to saving Billy Wagner at trial as he seems to me to be his own worst enemy.

I dunno -- maybe it's his body language or his talking over the Judge when simply responding "No," but I can't shake this image of BW kicking his own lawyers under the table. JMO.

Wagner III spoke just three words – “yeah," "yes" and "no” – responding to Judge Randy Deering’s questions on whether he was satisfied with his defense team or had questions.

Billy Wagner, 51, back in court for pre-trial hearing in Pike County massacre case​

Yes. If you hear the BCI recording of Billy in the parking lot, Billy is his own worst enemy. Thankfully he is not very bright and did not pull anything past BCI and that lead all 4 murderers to being caught.
Not to be flip or disrespectful of the victims in any manner but I don't think the best of the best defense team could ever come anywhere close to saving Billy Wagner at trial as he seems to me to be his own worst enemy.

I dunno -- maybe it's his body language or his talking over the Judge when simply responding "No," but I can't shake this image of BW kicking his own lawyers under the table. JMO.

Wagner III spoke just three words – “yeah," "yes" and "no” – responding to Judge Randy Deering’s questions on whether he was satisfied with his defense team or had questions.

Billy Wagner, 51, back in court for pre-trial hearing in Pike County massacre case​

The lawyers have to sound confident. They can't do otherwise. They have a big problem for a client. He's unlikable. He's loud. He's obnoxious. He's rude. Zero respect for the authority of the court. How does he think the jurors are going to perceive him if he doesn't do a complete 360 or at least a 180? At the very least, the other three managed to be courteous to the court. SMH.

I would be thrilled to hear G3 testify. I think he'll do as G4, and probably take the stand. I do believe it will be a much different trial, b/c of G3 being more of an accomplished criminal and thinking he knows the system, and the ins and outs. G3 probably feels he is smarter than LE, and his lawyers. That quote from his lawyers; "He tells us when he's unhappy". That part makes me chuckle. It's like how you might describe babysitting Baby Hughie. :rolleyes:

JW knew the Rs/HHG inside and out. He'd been in every home except, maybe, KR's (I can't remember if he was there at some time or not), but I think KR was on G3's list, either way.

JW had a beef, my own theory, with HHG b/c of her brother and HMR. He saw they'd never be on his side yet they had lobbied for HHG's brother to see K... (based on the FB argument, that occurred hours after K was born). He had a beef with DR, and HMR. The others were collateral to him to justify an end.

G3 knew that if he didn't take out the R men, they'd come after him and his family. He was p*$$ed anyway, so he's on board. This would have put him in a good place too, in his mind (my theory). Possibly make an upward move, combined with fear of retribution from the R men.

JW, AW, started the ball rolling, in my theories, and G3, hopped aboard their train of thought. Those three were the driving forces.

I do not really think that G4, would have been a part of the murders, had his family not "voted". G4 may have gone on to be one of those azzjack, kinda guys, who we never hear about, other than running his loud mouth nearby, otherwise. He seemed to use legal recourse, to his benefit, rather than murder. He sided with them though, even though he had the most to lose, and he lost it all. Just look at the fallout he put upon his own son. (His parents, for all their love, and concern, for "the children", never even considered G4's child, nor their own sons, or so it appears.). I'm no helicopter parent, but not taking your child for medical assistance after an evident head injury, is beyond any belief about medical care, it's borderline abuse. (JM2)

I'd not be surprised if they did call G3's mother to the stand. He doesn't care about her. He didn't care about his dad, his niece, or his siblings. Who gives their niece a "murder truck"?! He nor AW cared about their OWN sons. They could have been killed too. AW sits her @ss at home, no harm will come to her, (maybe she took another couple selfies for FB), but she sure assists with the planning.

G3 has shown he's not above threatening others (The brandishing a firearm incident, to name one.). AW handing it to him, at that.

I feel sorry for G4 and JW, as children, being raised by AW and G3. I always wonder what folks like them could have been, had their parents gave a damn.

Yes, it will be different this time, I'm sure. They will have to prove their case against him just as they did G4. G4's part in this was completely different than what I see G3's to have been. G3 may not be the brightest bulb, but he's criminally savvy as far as what I've seen from the history of this case. I don't care where they hold the trial, as long as it is a fair trial, and one he can't overturn on appeal if/when convicted. I'll be watching, for sure, and in juror mode, as I did last time. I hope the state is ready.

Apologies for the long rant/post. G3s and AWs are like the Lady Gaga song, in my belief, Baby, they were born this way.

Nice post, don't apologize, all kinds of interesting points you make.

I think you are on to something about Billy's motives. Something is fishy about his motives.

Angela was quoted as saying "why so many?" when they got home and told her 8 were killed. According to Jake, Billy had excuses as to why he wanted multiple people killed, not just Hanna. His excuses were that the Rhodens would know it was them then come to kill them and anyone left alive is a witness.

No, I think he was afraid the Rhodens would tell LE about the custody battle and reveal their negative behavior towards Hanna in detail including any incriminating Facebook messages and texts -
they stole what Rhoden phones they could. Not realistic the Rhodens would risk getting arrested for murder when LE would be doing an intensive investigation.

And a sleeping person can't be a witness. Killers target individuals or an individual couple and leave the others alone, rarely killing the entire family. Not necessary, others sleeping in the house don't see the killers. Usually when an entire family is killed it is by an individual in that family not by an outsider.

But more than that, maybe Billy had ulterior motives to get rid of Chris Sr. and Kenny and some of the others, as you point out, for some gain to himself.

Maybe Billy manipulated his family into killing the entire family.....

because he benefited from it personally. Also, as you mentioned, he could have had anger towards them, been revenge minded towards them and not about custody.

He was awfully quick to justify killing an entire family, very quick to jump to that without discussion like it was no big deal. Something is "off" about this. Ulterior motives and planned out in his mind. Scary actually.
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Not to be flip or disrespectful of the victims in any manner but I don't think the best of the best defense team could ever come anywhere close to saving Billy Wagner at trial as he seems to me to be his own worst enemy.

I dunno -- maybe it's his body language or his talking over the Judge when simply responding "No," but I can't shake this image of BW kicking his own lawyers under the table. JMO.

Wagner III spoke just three words – “yeah," "yes" and "no” – responding to Judge Randy Deering’s questions on whether he was satisfied with his defense team or had questions.

Billy Wagner, 51, back in court for pre-trial hearing in Pike County massacre case​

Billy's attorneys still have to motion - direct him - to stand up in court. And they used to whisper to him to say " your honor" but it is very interesting that it seems they gave up on that, on reminding him to say "your honor."
To me, it tells me they are tired of him.

His attorney said they gave him his options and he chose trial. That also indicates to me they are tired of him.

The attorney did not say they believe Billy is innocent and are looking forward to their day in court, they simply gave him his options which means they don't care if he picks the option to plead guilty. Here Billy, pick what you want, have it your way.
I thought the custody at first was tied to the public argument on FB between HMR and K's father over him not getting to be a part of her life.

I thought the road rage was either where CR2 was slapped or where the cars came down the Rhoden's road and were met with force.

The Derby car incident. They went onto another man's property and beat up him and his kid after a slur was made at a race.

I had a lot of theories at first.
I thought the custody case was the ex boyfriend Jake. Besides his smirk gave him away. He would have did himself a favor staying away from reporters.

Billy's attorneys still have to motion - direct him - to stand up in court. And they used to whisper to him to say " your honor" but it is very interesting that it seems they gave up on that, on reminding him to say "your honor."
To me, it tells me they are tired of him.

His attorney said they gave him his options and he chose trial. That also indicates to me they are tired of him.

The attorney did not say they believe Billy is innocent and are looking forward to their day in court, they simply gave him his options which means they don't care if he picks the option to plead guilty. Here Billy, pick what you want, have it your way.

I agree 100%. They will do their due diligence, as all defense attorneys should, but ultimately, he's the client. They don't even have to like him. I truly hope the next judge will choose to allow G3's trial to be covered a bit more leniently. Not to diss our former judge, I really liked him, and I just saw a clip of another case I'm following, where the press was restricted to doing artist sketches and note-taking. G4's trial was Judge Deering's last one, and I felt he was trying to leave no room for error for a successful appeal, on a case that he sat over.
I thought the custody case was the ex boyfriend Jake. Besides his smirk gave him away. He would have did himself a favor staying away from reporters.


I'd read through the FB postings within a day or so after the murders,(I knew they'd lock them down soon), so when LM listed off a custody thing, as one of the possibilities, that was the only one I'd seen. I couldn't see CG murdering his sister or anyone for that matter, but stranger things have happened.
It took investigators longer than usual to analyze Billy's phone, Forney said, because the number he was using to communicate with law enforcement and others was registered to a "Denisse Carter," rather than Billy himself. That name was also associated with one of the phone numbers regularly used by Chris Sr., Forney said.

Beginning in January 2016, Forney tracked the cell towers Billy's phone regularly pinged from — usually cell towers near the Flying W Farm, where he was living, though for a time in February he appeared to have been traveling throughout the Midwest. Billy often worked as a long-haul truck driver, so travel was not unusual.

Except when he drove for work, Forney said Billy's phone typically pinged from one of two cell towers near Flying W Farm during his final communications of each day and his first communications each morning — indicating that was where his phone likely was each night. However, from April 21 through the end of that month, Billy's phone pinged each night and morning on a cell tower near the Wagner home on Peterson Road.

On April 21, 2016, the day before the murders happened, Billy exchanged several calls with Jake and George, Forney said. During those calls, Billy's phone pinged on cell towers near the Flying W Farm. At 5:55 p.m. that day, Billy called Chris Sr. and spoke to him for just under a minute and a half; Billy's phone was at Flying W during that call, Forney said. Then, at 8:51 p.m. that evening, Billy called Chris Sr. again; Billy's phone was at the Wagner home on Peterson Road at that point.

Between 10:22 p.m. and 10:55 p.m. that night, Chris Sr. called Billy's phone four times, each time going to voicemail, Forney said; Billy's phone was on Peterson Road. Prosecutors said during opening statements that Billy set up a meeting with Chris Sr. to discuss an upcoming drug deal as a ruse to murder him that night. Prosecution also claims Billy asked Chris Sr. to call his phone that night as a way to lure him to the porch, while Jake and George hid outside with a high-powered rifle, ready to fire.

How will it be different.....I think Billy's attorney is going to make a hard push to get the change of venue. I think his attorney's realize that the murders were just too horrendous. I think they have to play a different defense card then George's attorney's played. Obviously, since George was convicted that is not the blueprint Billy's team would want to follow. Just to be clear I think Billy is guilty, but I think his defense is going to do everything they can to distance Billy from the other 3....He did not live at the same address, he was not with them when they bought the shoes at wal mart, etc, etc. They are going to have trouble with the Guns and the murder truck tracing back to Billy. I also wonder if there was any other evidence against Billy that did not come out in George's trial. This will be interesting, but yes, I believe he is guilty with everything I saw so far.

I agree with all of this. Billy's attorneys are going to play a different strategy, trying to distance him from the others. I also agree its possible the state has additional evidence and witnesses to testify against Billy, possibly relating to his (hard) drug trafficking and other criminal activities. I think Billy traveled in a different circle and possibly has former associates willing to testify against him.

JMO, when things escalated to the point he and Chris Sr made threats to expose each other's drug activities, Billy became very motivated to kill the family. Something also happened re the $40K Billy claims Chris Sr was "holding" for him. Might have been bad blood from Billy ripping off Chris. Billy had a lot more to lose than Chris, as we now know he was involved in trafficking hard drugs (meth? opioids?) as well as major theft (stealing trailers full of merchandise, etc.)

For similar reasons, GW4 became motivated to kill the Rhodens, fearing Chris exposing the Wags criminal activities would cause them to permanently lose custody of the kids.

Billy's attorneys will have to try to distance him from the rest of the Wags, but they can't claim he wasn't part of the plot. The digital evidence is already there. He helped plan it and helped cover it up. He was at the crime scenes. He had lots of motive, though not related to custody.
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