OH Pike Co., 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue, 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #55

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Are you guessing the four Wagners have made plea agreements? Or stating this as fact? You post sounds confusing to some of us.


I said both OPINION ONLY and MY GUESS. Here is the context:

Betty P

Newcomb's trial or whatever legal resolution will come last. Judge Deering said that during her last hearing when she agreed to cooperate with the prosecution.

It's standard procedure for defendants who make a plea deal to fulfill their agreement to testify and provide information in the trials of the other defendants prior to having charges against them dropped or reduced. If, for any reason, RN's trial or plea deal is scheduled for resolution prior to the completion of the trials of the 4 Wags, that's a very big red flag.

That info is per our fellow WS member and verified attorney, Prairie Wind, who has no connection to this case and doesn't even live in Ohio.


What do think the red flag means Betty P?

Cool Cats

Rita getting sentenced before the Wagner 4 trials means there will be no trials. Why? Because of Wagner-4 plea agreements. Red flag means bad for the Wagners because plea agreements mean some guilty pleas. Opinion only.
My guess
on what the "red flag" means.


Thank you CC.
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I said both OPINION ONLY and MY GUESS. Here is the context:

Betty P

Newcomb's trial or whatever legal resolution will come last. Judge Deering said that during her last hearing when she agreed to cooperate with the prosecution.

It's standard procedure for defendants who make a plea deal to fulfill their agreement to testify and provide information in the trials of the other defendants prior to having charges against them dropped or reduced. If, for any reason, RN's trial or plea deal is scheduled for resolution prior to the completion of the trials of the 4 Wags, that's a very big red flag.

That info is per our fellow WS member and verified attorney, Prairie Wind, who has no connection to this case and doesn't even live in Ohio.


What do think the red flag means Betty P?

Cool Cats

Rita getting sentenced before the Wagner 4 trials means there will be no trials. Why? Because of Wagner-4 plea agreements. Red flag means bad for the Wagners because plea agreements mean some guilty pleas. Opinion only.
My guess
on what the "red flag" means.


Thank you CC.

CC, can you please explain more? I'm just not getting this. RN has already accepted a plea deal and now has to make good on it. Her "Sentencing" is the delayed part, IIRC. I don't really expect RN to spill much, that is just my opinion. I think the whole plea deal was a joke to buy herself time. I didn't buy her crying act either. I still do not trust any of them. And I will never believe any of the 4 have taken plea deals until I see it in court. JMO
There has been no evidence presented that any defendants, except Rita Newcomb, have even come close to a plea deal, lest we forget that proof is required, not merely opinions, which should be stated as such. Come on people, question ALL things.
CC, can you please explain more? I'm just not getting this. RN has already accepted a plea deal and now has to make good on it. Her "Sentencing" is the delayed part, IIRC. I don't really expect RN to spill much, that is just my opinion. I think the whole plea deal was a joke to buy herself time. I didn't buy her crying act either. I still do not trust any of them. And I will never believe any of the 4 have taken plea deals until I see it in court. JMO
My post was just speculation/opinion and instead of more speculation/opinion
I think the best thing to do at this point is to see what was said at Rita' s plea hearing.

Quotes from the hearing but not as accurate as a transcriptionist.

Your honor at this time she has acknowledged to us that she was not the individual who signed the (3) documents (Canepa then sites the handwriting experts). So Miss Newcomb did meet with us and provided us the information that in fact it was not her, that she had been asked to say it was her by her daughter (Angela) who feared that to tell otherwise would put her (Angela) in jeopardy as a result of the investigation that the BCI and Pike County were conducting into her family. Your honor that is the basis in reduction of the charges today.

At the end of the hearing Canepa said:

"She (Rita) did acknowledge that she did initially lie under oath to the GJ and that's the basis for the Obstruction of Justice."

Judge Deering:
The prosecution has indicated if you enter a plea of guilty to this amended charge in exchange for other cooperation with the State, the State will make certain recommendations. There is no agreement as to the penalty but they will make recommendations as to dismissal of counts 1,2,3 and 5 and will also have an opportunity to argue at the sentencing hearing what penalty the court should impose for the 2nd Degree Misdemeanor you plead guilty to, your attorney will also have the opportunity to make argument.

Deering made it clear that the court could impose a different sentence.

Rita pleads guilty.

The court will accept your plea Miss Newcomb to the amended Count 4 - plea of guilty to Obstructing Official Business Misdemeanor 2nd Degree...The court will find that you are guilty of that offense. Now it's the court's understanding that both State and Defense have agreed to not proceed with the sentencing hearing today, not peruse a sentencing hearing today to defer sentencing is that correct?

Canepa/Defense Attorney:
That is correct your honor.

Bond is discussed. She will remain on bond and continue to report to her community control officer but Canepa released her from house arrest and the ankle monitor. She was told not to have any contact with the victims or any of the defendants. Gerlach - her attorney - asked if that includes Fred because her charges were dropped, and Deering said yes it does include Fred. Gerlach also asks for the recordings from the GJ even though he acknowledges that he has the transcripts.
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There has been no evidence presented that any defendants, except Rita Newcomb, have even come close to a plea deal, lest we forget that proof is required, not merely opinions, which should be stated as such. Come on people, question ALL things.
Right. There is no sign of plea deals being brokered by the defendants' attorneys. Only Rita has taken a plea so far. I look forward to the 4 trials unless we hear different.

Question all things you say - well yes to that!
Okay people, these trials are about to start in 20 days or so. Are you ready? A whole lot of evidence is about to come out. Bruce Russell Dailey is where Rita Newcomb bailed out and pleaded. My opinion? Her daughter told her to do anything to stop the gigantic truths into him and Jake. Rita honored her daughter's wishes. All just my opinion. Follow the research, people. It's all there. Guns -- realtor E. Montgomery and Dailey Guns
Okay people, these trials are about to start in 20 days or so. Are you ready? A whole lot of evidence is about to come out. Bruce Russell Dailey is where Rita Newcomb bailed out and pleaded. My opinion? Her daughter told her to do anything to stop the gigantic truths into him and Jake. Rita honored her daughter's wishes. All just my opinion. Follow the research, people. It's all there. Guns -- realtor E. Montgomery and Dailey Guns

Which one of the W4 or W/6 trials are starting in 20 days?

I don't recognize any of these names. I'm still trying to catch up!

What do E. Montgomery and B R Dailey have to do with the Rhoden murders?
Which one of the W4 or W/6 trials are starting in 20 days?

I don't recognize any of these names. I'm still trying to catch up!

What do E. Montgomery and B R Dailey have to do with the Rhoden murders?
One of RN's Motions to Continue. Look to the third page for BRD info as to how he's involved.
Motion to Continue (Rita Jo Newcomb)
One of RN's Motions to Continue. Look to the third page for BRD info as to how he's involved.
Motion to Continue (Rita Jo Newcomb)
RN has no future trial date. The motion you are linking to is dated 11/14/2019 referring to her last scheduled trial date of 11/18/2019. The link will only let me see the 1st page of the document. Please fill me in on the information on page 3.

That trial was cancelled when she agreed to a plea deal. If she she keeps her part of the plea deal and testifies at the W4's trial, she will be sentenced after the W4's trial are over.

You seem to be referring to BRD (Bruce Russell Dailey?) on the third page of RN's court document. How is he directly related to the Rhoden murder trials?

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RN has no future trial date. The motion you are linking to is dated 11/14/2019 referring to her last scheduled trial date of 11/18/2019. The link will only let me see the 1st page of the document. Please fill me in on the information on page 3.

That trial was cancelled when she agreed to a plea deal. If she she keeps her part of the plea deal and testifies at the W4's trial, she will be sentenced after the W4's trial are over.

You seem to be referring to BRD (Bruce Russell Dailey?) on the third page of RN's court document. How is he directly related to the Rhoden murder trials?


Bruce Daily represented Jake in his custody battle with HR. The custody battle is at the center of the charges against the Wagners.

Page 3 - Bruce Daily references:

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I don't believe AC wanted to resign, for political or other reasons. I believe she was asked to, for some stupid or political reasons. Just think about it. She was in on the investigations from Day 1 (preparing her for trials). She lived these murders every day of her life. Then Anthony Pierson is introduced. After all AC has accomplished, including and especially Rita N's confession and promises. AC was in a position of a lifetime, to be a major part in trying these trials. Nothing would have awarded her career more than this. So I do not think she was happy to have been replaced by Anthony Duane Pierson. Look up his tried cases, and then look up hers. Hers far outweigh his. However, his include two in 2016, the year the Rhodens were murdered. Google is our friend, just saying.

Maybe she did not want to be tied to this case for another year or more. Maybe she got an offer she couldn’t refuse. I doubt she felt winning this case would seal her legacy. She already has a reputation as a good attorney. She may have had threats.
She may just be ready to retire. I know a few people that retired at that age.
I apologize if I've asked this previously. Does anyone have thoughts on the manner of spying and who they were spying on after the murders? I'm interested to learn more about their motivations and what they hoped to gain from the continued spying, and, of course, how they did it. I was thinking most evidence would have been locked up, but maybe not. TIA for ideas or input.

I would think her phone, text messages, email, and social media were the things monitored.
CC, can you please explain more? I'm just not getting this. RN has already accepted a plea deal and now has to make good on it. Her "Sentencing" is the delayed part, IIRC. I don't really expect RN to spill much, that is just my opinion. I think the whole plea deal was a joke to buy herself time. I didn't buy her crying act either. I still do not trust any of them. And I will never believe any of the 4 have taken plea deals until I see it in court. JMO

The trial of RN would be last because they will determine her sentence based on how much she helps in the other four cases. If her trial is first and she gets a lenient sentence and then her testimony is of no use, they can’t go back and change her sentence...MOO.
There has been no evidence presented that any defendants, except Rita Newcomb, have even come close to a plea deal, lest we forget that proof is required, not merely opinions, which should be stated as such. Come on people, question ALL things.

Correct. Nothing to see that any plea bargain may be in the works for the W4. But, we also have no idea what is going on behind the scene. Anything could happen. My opinion only...
Okay people, these trials are about to start in 20 days or so. Are you ready? A whole lot of evidence is about to come out. Bruce Russell Dailey is where Rita Newcomb bailed out and pleaded. My opinion? Her daughter told her to do anything to stop the gigantic truths into him and Jake. Rita honored her daughter's wishes. All just my opinion. Follow the research, people. It's all there. Guns -- realtor E. Montgomery and Dailey Guns

I'm sorry. P Montgomery.
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