OH - Pike Co - 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue - 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #72

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IMO The shoe print found in FR’s kitchen was not the same as the one found at CRsr’s . Did BCI say anything more about the print from Frankie’s?
He testified to taking several shoe print impressions from the kitchen floor after fingerprint dust revealed them, but none were not relevant to the murders, nor was there any blood present in the kitchen.

He testified to taking several shoe print impressions from the kitchen floor after fingerprint dust revealed them, but none were not relevant to the murders, nor was there any blood present in the kitchen.

Thank you.

Your right, could be mud/dirt etc...not blood.

I always thought the footprint at Dana's was Jake's. Again, if the prosecution can prove that George was at Dana's, like the Jury believes Jake and the shoe print expert for example, then this is HUGE.

George being at 2 crime scenes (at least) while he is watching (if not shooting) his brother and dad kill people then he is just as guilty. In fact, it shows a picture of him being a look out and assisting with the cover ups, like moving the bodies. Like keeping Chris Jr. in his room, watching him.

I hope the prosecution has all the evidence they need to convince the jury of everything they are saying in their opening statement. Some criticized Canepa in her opening statement, some in how she handled photos, although she wasn't the one putting then up....

But this is to be expected. The prosecution always gets some criticism, some talking head always thinks they know best. Especially in huge trials like this. What matters are the judge's rulings on the matter and of course how the jury puts the evidence together to bring their verdict.

And of course the defense asks for mistrials. Normal according to a top reporter.

By crossing all their T's and dotting all their I's the defense is actually helping George to never get an appeal. He is getting the best DP defense he can get so I see no appeal chances.

Eventually, he won't be able to keep appealing unless he were to get the DP.

Shoe print could be JW's, and we don't know when it was made or if it's blood, who's blood is it..

Thinking she said GW4 stood outside door and that's proven by the shoe. "...and we know that by the shoe print outside the door."

?? So, they want to impeach the shoe evidence because that puts him inside DR's at CRjr's room. ??
Just the trailers, excerpts. I don't think I could watch the whole thing.

  • In evidence “Boondock Saints” video clip
Canepa said George and Jake both dyed their hair darker the week prior to the homicides, and that they were inspired by a scene from the movie “Boondock Saints 2.” Jake, she said, wore his hair like the actor Norman Reedus, who appears in the Boondock Saints movies as well as the TV show “The Walking Dead.” Jake fancied himself like Reedus, Canepa told the jury.

Pike County murders: Movie’s use of gun …
  • The film is about two brothers in Boston who who take on a deadly form of vigilante justice by murdering mobsters and other criminals. The killers in the movie use silencers on their guns, the same killing style that members of the Wagner family are accused of using to execute the Rhodens.
When Canepa mentioned the Boondock Saints movie in her closing argument She put it as 2 brothers going out at night killing people using silencers. The prosecution plans to use a clip from the movie.
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Do you remember how a certain person on another site kept putting the Rhoden women down and those people kept blaming the Manley family for the murders, I really hope this information comes out if that was the Wagners doing that? JMO

Imagine their panic and shock when darts (theories) came close to the bullseye. If we could look back it would be easy to see.

suppressors? Oh no, the shots would still be heard, would be so loud in those trailers. James Bond didn't do this, it was MS13..on and on.
Canepa said there are wiretap recordings catching George speaking to Jake about them being in trouble, and that Jake should have smashed his laptop and thrown away his phone.

It won't be hard for the State to prove that George was going along with his family's Murder Conspiracy. They have 8,000 recordings of interest. Remember these few quotes from George?

Incriminating statements:

1.) If they have the gun they have the silencer.
2.) I told you to get rid of your phone.
3.) We have a family emergency.
4.) Don't come down here we have company.
5.) Jake's always getting us in trouble over some woman.
6.) I want to bash Scheiderer's face in.
7.) Make Reader pay make DeWine pay - violent tendencies Scheiderer said.
8.) We're being bugged don't say anything till we get home.
9.) I bought a night scope.
10.) I bought a Captain America mask.
11.) Making fun of Jake's religion many times = they don't celebrate Halloween so what was the mask for?
12.) Those not arrested will break the others out of jail.
13.) We will take revenge against anyone who goes against us.

Canepa said in her closing argument at the Bond Hearing that George's buying a night scope made it convenient to shoot people in bed in the middle of the night.

Canepa & Scheiderer at George's Bond Hearing
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Legal Experts:

In GW4s case, does he have to be found guilty of all charges to be sentenced or can he be guilty of most and still receive a sentence commensurate with the guilty verdict on those charges?
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for 9/21 Wed.

Evan Millward
Fire drill @wcpo
- will get back to live tweeting shortly!

BCI special agent Todd Fortner is back on the stand - Richard Nash is doing his cross-examination.

Nash is asking Fortner about this path that links 4199 Union Hill Rd (Chris Sr's property) to 4077 Union Hill Rd (Frankie's property).

And asking about this photo of the open back window - with the AC unit that had grass on it.

back window 1 & 2

Nash is asking about the room with the open window.

Nothing knocked over, Fortner didn't see anything on the carpet (like grass or dirt).

The room with the open window is down this hallway off the living room - to the left based on a map shown in court.


No shoe prints found by the trailer's back door, according to Fortner.

Here is a picture of the kitchen, with the back door in the middle of the screen. Nash notes the black bag in front of it.


Nash asks if Fortner ever shared the FARO scan of Scene 2 with anyone other than those involved in the investigation - he shakes his head and says "Oh no."

On to Andy Wilson for re-direct.

On re-direct, prosecutor Wilson asks Fortner if walking through wet grass could wipe away evidence on bottom of shoes. Fortner says yes.

Also clarity on his position of someone entering back window. Fortner says not likely but a smaller more agile person could

Short re-cross on Fortner.

State recalls Dr. Karen Looman, from the Hamilton County coroner's office. She performed all 8 autopsies in 2016.

link: https://twitter.com/evanmillward
for Wed. 9/21

Evan Millward
PIKE COUNTY TRIAL: Dr. Looman will testify now about the autopsies of Hannah Hazel Gilley and Frankie Rhoden.

They got to Hamilton Co. early on Sat 4/23/2016. She autopsied Hannah that day, did Frankie the next day Sun 4/24/2016

Autopsy + toxicology +opinion for Hannah Gilley is a 9 page document.

Special prosecutor Angela Canepa also hands Dr. Looman the chain of custody report for her body & the diagrams she made.


Report shows Hannah Gilley's body was placed in the cooler in Hamilton Co at 6:07 a.m.

Dr. Looman describes a photo of Hannah - says she is wearing a maternity bra and the front is open.

Dr. Looman says Hannah Hazel only had head injuries.

Dr. Looman says Hannah Hazel was shot five times - including in her left eye.

Says x-rays show 4-5 bullets still in her skull plus fragments.

Dr. Looman says one gunshot went directly into her eye - she thinks her eyelids were mostly closed.

Says she can't tell in autopsy whether Hannah Hazel was awake or asleep at the time she was shot.

Dr. Looman says the shot to the left eye would have immediately made Hannah Hazel unconscious because of the damage it would do to the brain.

What Dr. Looman calls wounds 3 and 4 were so close together she says she couldn't tell which damage, path or bullet belonged to which.

Dr. Looman says the bullets used to shoot Hannah Hazel were smaller and missing copper jackets - different from the ones she pulled from Chris Sr and Gary (she testified about them yesterday).

Tells jury she questioned whether they were plain .22 caliber ammo

Had to jump off to anchor.

Here's a wrap from today - and on "Scene 2" with Frankie and Hannah Hazel - from @FeliciaDawn906

link: link: https://twitter.com/evanmillward
Thursday, Sept. 22nd:
*Trial continues (Day 9) (@ 9am ET) - OH - Pike County 8 people dead: Christopher Rhoden, Sr. (40), his ex-wife, Dana Manley Rhoden (37), their three children, Clarence "Frankie" Rhoden (20), Christopher Jr. (16), Hanna Mae (19); Frankie's fiancée, Hannah Hazel Gilley (20), Christopher Rhoden Sr.'s brother, Kenneth Rhoden (44), & a cousin, Gary Rhoden (37). Hanna Rhoden's baby girl (5 days old), another baby (6 mos.) & a young child (3) were unharmed. (April 21-22, 2016, Pebbles) – for *George Washington Wagner IV (27/now 30) (Jakes’ bro) indicted (11/12/18), arrested (11/13/18), charged (11/15/18) & arraigned (11/28/18) with 8 counts aggravated murder, (plus gun specifications on each), 1 count of 1st degree conspiracy, 4 counts of 1st degree aggravated burglary, 1 count of 5th degree unlawful possession of dangerous ordnance, 3 counts of 3rd degree evidence tampering, 1 count of 5th degree forgery, 1 count of 5th degree unauthorized use of computer or telecommunications, 1 count of 4th degree interception of wire, oral or electronic communication, 1 count of 5th degree obstructing justice, & 1 count of 1st degree engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity. Plead not guilty. Held without bond. DA will seek the DP. Per Jake’s plea agreement, DP is off the table if his testimony is truthful.
Trial began on 8/29/22 with final jury selection & the jury was seated on 8/30/22. 12 Jurors & 6 alternates. Jury: (9 women & 3 men) & 6 alternates: (5 women & 1 man).
Trial began with opening statements began on Monday, 9/12/22. (Trial is scheduled for 30 days).

Crime info & court hearings from 11/28/18 thru 9/6/22 & Trial Day 1-7 (9/12 to 9/20/22) post #654 here:
[URL unfurl="false"]https://www.web...bers-wagner-family-arrested-72.637048/page-33

9/21/22 Wednesday, Trial Day 8: State witnesses: BCI Agent Todd Fortner discussed crime scene at Frankie's, recalled to stand.
For more info see posts #670, 672, 673, 676 & 677 here:
For more info see posts #685 & 694 here:
For more info see posts #852 here:
Dr. Looman, forensic pathologist Chief Deputy Coroner.
For more info see posts #853 here:
Trial continues on 9/22/22.
Watching the testimony about FR house, im surprised about the number of brass recovered. So much for the brass catcher.

Now, once ballistics does their magic and confirm the brass from the murder scene, and Peterson road, matches recovered weapon....it is all over but criminals weeping.
IMO and if considered off topic Im very sorry

The defense cannot defend the indefensible. If they wanna character assassinate the hard working LE people and victim blame, i cannot and will not accept that as the norm. It isnt ok!!!

They have a crap sandwich. Deal with it professionally
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