OH Pike County: 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested#43

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Yes. Why specify "John Doe" and not just blend this person into "any unknown" or just omit? There must be a reason.

I tend to think this John Doe is more than "someone present" and who overheard something. It sounds like a 5th person is known to have contributed enough to be named in the indictments but somehow he/she managed to remain anonymous.

Btw. The CI who said the Ws planned revenge against officials is not necessarily John Doe or the same who tipped on the well. These could be 1, 2 or 3 different persons / CI.

This is my guess.

Just to keep things from wandering off track, it was not a CI that was mentioned. It was a reliable confidential source mentioned. It is possible that it was a CI, but we do not know that yet. It may seem to be a negligible thing but it may become a big difference when we do find out...
We built a home on acreage in Ohio although a different county. We put in a well and never had to have the site approved or documented.

Pike county may be different. I do know for a fact that in some counties in Ohio the well location has to be approved by the health department because there is a certain distance that the well has to be from the septic tank...
There was probably a verbal visit/custody arrangement in place such as Jake and Hanna had. Whatever the visitation was, she wanted to change it.

Wonder why she needed to go to court as opposed to working it out with GW4? Jake wasn't happy with shared custody, he wanted full, maybe George was acting like DeWine said----obsession with control of children.

I take the "control of children" to be a figure of speech as in they are the type of family that, in general, are controlling of any and all children and grandchildren they have, how many doesn't matter.

I have wondered if HR was wanting support to be established. That would likely have been a financial burden on JW if he had quit his trucking job and was just working part time different places. That could have been a "rage" factor...
I have wondered if HR was wanting support to be established. That would likely have been a financial burden on JW if he had quit his trucking job and was just working part time different places. That could have been a "rage" factor...

Has it ever been discussed why the Wagner boys ended up selling their property? Has anyone looked into it? Thanks in advance.
Pike county may be different. I do know for a fact that in some counties in Ohio the well location has to be approved by the health department because there is a certain distance that the well has to be from the septic tank...

We had the well put in first, then the company that installed our septic tank measured the distance from the well for the septic.

I am sure that counties have different requirements. For example, in the county where I lived there were no mobile homes allowed after 1985. The existing mobile homes were “grandfathered” so that they could remain. The residents weren’t even allowed to replace their pre-1985 mobile home with a brand new mobile home.

Other counties, like Pike, obviously allow mobile homes.
I have wondered if HR was wanting support to be established. That would likely have been a financial burden on JW if he had quit his trucking job and was just working part time different places. That could have been a "rage" factor...

Yes money can get people in a rage. Another thing is if Chris Sr. threatened to press rape charges against Jake in the heat of the moment. Chris was beaten when that wasn't nessessary. Seems just shooting him wasn't enough, it's a vengeful rage against him....2 Cents.....
Yes money can get people in a rage. Another thing is if Chris Sr. threatened to press rape charges against Jake in the heat of the moment. Chris was beaten when that wasn't nessessary. Seems just shooting him wasn't enough, it's a vengeful rage against him....2 Cents.....

I'm not convinced he was beaten from what I have seen. Some have even said tortured. Yes there was bruising but he was shot nine times. I can imagine he looked like he had the hell beat out of him. I can't see them taking the time to beat or torture anyone unless the timeline of when this all took place is way different that what we have been told. If he was killed much earlier, and the autopsy said he had more decomposition, then maybe he was beaten. I can't see beating on someone if you are trying to kill 8 people at four locations in a minimum amount of time to not get caught doing it...
I'm not convinced he was beaten from what I have seen. Some have even said tortured. Yes there was bruising but he was shot nine times. I can imagine he looked like he had the hell beat out of him. I can't see them taking the time to beat or torture anyone unless the timeline of when this all took place is way different that what we have been told. If he was killed much earlier, and the autopsy said he had more decomposition, then maybe he was beaten. I can't see beating on someone if you are trying to kill 8 people at four locations in a minimum amount of time to not get caught doing it...
Same but I cant see them killing people to begin with, so taking extra time to beat up the victims is not out of the realm of possibilities
Just to keep things from wandering off track, it was not a CI that was mentioned. It was a reliable confidential source mentioned. It is possible that it was a CI, but we do not know that yet. It may seem to be a negligible thing but it may become a big difference when we do find out...
I agree. Could be wiretap
I'm not convinced he was beaten from what I have seen. Some have even said tortured. Yes there was bruising but he was shot nine times. I can imagine he looked like he had the hell beat out of him. I can't see them taking the time to beat or torture anyone unless the timeline of when this all took place is way different that what we have been told. If he was killed much earlier, and the autopsy said he had more decomposition, then maybe he was beaten. I can't see beating on someone if you are trying to kill 8 people at four locations in a minimum amount of time to not get caught doing it...

I like this post because it's thinking outside the box. We just assume because BJM said he looked beaten, that that is what occured.

But in one interview she said she "pulled the cover up" and saw Chris---so really the only part of his body she saw (not covered with a blanket/sheet or clothes) was probably his face and maybe an arm.

Now he was shot once in the forearm, once in the torso and once in the cheek but nothing else was reported. He was shot 9 times so it SEEMS like he took several shots to the head. Yes this could account for him looking beaten up---especially because she likely only saw his face.

Another thing that's important to remember about BJM's account is that she DIDN'T KNOW he had been shot. She didn't see any shell casings. She just sees all these facial injuries and all the blood and the thing that comes to mind is he was beat not shot.

If she was involved I think she would have said "My brother-in-law has been shot"......instead of beaten.
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I had followed this story all day long on the news when it had occurred. They kept announcing “seven family members found murdered....”

Hours later, when they announced an 8th family member had been found murdered, I had thought it was possible that someone had heard the news about 7 family members and then taken the opportunity to murder and rob the 8th family member, especially because the location was a few miles distance from the other 7.

When the news came out about the pot plants found, and the $1000 in cash spread around KR’s body, I thought the likelihood that a different, opportunistic individual with the motive of robbery decided to kill KR. Especially someone who was aquainted with him might know or suspect he kept cash and/or pot in his trailer.

Just my own thoughts and opinion, from the first few days.

Can you imagine when the charges were read the Ws would have said “We DID NOT kill KR! Honest!”

Moo, moo, just speculation.
I had followed this story all day long on the news when it had occurred. They kept announcing “seven family members found murdered....”

Hours later, when they announced an 8th family member had been found murdered, I had thought it was possible that someone had heard the news about 7 family members and then taken the opportunity to murder and rob the 8th family member, especially because the location was a few miles distance from the other 7.

When the news came out about the pot plants found, and the $1000 in cash spread around KR’s body, I thought the likelihood that a different, opportunistic individual with the motive of robbery decided to kill KR. Especially someone who was aquainted with him might know or suspect he kept cash and/or pot in his trailer.

Just my own thoughts and opinion, from the first few days.

Can you imagine when the charges were read the Ws would have said “We DID NOT kill KR! Honest!”

Moo, moo, just speculation.

I believe Kenny was shot with the others but it would be interesting if the caliber bullet used on him was different than the rest.

That to me would seem like more deliberate planning to make Kenny look like he owed drug money to someone. (Money on him from knees down.)
I believe Kenny was shot with the others but it would be interesting if the caliber bullet used on him was different than the rest.

That to me would seem like more deliberate planning to make Kenny look like he owed drug money to someone. (Money on him from knees down.)

Right, that is where my thinking goes now.

I speculate on which W killed which victim(s) and hopefully we will hear some day.
Right, that is where my thinking goes now.

I speculate on which W killed which victim(s) and hopefully we will hear some day.

Right, all we can do is speculate. My guess is that Angela did not participate and that George 3 was the one who shot Chris Sr.

Also, a mystery has been cleared up for me about Chris Sr. I had wondered why he was covered and it would be because he was shot earlier than the others. (If that is what the autopsy means by more decomposed than the others.)...2 Cents...
Right, all we can do is speculate. My guess is that Angela did not participate and that George 3 was the one who shot Chris Sr.

Also, a mystery has been cleared up for me about Chris Sr. I had wondered why he was covered and it would be because he was shot earlier than the others. (If that is what the autopsy means by more decomposed than the others.)...2 Cents...
IMO they were all killed within an hour of each other .. gotta think this was executed fast
I would love to hear your opinions on the autopsies. There was so much redacted that it's hard to get much info. Of course, that's the point. Any info to help me understand the part that isn't redacted would be so very appreciated!

In looking through all the autopsy reports, the unredacted portions are pretty routine phrases. My years of experience have mostly been inpatient/outpatient reports that are medical/surgical. I have typed a couple autopsies, though.

I can tell by reading from one individual's report to the next that there are a lot of "canned" phrases used. This means there are predetermined "normal" phrases that are automatically included in all autopsy reports for this particular examiner, and then the examiner will just need to dictate changes which pertain to each individual.

For example, under the heading of "external examination, general" in each of the eight autopsies the first sentence is pretty much the same except for information specific to the deceased person. The "canned" text is "The body is that of a normally developed, well-nourished, ___ who is ___pounds, ___ inches in height, and appears appropriate for the stated age." Based on my experience, in my opinion, the examiner probably dictates something like this, "Under external exam, general, insert normal for adult male, 222 pounds, 71 inches." The transcriptionist then inserts the phrase into the text and puts the right info in the blanks.

Using "normals" like this really saves dictators a ton of time, plus keeps them from having to constantly repeat the same phrases over and over again multiple times a day for every patient they see. Many physicians/nurses do this type of dictation, especially medical examiners. It is common for them to have "normal" phrases that are inserted under each heading in the report, and then they only have to dictate the deviations from the "normal" text.

This is JMO based on my work experience.
In looking at the autopsies, IMO, some of the things that are redacted seem pretty routine. I understand why the toxicology reports are blacked out and the exact locations and descriptions of the bullet wounds, etc., but why redact the location of a mole or an old scar? I'm curious whether the same person did all the redactions or if more than one person did them.

The one thing that I did find interesting is on page 18/66--page 7 of CRsr's individual autopsy--under "vertebrae" it says "There is a fracture..." and the rest is redacted. It doesn't says "old fracture" or "healed fracture", so I'm not sure if it is a new fracture or an old one. If it is a new fracture, I'd like to know which part of the spinal column it is in (neck, upper back, lower back) and whether it is the result of a bullet hitting the vertebra or from some other means of trauma. If it was a new fracture not caused by a bullet, it could be an indication that he was indeed "beaten" during the course of the murder. Of course, there's no way to know until/if the unredacted autopsies are ever released to the general public.

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