OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #12

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Just a small point of contention maybe, but you said.

I just don't think your statement is entirely correct in saying that no family members know what this crime scene looked liked. They may not know a great deal about what it looks like, but they did see it, and I'm sure they know what they saw.

Not sure who is the "they" that you are referring to? The family has stated that JM was the one who entered DR's house and that he saw a leg, or legs, heard the baby cry and then exited the house and deputies were flagged. JM saw enough enough to know this was another crime scene, but I've not seen anything that suggests that he went any further into the home than what has been stated by the family, and I've not seen anything that suggests that anyone else in the family ever entered DR's home.

If you know of anything that points to the contrary of this, I'd be interested.
I've been lurking and following this thread since #1 and diligently reading but I've never posted before so please bear with me. First of all, I've seen some very good questions that I too would like answered and some very plausible theories about what could've happened. I would like to say I have formulated my own theory but there are just too many missing puzzle pieces for me to say with confidence what I believe could have happened.

In light of the recently posted article written by Chris Graves about BJM's account of what happened, I actually find myself with even MORE questions than before. It may that I've just been thinking way too hard about this case over the past couple of weeks but I find it very odd that we've heard no confirmed mention of two other adults being with BJM until this article. Why would that not have been brought up before if there was nothing to it? Why not report that BJM and two other individuals were present upon the discovery of the bodies? I would have at least thought LM would've said it, since he was a well of information (however accurate/inaccurate he was) in his interviews at first. One could speculate he didn't know, but he knew enough about what BJM saw that I would think he would know that his daughter wasn't alone.

I don't know what relevance it has; maybe none at all. I just think it's weird. I also wonder how DR/BJM's brother knew to go to DR's unless BJM called him at some point between finding the four and police arriving and told him to check on her. I may have missed that explanation. It's just not all adding up, IMO.

I don't believe that BJM murdered her family and ex-in-laws. I do think the recounts of what happened that we have seen from family members are just different enough that it warrants wonder. I think that it's very likely she and DS know more than they've let on, and maybe LE knows what that is and is keeping it tightly locked from the public.

All of this is just MOO. Anyway, I hope to sleuth more about this with you all as things keep popping up.

Welcome to Websleuths?

bbm, Thinking back to LM saying that BJ and five others were woke at 3:41 am for more conversation, and now hearing that two (2) others were with her/. I wonder who the other three were that were hauled in that nite/morning.

The last time, investigators came and woke up her and five other people at 3:41 a.m. Sunday, she said.

I was leaning toward a family member being involved but now im thinking that this was done by some one that's done this before or by ex or crooked LE.

Three weeks & no arrests. The investigators had to have really looked at every relative & they most likely would have outed themselves by now.

Who ever did this was smart & really covered their tracks. There's just too much that can go wrong for the shooter(s) entering 4 residences at night with multiple people sleeping inside. Even the chance of everyone being deep asleep is small. I don't see any way a tweaker or mad relative pulled this off. It was done by expert(s) in my opinion.

Read earlier in the thread about the spent casings from the gun(s). It wouldnt have took long at all to pick them up & i would think most murderers would.

It seems like the Rhodens were into so many ventures & squabbles with others in the county that someone they havent publically fought with could do this & only get caught if they tell someone or brag. I don't see that happening.

Probably the same killer(s) that are responsible for the other unsolved murders in that area of Ohio.
I find it very odd that we've heard no confirmed mention of two other adults being with BJM until this article. Why would that not have been brought up before if there was nothing to it? Why not report that BJM and two other individuals were present upon the discovery of the bodies?
I've not seen it reported anywhere that these other 2 people were actually "in the house" with her when she discovered the bodies. Still not a reason to have not heard about them though.

I don't know what relevance it has; maybe none at all. I just think it's weird. I also wonder how DR/BJM's brother knew to go to DR's unless BJM called him at some point between finding the four and police arriving and told him to check on her.
I don't know if it's been "confirmed" or not, but I think it's pretty much accepted that BJM called her Dad at some point. Word spreads quick, and I'm sure someone wanted to let DR know her Ex had been murdered, and also let the kids know their Dad had been murdered.

I don't believe that BJM murdered her family and ex-in-laws. I do think the recounts of what happened that we have seen from family members are just different enough that it warrants wonder. I think that it's very likely she and DS know more than they've let on, and maybe LE knows what that is and is keeping it tightly locked from the public.
I really don't find it odd. Tell a couple of people something, then they tell someone something, and then others read accounts in the paper, etc....then ask all of them what happened and they'll all tell something different. Ever play the game in school where you tell the first kid something, and by the time it gets to the last kid it's totally different?
He was convicted for 5 counts of sexual battery. Doesn't that suggest multiple victims? IDK.

The mugshot I saw of him said the charge was gross sexual imposition. Was he charged for this type of thing more than once?

I am about to leave for an appointment, and I will look at the ORC when I get back, but I'm fairly sure that gross sexual imposition has to do with a minor.
I was leaning toward a family member being involved but now im thinking that this was done by some one that's done this before or by ex or crooked LE.

Three weeks & no arrests. The investigators had to have really looked at every relative & they most likely would have outed themselves by now.

Who ever did this was smart & really covered their tracks. There's just too much that can go wrong for the shooter(s) entering 4 residences at night with multiple people sleeping inside. Even the chance of everyone being deep asleep is small. I don't see any way a tweaker or mad relative pulled this off. It was done by expert(s) in my opinion.

Read earlier in the thread about the spent casings from the gun(s). It wouldnt have took long at all to pick them up & i would think most murderers would.

It seems like the Rhodens were into so many ventures & squabbles with others in the county that someone they havent publically fought with could do this & only get caught if they tell someone or brag. I don't see that happening.

Probably the same killer(s) that are responsible for the other unsolved murders in that area of Ohio.

revolver or revolvers would make cases clean up quick
I was leaning toward a family member being involved but now im thinking that this was done by some one that's done this before or by ex or crooked LE.

Three weeks & no arrests. The investigators had to have really looked at every relative & they most likely would have outed themselves by now.

Who ever did this was smart & really covered their tracks. There's just too much that can go wrong for the shooter(s) entering 4 residences at night with multiple people sleeping inside. Even the chance of everyone being deep asleep is small. I don't see any way a tweaker or mad relative pulled this off. It was done by expert(s) in my opinion.

Read earlier in the thread about the spent casings from the gun(s). It wouldnt have took long at all to pick them up & i would think most murderers would.

It seems like the Rhodens were into so many ventures & squabbles with others in the county that someone they havent publically fought with could do this & only get caught if they tell someone or brag. I don't see that happening.

Probably the same killer(s) that are responsible for the other unsolved murders in that area of Ohio.

More then once I have thought back to when manson would test followers by sending them into homes and rearrange furniture while the occupants slept. Some folks are very stealthy.
Not sure who is the "they" that you are referring to? The family has stated that JM was the one who entered DR's house and that he saw a leg, or legs, heard the baby cry and then exited the house and deputies were flagged. JM saw enough enough to know this was another crime scene, but I've not seen anything that suggests that he went any further into the home than what has been stated by the family, and I've not seen anything that suggests that anyone else in the family ever entered DR's home.

If you know of anything that points to the contrary of this, I'd be interested.
Molly, I think we're just trying to split hairs here. I've seen reports that say James Manley entered the home and found his sister. My point is that no matter how little he saw, he still saw the crime scene. Your point was that NO ONE had seen it other than the perps and LE. I think we've beat the horse enough.

You can have the last word if you feel the need.
This is a news article so I think I can post it here.

It's about Websleuths and IMO a good article.
http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2016/05/12/pike-county-other-investigations/84238026/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thank you MeeMaw12.

Hanna Sparling did a fantastic job. Everything she wrote is exactly what I said but the newspaper didn't print everything I said.

I talked about the wonderful volunteer mods we have at Websleuths. Without our mod team Websleuths would not stand out of the pack and more than likely,
wouldn't be here at all.

The mods give us so much of their time without expecting anything in return.

My heartfelt thanks to every mod. We wouldn't be here without you.

I'm so confused. Please answer, Ann99.

Sorry, I went grocery shopping.
That address came up when I was doing a lot of surfing and reading
I wrote it down.
GR listed it as an address and KR too.
Has it been discussed at all?
Welcome to Websleuths?

bbm, Thinking back to LM saying that BJ and five others were woke at 3:41 am for more conversation, and now hearing that two (2) others were with her/. I wonder who the other three were that were hauled in that nite/morning.

The last time, investigators came and woke up her and five other people at 3:41 a.m. Sunday, she said.


I thought the total number for the 3:41 am thing was five? Time for me to relisten to that roadside interview. Again. Lol. Glad I bookmarked that puppy.

I suspect the identity of who was with her may be part of the reason for the weird 3:41 am thing. Just a hunch.

And why do we know the 3:41 am time so specifically? That in itself strikes me as odd.

I suspected she wasn't alone from the very first time I listened to the 911 call when it was released. Gut reaction to what I was hearing.

I have a theory that investigators may have suspicion about one or both of the people with BJM. Especially if one or both have any previous violent criminal history in Pike County and/or elsewhere.

I think LM knows the identity of the two people, but for whatever reason(s), he managed not to even reveal their existence in a public interview.

I think it's possible that one of the people with her might have called LM or JM. At any rate, investigators should be able to determine who called who and when by phone records.

Maybe something to the identity of those two people; maybe not.

But the secrecy and hedging sure has me wondering.
I've been lurking and following this thread since #1 and diligently reading but I've never posted before so please bear with me. First of all, I've seen some very good questions that I too would like answered and some very plausible theories about what could've happened. I would like to say I have formulated my own theory but there are just too many missing puzzle pieces for me to say with confidence what I believe could have happened.

In light of the recently posted article written by Chris Graves about BJM's account of what happened, I actually find myself with even MORE questions than before. It may that I've just been thinking way too hard about this case over the past couple of weeks but I find it very odd that we've heard no confirmed mention of two other adults being with BJM until this article. Why would that not have been brought up before if there was nothing to it? Why not report that BJM and two other individuals were present upon the discovery of the bodies? I would have at least thought LM would've said it, since he was a well of information (however accurate/inaccurate he was) in his interviews at first. One could speculate he didn't know, but he knew enough about what BJM saw that I would think he would know that his daughter wasn't alone.

I don't know what relevance it has; maybe none at all. I just think it's weird. I also wonder how DR/BJM's brother knew to go to DR's unless BJM called him at some point between finding the four and police arriving and told him to check on her. I may have missed that explanation. It's just not all adding up, IMO.

I don't believe that BJM murdered her family and ex-in-laws. I do think the recounts of what happened that we have seen from family members are just different enough that it warrants wonder. I think that it's very likely she and DS know more than they've let on, and maybe LE knows what that is and is keeping it tightly locked from the public.

All of this is just MOO. Anyway, I hope to sleuth more about this with you all as things keep popping up.

I think that one answer lies in the absolute dearth of any official information coming from authorities.

Days ago the 911 calls were released--and we have chewed over them many times over. But beyond that we have just a couple of family interviews: Leonard, who is entertaining but doesn't appear wholly trustworthy (throwing out the threat against the Sheriff, for instance). Then there was the elder Rhoden (forget his name--another Kenneth?), who primarily addressed his grief, etc. We got a bit more information from and interview with DS. And nothing until this latest with Bobby. So--how would we really know anything about actual events of that morning?

IOW--I don't know that there's any particular motive for secrecy about who was at any of the sites, with whom and in what order. I think it's more that LE has opted to play this very close to the vest, and the family, understandably distracted by their own grief, has simply had little inclination to put information out there.

In my own sort of poking around into background (as reported in the news), it's no secret that Pike County has been involved not only in marijuana as a cash crop for some time, but like many rural counties in Ohio has been beset with heavy addiction problems--opiods, meth and lately heroin and fentanyl. And there have been ongoing busts around and about (looks like about a third to a half of population listed in the Pike County jail are their for use/production/sales of various chemical substances). Which leads me to believe that LE is viewing these particular deaths within a much broader context of things they were probably aware of and following--even though without sufficient connective tissue yet to be able to move forward with arrests.

So--while I tend to agree that many people know more than has been made public--enough things have fairly rational explanations that I cannot arrive yet at any conclusions about who is playing on what team, or even what the game is.
Sorry, I went grocery shopping.
That address came up when I was doing a lot of surfing and reading
I wrote it down.
GR listed it as an address and KR too.
Has it been discussed at all.
Thanks. Someone answered. I think it may have been discussed many threads ago. I don't find it relevant. JMO.
More then once I
have thought back to when manson would test followers by sending them into homes and rearrange furniture while the occupants slept. Some folks are very stealthy.

True, but weren't those crimes committed in nice big homes? A trailer that's old & especially one with all the past leaks like the one covered in tarps would have all kinds of noises as someone walked in there.

Earlier there was mention of the yellow old house to the left of the big shop. That has a lot of junk piled up in front of & on the porch so i doubt it was used for anything but storage.

I really wonder if they were burying anything on the property? Like cars. They had a backhoe with at least one extra bucket there. Guess they could have used it to move cars around or maybe to move motors/transmissions. This is the strangest case!
Sorry, I went grocery shopping.
That address came up when I was doing a lot of surfing and reading
I wrote it down.
GR listed it as an address and KR too.
Has it been discussed at all?

On this map, starting with LMs place from the left, the DRs, then CR1s and FRs, we have KRs place at the bottom right of the four, and 70 Millers Lane at the top right. They all lived i the same area, Ohio-wise. Not unusal, I guess.

Clarence Rhoden's prison admission date was 4/7/1998 for sexual battery, just over 18 years ago. I don't know the age of his victim or when exactly the crime was committed, but that might give someone a motive to wipe out the entire family ... a revenge killing long in the making? Not sure if this theory brought up in any of the hundreds (thousands?) of prior forum posts?

I find that very interesting.
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