OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #14

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Been catching up and I must say that it is amazing that there really are a lot of different possibilities in this case.

Anything seems possible and so many theories that seem plausible. Listing some theories I have seen recently
-some sort of drug deal gone horribly wrong
-a business deal gone horribly wrong
-a simple local dispute with social media threats thrown in and person goes bizerk on a killing spree
-a major local dispute
-some sort of past love rekindling gone bad
-car theft ring gone wrong
-gang involvement
-mafia involvement

The list goes on and on. Its just incredible

The one thing I wanted to add about the MJ Trays. That to me sounds like a large tray that was maybe used to dry out MJ plants. Common sense and TV shows have shown that when harvesting MJ plants you have to dry out the leaves and buds so that the MJ is smokable. So the trays could have been used for drying out the MJ.

So if a tray of MJ was found in a garage of one of the places then I think it means it was harvest time for at least one of the batches.
So maybe there was some kind of dispute or maybe an actual deal was going down for purchase of a large quantity. If the buyers came prepared to buy at a certain price or maybe prepared not to pay at all then maybe some sort of drug deal went bad. The killers may have felt they needed to kill others related to the initial killing so that they would eliminate any possible way someone could ID them. Seeing their vehicle pull up by others is enough to make the killers want to kill anyone living in a nearby home or may have known about the deal that was happening.

Normally it would not be harvest time for outdoor plants but indoor operation could easily have been harvest time. The fact that money was alleged to be thrown on one of the bodies is another hint pointing to some sort of drug deal gone bad. Maybe that was the original price the person agreed to and was mad that the price was raised after they drove a very long ways to pick up a large quantity for said price.

Anyway not much different than some of the other theories and just found it interesting that an MJ Tray was mentioned in a post awhile ago because that confirms for me that MJ was being dried out or layed out for further processing. Like put in an oven for quicker drying or something like that.
I too too have thought many times this was of relation the original story has been open in my browser for weeks I didn't want to forget his story. I think considering the location of both and the timing it is Erie to me for some reason.
Me too. Especially after seeing this pic. For some reason I was thinking he was an elderly man.
Just from what I saw in the pic... the motorcycle, the weed leaf on the shirt, rebel flag. I know a lot of these things are common for a ton of people in this area. Aside from that I don't have any background info to any connections. Just strange he went missing around the same time...

That's really just normal country life.. Plenty of people have those interests in those areas and all over.. My neighbor is the same way, and I doubt he has a connection to the Rhoden's JMO. Plenty of people smoke/grow weed ride motorcycles and like rebel flags. Doesn't mean any of them could be connected. I think it's just a pure coincidence when he went missing, along with all other crimes that occurred that day. JMO.
Yes, I know this. What I am asking is about some saying her story is conflicted "about being alone". I don't see where there is a conflict if she was never asked or said she was alone. Or did she? Story one, then story two. For me, I think she may have had suppressed memories that are surfacing with time. Hopefully I am right in my thought process, as I am not in the BJM is involved camp.

I'm not in the BJM did it camp either, but, there was both a large group of family, and LE, that eventually saw her there that day w/the two people (I'm fairly certain they didn't just up and leave her there with two babies and four dead bodies). It sounds to some like she says "we" when she made the 911 call. Then she gives the April 25th interview and there's no mention of a "we". Also, LM makes it appear, by accident, or deliberate omission, that there was no one with her when he gave one of his first statements. Finally we have the interview that she says, yes, there were two people with her, and quote, "Manley said she thinks one of the people in her car may have followed her into one of the trailers, but she's not sure which one or what they saw." I have a problem with that quote. I just do not see how, after having something that horrible happen, that they'd not go home and, at some point over the last weeks, rehash the events to see if they missed something, one saw something the other didn't, etc... Especially after the length of time between when it happened and this last interview. She remembers other details. No, I think it's deliberate that details around these two folks cannot be remembered. Saying she "thinks" they did is too convenient. It lets you remember if you want to or have to.
I have no idea what I would do if I walked into my brother in law's house and found him and his cousin shot and beaten. Probably pass out? I think there is a very large range of what is a "normal" response to that discovery, and I think BJM is well within that range.
Again, I do have questions pertaining to time lapses and inconsistencies, but even those I think could be excused based on the circumstances.
She didn't know it was a crime scene so why would she say that? She went over to get FR likely because of the proximity and when she arrived found them shot to death and took the kids out. She didn't know she was going there into a crime scene and removing kids. I don't know how I would respond in that situation, walking into there and finding that I doubt I would walk out to call 911 or call 911 standing there to say I was removing kids, one was laying covered in blood next to its deceased parents. I'm sure her maternal instinct kicked in and she wanted to get those babies out.
I never said Bobby Jo would have said that, I said I probably would say I'm going in the other trailer.
Been catching up and I must say that it is amazing that there really are a lot of different possibilities in this case.

Anything seems possible and so many theories that seem plausible. Listing some theories I have seen recently
-some sort of drug deal gone horribly wrong
-a business deal gone horribly wrong
-a simple local dispute with social media threats thrown in and person goes bizerk on a killing spree
-a major local dispute
-some sort of past love rekindling gone bad
-car theft ring gone wrong
-gang involvement
-mafia involvement

The list goes on and on. Its just incredible

The one thing I wanted to add about the MJ Trays. That to me sounds like a large tray that was maybe used to dry out MJ plants. Common sense and TV shows have shown that when harvesting MJ plants you have to dry out the leaves and buds so that the MJ is smokable. So the trays could have been used for drying out the MJ.

So if a tray of MJ was found in a garage of one of the places then I think it means it was harvest time for at least one of the batches.
So maybe there was some kind of dispute or maybe an actual deal was going down for purchase of a large quantity. If the buyers came prepared to buy at a certain price or maybe prepared not to pay at all then maybe some sort of drug deal went bad. The killers may have felt they needed to kill others related to the initial killing so that they would eliminate any possible way someone could ID them. Seeing their vehicle pull up by others is enough to make the killers want to kill anyone living in a nearby home or may have known about the deal that was happening.

Normally it would not be harvest time for outdoor plants but indoor operation could easily have been harvest time. The fact that money was alleged to be thrown on one of the bodies is another hint pointing to some sort of drug deal gone bad. Maybe that was the original price the person agreed to and was mad that the price was raised after they drove a very long ways to pick up a large quantity for said price.

Anyway not much different than some of the other theories and just found it interesting that an MJ Tray was mentioned in a post awhile ago because that confirms for me that MJ was being dried out or layed out for further processing. Like put in an oven for quicker drying or something like that.
Normally weed grown indoors with a grow light ( hydroponic) is in trays.
If I went to my parent's house, or sister's house or whatever and found what BJM found, I don't think I would even remember what the lady on the phone said. She was dealing with bloody children, trying to come to grips with what she saw. I know for a fact that if it were me, I wouldn't be thinking "I need to preserve the crime scene". I think you would find me there HOLDING my dead loved one....

Ageed. Children are not evidence. They are human beings. Their care and preservation is a higher priority than preserving a crime scene.
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I don't believe we're getting the full story either. I also agree that it is a no win for her. Which leads me to JM. I feel like I'd had to have gone in to get that baby and see if either my nephew or niece were hanging onto life. That's just me though.

I agree. While I believe it is bad that BJM grabbed the babies and disrupted the crime scenes, I understand WHY and I would probably do the same and not think about it. With that said, I also feel it's weird that JM didn't grab the 4 day old baby that was crying, but I understand why he wouldn't want his DNA and all that disrupting the crime scene. Either way no matter what they can't win with their decisions. I don't know how I would react, I hope I never have to find out either.
Been catching up and I must say that it is amazing that there really are a lot of different possibilities in this case.

Anything seems possible and so many theories that seem plausible. Listing some theories I have seen recently
-some sort of drug deal gone horribly wrong
-a business deal gone horribly wrong
-a simple local dispute with social media threats thrown in and person goes bizerk on a killing spree
-a major local dispute
-some sort of past love rekindling gone bad
-car theft ring gone wrong
-gang involvement
-mafia involvement

The list goes on and on. Its just incredible

The one thing I wanted to add about the MJ Trays. That to me sounds like a large tray that was maybe used to dry out MJ plants. Common sense and TV shows have shown that when harvesting MJ plants you have to dry out the leaves and buds so that the MJ is smokable. So the trays could have been used for drying out the MJ.

So if a tray of MJ was found in a garage of one of the places then I think it means it was harvest time for at least one of the batches.
So maybe there was some kind of dispute or maybe an actual deal was going down for purchase of a large quantity. If the buyers came prepared to buy at a certain price or maybe prepared not to pay at all then maybe some sort of drug deal went bad. The killers may have felt they needed to kill others related to the initial killing so that they would eliminate any possible way someone could ID them. Seeing their vehicle pull up by others is enough to make the killers want to kill anyone living in a nearby home or may have known about the deal that was happening.

Normally it would not be harvest time for outdoor plants but indoor operation could easily have been harvest time. The fact that money was alleged to be thrown on one of the bodies is another hint pointing to some sort of drug deal gone bad. Maybe that was the original price the person agreed to and was mad that the price was raised after they drove a very long ways to pick up a large quantity for said price.

Anyway not much different than some of the other theories and just found it interesting that an MJ Tray was mentioned in a post awhile ago because that confirms for me that MJ was being dried out or layed out for further processing. Like put in an oven for quicker drying or something like that.

A tray could mean many things being dried out it one of them I suppose, but it could have been a tray of small plants/ seedlings, some people store their personal stash on a tray. There are just too many possibilities we just can't know without more information.
This statement has bothered me and makes little sense. This sounds as if after DS finds KR, instead of immediately calling 911 he goes into garage and see plants he has not seen before on property. Why even go into garage at all?


“I walk in [to a garage] and I see a tray of marijuana plants on the floor and I turned around and I walk back out of the building and I say we need to call 911,” he explained. “We walk out to the road. We go up the road. I dial 911. We come back to the scene.”

For me the gap between the first 911 call around 7.50am and 1.25 PM is still baffling. KR is CR1 brother and no one bothered to check on him till 1.25pm?

If you find your family member murdered, the first response would be running out and calling 911 immediately. I wouldn't think of taking a leisurely walk around the garage to check what's there in garage. That's my 2 cents.
I don't believe his story that they called for the reward. IIRC, he was stopped at gunpoint and questioned prior to any reward being offered.

He may have begun to think they called for the reward AFTER he heard about the reward himself. He may have thought that but did not realize it wasn't even possible because of the timing of their calls and timing of the reward being offered. So maybe it is not anything suspicous but just a mistake on his part not realizing it wasn't possible based on timing of things. He maybe threw this out there during the interview not realizing it was not possible.
I'm new here and have just been reading everything. It's so easy to get so immersed in all of this. I just wanted to share something about BJM. I'm not sure how to post this without getting in trouble with TOS, but I'll try. On FB, there's a page called Rhoden Family Massacre. On one of the threads, a guy says that BJM "orchestrated it". He got bashed for saying anything, but he based his statements on the 911 call. I went back and listened to her call and then read what she said happened. I know she had to be scared, I would be too. But she said the dogs were outside, one was on the recliner. (If they are like some people who live around me, you have an old recliner...it gets put out on the porch.So the dog may have been here.) But at the end, she does sound like she is saying, "don't hurt me." Who are the people she was with?? It just all doesn't add up. My house was broken into once and they put out dog outside. When we came home, we immediately knew something was wrong since the dog was outside. Surely, she knew something was wrong. And one more thing......when she went to FR's house....and couldn't get in...she said she called out to the 3yr old to let her in. I would call out for the adults? Or call on my cell phone. I just wonder if she knew or she was the person they appointed to find them?? It's all very odd.....
(snipped by me for brevity)
I've been keeping an eye on this can of worms. :worms:
I'm very curious what her experience was that morning. We certainly aren't getting the full story.
That's really just normal country life.. Plenty of people have those interests in those areas and all over.. My neighbor is the same way, and I doubt he has a connection to the Rhoden's JMO. Plenty of people smoke/grow weed ride motorcycles and like rebel flags. Doesn't mean any of them could be connected. I think it's just a pure coincidence when he went missing, along with all other crimes that occurred that day. JMO.
I understand. That's why I said I know it's common for a ton of people around here. I'm from the same area. It very well may be coincidence.
I never said Bobby Jo would have said that, I said I probably would say I'm going in the other trailer.

Why though? Wouldn't that have been suspicious if she did say that on the call? Wouldn't people have a problem with that? She had no idea she was walking into a second crime scene. They told her to stay out of CRsr's trailer and she ran right next door to get FR not knowing he was dead. Why would she say, "by the way, I'm going to go my nephews right next door." If she did say that, people would pick that apart too.

And actually you did say that.

I probably would have told the lady on the 911 call that I was going in the other trailer to get the babies and then hung up. But I would have been prepared as well as possible under the circumstances to take responsibility for my actions.
I'm new here and have just been reading everything. It's so easy to get so immersed in all of this. I just wanted to share something about BJM. I'm not sure how to post this without getting in trouble with TOS, but I'll try. On FB, there's a page called Rhoden Family Massacre. On one of the threads, a guy says that BJM "orchestrated it". He got bashed for saying anything, but he based his statements on the 911 call. I went back and listened to her call and then read what she said happened. I know she had to be scared, I would be too. But she said the dogs were outside, one was on the recliner. (If they are like some people who live around me, you have an old recliner...it gets put out on the porch.So the dog may have been here.) But at the end, she does sound like she is saying, "don't hurt me." Who are the people she was with?? It just all doesn't add up. My house was broken into once and they put out dog outside. When we came home, we immediately knew something was wrong since the dog was outside. Surely, she knew something was wrong. And one more thing......when she went to FR's house....and couldn't get in...she said she called out to the 3yr old to let her in. I would call out for the adults? Or call on my cell phone. I just wonder if she knew or she was the person they appointed to find them?? It's all very odd.....
In the arial pics if u zoom in you can see a recliner on the porch.
We aren't, but LE may have. I keep trying to remind myself that what has been said in the media is only snippets. I imagine these people have been questioned multiple times for hours and aren't releasing much of the information. Perhaps she was "feeding some of the animals" and then decided to go inside. I definitely make mental notes on everything, but I always try to play devils advocate against it too.

she probably went in every morning and had coffee and BS'd. Went did whatever she did there then went over FR & HGs and went in and did the same. I know DR and HR were in nursing and currently working. I know there were reports FR worked in a lumber yard. I think it was said KR had a job. I know others or all were said the work at BBL. Do we know besides DR and HR if anyone else was currently employed some place that actually accounted for them being there on a daily basis?
He may have begun to think they called for the reward AFTER he heard about the reward himself. He may have thought that but did not realize it wasn't even possible because of the timing of their calls and timing of the reward being offered. So maybe it is not anything suspicous but just a mistake on his part not realizing it wasn't possible based on timing of things. He maybe threw this out there during the interview not realizing it was not possible.

I agree. I don't think IJ did it personally. I think he assumed, and as usual, everyone picks it all apart. Which is fine, that's what we are here doing, but I think sometimes we look to far into things. I'm sure he assumed that's why they called, really, they probably called because of the FB incident and knowing all the issues they were having and because he probably has made other comments and threats that weren't all over FB. JMO.
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