OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #14

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I am not sure of the process of how its made but it did not sound too difficult. I am going to go back through any pictures to see if I see a ladder and any long pipe laying around anywhere. Would not prove anything but could be circumstatial evidence.

I do think LE let the people go about their business until they were going to take everyone down so it wouldn't surprise me if LE just let the people making the shatter just carry on operations like nothing happened.

I also suspect someone at the post office was probably supposed to be working that day to be sure the package didnt get intercepted and somhow it got through to the wrong hands. Usually noboby would be stupid enough to ship through mail a large quantity unless they had someone working on the inside at the post office.

I honestly think that was a setup. Did you see the size of that? I mean who would send something like that through the mail?
Yes, you are correct, his name is spelled Boulger. Thanks for catching that, I was trying to type too fast.

Oh, I didn't mean to correct you, I thought it might have been misspelled on the site. Jim is very good in court, and I really didn't know he was JJ's attorney. Hmm.
No--just pricey, I believe.

And making it can be risky--working with butane to extract.

The uptick in production is because the BHO is being packaged in smaller vials that can easily be used in vaping. That's where the market is.
We don't have anything official from anyone or anywhere as of yet. I have been digging like crazy looking for something to answer these questions. I thought about calling Pike Co. Or JJ's attorney to inquire but, I don't think I want to poke at the hornets nest, so to speak. JMO

Might try calling the local police union office. I certainly would call mine if situation were here. P.S. They probably will not tell you, but they do know. Just sayin...
If he was extorting money from the Rhodens, he would have given them a deadline, I think it was the 18th because that's Dana asked her dead friend to watch over her family and pray harder than ever before. I think they said no and that's what led to their deaths. Especially if he relayed the extortion message through Dana to Chris Sr. He had to have the money before the 22nd.

In December they were holding him in Franklin County jail, then he got bonded out at his December pretrial date. Not sure if they had his April pretrial, but heard he has a trial in July, trying to confirm that. I'll post a link as soon as I find it. Comments are always interesting by locals.

http://www.chillicothegazette.com/s...enkins-had-troubled-employment-past/78734440/ More info on him
My parents (now just my Dad) have lived in the same house for 54 years in the middle of town (pop. 20,000). Virtually no one who is family (kids, grandkids, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, etc) ever knock, unless the door is locked. When we were kids, our friends would even walk in without knocking. The door has been locked more in the past several years, but again when we were kids I don't think we ever locked it.

Now on the flip side, my parents have lived in the same spot for pretty much my entire life, and we always knocked. Always. Even if we try the door, after no response, and it's unlocked, we still knock again, and say Hey! It's me! as we step in.
Wouldn't it be something if JJ was somehow connected to the Post Office pot and was working as an informant to take down some shatter making businesses so that he could lessen his possible sentence for shooting another person. :)

I think I have gone a little too far with that theory. LOL
Im not throwing anyone under purely jmo but what if someone had prior knowledge.of something going down? This person had to attend business as usual that morning and brought 2 others as to I got to do this first. This person has then validated her discovery.
I take offense to you suggesting that many snipers in the military are narcissistic sociopaths. While sociopaths can be drawn to military and LE, many times they don't get too far up the chain because they are antisocial or reckless because they do not have fear. Do you personally know any snipers? I do. The ones I know are not narcissistic sociopaths. They happen to be doing a job that they are skilled in. Sometimes being a sniper is based only on their skills and performance and they are chosen for the position instead of choosing the position for themselves. The ones I know do have remorse and guilt and it sometimes tears them up and gives them nightmares. In a high stress survival situation, they rely on their training and they do their job. I think being in LE and military requires some degree of being able to compartmentalize. Not to the same degree, but so do surgeons and coroners. They can't think of the person on their table as a person. They think of them as a procedure.
Some people are only in LE or military because it's a family thing... their dad was, their grandpa was, their uncle was. They feel like they have to live up to something.
There are lots of non narcissistic sociopaths in both fields.

Also, being a sniper isn't always about killing. I'd say that most snipers spend more time observing than actual shooting. A sociopath would get bored with that and probably make a careless mistake in order to get his kill thrill and then either get killed himself or booted. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/10740415/What-does-it-take-to-be-a-military-sniper.html

Finally, getting into and passing sniper school is not easy. This article sort of summarizes the various branches of military requirements. http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/the-gun-nuts/ten-reasons-you’d-never-make-it-at-sniper-school

I seemed to have offended you on a couple of different levels, and if I did please accept my apologies. I freely admit that my knowledge is personal and based on trying to understand the mind of the person who so savagely discarded me once the mask was off and the truth became known. I read everything I could find on type B personality disorders and my comment was based on the information I found. Yes, I know (or knew) a sniper intimately. I think that's why Joel Jenkins raised a red flag for me but it is based on what we can read about his previous actions.

I know I didn't mean to imply that all military or LE are sociopaths. Nothing could be further from the truth. But in the case of JJ, there is plenty to question and that is what I do as a fellow sleuth. Again, I am sorry if I touched a nerve. JJ (and the person that I knew) were trained in how to use their weapons to kill. Eight people are dead and I still think he fits the profile of a suspect better than anyone else that's been discussed so far. If you read about sociopaths and how they operate, you will find that without very much to go on, JJ still meets a number of the criteria. Peace, ok?
In December they were holding him in Franklin County jail, then he got bonded out at his December pretrial date. Not sure if they had his April pretrial, but heard he has a trial in July, trying to confirm that. I'll post a link as soon as I find it. Comments are always interesting by locals.

http://www.chillicothegazette.com/s...enkins-had-troubled-employment-past/78734440/ More info on him

comment very interesting indeed.
Yes, thanks, I agree - I believe I was a part of those discussions then as well. But I'm not sure about your "Junk weapon" assumption. He was "dumb" enough to shoot his neighbor in the head with one of them, or at least Rob Junk said he didn't know if it was one of the weapons he lent JJ (hinkey meter!) My point was only that Jenkins had once had a service Glock. I wouldn't be hard to get another on from somewhere. Imho, he has all the ingredients for a rogue cop extermination detail. That's all.

Jenkins is definitely quite a character with issues. I agree with that. However, I can't get on the train with the theory that he killed them for money to flee. He likely was a dirty cop, but I don't think he would go and kill people at 4 places and take all that time when he knows he has to flee before his hearing the next day. Plus if had the "protection scheme"... Which he may have... He would just move on to the next person if CR or KR said no. He wouldn't care enough to plan and take out any witnesses because he's fleeing and doesn't plan on being caught. Plus if he is a narcissist sociopath he doesn't care about children or dogs and wouldn't have empathy for them.
Do I think he has issues? Yes. Do I think he's dirty? Yes. Do I think he killed 8 people for money to flee? No. Do I think his pre-trial date of April 22 is significant? No. During pre-trial, it's just procedural things. The judge goes over guidelines for trial and work out the trial details. They weren't going to revoke his bond or make him pay more. Pre-trial hearing wouldn't be the venue for that. I think we haven't heard anything regarding the hearing because it likely got continued considering the fact that all the key players have their hands full and working overtime. Something like this: We respectfully request for a continuance in light of the ongoing investigation of the murders of 8 Pike County residents. We feel it would be unfair and prejudicial to both sides at this time because recent events have not allowed us to properly prepare for trial. The Judge most likely would grant that. They county has never seen anything like this happen to 8 people and Jenkins isn't going to argue a continuance because he gets to be free for longer.
In December they were holding him in Franklin County jail, then he got bonded out at his December pretrial date. Not sure if they had his April pretrial, but heard he has a trial in July, trying to confirm that. I'll post a link as soon as I find it. Comments are always interesting by locals.

http://www.chillicothegazette.com/s...enkins-had-troubled-employment-past/78734440/ More info on him

OMG he was in California for a short time.
"Between working in Fayette and Pike counties, there was a five-month gap in his employment history before Jenkins moved to San Diego, California, where he was a security manager at a pub for several months.."
I don't think it really took five hours to go check on him. I think it took five hours to get rid of things.

Very true, the police should have checked right away as long as any of the adults there unharmed knew he was located there when they showed up on scene. Maybe he just got into town?
This case shows it's been dismissed

And NO reporters have reported this? Someone here should give a reporter a heads up on this and see if they want to investigate, especially since Piketon news is popular right now.

And NO reporters have reported this? Someone here should give a reporter a heads up on this and see if they want to investigate, especially since Piketon news is popular right now.

We have legal experts who could explain. Help!
it is my understanding that it was dismissed at a local level and handed over to a
Grand Jury. Would that be a State G.J. , Or a Federal G. J. ? He was indicted by the Grand Jury.
Case was going to trial. Discovery was in the works.
Maybe as Dayna explained, it was postponed. Wheel of Justice turns slowly. Very slowly.
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