OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #15

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I'm not sure they can get an exact order in TOD. May have only been an hour or two apart and if organized & planned out, might have been less than that. KR's TOD might be interesting but then again, maybe not. IIRC, they can precisely determine within 4 hours or half day, anyone remember?

Thanks. Would seem that knowing even one TOD and looking at some of the other time events might be helpful to us here.
Someone somewhere said she says something about Frankie at the end of the call, listen again, u will total hear it!!! I think she was saying she needed to go get Frankie or tell Frankie etc.
honestly if BJM had been around the perp(s) sadly, she would have been dead too, as would her companions

I think a few people heard that, but it sounded to me like, "I gotta go see about Frankie."

Bobby Jo declined to discuss the crime scenes or talk much Monday, but did say she and several of her family members had talked to investigators repeatedly. The last time, investigators came and woke up her and five other people at 3:41 a.m. Sunday, she said.
"The Pike County Sheriff's wanted to ask me the same questions the BCI did,'' she said, adding that investigators seem to be fixated on when she found the bodies. They said it was earlier, Bobby Jo says. But she said, she went there around 7 a.m.
"I think they should all just leave us alone,'' she said in a moment between tears
Has LE even confirmed the money DS reported finding? You know how details can be confused between people.
I have never seen this confirmed. I did listen to a radio interview done w/the AG right after the murders happened and he scoffed when asked about the money. In fact, it was about the only thing he did confirm. He basically said it was rumor. This was reiterated by the DJ, after the interview, that the money being rumor was the only fact that he got out of him. Now, maybe he was scoffing that there was $1,000, when it was more like $100. Maybe he was scoffing that it was all in singles? Maybe there was no money at all. Why would DS make it up though if he knew the cops were going to see that there was no money?
Also, why isn't anyone discussing a connection between the RA restraining order 2 days prior?
I was wondering about that too, but it seems that this was an incedent where a woman slapped CR2 and did not seem to be significant.
edited to ask also: does DS have a drug record, maybe I missed it?
Not that I've seen
They should just leave us alone is a phrase I use when I'm reaching an emotional breaking point. I imagine the investigators were hoping to reach that point with BJM so she might reveal something she may have been holding back.
This is random and not important but I just saw a picture of Bobby Jo for the first time. (I know, I know.. but I don't have FB) All the articles I've read have her age being 36. Is that correct?? Her picture and the age stated don't match up. I know her age is irrelevant but I'm curious.

If it is the one that I saw, I thought maybe that they'd mis-labeled the photo. I have seen a photo on FB and the woman looked similar but not the same.
You're right. I wouldn't dare put myself within a hundred yards of an opiate of any kind, or a situation that I feel might lead me there eventually....even this far out on the other side of it. I still go to group meetings every month and I can tell you first hand that we even fear broken bones or surgery because of the narcotics that might come into play. If you can't trust yourself in a legitimate situation like that, you darn well know you can't trust yourself to go running around half cocked, putting yourself there on purpose.

IF GR got help, then I am willing to bet that he went either the Methadone or Suboxone route. They're two very different drugs and they're administered in very different ways. Methadone is given sometimes, a LOT of the time, daily...meaning you go to the clinic of your choice every single day and dose there. Suboxone is more every two weeks and perscribed like a regular prescription, providing you attend weekly counseling sessions and see the doctor every two weeks. The cost of these two things is pretty high. A friend of mine from group still takes Methadone and I believe she recently told me it was running her 14 dollars a day, every day. When I took Suboxone, it wasn't covered by health insurance and ran me, at its worse, around 600+ a month with doctor's visits and medicine. Sadly, as high as these things are...it pales in comparison to the money you spend when you're using...that runs easily into the 1000's if you're in a bad way.

I can't help but wonder...if Gary was still using...where was his money coming from? Did he have a day job, and if so, do we know what it was? If he'd been using that long (since at least the 2011 bust)....no doubt the dude was in a bad, bad way...and spending money like it was going out of style.

I've known people who went the Methadone route and came through pretty successful. At least last I heard and that's been years ago. I know another that was on Suboxone and he was apparently getting his from a dealer, to stay off of Heroin. I'm not that familiar with Suboxone but have heard that people are dealing in it around here. Seems he'd have a break in his resolve, go off his Suboxone, get high, then go back to his Suboxone. I think GR was probably using and had a role in the pot business. Possibly as just a dealer, manning the work trailer (as I call it). He didn't have any children that I've seen, and if he hung out at the trailer, probably no rent, so it was just him. I've felt more sorry for GR than any of the adult males. He just seemed out of step.
Sooo many questions.....Why would an "office building" usually be unlocked? Why go inside office for any reason if there to feed animals? Who keeps chicken feed in living quarters or office? Possibly dog food. Why would FR usually keep door unlocked when children live there? Why would anyone, especially in certain businesses, usually keep doors unlocked at night? Why does BJM say "please don't hurt me" at end of 911 call? I heard it plainly when I relistened to it. Could someone have been there forcing BJM to do certain things? Why is the couple with BJM a secret? What were "they" doing for that hour after finding first casualty? Just sitting in the car??? BJM tells dispatcher that no one else is around . Somewhat incorrect as two people accompanied her. Unless I missed something there. Could three year old have been taken out before FR and HG casualty? (To be safe and to not see anything). Why was CRsr at office that late or perhaps still doing business? Why didn't someone go to FR during that hour of time before 911 call? (Since took hour to make the call). If I had found that scene and had people with me , I would have called 911 and sent my two friends to get FR. At least I say that now not experiencing it. When was call made to BJM brother? (Before or after 911 call)
Seems like caller seemed out of breath. Is it possible children had already been removed? Is it possible someone was forcing caller to do certain things? I am sure everything has been reported to LE. Even tho we do not know. At least I hope so. Why wasn't the call to 911 within two minutes of findings? Go inside, run to car, dial phone , maybe four minutes at the most, not more than 10. Maybe I am just too curious... Just still wondering bout "please don't hurt me". I am sure if we can hear it that LE could have also. Some things just do not add up in my mind. But hopefully LE knows everything .

BJM's reference to "Not leaving those babies in there" takes on a new context to me after reading your post.
I was thinking more along the lines of a one time event because of a tragic loss. A family that had just had too much, and maybe found out that, for example, GR had supplied their young person w/their last hit. They sit and stew on it and think that if it were not for GR and his kin, their loved one would be alive, and they have a sort of mental break, and rid the town of any more tragedy. It's like a cleansing. They even see that they've done a good job by the babies as they won't grow up in it. The don't see LM or BJM as a part of it so they bypass their homes that night.

Parents with children who died of an overdose would certainly have empathy with the children. Wasn't the Elsmere couple's kids left alive also? Wow I don't even like where my mind is going with this. Because if it is true then there will be other deaths unless they catch them quickly.

I am going to have nightmares tonight, I can just feel it.

Bobby Jo declined to discuss the crime scenes or talk much Monday, but did say she and several of her family members had talked to investigators repeatedly. The last time, investigators came and woke up her and five other people at 3:41 a.m. Sunday, she said.
"The Pike County Sheriff's wanted to ask me the same questions the BCI did,'' she said, adding that investigators seem to be fixated on when she found the bodies. They said it was earlier, Bobby Jo says. But she said, she went there around 7 a.m.
"I think they should all just leave us alone,'' she said in a moment between tears

Now see, this is why I just don't fully trust BJM. She even stopped to pick up friends:

Quote: "That Friday morning started out much like every other morning, she said. Manley got up about 6:10 a.m. to wake her 15-year-old daughter by 6:30 a.m. and get her on the bus to school by 7. Then — as she did most every weekday morning — she drove over to the trailer of Christopher Rhoden Sr., 40, to feed his dogs and chickens. Rhoden was her brother-in-law. She had a friend and his wife with her when she pulled into the driveway."

"She said she ran out of the trailer, crying. Manley thinks she was screaming: “Get me my phone, get my phone.” She called 911 at 7:49 a.m." /quote

It doesn't add up.
You know. Obviously, we don't know if GR was still using or not. I had wondered about that all a couple of weeks ago. But what struck me is anyone I've ever seen who uses drugs is they look horrible. This whole family looked so healthy and happy. None of them looked like any addict I've ever seen.
I have never seen this confirmed. I did listen to a radio interview done w/the AG right after the murders happened and he scoffed when asked about the money. In fact, it was about the only thing he did confirm. He basically said it was rumor. This was reiterated by the DJ, after the interview, that the money being rumor was the only fact that he got out of him. Now, maybe he was scoffing that there was $1,000, when it was more like $100. Maybe he was scoffing that it was all in singles? Maybe there was no money at all. Why would DS make it up though if he knew the cops were going to see that there was no money?
I was wondering about that too, but it seems that this was an incedent where a woman slapped CR2 and did not seem to be significant.
Not that I've seen

Ok, thank you for addressing! I just think it's weird there was a no contact order put on the slapper 2 days earlier. Something like that can mess up people's jobs, etc.
mostly, I think too much mental credit is being given to DS to pull off a murder spree, unless I'm just reading it wrong. In my experience with opiate addicts as well, the don't have the capacity to do that muc work, they don't even know who they are or remember things so they can't pull off 8 murders without nodding out or getting dope sick.
ps opiate abuse should be the entire focus of political efforts right now
Now see, this is why I just don't fully trust BJM. She even stopped to pick up friends:

Quote: "That Friday morning started out much like every other morning, she said. Manley got up about 6:10 a.m. to wake her 15-year-old daughter by 6:30 a.m. and get her on the bus to school by 7. Then — as she did most every weekday morning — she drove over to the trailer of Christopher Rhoden Sr., 40, to feed his dogs and chickens. Rhoden was her brother-in-law. She had a friend and his wife with her when she pulled into the driveway."

"She said she ran out of the trailer, crying. Manley thinks she was screaming: “Get me my phone, get my phone.” She called 911 at 7:49 a.m." /quote

It doesn't add up.

I am thinking that is why LE has questioned her 4 times. The numbers just don't add up.
There is no way anyone who knew CRsr would say anything about him but I'm the most curious about him. Who he was to other people. The only way to find that out is to find other people who knew him. I hear nothing but silence.
You know. Obviously, we don't know if GR was still using or not. I had wondered about that all a couple of weeks ago. But what struck me is anyone I've ever seen who uses drugs is they look horrible. This whole family looked so healthy and happy. None of them looked like any addict I've ever seen.

I have to say, I thought GR had the look, from the first time I saw his picture, and DS did too (but alcohol). I've just been around so many of them. A lot of our friends have died very pretty young (I call it young in this day and age anyway). I can usually pick out a user or an alcoholic pretty quickly. They did an interview w/a guy there right after the murders and I swear he was about to crawl out of his skin.
I can't help but wonder...if Gary was still using...where was his money coming from? Did he have a day job, and if so, do we know what it was? If he'd been using that long (since at least the 2011 bust)....no doubt the dude was in a bad, bad way...and spending money like it was going out of style.

i would not be surprised if Gary was still a user, along with some of the others who were killed. Even tho there is no evidence of any of the others being arrested, it doesn't mean they did not use. I have some one close to me who has done different drugs for the past 30 years. Her lifestyle scares me to be honest. Seems she always has "low life's" hanging at her house. But, she has never to my knowledge been arrested for drugs. She did end up at the hospital od'd one time. I, myself, have never had the desire to even try a drug....even marijuana. Just not a lifestyle for me! But, thru her, I have witnessed some of what the lifestyle brings. And I know most of the people she has been around didn't work and were on state assistance. They seemed to always come up with money for their drugs in spite of the lack of a job. I know they would sell their food stamps. They were always selling "items" too.....like a tv....for much less than it was worth. I always figured some of it was stolen property. They always seemed to come up with money without coming up with a job. I hate to say it, but I would not be surprised if some of the Rhodens did more than marijuana. Not saying they did....but am saying it would not surprise me. And as far as Gary being there, it could have been no more than visiting and getting high together. Also, if they were using any drugs that night, it may explain how they could have been overpowered. Hate to think it, but havin witnessed the lifestyle from the outside looking in.....it is a drama filled life of looking for their next "fix". Sad, really. But also very irritating when you try to help someone you love and their friends/lifestyle/drugs keep a hold on them. I often worry about this person I am close to, but they seem to want to continue in the lifestyle. And, it IS a lifestyle and for some, they never get away from it.
Ok, thank you for addressing! I just think it's weird there was a no contact order put on the slapper 2 days earlier. Something like that can mess up people's jobs, etc.
mostly, I think too much mental credit is being given to DS to pull off a murder spree, unless I'm just reading it wrong. In my experience with opiate addicts as well, the don't have the capacity to do that muc work, they don't even know who they are or remember things so they can't pull off 8 murders without nodding out or getting dope sick.
ps opiate abuse should be the entire focus of political efforts right now

Yeah, she's not entirely off of my radar either. That was a 2 year probation and it said Christopher Roden, not Christopher Roden Jr.. She also had to seek counseling. So I thought it was kind of significant.

I don't think DS could pull it off all by himself and I'm thinking his problem is more alcohol. He just has that look. I do think he'd take the opportunity to lift cash off of KR, rather than it getting taken by the cops, and then re-find him, with LR in tow.
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