OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #16

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Let me hop in with a moment to reflect on you accounts of Kenneth and Mr.Stone. I had The pleasure of
reading his account of finding Kenneth that morning...Stone told the reporter that he did have plans to sleep
in the fifth-wheel, changed his mind..(he made a smart decision) Mr, stone never told Kenneth of the change of plans.
Kenneth climbs up to the top bunk expecting Mr.Stone to occup the best bed, most convenient to sleep next
to main entrance door.(perfect set-up for killer. Killer is consumed with the rage that money has turned that family
Into animals.Kenneth does not seem to be conscious of the killer interning his fifth-wheel because he
has expected Mr. Stone to show up. The killer had a clean shot and scattered the root of almost all evil
around him as a signal that the stuff that he scattered around his feet was the very problem that got him killed.
The reason the killer went miles out his way to a remote camper in some woods to kill a nice guy like
Kenneth,,,because Kennerh was on his radar along with 6 others and the killer may have thought he
finished his list at that point...I am curious to find out how many Rhoden families lived close by related to
the victim family, but spared the slaughter...J.M.O. (Forgive typos)

Into animals

I love the "pieces to the puzzle" that you are leaving at the end of your posts. Though, I haven't figured out Selia yet.
Let me hop in with a moment to reflect on you accounts of Kenneth and Mr.Stone. I had The pleasure of
reading his account of finding Kenneth that morning...Stone told the reporter that he did have plans to sleep
in the fifth-wheel, changed his mind..(he made a smart decision) Mr, stone never told Kenneth of the change of plans.
Kenneth climbs up to the top bunk expecting Mr.Stone to occup the best bed, most convenient to sleep next
to main entrance door.(perfect set-up for killer. Killer is consumed with the rage that money has turned that family
Into animals.Kenneth does not seem to be conscious of the killer interning his fifth-wheel because he
has expected Mr. Stone to show up. The killer had a clean shot and scattered the root of almost all evil
around him as a signal that the stuff that he scattered around his feet was the very problem that got him killed.
The reason the killer went miles out his way to a remote camper in some woods to kill a nice guy like
Kenneth,,,because Kennerh was on his radar along with 6 others and the killer may have thought he
finished his list at that point...I am curious to find out how many Rhoden families lived close by related to
the victim family, but spared the slaughter...J.M.O. (Forgive typos)

Into animals

you stated 6 others, are you excluding Ms Gilley from his hatred/ rage?
Why would you guess no money was left at the other crime scenes?
Does anyone know if any funural homes are connected to any of the victims family?
One of the sources of the sequencing of this tragedy could be if the killer took their phones. If the phones were stolen/taken, that means the killer feared something in the content or contacts. But to keep from being tracked, the perp would have likely removed the batteries and powered them off. If they are able to tell when the phones stopped pinging, it might give you the sequencing of the murders, notably Kenneth, was he first or last?. Of course, this is moot if they have the phones. But I go back to DeWine's comment that the perp took affirmative steps to obstruct the investigation and cover his tracks.
I do believe KR was shot by someone different from the others though still part of the whole plan. I look at his property and feel it would have been next to impossible to get up that dirt drive and up onto the porch and into that small living space (with a fierce guard dog on watch) and still have the time to kill him while he slept peacefully and totally unaware. I think whoever shot KR was invited into his home and was trusted. If not trusted, had called and arranged to come by and try to "straighten out the trouble between us" that someone else in the murdered group had caused. IOW, KR might have been tricked and was at ease. It may have even been a woman inviting herself over for the night or vice versa. When KR fell asleep, he was shot. Just speculation, of course. (and if it was a man,) he could have feigned the need to just "close his eyes for awhile" due to being "loaded" on some drug... they may have even shared drugs and KR fell asleep while the other did not and then shot him. This would explain why DS did not stay that night. KR may have told him "sorry" but there's was a change in plans. If KR's killer was right there when KR changed his plans in a call to DS, the killer would know that DS was not a threat and didn't need to be killed.

Just throwing this out there. Let's say robbery was the motive. Someone hears the Rhodens have a large amount of cash on hand, maybe from DS or BJM who tells them it is at KR's. He/they go to visit KR thinking the money is there and wrangle an invitation to stay the night, maybe with the excuse he/they are too drunk,drugged to drive home. KR falls asleep and the visitor kills him, then looks for the money, but only finds a small amount. Rage takes over and he/they throw the small amount on KR's body, then disable the cameras. He/they then decide CR1 or FR or DR has the money. He/they go first to DR's thinking the money is there. So he/they kill her and the kids but finds no money. He/they next go to FR's, kills him and HG and finds no money, but the noise wakes CR and GR. He/they then go to CR1's and have an altercation with him and GR, kills them and may or may not have found money there. He/they remove what cameras he/they can find and leave.
One of the sources of the sequencing of this tragedy could be if the killer took their phones. If the phones were stolen/taken, that means the killer feared something in the content or contacts. But to keep from being tracked, the perp would have likely removed the batteries and powered them off. If they are able to tell when the phones stopped pinging, it might give you the sequencing of the murders, notably Kenneth, was he first or last?. Of course, this is moot if they have the phones. But I go back to DeWine's comment that the perp took affirmative steps to obstruct the investigation and cover his tracks.
Even if the phone's were taken they can still get the phone records and see who they've been talking too and texting. I'm not sure but they might also be able to get transcripts of all the text messages??
What if:
It was set up to look like a murder/suicide by the killers with Kenneth set up as the fall guy.
Someone comes along, and thinks Kenneth may have done it or don't want people to think he would have done it. They grab the money, gun, some pot, and cameras and leave so there is no record of them being there. This would put a damper on the investigation...
Hi people, I am a new member who is currently reading all the posts written so far and am currently on Thread 8. I jumped ahead because I saw the subject of the location of the 5th possible crime scene/5th search warrant video and then the subject of where that might be seemed to be dropped. It may not have been and you may already know this but I can't read through 8 more threads before I find out. I located the 5th potential crime scene where a search warrant was served by comparing the roof of the barn in the news video to the roof of the barn at 799 West Fork Road and it's a perfect match. (I used Google Earth.) This is not where KR lived but about "500 yards down the road." I found out who claims to be living in that house at the time of the murders on this individual's SM account so you know I can't say who it is. I also don't know how to download a photo from my private photo collection so I can't show you but if you use Google Earth and locate KR's camper and come back the road to the next property down on the opposite side of the road... you will find the barn room that matches the news video. http://www.whio.com/videos/news/new-...ebook_2014_sfp
Please disregard if this has already been figured out but it's slow going trying to catch up. Haven't figured out how to navigate this site and I had to "crawl" here by hitting "LAST" on each Thread to get here. At this point, I might just read backwards to Thread 8 and then rejoin you all wherever you are by then!

Welcome! I think that's just as close as they could get to KR's fifth wheel, which was just a few hundred feet up the road at a Rhoden property. The fifth location, I think, was BJM's home, when they went there, questioned her, at 3:00 a.m., and took her clothing into evidence.
Whomever did it felt so threatened by a sleeping teenage girl that he or she had to kill two of them. Yet that person did not take out other family members living close by despite having intimate knowledge of the family's living arrangements and locations.

That fact alone is a game charger for me. Doesn't really matter what ammo was used. This killer had powerful passion against some members of a family, but not all. Why?

Because they were there. You can't just go in and murder someone, possibly pick up video cameras, check for video cameras, etc... and take care of the next on the list, if someone is left alive at one of the homes to wake up, collect their senses, and make a panicked call to 911. KR was the only place that he/they didn't have to take care of more than one person, and he's the only one who had a single gunshot.
How much am I allowed to talk about CSR's Adam's Heath Solutions, LLC business? I can't remember if we figured out what it was actually registered for, but if we haven't, I believe I've at least figured that part out, and might have even connected a doctor to it. It's a bizarre rabbit hole, that's for sure.

If I cannot discuss this, or it has been done already, then please delete me! Well, don't delete me....just this post! :)
...a nice guy like
Sorry, he may have been just a good old boy to some. The record, however, says that he had a protection order against him which he violated twice.
I have a feeling that the family members were on his radar(0nly) Mrs.Gilley was just in the way..The reason for the few
dollars being scattered? Because it was pulled out laying in the open for Mr.Stone and the killer found it first..
JMO. May be sound
This is a good find. Now the tarps make sense.

AND! I haven't been able to figure out why BR slept on the couch at his dad's house, where he stayed frequently, as per his mother in her interview. FR and HHG's trailer was a 2 BR. So was the second bedroom a grow room?!? Were the tarps over an area that is commonly a bedroom on that model trailer? The tarps were removed before the trailers were moved. Obviously they aren't needed if stored indoors, but I thought that was an unnecessary step, given they were moved at a slow rate of speed.
Most definitely. :shame:

Anyone following Websleuth members will find some very unusual links followed and Google searches. Just part of the hobby. Sometimes I'm amazed at how much I've learned from following cases here.

I've recently been reading how to launder money from an illegal drug operation. My husband sat down beside me, read what I was reading for a few minutes and then broke out into hysterical laughter! After that he just kind of patted me on the head and walked away, shaking his head while muttering something about marrying a weirdo....
Welcome! I think that's just as close as they could get to KR's fifth wheel, which was just a few hundred feet up the road at a Rhoden property. The fifth location, I think, was BJM's home, when they went there, questioned her, at 3:00 a.m., and took her clothing into evidence.

Please, if you have the chance, use Google Earth to find the property just down the road from KR's camper and property. You will see a barn with a medal roof that is rusted in the exact pattern as the barn that is just behind the reporter in the news video made on the night of the murders. The reporter is standing in front of the barn that is just down the road from KR's property and speaking about the 5th possible crime scene that police visited that Friday night with a search warrant. Now, additional search warrants were served in the meantime and it is highly likely that eventually police did search BJM's property as well and yes, probably on Saturday at 3:30 am they had another warrant for that purpose. If I knew how to post a photo of the barn for comparison from my own computer, I could easily show this to be true. But, I have no idea how to do that and I have tried but failed. Actually, 5th, 6th, 7th and so on warrants is not as important as the fact that they did search the property just down the road from KR's that Friday night and of special interest is who lived there who was not murdered along with the others.
We are receiving very few details. Kenneth definitely seems different than the others. There is a slight possibility he was killed with the others and deposited back home? Or in the car on the way somewhere (home) ? I am not familiar with the 5th wheel campers but how tall are they? How difficult would it be to target his head? And then there is the money on his body aspect. He is the one that doesn't quite make sense.
JMO and a lot of guessing!

also adding that DS only mentions blood in his eyes... don't head wounds bleed a lot?

I *thought* in an initial interview he too had said there was blood everywhere.. I have to do some digging.. This then changed to the blood in the eyes. He also said in one interview he was facedown, but then one he saw blood in the eyes - indicating he wasn't face down - granted, one or even both of those two discrepancies may have been in Daily Mail, which I typically take with a grain of salt. MOO.

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Let me hop in with a moment to reflect on you accounts of Kenneth and Mr.Stone. I had The pleasure of
reading his account of finding Kenneth that morning...Stone told the reporter that he did have plans to sleep
in the fifth-wheel, changed his mind..(he made a smart decision) Mr, stone never told Kenneth of the change of plans.
Kenneth climbs up to the top bunk expecting Mr.Stone to occup the best bed, most convenient to sleep next
to main entrance door.(perfect set-up for killer. Killer is consumed with the rage that money has turned that family
Into animals.Kenneth does not seem to be conscious of the killer interning his fifth-wheel because he
has expected Mr. Stone to show up. The killer had a clean shot and scattered the root of almost all evil
around him as a signal that the stuff that he scattered around his feet was the very problem that got him killed.
The reason the killer went miles out his way to a remote camper in some woods to kill a nice guy like
Kenneth,,,because Kennerh was on his radar along with 6 others and the killer may have thought he
finished his list at that point...I am curious to find out how many Rhoden families lived close by related to
the victim family, but spared the slaughter...J.M.O. (Forgive typos)

Into animals

That could be the way it happened which is the trouble with our knowing next to nothing and having to rely on speculations for almost everything. I would think, though, that even if KR was expecting DS and left the door unlocked when he had not arrived by the time KR wanted to turn in... that the dog would have barked like crazy if someone other than DS walked up to the camper and tried to sneak in. The dog not alerting KR is what makes me think it was either someone the dog knew or KR had planned on his killer being in the home and tied the dog outside or calmed the dog down and his only fatal mistake was that he was unaware he was letting his killer into his own home.
AND! I haven't been able to figure out why BR slept on the couch at his dad's house, where he stayed frequently, as per his mother in her interview. FR and HHG's trailer was a 2 BR. So was the second bedroom a grow room?!? Were the tarps over an area that is commonly a bedroom on that model trailer? The tarps were removed before the trailers were moved. Obviously they aren't needed if stored indoors, but I thought that was an unnecessary step, given they were moved at a slow rate of speed.

The tarp also could have been for a leak and BR slept on the couch because of it? Even moving at a slow rate of speed, if the tarp isn't strapped real good and it can catch some wind and fly off.

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Would someone be so kind to help me out here, please. KR's address was 1084 Left Fork Road. Then there's the 799 West/Left Fork Road address (which I know we can not discuss who may or may not live there), BUT my question/confusion is, is the 799 an entirely different address/location from KR's or is 799 considered the other trailer/camper or whatever it is that sits just a short distance from KR's camper? Thanks in advance!
Any thoughts why they only shot Kenneth once? There is something so odd about Kenneth.....by himself miles from the others and found hours after the others were found and only one shot in the head. Everyone else, including young mothers and a teenaged boy had multiple head shots, but Kenneth only had one. I can't put my finger on it, but there is something different about Kenneth. Does one shot indicate they maybe didn't want to shoot Kenneth, but had to? Did it indicate they were not full of hate and rage for Kenneth like the rest of them? Did someone double cross Kenneth? Was Kenneth perhaps shot by someone different than who shot the others? Did one or two people take care of the ones living closer together, while another shooter was out at Kenneth's? They is just something about Kenneth.

I have kicked around the idea that maybe Kenneth being killed was an after-thought after the news broke of the other 7 family members. But then I also kick around the idea of okay then, if that was the case, could it be possible that the same person who killed the other 7 also then killed Kenneth or was it a different person? I don't know.
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