OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #18

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Well, I don't see a new name, but I'll check again later. In a past thread mobile home sizes were given for the home at 4077 and 799 Left Fork . Of course 799 isn't important, but the one at 4077 is. However, the measurement said 60 ft long. I have lived in a MH for 2/3 of my life, and Chris's home is at least a 70 footer. Maybe after the info was given to the deed office there was a larger home moved in. It could be an oversight and the info was not updated or it was left with the old info in order to avoid property tax increases.
Frankie's is probably a 60 footer. Maybe he and Hannah took the smaller home and Chris bought a larger home.
I believe Frankie's older son did not see the perps, or didn't know who they were or he would be talking about it by now. Guess time will tell.
If you are referring to RM, this is old news.
Same w/my grandchild at six. Time is not relevant to them. Mine still tells about the other grandparent who passed last year, like it was yesterday. It made an impression but concept of time is not there. Also, my other grandchild is not as talkative as this one and becomes very quiet if upset. It would depend on the child. But I doubt the toddler saw these assailant(s) faces. I doubt lights were ever turned on. They most likely went in quietly in the dark, did what the came to do and may not have ever even seen the baby in the bed or the toddler until the last minute.

But being in the dark, wouldn't that be pretty chancey with the babies lying so close to their mothers? I mean my understanding is they were nursing the babies or had sometime during the night.
Same w/my grandchild at six. Time is not relevant to them. Mine still tells about the other grandparent who passed last year, like it was yesterday. It made an impression but concept of time is not there. Also, my other grandchild is not as talkative as this one and becomes very quiet if upset. It would depend on the child. But I doubt the toddler saw these assailant(s) faces. I doubt lights were ever turned on. They most likely went in quietly in the dark, did what the came to do and may not have ever even seen the baby in the bed or the toddler until the last minute.

But being in the dark, wouldn't that be pretty chancey with the babies lying so close to their mothers? I mean my understanding is they were nursing the babies or had sometime during the night.
I doubt they were really aware that the babies were in bed with the mothers. jmo Most folks have a cradle next to the bed. Some parents co-sleep w/their infants but I'd not have thought of that scenario. Mine never slept with us. Most likely, if they saw them at all, it was when they went into the bedrooms to do what they came to do. The parents were most likely shot at very close range and I've a feeling they only left the infants b/c they knew nothing but weren't all that concerned about their safety or mental status (sitting in their parent's blood and being left wandering the house with their parents dead in the next room).
Well, I don't see a new name, but I'll check again later. In a past thread mobile home sizes were given for the home at 4077 and 799 Left Fork . Of course 799 isn't important, but the one at 4077 is. However, the measurement said 60 ft long. I have lived in a MH for 2/3 of my life, and Chris's home is at least a 70 footer. Maybe after the info was given to the deed office there was a larger home moved in. It could be an oversight and the info was not updated or it was left with the old info in order to avoid property tax increases.
Frankie's is probably a 60 footer. Maybe he and Hannah took the smaller home and Chris bought a larger home.
I believe Frankie's older son did not see the perps, or didn't know who they were or he would be talking about it by now. Guess time will tell.

They also could have been masked up. If everything is as professional as it seems to be, then masking up would not be out of the question.
They also could have been masked up. If everything is as professional as it seems to be, then masking up would not be out of the question.
So you think they broke in, and were not let in?

DeWine speaks to the Times about murders

“We would assume it involves more than one person,” DeWine said. “We don’t know that, but we assume that based on the facts of the case. Someone will talk at some point. The information we need, we will get some day. I’m not predicting when that is going to be.”

more at link

So you think they broke in, and were not let in?

IIRC two of the homes showed signs of b&e. But, yeah, I think they broke in. Maybe not, at CR1's though, but even if they were invited in, I think it didn't go as planned there, but it didn't stop them. They may have expected CR1 and GR to be asleep and they weren't so change of plan. (just a thought). Then, went to the other homes, and it all went pretty much as planned. The victims were in bed except for CR1 & GR. Someone helped with this. They had some way to easily get in. One other place may have had a key hidden. KR's, possibly, for BJM to clean there. But, no, the only place I see them possibly being let in was at CR1's and even there I'm not so sure. They could have surprised CR1 and GR as they broke in or entered w/the key. I've even thought that KR and another person pulled this off, KR was disgruntled at his brother and his family for bringing GR in for other connections and it cut his share. So, when it was all over with, and they went back to KR's trailer, and settled in to get their alibis straight, the other guy just killed KR, and took all of the money, and cameras. Left that supposed money at KR's to throw the LE off. Just one of several theories I've got floating around.

DeWine speaks to the Times about murders

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So they have "over" 100 pieces of evidence already processed at the lab. And are implying that more than one person is involved and still can't release any new evidence? I don't understand. Other than there waiting for someone to talk and confirm the evidence they have, why can't they release anything? JMO and frustration.
IIRC two of the homes showed signs of b&e. But, yeah, I think they broke in. Maybe not, at CR1's though, but even if they were invited in, I think it didn't go as planned there, but it didn't stop them. They may have expected CR1 and GR to be asleep and they weren't so change of plan. (just a thought). Then, went to the other homes, and it all went pretty much as planned. The victims were in bed except for CR1 & GR. Someone helped with this. They had some way to easily get in. One other place may have had a key hidden. KR's, possibly, for BJM to clean there. But, no, the only place I see them possibly being let in was at CR1's and even there I'm not so sure. They could have surprised CR1 and GR as they broke in or entered w/the key. I've even thought that KR and another person pulled this off, KR was disgruntled at his brother and his family for bringing GR in for other connections and it cut his share. So, when it was all over with, and they went back to KR's trailer, and settled in to get their alibis straight, the other guy just killed KR, and took all of the money, and cameras. Left that supposed money at KR's to throw the LE off. Just one of several theories I've got floating around.

I also think that once they were at CR1's, they could have taken his keys to get into Dana's.
Looking at Frankie's back door, it looks pretty messed up around the handle and lock area. But if it is a 1989 model that could be old damage. Probably no way to tell unless we could actually see the door. That might not be a big priority as far as replacing it, since it is the back door, as long as it seals properly. Putting food on the table would certainly come first.
As much as I have read about the pot grow, and the few pics I've seen, I think either there were 200 plants total, or there were seedlings at the other two locations. Maybe LE considers it sophisticated for the number of plants they found. Most people who know about sizes of growth farms don't think 200 plants is a large operation. I personally don't have any idea, as I don't think I have ever seen a plant, much less a room or garden full.
So you think they broke in, and were not let in?

LE says most were shot in their sleep. If the perps had broken in, they would have found the victims outside their bedrooms. Analyzing blood spatter, defensive wounds etc. would tell them if the victims were sitting up or standing and whether they were looking at their attackers or trying to defend themselves. IMO, CR1, GR and KR may have been awakened, but not the others.
So they have "over" 100 pieces of evidence already processed at the lab. And are implying that more than one person is involved and still can't release any new evidence? I don't understand. Other than there waiting for someone to talk and confirm the evidence they have, why can't they release anything? JMO and frustration.

I'm still going with the theory that the killers were pro's from out of town and were assisted by one local person who knew the families. From DeWine's interview, I get the impression they're trying to narrow down the local contact to get more information about the killers. Obviously, any of the locals who knew or suspect who the killers were is terrified. It will be difficult for LE to protect them if they do talk. If the local was LE, it will be even more difficult.

DeWine's interview also seems to indicate that, after processing the evidence, they haven't found a link to anyone in the national databases. If the killers were pros, they won't be in those files. Their weapons and ammo will be difficult to trace. LE will have to get the local person to give them the info to track down the killers, apprehend them and try to match any evidence they find at that time.

Note, DeWine again doesn't mention the FBI or DEA in this interview. I hope that means they're working behind the scenes or undercover.


DeWine speaks to the Times about murders

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“We would assume it involves more than one person,” DeWine said. “We don’t know that, but we assume that based on the facts of the case. Someone will talk at some point. The information we need, we will get some day. I’m not predicting when that is going to be.”

That could be read as a veiled message.

"Talk before someone else does."
Looking at Frankie's back door, it looks pretty messed up around the handle and lock area. But if it is a 1989 model that could be old damage. Probably no way to tell unless we could actually see the door. That might not be a big priority as far as replacing it, since it is the back door, as long as it seals properly. Putting food on the table would certainly come first.
As much as I have read about the pot grow, and the few pics I've seen, I think either there were 200 plants total, or there were seedlings at the other two locations. Maybe LE considers it sophisticated for the number of plants they found. Most people who know about sizes of growth farms don't think 200 plants is a large operation. I personally don't have any idea, as I don't think I have ever seen a plant, much less a room or garden full.

I think it's 200 total too, including seedlings, any that were nearing possibly being ready to be moved outdoors soon, maybe found some rootballs from the last grow. But one persons perception of a sophisticated grow may mean something completely different to someone else. I hesitate to say sophisticated b/c we've seen no photos of what they found and LE loves to show photos of that stuff.
Looking at Frankie's back door, it looks pretty messed up around the handle and lock area. But if it is a 1989 model that could be old damage. Probably no way to tell unless we could actually see the door. That might not be a big priority as far as replacing it, since it is the back door, as long as it seals properly. Putting food on the table would certainly come first.
As much as I have read about the pot grow, and the few pics I've seen, I think either there were 200 plants total, or there were seedlings at the other two locations. Maybe LE considers it sophisticated for the number of plants they found. Most people who know about sizes of growth farms don't think 200 plants is a large operation. I personally don't have any idea, as I don't think I have ever seen a plant, much less a room or garden full.

On what basis do you make this claim, if I may ask?
I'm sure officials are using ever tactic know to man, to get someone to "talk". I don't think someone in the family killed them, but there are people who know things that could lead them down some paths ( maybe they already have) to find out who they were. I think there was more than one (dragging somebody back to a bedroom), lookout, helping in however that went about it. I think there are some in jail that their trying to "sweet" for info. No, after further thought , I don't think they saw this coming. I mean if you look at the evidence we do know, (pot, fighting, cars, dogs, shady people, etc,) they were used to dealing with dangerous people. I mean someone that could tell on you and get you in trouble or threaten to when they didn't like what was going on, or what they were getting. All this is just my opinion and thoughts. A few of us have been bouncing around some theories this afternoon and this is just part of it.
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