OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #18

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Maybe one ex-LE, and a few gang members from another town? I don't doubt that JJ has more than a couple of no-gooders who would hook up with him to help him get rid of 8 "trouble-makers" as they were probably described by JJ. He might have promised them half the money he expected to find, or all the pot they wanted in the form of plants. He could have offered them 500.00 each, which is probably pennies on the dollar, but I think bad people in gangs will do about anything if they think they will get with it.
And if JJ thought by getting rid of the Rhoden's would solve the problem of the video Jr. had, he probably didn't know it had already made it to FB. Also left personal phones behind, so they hadn't committed the perfect murder! To me, just seeing a photo of JJ automatically screams dishonest and sneaky.

I don't doubt that there were a couple folks, that the person in question, could tap to help him, I know he's not a POI right now, and don't really know if he'd be capable of pulling this off. He doesn't seem to have the coordination, self-control, and the right skills it would take. He strikes me as not being the sharpest knife in the drawer. There are a few in GR's Friend List that seem to be a bit sketchy as well. There's also a couple folks I've run across, extended family, that I don't really think they did it, but, they would make me a little uneasy at Thanksgiving Dinner, if they were part of my extended family.
Jr. had a video on his phone of the cops shooting Rocker, the person who shot him was JJ. Maybe I didn't explain well enough. I wasn't really speculating the Rhoden's were in cahoots with LE. I was thinking that JJ might have known about their grow op and was expecting hush money from them. After he murdered the second person, and was fired from his job they told him to go jump in the lake. So then he became fearful of what they knew about him and they might help out prosecution and help get him convicted. So he convinced some low-lifes to help him shut them up. They couldn't be locals, though. They would have to be from out of town, so he didn't have to be worried about being double-crossed.

That video post was one that he had shared to his FB, from a friend's FB post, the friend actually knew the young man, who had been shot by police that night (iirc). The video that I saw did not actually show the shooting, just the aftermath, and witnesses stating what had happened, there at the scene. CR2 was not actually there.
I have been wondering if there are any updates and am very disappointed there are not. IMO, the "facts", according to me, are that someone or more than one someones, knew that these people knew something and had to be silenced. What did they know? I have no clue but it must have been something big for them to kill a teenage boy and sleeping new mother with her baby right there. It scares me that there have been no arrests. So where are the guilty and when will they strike again?

Just a theory, and this comes from living in the region all my life, and, I've tossed it out to other family who've lived here their entire lives. They all pretty much say the same; CR1 (and possibly DR or KR) have done something to someone, that is completely unforgivable (in that person's eyes). It could have been brewing for years and then something small could have even been the last straw. They'd not doubt it was extended family. Old wounds/jealousies and something happened in near past that finally crossed the line. GR may have been a victim of circumstance, KR may have known something and had to be removed, but the heart of it all was at CR1 and his immediate family. They wanted him and his immediate family gone from this planet. Leaving the babies was a sign that it was personal to CR1, DR, and their children, they had no ill will toward the babies. Could have been someone who lost a child due to something that CR1 & crew were into (possibly moved into Heroin lately). But, at the root of it, from the people I've run this by, it seemed to be CR1 and his immediate family who were the main targets and GR/KR were have to cases. That's one theory that I can see, although, right now, it's not in my top three.
Check this video out as well, amazing


It's very scary to think that there are LE out there let alone more than 1 in a small community like this. It's amazing what some will do for their own personal gain. Sometimes it seems to be the power that comes from being an officer and being able to do what you want and thinking because of your position, your exempt from the rules. Then you have those that get into law enforcement to cover up the person they really are! Sad and scary!
I also think this was planned around Turkey season. But wouldn't that mean that the crime would have to occur at around "first light" to be able to use that as a cover?

Yes... IF everyone always followed the law to the "T." But, people don't and I can't imagine LE arriving and scouring the woods looking for the hunters that started up the turkey hunting a few hours early. The killers would know "jumping the gun" by a few hours, so to speak, would pretty much be ignored imo.
Just a theory, and this comes from living in the region all my life, and, I've tossed it out to other family who've lived here their entire lives. They all pretty much say the same; CR1 (and possibly DR or KR) have done something to someone, that is completely unforgivable (in that person's eyes). It could have been brewing for years and then something small could have even been the last straw. They'd not doubt it was extended family. Old wounds/jealousies and something happened in near past that finally crossed the line. GR may have been a victim of circumstance, KR may have known something and had to be removed, but the heart of it all was at CR1 and his immediate family. They wanted him and his immediate family gone from this planet. Leaving the babies was a sign that it was personal to CR1, DR, and their children, they had no ill will toward the babies. Could have been someone who lost a child due to something that CR1 & crew were into (possibly moved into Heroin lately). But, at the root of it, from the people I've run this by, it seemed to be CR1 and his immediate family who were the main targets and GR/KR were have to cases. That's one theory that I can see, although, right now, it's not in my top three.

I have felt this was tied to heroin too. Perhaps it was a child, or a spouse who died. There was recently a new story of a father who lost his daughter to an overdose, who was helping try to rescue a underage girl from a drug house. The police caught him in the Lincoln tunnel with guns. Anyone who has loved a heroin addict knows you and them both go crazy. You fight this drug with every ounce of your being, trying to guide them towards the light.
So, you're saying that multiple LE officers slaughtered these eight people in cold blood? And these LE officers had no qualms about snuffing out eight lives, including young mothers, leaving children motherless, and - not to mention - putting themselves at risk, if caught, of spending the rest of their lives in prison? And Sheriff Reader has no clue that he's got multiple cold-blooded assassins on the payroll (and not a single LE officer has hinted to him that this is where he should focus his investigation)? Wow.
I'm just speculating like everyone else here (or that was my original intention) .... But, no... I'm not saying that at all. I am saying that not one person I'm speculating on is an active LE employee so Sheriff Charles Reader can be left out of this. I think Sheriff Charles Reader is an honest and sincere, hard working man who does plan to investigate this case "no matter where it leads." Meanwhile, SOMEBODY out there somewhere, quoting you: ".... had no qualms about snuffing out eight lives, including young mothers, leaving children motherless, and - not to mention - putting themselves at risk, if caught, of spending the rest of their lives in prison?" Yes, SOMEBODY out there planned and did all that while fully expecting to never be caught and that is what little we know about the case that we know is fact. All that is required for that is to have somebody be a sociopath/psychopath with close friends... no matter what occupation they may have worked at or work at now. It's the mental make up and physical skills of the people and not their occupation that I'm looking at. To address another comment: No... not "massive LE involvement." .... please, I mentioned nothing about "massive involvement" and I don't know what I could have written that would have anyone come to that conclusion.
Everybody has come up with some very good scenarios, and have included some valuable info. I have never had to deal with anyone on heroin, but I lived with an alcoholic for years. Then when he was 32, he decided that wasn't enough, so he had to bring cocaine into the picture and was totally out of control. I finally realized the best thing I could do was just sit back and bide my time and let him get arrested. Finally it happened and he ended up going to the pen. And I told him it was over. I have read about parents mainly who have tried to help their kids with addiction and it is a nightmare. I understand how a loved one could blame a dealer, even though to our knowledge the Rhoden's weren't into that. They had a pot grow, and their son/daughter may have bought from the Rhodens, therefore they encouraged that loved one to use drugs, therefore they were the bad guys and had to be stopped.
Maybe one ex-LE, and a few gang members from another town? I don't doubt that JJ has more than a couple of no-gooders who would hook up with him to help him get rid of 8 "trouble-makers" as they were probably described by JJ. He might have promised them half the money he expected to find, or all the pot they wanted in the form of plants. He could have offered them 500.00 each, which is probably pennies on the dollar, but I think bad people in gangs will do about anything if they think they will get with it.
And if JJ thought by getting rid of the Rhoden's would solve the problem of the video Jr. had, he probably didn't know it had already made it to FB. Also left personal phones behind, so they hadn't committed the perfect murder! To me, just seeing a photo of JJ automatically screams dishonest and sneaky.

gif, I could see this. I have no idea of the personal life of anyone (how many friends or whatever but likes attract likes and I would guess, for money, some people would be motivated to participate.) But, I'm curious... do we know the killers left cell phones behind? I hadn't read that.
Maybe one ex-LE, and a few gang members from another town? I don't doubt that JJ has more than a couple of no-gooders who would hook up with him to help him get rid of 8 "trouble-makers" as they were probably described by JJ. He might have promised them half the money he expected to find, or all the pot they wanted in the form of plants. He could have offered them 500.00 each, which is probably pennies on the dollar, but I think bad people in gangs will do about anything if they think they will get with it.
And if JJ thought by getting rid of the Rhoden's would solve the problem of the video Jr. had, he probably didn't know it had already made it to FB. Also left personal phones behind, so they hadn't committed the perfect murder! To me, just seeing a photo of JJ automatically screams dishonest and sneaky.

But what is JJ's involvement with the Rhodens? Prior to the murders?
I am in somewhat of a rock and a hard place.. If I follow your theory. about Masive L.E involvement, I want to enter
some variations on the the theory and get your reaction..I want to slip in a vital bit of information that has not been discussed
so far..Just for instance,say that I am down there in Pike county early morning of April 22. and I have my gang with
me ready to take care of business. We are know all around the county. All of us are wearing casual dress.I assign myself to
KR1. I go down,driving my personal car, and knock on his door.He permits me to enter. I tell him why I am there and
He brings a relative. Then, I am at a disadvantage.I have to fire a bullet into KR1 to slow him down,that does not slow
him so I keep firing. Now, there is blood splattered everywhere., on my shirt, shoes, slacks. I rush out and get in my
car to drive back down to meet he other members of the gang. We take an inventory and find that not all are
contaminated with victims blood. Siince all of us brought a change of clothes, the ones with victim spladder, decide
where to change clothes. We go to the pole barn..Now, where do we expose of the contaminated clothes.?
we carry them home at 7 or 8 a.m. and put them in our washing machine ?? Our wives are up that time of
morning and she knows..I have to stand around the dryer to wait on the bloody clothes to dry. And the blood is still there.
If this is a violation , I apologize ..moo

Ray... my point is that, no matter what the occupation of the person now or in the past... the puzzle is the same one. Somebody committed 8 murders and that "somebody" had to face the problem of spattered clothing and how to clean or dispose of it. Even if they covered their clothing with a raincoat... they still had to have planned on what was going to happen after the murders were done to get rid of the guns rather than be caught with them. I had suggested in an earlier thread that they may have had a hole all dug and ready for them for the purpose of covering up guns, clothing, and anything else. Forests in the area are expansive (right across the street from Dana's place, for one idea) ...and quickly hiding the clothing with a plan to later come back and burn it would be just one possibility. Someone else had suggested throwing everything into the river down by KY on the way home. I, myself, would not drive even that far with one drop of evidence in my car. I doubt very much anyone brought any clothing home with them. Being the first day of the turkey shoot... nobody would think twice about hunters in the woods and, if they're local guys (and I think they are but, by that I don't mean necessarily from the same town) ... then they would know exactly where to take an early morning dip in a pond without being seen. But that wouldn't even be necessary if the clothed themselves properly "for the job." A mechanic's "one-piece jumpsuit" with hunting clothing underneath would be one idea.
Bury the clothes and guns "for now" and pick up the hunting rifles... split up and either go hunting or go home clean.
But what is JJ's involvement with the Rhodens? Prior to the murders?

That's actually one of the big problems we face when trying to speculate on the case. We have almost nothing to go on other than Facebook which tells us who "befriended" who at some point but that really doesn't tell us much about how they felt about each other. Some is obvious (Dana loved her children... Frankie loved Hannah... ) but, even so close as Chris Sr and Dana... that was "complicated" per Dana. You take a few steps further out and the information isn't even on Facebook. We have no way to know if JJ knew the Rhodens or what, if anything, had ever happened between them. We know Chris Jr posted an "anti-JJ" video but, so did others, and they're not dead so I scratch that as anything important as to motive for the killings other than maybe Chris Jr did himself no favors posting it. I think all we really know, for sure, is that JJ was a cop in town at the same time we estimate that the Rhodens were growing weed... and nobody who was killed, who had a FB account, had befriended JJ on FB as far as we know.
One thing I would love to know is why DS staying over at Kenneth's that night never took place. I do not suspect DS so that's not why I bring this up. I would like to know if Kenneth cancelled their getting together for the evening because Kenneth had other plans and, if he did, did those plans involved having someone else come over to stay for awhile or to stay for the night. Could be DS cancelled the plans and that doesn't have to put him at suspicion at all. He might have had a date and that sounded better to him than staying at his uncle's house is all. But, if Kenneth cancelled... the answer to why would be nice to know. Might be nothing but it might be something.
Guys don't forget that JJ lived just 7 houses from IJ in waverly!!!!
That's actually one of the big problems we face when trying to speculate on the case. We have almost nothing to go on other than Facebook which tells us who "befriended" who at some point but that really doesn't tell us much about how they felt about each other. Some is obvious (Dana loved her children... Frankie loved Hannah... ) but, even so close as Chris Sr and Dana... that was "complicated" per Dana. You take a few steps further out and the information isn't even on Facebook. We have no way to know if JJ knew the Rhodens or what, if anything, had ever happened between them. We know Chris Jr posted an "anti-JJ" video but, so did others, and they're not dead so I scratch that as anything important as to motive for the killings other than maybe Chris Jr did himself no favors posting it. I think all we really know, for sure, is that JJ was a cop in town at the same time we estimate that the Rhodens were growing weed... and nobody who was killed, who had a FB account, had befriended JJ on FB as far as we know.

I haven't posted for a while. Needed a break.

just wanted to say, re JJ, FB has been scrubbed.
You will find traces of him nowhere. None.
A Google search brings up only standard news articles.
i find this interesting.
I don't think any of the Rhodens were friends with JJ. I just think he had some dirt on them, and may have demanded hush money. He could have stopped the boys on more than one occasion, and that could have opened a whole new can of worms. I have trouble believing that JJ had friends at all. He just doesn't seem to be a nice person at all.
With him being "let go" from his previous job, and seemingly being under suspicion at his latest job, if I worked with him I wouldn't want to associate with him outside of the job, not wanting the other people I worked with to think I was like JJ.
In past threads, somebody said they had heard that JJ's wife was friends with Kenny's ex. Maybe LE should be interviewing her. She might be able to shed some light as to JJ's thoughts on the Rhodens. I doubt he would keep his mouth shut around her, even if he was talking about her relatives. Might even give him run-of-the-mouth-itis. I have a second cousin who used to run her mouth about one of my son's because she worked with one of his former teachers. And she thought it was funny. Hindsight being 20/20, I should have complained to the school board, but it's way too late for that now. Neither of them were mature enough to keep their mouths shut, and that's the same way I feel about JJ!
Exactly, JJ doesn't have to have a connection with the Rhoden's.. As a deputy sheriff, JJ would most likely be familiar with the Rhoden family, and maybe overheard something at work one day that the Rhoden's had a lot of money stashed and/or had a lot of weed

i find it hard to believe that JJ would go after Chris jr because of that video, because that video is online.. Unless Chris jr is the one who originally put it online?
I believe I read somewhere that DS said he was waiting on a call from Kenny, and when DS didn't hear from him he stayed home. If you want, you might look at the videos with DS.
Also, if Kenny's son thought his dad was working, then BR probably did, too. Nobody should get a call at work and be told his brother and his entire family were found murdered. It probably wasn't until DS talked to them at the church everybody realized Kenny wasn't at work and nobody had seen him.
I'm sure all of us agree if we got that kind of news over the phone, most likely we'd be a basket case!
I don't know if Jr could have been the first person to put that video on FB or not. Someone stated in an earlier thread they stayed away from FB because 5 out of 2 people used FB to stir things up. Not a quote, but the meaning is the same. That just cements my own opinion of FB - moma drama.
I have felt this was tied to heroin too. Perhaps it was a child, or a spouse who died. There was recently a new story of a father who lost his daughter to an overdose, who was helping try to rescue a underage girl from a drug house. The police caught him in the Lincoln tunnel with guns. Anyone who has loved a heroin addict knows you and them both go crazy. You fight this drug with every ounce of your being, trying to guide them towards the light.

Same with any addict, of any type. Pill abusers just went to H b/c their pills were being taken away, and H is much cheaper and, actually easier to get now. Alcoholics are the same, just different drug, only it takes longer to kill them. Now oxy has been approved for pediatric use, but they want to take the elderly off of it and introduce YOGA as an alternative. Old people are the ones who have the most surgeries, falls, broken bones, and pains. Not a peep from anyone about the use in children though. However, marijuana has proven health benefits, is non-addictive, and the only dangerous part about it, right now anyway, is getting caught with it. Back to the H. There was a very sad story from the Pike County area about a young person dying from H after being clean for awhile. I cannot make a 100% connection to this person and GR, but there's a couple degrees of separation there, from what I've found while sleuthing.
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