OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #18

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The shooting of the father and his two young girls described in the article above is what gangs do what the Cartel would do. The fact that the babies were left alive suggests that either the subject(s) knew the family and might have even been close to the children, or else it simply was not in their nature to do so. To this effect, I would like to know exactly what caliber gun was used in these killings. I would also like to know the exact times of death for each of the victims, so a good timeline can be established. Whomever the killer(s) are, they knew the area and the homes quite well - in addition to the schedules of all the victims. Also, what knowledge did each one of the victim's possess that made them a very serious threat? There was something they all knew...
I could be wrong, but I have zero theories that the cartel murdered these eight people.

I agree. For two reasons... first (and I have no proof of this) but my feeling is that the Rhodens were not nearly 'big enough' to draw that kind of attention or anger from any cartel. Second, because I am pretty well convinced that someone very, very close to the Rhodens helped the killers with information whether on purpose as part of the plan or inadvertently as just a big mouth that should have stayed shut... and I can't see the cartel and someone close to the Rhodens as ever crossing paths.
I am not privy, nor is anyone else here, to evidence of the motive for this slaughter. All is speculation. JMO
OK. I thought you might be onto something. Myself, I haven't heard anyone make a convincing case yet that the killer is a family member. It hasn't been ruled out, though, so who knows?
I agree. For two reasons... first (and I have no proof of this) but my feeling is that the Rhodens were not nearly 'big enough' to draw that kind of attention or anger from any cartel. Second, because I am pretty well convinced that someone very, very close to the Rhodens helped the killers with information whether on purpose as part of the plan or inadvertently as just a big mouth that should have stayed shut... and I can't see the cartel and someone close to the Rhodens as ever crossing paths.
I agree that cartel involvement is a stretch; but I wouldn't be surprised if a small-scale enterprise (drug-related) is involved. So, cartel-like tactics might be used, even if big cartels, per se, are not behind the killings.
It's hard to believe it would be family. Reason being is that they would have an inkling and it sure looks like they are all still hanging out together and all still friends with each other based on this weeks derby pictures, etc. I'm pretty sure if they had a feeling who it was, and the person was right there, that person would not be standing upright anymore.

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Emphasis mine. Who is the the they to which you are referring? The Rhoden and Manley families have a lot of kin. Are you saying you've seen every one of them chumming it up at the derby?
So, are we talking about a bunch of hot headed drug runners and their partners in crime who might consider themselves a gang? Wannabees who maybe thought they could act tough and try to throw their weight around and make the Rhoden's do business with them and they got run off and retaliated?
I know we talked about the big white pole barn to the side of Chris Sr's. trailer a few times. Question. I didn't see a door hanging on the outside of it. What type of door would it have? An inside one on a track? And if they were so security minded why was it open?
The way the opening appeared to me, it would have a garage door that rolls up and back when open and pulls down to close. If they have a certain name, I don't know what it is
I know we talked about the big white pole barn to the side of Chris Sr's. trailer a few times. Question. I didn't see a door hanging on the outside of it. What type of door would it have? An inside one on a track? And if they were so security minded why was it open?
i thought about that too, but what I figured is only part of the building was used for growing. So they have the building door open and it looks like nothing is going on, but a small portion of that big building would be for growing.

(I don't even know if the new gray building was confirmed to have marijuana in it because there's also another building behind that that looks black) does anyone know which buildings had growing ops? Hell maybe they had multiple growing ops on the property
I haven't heard of any particular building being pointed out, but as large as the new garage is, there could be a partition inside separating the mechanic business and probably the rest of the building could have been for a grow during cold weather.
I think the old barn looking thing out front was actually said to have had marijuana growing in it
If you are referring to the one pictured with a couple of people looking inside, I think that one for sure. I can't think of any other reason they would be interested in it.
Happy 4th, everybody! Hearing firecrackers going off and my Katy kitty is hiding under the bed!
I know we talked about the big white pole barn to the side of Chris Sr's. trailer a few times. Question. I didn't see a door hanging on the outside of it. What type of door would it have? An inside one on a track? And if they were so security minded why was it open?

I just did not see a lot of places, that were secure, to do an indoor grow(Except, possibly in the trailers. Maybe one set up in pne of CR1's trailer bedrooms, and possibly another at FR's, which is why the toddler slept on the couch, and then the tray DS saw at KR's). They wouldn't want to be blatant, nor would they want folks to just drive by, or up to the place, and see it in there, that causes a risk of theft or being turned in. Also, that close to the road, when it was time to process it, and dry it, you'd smell it from the road easily. They lived right on the road. They were obviously concerned about theft enough to have motion lights and security cameras and the only things that I personally could see that someone would want to steal, would be car parts, and the plants, or cash. There's folks who raise hemp and have to hire guards to patrol the fields b/c people think it's pot and go into the fields to try and steal the plants (they think it's marijuana). The cameras are useless as far as protecting any of those things b/c they couldn't turn it in to the police. Not even if it were theft of legal car parts, or money, b/c they'd not want the cops on that land, with a pot operation going on.
I just cannot get over the fact that Law Enforcement was seemingly 'oblivious' to the growing operation; LE routinely gets tips from the electric providers as well as water providers (of course, they may have have their own wells) indicating high amounts of usage - which always leads to a grow operation. They are not difficult to find! And yeah, the smell - even when you take precautions, is usually really strong.
If one of the deceased had done the killing and then committed suicide, the police would have been able to determine this pretty quickly, and would probably have closed the case. Suicides are often very easy to solve - there's an abundance of evidence left behind, even in cases of murder-suicide. The fact that no one involved in the investigation of this case is saying even a word does make me think they have some leads - or maybe they even know who the subject(s) are (yes, I think there was more than one person involved).
I don't think it is possible for one person to have pulled this off single-handed!y. Not even ex-LE or former military. Too many things could go wrong, as I think they did anyway, at Chris's house. There is no way anyone would deliberately fire nine shots at somebody unless they were fighting back.
And I don't believe it was family.
I just cannot get over the fact that Law Enforcement was seemingly 'oblivious' to the growing operation; LE routinely gets tips from the electric providers as well as water providers (of course, they may have have their own wells) indicating high amounts of usage - which always leads to a grow operation. They are not difficult to find! And yeah, the smell - even when you take precautions, is usually really strong.

They lived out in BFE iirc. Folks in that area, who smelled it during drying process, it's especially loud then, would probably just ignore it. I would. I'd not turn my neighbor in over pot, and then have to live beside them for the rest of my life. It's pot, not a meth house, or a Heroin den. I'd also say that there were few trips out that way by deputies unless it was just necessity. I don't live that far out in the country and we rarely see a deputy or state boy. Every now and then they'll set up a speed trap up the road but that's about it. Further out you go around here, the less likely you are to see one, unless they live out in the stix too.
If one of the deceased had done the killing and then committed suicide, the police would have been able to determine this pretty quickly, and would probably have closed the case. Suicides are often very easy to solve - there's an abundance of evidence left behind, even in cases of murder-suicide. The fact that no one involved in the investigation of this case is saying even a word does make me think they have some leads - or maybe they even know who the subject(s) are (yes, I think there was more than one person involved).

I don't think one of the deceased committed suicide after the killings. I think one of the deceased was killed by their "friend" so to speak, and that "friend" then took any cash and went on their merry way.
JMO, there is just something different in KR's death, only shoot once compared to the others. Him being alone when he was found. Money found around him. Found hours after the other's. There is just so much we don't know. You and I know that what little the LE has released has been "carefully" worded. Police usually hold things back so that when they catch the criminals only the police and the criminal "know" the facts. We did not see crime scenes until the police had already got there. So who knows what LE found and what they didn't? Example, open windows, open garage doors, etc. It's like trying to figure out evidence in thin air.
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