OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #19

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Good point, Jen! It's hard to remember all the problems associated with a user, whether it be physical addiction or emotional addiction, especially when you're on the outside looking in. I have attended many Al-Anon meetings, and they are are a big help in understanding the person with the addition and what others have gone through in dealing with the addict they love. The biggest thing I learned was not to enable and not to rescue. That's the biggest and hardest thing to implement, but when you finally learn, then you can start to recover and heal emotionally. Because you can be just as sick as the alcoholic. All the mind games they play put a big burden on the spouse and others who love them. Sometimes, I think it is easier to deal with someone who has a physical addiction as opposed to an emotional one. I know each case is different because all people are different.
It's been quite some time since I have posted, for lack of not having anything new/different to say. I would like to clarify some things about addiction, for those who may not have been provided with factual information before. There is a lot of misinformation that goes around, and the perceptions about those with the disease of addiction (addicts) that come from that misinformation can lead to a lot of misunderstanding.

Chemical Dependency is a temporary condition when a person's body needs a particular chemical (drug) in order to function. Chemical dependency is what causes folks to have DTs and dope sickness. It is a physical condition that can be "cured" with detoxification. After detoxification the body can then function without the chemical.

Addiction is a disease of the brain that attacks one's ability to control obsession and compulsion. These "impulse controls" are managed by the frontal lobe of the brain, and those with addiction have a deficiency in this portion of the brain. Addiction is a progressive and fatal illness. There is no known cure. Over-use of sex, gambling, food and drugs (including alcohol) are symptoms. Symptoms can be "removed", but the underlying illness is still there. Treatment of the illness can cause it to go into remission; however, just like any other progressive and fatal illness, the disease can relapse becoming active again.

I could type out several pages about how to understand addiction, but that isn't the point of this thread. In the interest of understanding how addiction may gave affected members of the Rhoden family, I have shared this smidgen of information. If you have questions or would like more information about addiction, there are many resources available to you, seek them out. I can only share that which has saved my life.


I knew someone with a bad alcohol problem. It was prevalent in the maternal side of the family.He was told by a counselor that addiction can be hereditary. He was also told that he would have the penchant to get addicted to something the rest of his life.
My brain is in overdrive again today. Me being an LPN, I hear people say pot isn't addicting, can be of benefits to cancer pts and also those with severe chronic pain. I agree with the latter part of the statement, I'm glad they found something good to come out of it.
I don't know if pot has nicotine or not, but I have heard statements from others in the medical field who say it has approx twice as much tar as tobacco.
I had Animal Planet on today, and somebody had to take their dog to the doc because he was sick and acting strangely. Owner stated he had eaten her pot. I didn't catch her say how much he got ahold of.
I know most people would take precautions to keeping it put away from their kids, but now it's important to keep away from pets!
I think the statements from LE about we will catch those responsible for this, and they didn't see any reason for others to be concerned about safety, only the people killed were the only targets. I don't think that they knew anything more than what we know about the killers, they were just trying to alleviate rampant fear. LE said there was very little evidence to go by, and I don't think at that time they knew anymore than the gen pub did.
I do feel like they know alot more now than they did the day after the killings.
Reading about Gary and his step-dad, it's hard for me to wrap my head around a parent and child would be doing drugs together! I would never do anything like that, even if my kids were in their 30's. Thank God I never have done drugs, but even if I had, I would not want my kids to know. What a good example that sets!

BBM I have been around a lot of people who have been addicted to a lot of things, and pot just has never been one of them. I've never seen anyone go into delirium tremens from pot. It is not a gateway drug. The gateway drug is alcohol. People don't want to believe it b/c it's legal and it looks like the folks on the commercials are having so much fun. I'm no teetotaler, but I can say that a lot of the bad things I've seen happen have happened as a result of alcohol and people's inability to handle it, or that they are full blown alcoholics, and die an early, and miserable death. About the most dangerous thing about pot, is getting caught with it, if you're living in a non-legal state. It has wonderful medical benefits beyond pain control and cancer benefits.

As for GR and his step-father shooting up in the parking lot, that's what happens when you are an addict. Lines blur. People will do things, when they are bound by addiction, that they would have never dreamed that they would have done. They can justify anything, they lie, and manipulate, and many, many, times it's to the people they love, but, when they are addicted they love nothing, nor no one, any better than that next fix, pill, or drink. It is all that encompasses their lives and until they decide to quit for themselves? They can't. Which brings me to my other theory that GR was still using. One thing that made me think this was the comment that the woman made, That hurting GR was like kicking a dog. I have wondered if he got them into selling Heroin (or some other harder drug) somehow or if he got it from his connection at some point and helped another person out by getting it for them (This is very common. Addicts will go to other addicts for help finding what they want, and other addicts will try to help, b/c it might score them some extra stuff). If this happened and someone died, that person's family may have taken it out on the whole family if they thought they were the ones who were actually dealing the Heroin (maybe they were but I've not heard that they were). Again, just a theory, but I've heard so many people blame the dealers for deaths, and feel they should be tried for murder, that maybe someone did a little bit of "mountain justice".

Help me catch up here guys. Where is this information located. I know the boards have been busy - lots of strife in the world, but somehow I do not recall knowing this? Link please.

I knew someone with a bad alcohol problem. It was prevalent in the maternal side of the family.He was told by a counselor that addiction can be hereditary. He was also told that he would have the penchant to get addicted to something the rest of his life.

Yes, it can be hereditary. Many illnesses of the brain can be inherited.
Help me catch up here guys. Where is this information located. I know the boards have been busy - lots of strife in the world, but somehow I do not recall knowing this? Link please.

ETA if no link is forthcoming within the next hour I will be forced to remove several posts. If the posts are removed and a link is provided in future I can restore them. I suspect the origin is the topix site and if that is a case it can stay on that site but has no business here.

The only one among those who died who had any drug charges to speak of was Gary Rhoden. He was arrested in Russell, Ky., in December 2011 after he and his stepfather were caught using drugs in a car in the parking lot of a Dunham’s sporting goods store.

The stepfather, according to the police report, was cooking ground-up prescription drugs on the bottom of a Pepsi can when officers approached the vehicle, and he admitted that he and Gary Rhoden had already injected some and were preparing more. Gary Rhoden was in passenger seat and refused to show police he hands when ordered to do so. Officers pulled him from the car and forced him to the ground.

According to court records, Rhoden had Xanax in the pocket of his jeans and other drug paraphernalia. He was charged with drug paraphernalia, public intoxication of controlled substances, and possession of controlled substances but after serving three days in jail, the remainder of a 90-day jail sentence was suspended after he successfully completed a probationary period.


Appreciate you being on top of this.

If folks were more conscientious about sourcing information, that can help immensely with "I heard" and "I read" lack of clarity as to sourcing. MOO.
Maybe correcting myself. Pike county PA? Is this the same pike county? Are they close?

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No, not close at all.

Pike County, PA is in the NY/NJ statistical metropolitan area.
i havent kept up to date on this case, maybe someone can help me out - have the police released anything since this all started that implies they are making progress in the investigation?

thanks !
i havent kept up to date on this case, maybe someone can help me out - have the police released anything since this all started that implies they are making progress in the investigation?

thanks !
Only in generalities. They've talked about the sheer volume of information they have AND they've expressed confidence the case will be solved.
i havent kept up to date on this case, maybe someone can help me out - have the police released anything since this all started that implies they are making progress in the investigation?

thanks !

Nothing new from onset but the number of times victims were shot. Sheriff Reader says he is confident they will solve the case. They are very good at talking without saying anything...
In NA we are taught that alcohol is a "drug". My brother and quite a few people I know smoked weed like Ciggs. He would get very moody. That wasn't my drug of choice and it confused me because most people who I knew were really mellow when smoking mj. But the ones (like my bro) that smoked it a lot got mad, I never understood that.

Alcohol is a drug, I agree. Nicotine is a drug. There is no nicotine in marijuana, but, there is tar (4x more in one joint compared to one cig). However, marijuana smokers are not at risk of cancer like cigarette smokers are. Cigarette smokers can go through 20-60 cigs a day, every day, for years. It would be very unlikely for someone to go through that many marijuana cigs, on a daily basis, for years. As far as your brother's reaction, some folks don't get the same reaction as others. There are different strains of weed too, and, according to the person, can have a different affect. I have one friend who had an allergic reaction to it, the very first time they tried it. Marijuana is a drug, so, like any other drug, including alcohol, and those created by Big Pharma, different people, can have different reactions, and can even be allergic. But as far as being addictive, I've just never seen anyone jonesin' for a joint.
I can understand why they haven't determined where HR's baby should go. They don't know the father, but why are they keeping HHG's baby, she has grandparents or immediate family he could go to. Doesn't anyone else think it's unusual for the state to keep the babies?

At this point in time they should have had the dna results back. In the year 2016, that's just not something that takes months. As far as why there's been no placement? Could be that more than one family has applied for custodial rights. That would take time to hash out. It's not a speedy process when dealing w/CPS.
I have discovered when dealing with the state welfare system, they do things on their sweet time. Unless all they need to tell you is a big, fat, NO! You'll hear from them when THEY are ready to help you with your needs. Since I am a nurse, if I see problems, I an required to call them immediately. I had to call them a few years back, talked for 40 mins, and then the woman asked me what I wanted them to do! I nearly dropped the phone. So I told her I wanted them to remove that child from the home. Since he was 14, I have a feeling they probably didn't even do a welfare check. I don't know for certain, I was never in the home again.
Of, and absolutely alcoholic tendencies can be inherited. It takes a strong, determined person to overcome the problem too.
I have discovered when dealing with the state welfare system, they do things on their sweet time. Unless all they need to tell you is a big, fat, NO! You'll hear from them when THEY are ready to help you with your needs. Since I am a nurse, if I see problems, I an required to call them immediately. I had to call them a few years back, talked for 40 mins, and then the woman asked me what I wanted them to do! I nearly dropped the phone. So I told her I wanted them to remove that child from the home. Since he was 14, I have a feeling they probably didn't even do a welfare check. I don't know for certain, I was never in the home again.

CPS is, unfortunately, necessary. However, dealing with them can be very frustrating. Everyone normally has a lawyer, as well as the child(ren) in CPS cases, and it's all met on, hashed out, meetings are done w/family members, foster parents, there are sometimes monitored visits to see how the person(s) are doing w/the child(ren), who wish to adopt them. They don't want to place a child and then have it not work out too. So, it's a pretty tedious process and can drag on for a long time.
OK, still trying to catch up on back threads. On #16 now, so almost there. I still believe Chris was shot so many times because he had a physical confrontation with one or more of the killers. Has anyone taken a good look at Kenny in the sleeveless shirt? He has arms like a wrestler! If Chris was the same way, how many of y'all would want to arm wrestle one of them? Yes, I can see one of them just beating two regular sized guys to a pulp. The gun was brought out as an equalizer. Somebody started firing, and he kept coming. Gary might have been in the fight too, and somebody grabbed him and held him at bay. I in no way believe Chris was tortured. And I am just NOT believing Kenny was the informant. Just doesn't make sense to me.
Several have commented on the statement Gary's SIL made about him, that hurting him would be the same as kicking the dog. I am not sure that statement means the same to me as to several others. I don't interpret it as meaning he was a druggie and harmless. I interpret it as saying he had a gentle soul and was never out to hurt anybody. I think plenty of people who get involved in the drug scene are gentle souls, and get their feelings hurt easily, then smoke a joint or pop something for anxiety in order to lessen how deeply their feelings get hurt, and it spirals out from there. I saw the older pic of JJ, and he did look quite different. I am going back to look at a more recent one and do some comparing in my mind.
I know steroids are fairly easy to get, and he could have very well been taking them. But I remember back when Chris Benoit flipped out and killed his wife and son, and then himself, blood tests showed he had such a large amt in his system he could have been compared to a raging bull. I never noticed a "moon face" about him. To tell the truth, I never liked him, and always thought he was ugly and looked like a monkey.
OK, still trying to catch up on back threads. On #16 now, so almost there. I still believe Chris was shot so many times because he had a physical confrontation with one or more of the killers. Has anyone taken a good look at Kenny in the sleeveless shirt? He has arms like a wrestler! If Chris was the same way, how many of y'all would want to arm wrestle one of them? Yes, I can see one of them just beating two regular sized guys to a pulp. The gun was brought out as an equalizer. Somebody started firing, and he kept coming. Gary might have been in the fight too, and somebody grabbed him and held him at bay. I in no way believe Chris was tortured. And I am just NOT believing Kenny was the informant. Just doesn't make sense to me.
Several have commented on the statement Gary's SIL made about him, that hurting him would be the same as kicking the dog. I am not sure that statement means the same to me as to several others. I don't interpret it as meaning he was a druggie and harmless. I interpret it as saying he had a gentle soul and was never out to hurt anybody. I think plenty of people who get involved in the drug scene are gentle souls, and get their feelings hurt easily, then smoke a joint or pop something for anxiety in order to lessen how deeply their feelings get hurt, and it spirals out from there. I saw the older pic of JJ, and he did look quite different. I am going back to look at a more recent one and do some comparing in my mind.
I know steroids are fairly easy to get, and he could have very well been taking them. But I remember back when Chris Benoit flipped out and killed his wife and son, and then himself, blood tests showed he had such a large amt in his system he could have been compared to a raging bull. I never noticed a "moon face" about him. To tell the truth, I never liked him, and always thought he was ugly and looked like a monkey.

BBM I've stated that several times. While I in no way take that to mean that someone is on drugs, the fact is that unless he got treatment or did it cold turkey, he was most likely still on drugs. I saw that as more like a term I'd hear people speaking about someone who is kind of pitiful, and wouldn't (or couldn't) fight back, which is like a lot of hard drug users. They get just plumb pitiful.
OK, still trying to catch up on back threads. On #16 now, so almost there. I still believe Chris was shot so many times because he had a physical confrontation with one or more of the killers. Has anyone taken a good look at Kenny in the sleeveless shirt? He has arms like a wrestler! If Chris was the same way, how many of y'all would want to arm wrestle one of them? Yes, I can see one of them just beating two regular sized guys to a pulp. The gun was brought out as an equalizer. Somebody started firing, and he kept coming. Gary might have been in the fight too, and somebody grabbed him and held him at bay. I in no way believe Chris was tortured. And I am just NOT believing Kenny was the informant. Just doesn't make sense to me.
Several have commented on the statement Gary's SIL made about him, that hurting him would be the same as kicking the dog. I am not sure that statement means the same to me as to several others. I don't interpret it as meaning he was a druggie and harmless. I interpret it as saying he had a gentle soul and was never out to hurt anybody. I think plenty of people who get involved in the drug scene are gentle souls, and get their feelings hurt easily, then smoke a joint or pop something for anxiety in order to lessen how deeply their feelings get hurt, and it spirals out from there. I saw the older pic of JJ, and he did look quite different. I am going back to look at a more recent one and do some comparing in my mind.
I know steroids are fairly easy to get, and he could have very well been taking them. But I remember back when Chris Benoit flipped out and killed his wife and son, and then himself, blood tests showed he had such a large amt in his system he could have been compared to a raging bull. I never noticed a "moon face" about him. To tell the truth, I never liked him, and always thought he was ugly and looked like a monkey.

My thoughts also. I do not, IMO believe Gary was doing drugs regularly. I am going on the theory his father KR saying Gary was a hard worker, and the he would give you the shirt off his back.Then again we do not know much of Gary's back ground, as far as that goes we have nothing about the others also.
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