OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #21

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I know but I thought he was talking about the custody of Hannah Mae's baby. Now it seems it could have been RA child. Maybe her and Dana were fighting and Chris Jr jumped in it and got slapped. She looks like a rough girl. JMO:thinking: Rebecca is a Clay and Kathy Manley is married to a Clay.
Leonard brought up the court business between Dana, Jr, and the Allen woman. I don't think he mentioned anybody's kids at that time. He just said they should take a look at the court case and stop wasting time hauling cars away.
Leonard brought up the court business between Dana, Jr, and the Allen woman. I don't think he mentioned anybody's kids at that time. He just said they should take a look at the court case and stop wasting time hauling cars away.

Sorry, just trying to find some kind of new info to discuss and figure out what happened. For me (old lady mind) the longer this drags out, the more I forget. Hard to hold all this in my head and my computer's memory is getting pretty full! lol
Hey rsd, you know anything about this custody thing involving Rebecca Allen?
I thought when Leonard said what he said he was saying they should be looking at where Dana worked, not hauling away cars, etc. That first big interview I thought he said something about they needed to ask them who did it (Dana's work).
Does anyone think it's weird Caroline Tomlinson (Eapmon case) also worked at a care home? Similar job as Dana.

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Hey rsd, you know anything about this custody thing involving Rebecca Allen?

Nothing about the custody, but is she the one they issued the no contact order to, on 4/21, b/c she slapped CR2? I'd have to dig a bit. I can't remember off the top of my head.
I thought when Leonard said what he said he was saying they should be looking at where Dana worked, not hauling away cars, etc. That first big interview I thought he said something about they needed to ask them who did it (Dana's work).
Does anyone think it's weird Caroline Tomlinson (Eapmon case) also worked at a care home? Similar job as Dana.

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He was saying ask the people who worked with Dana if they wanted to know what kind of person she was. He wasn't implying that her employer had anything to do with the murders. He was so upset, at times he was repeating himself and ranting because the police didn't have any answers. Some things he said I had to listen to more than once!
So Carolyn was also in healthcare? I either didn't realize that, or I had forgotten about it. From what I understand, lots of people get their CNA and work in healthcare, pays more than minimum wage jobs, and there is always a need for them in that field.
Okay that makes sense. He was rambling, understandably, and maybe meant to ask the people there at her work. Funny I did not even know about RA and the Probation, etc until tonight.

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Nothing about the custody, but is she the one they issued the no contact order to, on 4/21, b/c she slapped CR2? I'd have to dig a bit. I can't remember off the top of my head.
Yes she slapped Jr, and the no contact order was for him and Dana for two years.
Nothing about the custody, but is she the one they issued the no contact order to, on 4/21, b/c she slapped CR2? I'd have to dig a bit. I can't remember off the top of my head.

Yes she's the one.
Yes she slapped Jr, and the no contact order was for him and Dana for two years.

We need to see what articles we can pinpoint on this. It is terribly convenient this happened ans SO shortly after the whole family was dead. I remember it early on but there was SO MUCH and threads moving so fast. Will see what I can find.
Somebody had commented something in regard to the killer maybe having a personaility disorder and it being the reason they could resume behaving "normal" the days and weeks after the murders and it got me thinking and revisiting information on Personality Disorders. Here are some of my thoughts and links on that.
I feel three "Personality Disorder" types could fit this type of crime, meaning, in which the way it was committed and to who the victims were. I have no official education of these disorders, just personal observation and referencing materials. But...
My guess would be of the three, two would likely be detected through behaviors noted by witnesses after the crime and/or during interrogation. Those disorders would include Paranoid Personality Disorder by itself and Obsessive Personality Disorder by itself. The one I would guess would have possible success in pulling it off would be number 3. Antisocial Disorder. Antisocial with Paranoid and/or Obsessive undertones would be the perfect cocktail.

This is just one example of what I used to bounce my ideas of:


Like I have said, I am not a doctor of any kind, nor do I have delusions to think I possess their knowledge. I am however a bit of a paranoid personality type in the fact that I'm always analyzing people, their actions, their words, how they word things, facial expressions, body language, possible motives, and so on. I am always trying to figure people out or at least making mental notes. Maybe this is why I'm attracted to missing persons cases and unsolved murders.

With that being said I feel this was a mission and it had to be lead by a sort of person that was controlled and/or disciplined and he was prepared and planned emotionally and mentally.
Not high, not spontainious, not emotionally attached to the victims, and I would not use the word rage. Rage by definition includes loss of control. Which would lead to a more spontaneous killing or getting caught up in the emotions and drifting from the plan. I feel the word rage would suggest a more animalistic type slaughter, would be more messy not exicution style killing. Stabbing, beating, torturing, more victimizing than just execution. Maybe fixation, disdain, contempt, hate would be better words to describe the emotional state, for the leader of this anyway. If one or more persons in this group had harboured a more rageful disposition or feeling towards the victims they would be seen as a liability by the leader. They would have to be controlled by the leader. That person being quite unstable would likely leave behind more evidence and more likely to come unravelled afterwards. More likely to snap under the pressure of interrogation as well. I believe IF the leader of this killing was so organized he would choose his partners wisely.


*As much as 80 percent of male prison inmates were shown to exhibit signs and symptoms of antisocial personality disorder.

*The prevalence of antisocial personality disorder is higher in treatment programs where patients are abusers of drugs or alcohol.

Note: Take into consideration that being an abuser and being an addict are not the same. Many people in attendance of a drug or alcohol programs are court ordered and are not seeking help.

Once again, JMO. Most everything I post is just my opinion and nothing more, other than the links I share.
We need to see what articles we can pinpoint on this. It is terribly convenient this happened ans SO shortly after the whole family was dead. I remember it early on but there was SO MUCH and threads moving so fast. Will see what I can find.

It's good we are back at sleuthing personal conflicts with the victims. The answer is somewhere within locals.

In this particular conflict we would need to find out the connection with KR and if the person was familiar with the homes.
The personality things are interesting, and I think we could add another. Complete detachment from the victims. IE: I don't know y'all, I don't care, I'm only here to do a job. This would most likely fit an out of town killer.
It doesnt fit with "the perps were familiar with the victims homes and routines"

I like to think websleuthing makes a contribution in encouraging people to talk, especially when AG says "people are not telling what they know"

It's a free world and we can take the discussion in any direction we wish to. But I don't think it serves the case well to sleuth against the few facts released. All the criminal angles of the case have help the perps in keeping the focus away from them.

It's just too easy to blame mexican cartel, rogue cops and white powder. While we all debate about it, nobody is looking around at the evil next door.

But again. This is our forum and it's a free place.
It seems like any time out of town killers are mentioned, then the possibility is mentioned of somebody locally working with them, which I'm not ruling out, but I'm just not certain at this point. I really have a problem that somebody local who knew the family could pull this off, but it could be. I would just hate to think I was acquainted with somebody that mean and callous if this had happened in my hometown.
It seems like any time out of town killers are mentioned, then the possibility is mentioned of somebody locally working with them, which I'm not ruling out, but I'm just not certain at this point. I really have a problem that somebody local who knew the family could pull this off, but it could be. I would just hate to think I was acquainted with somebody that mean and callous if this had happened in my hometown.
If it's someone who knew the victims and got help from out of town then it could fit the facts of the case.

Personnally I have no difficulty in believing it was done by locals. I have sleuthed for a while around the victims and the county. I have seen around a lot of individuals with relational issues, criminal history, depression, death threats, gun freaks.

I am not surprised to hear from AG there is a lot of work with 8 victims. There are more than enough strange people within 1 or 2 degrees of separation with of them to keep them busy for a while.

IMO, the Rhodens were not the drug dealers we sometimes refer to. But they lived in a fairly violent environment and had a few issues and conflicts around them.
In an effort to focus on who was the main target vs. others who may have happened to just be there at the time, I'm going back to read through all threads again.

Some questions about Gary:

1. Anyone remember how (through what family members) they were cousins?

2. Was Gary's visit to the Ohio Rhodens planned, or last minute?

3. How often did Gary visit the Ohio Rhodens? (monthly, several times a year, etc)

4. Who knew Gary was coming?

5. How long was he planning to stay? (days, weeks, month)

I have a feeling the murders were going to happen that night whether Gary was there or not. (depending on answers above)

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