OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #22

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So far, I can't see any family being tied to these murders. However,somebody suggested a person from another town could be involved, and at the time, I thought he was wrong. Now, I'm not so sure! Cannot name them due to R's & R's.
Who would you rather spend the nite with, your cousin or your girlfriend?! I'm thinking Jake came late to pick up S., maybe due to his work schedule. Hannah's sister...who knows?

I figure that Jake either had S because of his truck driving schedule or to help HR out since she had the new baby.
I don't believe for one second that Charlie was not made aware of autopsy reports being released. So I believe he straight up lied to Rhoden family members. And to think he's running for sheriff again?! I wouldn't trust him if he told me the sun was shining unless I looked outside for myself.

I agree. I have grown not to trust him during this investigation. I wonder if the voters of Pike County feel this way?
A facebook post from Sheriff Charlie Reader to Jody Barr, reporter from the Cincinnati Enquirer who wrote about the lack of security at the warehouse where the mobile homes & cars are stored. A few spelling errors etc...but a good read. Definetly written from the heart.


That is one radical Sheriff. Did he actually say that an alarm went off at one of the Rhoden's houses? Here is the post for all those of you not on facebook. Hope I am not violating TOS by copying to here.

Mr. Jody Barr, Chanel 19, the Cincinnati Enquirer, and Chillicothe Gazette

I was appointed the Sheriff of Pike County, Ohio in May 2015. I was the only one to step up when our Sheriff stepped down. I took the reins, I accepted the responsibility, I stood tall through it all, the bad, the tragic, and the most horrifying things that's ever happened. I organized and logistically dealt with nearly 700 men and woman of law enforcement, ran my office, a mobile command dispatch center, and an investigative command center in times never faced by any man before me. Ego? None! I called upon the best professionals that were available in the State of Ohio. They answered the call and came from everywhere. BCI, CRIME SCENE, SHERIFF'S, DEPUTIES, INVESTIGATORS, FBI, if we needed it, we found it. Are we there yet? No. Closer? Yes. Will we solve the Rhoden/Gilley murders? No doubt in my mind, body, or soul. Property and evidence secure enough for trial? No question about it. The norm? Process the crime scene and leave. Leave the homes, leave the cars, leave all those sentimental items, leave all those valuable assets, LEAVE, be done, gone... Did we do that? Did we Mr. Jody Barr with Channel 19 and your expert? "NO" We went above and beyond anything imaginable.... That's right, we took the homes, the cars, the property, "WE DID NOT LEAVE IT !!' Hear me, we took it, we did things that no one, hear me???? NO ONE has done before.... While you try to make a name for yourself in the media world with your pathetic misguided stories, I have one.... It's Sheriff "Charlie" Reader of Pike County, Ohio. A proud Sheriff, a caring Sheriff, a Sheriff that worked around the clock to do the right thing. No, not for you Mr. Barr but for the 8 people murdered in cold blood. Do you hear me Mr. Barr? Was you there, did you see it, feel it, the pain, the hurt, the things that will never leave my or many others mind that are involved. Did you live it? Did you lose a family member? Are you being a victim every time media comes to town to remind you of that horrific day? "NO!!!" So while your trying to manipulate a family in distress that lost 8 loved ones, while you try to make a name for yourself with the blood of 8, hear me??? 8 human lives lost, we are working, day, night, any hour called upon to solve the most horrific event in our lives and those of the victims family. Do you sleep Mr. Barr? When was the last time you were up all night in your suit and shiny shoes? Oh, I forgot... Trying to film a Sheriff doing all that he can for a county he loves and 8 victims of a homicide. We are their voice, We work for them!!!! We care about them, not your part 1, part 2, or part 3 or 4 of the chopped up edited garbage your reporting. Was you there last night? Did you see me? Did you see my Chief Deputy, my Major, Waverly Police K-9, or my undercover unit? Must have been one of those days where we were there and you were not. When I heard over our radio that an alarm was sounding at a residence and the address was given.... Would you have known the last name of the person that lived there? I did, it's Rhoden. Did I go? Was I there? Did we get there quick enough for you? I was the Sheriff still out in my truck that knew exactly who needed help in my county, the one with the lights and sirens on thinking I can't get there fast enough, watching out for motorist, the safety of myself and others as I race with my men and women and other local law enforcement to check. So, Mr. Barr with Chanel 19 out of Cincinnati, you missed it. You were not here. You did not get the story nor are you attempting to interview anyone today. Your not knocking on doors demanding answers are you? Your not here asking my citizens about anything bad they know on me, of me, the Rhodens, Gilleys, where are you? Home? I hope, I pray that your with your family today and that you can hear them, touch them, laugh with them, enjoy more memories being made. As I sit here in my office, I pray that you someday get that story, that break, be the leading journalist in the world. When you make it big my friend, will you be ready? Will your family be by your side? Will your shoulders be big enough to withstand everything, to face tragedy, to live up to expectation, to not fold or show emotion when your insides are screaming because of what you witness or see a family go through? I pray, I pray with everything in my soul that you will. I can promise you this Mr. Barr and channel 19, the Rhodens, Gilleys, and Manleys, their friends, and neighbors and especially their Sheriff, my staff, and BCI want answers and will solve this case but we don't need you to do it. I give you 4 hours of my time and the only guilt that I have is that I can never get it back and it would have been much better spent on trying to find killers, not to accommodate you.

PS. I challenged you and the rest of the media in raising more money for the reward on information leading to an arrest and conviction of those responsible for the death of 8 human beings. Where is that story?


Sheriff Charlie Reader, Pike County, Ohio

— withBill Kelly.
thank you for bringing over the comment RAISINBACK. You are within WS TOS by posting it. The Sheriff made the post to the public, about this case so it would fall under statements from LE and therefore can be posted in it's entirety.
thank you for bringing over the comment RAISINBACK. You are within WS TOS by posting it. The Sheriff made the post to the public, about this case so it would fall under statements from LE and therefore can be posted in it's entirety.

Thank you. I haven't been on here for very long and although I did read all the TOS I wasn't sure if this would qualify as a public statement or not. Again Thank you.
I have allowed it even though it may not be an "official" statement from the department. It is a public statement from the head of that department.

He is clearly frustrated and wanted the public to know his thoughts on the matter.

I hope I didn't offend you when I said he was radical. It was just a comment on the language he used in the post and not a reflection on the job he is doing in this murder investigation. I neither like nor dislike Sheriff Reader. I don't know him. I live about 800 miles from Ohio. Since I am not there or working in his office I would not presume to comment on the job he is doing. Obviously he is very frustrated with the media and the way he is being portrayed in it. Maybe because he is up for an election and feels that the articles of Mr. Parr gives his opponent some ammo to work with? There is a lot of anger in that post. I hope that anger is not because he is stalled on finding the motive or the killers.
To me, that whole rant seems unprofessional. I'm surprised he didn't pull any muscles while patting himself on the back.

If he really wanted to say all of that, he could have easily made a call to Jody Barr and said all of that off the record. <modsnip>

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Law enforcers remain convinced there are people who have information about the killings and are not coming forward. They are fairly confident not everyone is telling them everything they know.
"We are encouraging people to cooperate."

I think this is why they won't allow family to see the 2 kids and why they won't allow them access to the trailers. They obviously believe that someone in those three families knows the who and why of this crime or at least enough to lead them to it.

"I think we know a lot more about illegal activity going on in Pike County than we knew before," DeWine said. "I think we know a lot about a number of different people in Pike County than we knew before."

This statement could cover a lot of ground from the Rhodens being involved in some type of illegal activity to their being innocent victims of someone else's illegal activity.

The more we learn the more the coincidences pile up.

Either these family members are very good actors and
pathological liars or they really don't know why their family was killed. From everything LE has said and implied the former is true.

But then you read about how close Kendra R says she was to her father and you just cannot fathom that she would be a party knowingly or unknowingly to her fathers murder. It doesn't seem reasonable reading what she and her mother says that if the knew something they wouldn't tell LE in a heartbeat.

But the coincidence of the tooth ache and the last minute babysitting job is hard to overlook.

Then you read what HG's mother says about her daughter's murder and again it is hard to fathom that she would knowingly withhold information of any kind if she knew any.

But the coincidence of her other daughter Meranda G packing a bag to stay all night with HG and at the last minute driving by and going home weighs on you.

And then we have LM who has admittedly had a lot to say about his daughter DR's death and you can actually hear and see his anguish when he talks about her. So we cannot believe he would not tell everything he knew to LE or the media even.

But then he tells us LE asked his son and BJM how much they were paid to kill DR and her family.

Then we have the Rhoden family and when you read what TR says about his brothers you just know he is hurting. So you don't believe he would withhold information.

But yet his brother BR and his nephew's houses which were close by the murder scenes are passed over.

Last but not least we come to DS who was very vocal about his role in all of it. Almost as if he was determined to insert himself in the middle of it all. Also reading what he says and listening to him talk you don't feel the grief and pain of the others. So the suspicion sneaks into your mind that he might be withholding something from LE. But LE withholding visiting rights to those babies wouldn't affect him or put pressure on him since his relation to them would have been minimal at best. And the pressure of recovering important papers and family photos probably wouldn't even register on him.

Then there is the coincidence of him deciding at the last minute not to stay the night with KR.

But what if LE is wrong and no one in all four families knows anything about the murders. Could the Rhodens truly be innocent victims? Maybe of a robbery or a revenge type crime? And all these coincidences be just that, random coincidences no one would have given a second thought had not 8 people been killed that night?

I don't even know where my head is right now and the more I learn the more I feel that we don't know anything about why these 8 people were killed.

It's almost like all of these, "we would have been the 9th victim" stories, are proving they had an alibi or a reason not to be around the homes that night. The ones who have been most vocal are the ones who were supposed to have spent the night. Do we even know for sure that KR and her bf were following HR down the road? There's no one to say and that's a new twist. I'm not saying all these people are guilty, but, what if some knew something was going down, but not to the level of what happened? What if it got out of control at CR1's and then they felt they had no other choice?
I've never said I didn't like Sheriff Reader. But that being said, I don't trust him or AG Dewine where this case is concerned. Hardly any information has been released on this case, and what has was a merry chase done the cartel path! Family and public were lead to believe that the "homes" were in a secure place and they weren't. I know (at least I hope) all this misdirection of information was done to throw the killers off. The only thing I know for sure is 8 people, 8 human beings whose lives mattered are dead. After 6 months on here like everyone else, we are trying to HELP this investigation. It's not a game, it's not just something to do, this is serious! But how can we help anyone with all the crap that does get reported from the powers that be? It seems to me that Reader and Dewine are not on the same page where these murders are concerned, but are on the same page where their politics are concerned. I know the families are damn tired of the run-a-round and so am I! This is JMO! (and I spelled damn right this time}
It's almost like all of these, "we would have been the 9th victim" stories, are proving they had an alibi or a reason not to be around the homes that night. The ones who have been most vocal are the ones who were supposed to have spent the night. Do we even know for sure that KR and her bf were following HR down the road? There's no one to say and that's a new twist. I'm not saying all these people are guilty, but, what if some knew something was going down, but not to the level of what happened? What if it got out of control at CR1's and then they felt they had no other choice?

I know, I want to believe her and any other family members, but at this point I just don't. To many people were just so lucky to not show up that night. I wish someone that really knows what happened that night had enough courage to stand up and tell the truth! For the sake of the innocent family members to be able to try and put their lives back together.
A facebook post from Sheriff Charlie Reader to Jody Barr, reporter from the Cincinnati Enquirer who wrote about the lack of security at the warehouse where the mobile homes & cars are stored. A few spelling errors etc...but a good read. Definetly written from the heart.


I know some are distrustful, and I'm not always 100% trustful myself, of LEOs or LEDs, however, I do think Reader cares and wants this solved. Pike County is more populated, and is more developed, than the county where I live, and Pike is less so than the the counties surrounding me, and I can not even imagine what it would entail, if something like this happened here, or a neighboring county. Like Pike County, OH, we are just not set up for something like this, manpower wise, finance-wise, experience-wise. I personally feel for Reader, and think the decisions he's made, whether right, or wrong, were made in what he thought, at the time, were in the best interest of solving this case.

Let me be very clear:

If this starts to turn once again into the lets discuss the local politics, who mistrusts the AG, who dislikes or likes Charlie Reader thread I will not hesitate to shut this thread down until something develops in this case.

I get the frustration with the lack of new info and those overseeing the investigation playing their cards close to the chest. Some departments give frequent pressers and updates, some do not. IME LE agencies vary a great deal in their handling of what and how much info they release, and often even within the same agency it will vary from case to case.

Discuss the case. Discuss the facts, discuss your theories, discuss what is covered in the MSM and the statements made by LE.


As to Reader's public post to the reporter IMO this man inherited a department with it's share of troubles in recent years and then BAM this horrific mass murder landed on his shoulders. He seems very frustrated by this case as are many of you. He also appears to be frustrated by certain reporters criticizing his handling of the case and spoke to that in his post.
It's hard to know what to think about Reader. All we know is what we see and that seems to change a lot. <modsnip>

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Did he actually say that an alarm went off at one of the Rhoden's houses? Here is the post for all those of you not on facebook. Hope I am not violating TOS by copying to here.

"When I heard over our radio that an alarm was sounding at a residence and the address was given.... Would you have known the last name of the person that lived there? I did, it's Rhoden. Did I go? Was I there? Did we get there quick enough for you?"

RSBM Very interesting. First I've heard of an alarm. I wonder if LE was on the way before the first victims were found.
It's almost like all of these, "we would have been the 9th victim" stories, are proving they had an alibi or a reason not to be around the homes that night. The ones who have been most vocal are the ones who were supposed to have spent the night. Do we even know for sure that KR and her bf were following HR down the road? There's no one to say and that's a new twist. I'm not saying all these people are guilty, but, what if some knew something was going down, but not to the level of what happened? What if it got out of control at CR1's and then they felt they had no other choice?

The same thought has occurred to me. That someone warned them that something was going down that night. That story of the bf making a U-turn because he had a toothache does not sit well with me. Why not just continue on and drop Kendra R off at DR's and then return home or hit up the first convenience store he found and buy some Excedrin? I could more see it that someone called him on his cell and said something was going down that night so don't go there. But I stumble on Kendra R knowing her father was a target that night and not warning him.

It's the same with Meranda G. She packs a bag according to her grandfather and goes to work but when she gets off she just drives on by her sisters house and doesn't stop. Could she too have gotten a phone call telling her not to go there? But again I cannot see her knowing her sister was in danger and not warning her or stopping to get her and the baby out of there.

Then there is DS. Could he too have been warned? Just how close was he to KR and would he have not warned him that he was a target?

And then BJM showing up with a couple of witnesses the next morning but clearly not expecting to find everyone dead.

I am somehow coming to the conclusion that this whole thing was someone targeting CR1 for robbery but no one was supposed to get killed. Or maybe not even hurt. And may not have except CR1 fought back and since the others would not have been trusted to keep their mouth shut if they knew who killed their father and brother, they had to go also.

I am fast heading toward the conclusion that this was either someone in the family or someone very close to this family. The dogs and the security cameras leads us there. But I am also beginning to believe that this may have been a robbery/home invasion gone wrong and that the young people in this family knew about it before hand. HR could have even been in the know or CR2.
Then again I could be all wrong. Honestly I feel like someone wandering around lost in the desert on this case right now.
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