OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #22

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RSBM Very interesting. First I've heard of an alarm. I wonder if LE was on the way before the first victims were found.

I am thinking that he was talking about an incident that happened during the time the reporter was staking out the warehouse and that was the reason why neither he nor his deputies was guarding the warehouse that night.

If that is true then that means at least some of the family or the Rhodens in particular have installed silent alarms that feed directly into the sheriffs department or police headquarters. That's the way he made it sound anyway. If that is a fact then he and the family must feel like they are all still in danger and at the very least he does since he described in detail his hurry to get to the residence and make sure they were ok.

I will also add this. If they did install a silent alarm that feeds into LE headquarters then Sheriff Reader may have let slip something in his post that was set up to catch anyone targeting the remaining Rhodens.
I am thinking that he was talking about an incident that happened during the time the reporter was staking out the warehouse and that was the reason why neither he nor his deputies was guarding the warehouse that night.

If that is true then that means at least some of the family or the Rhodens in particular have installed silent alarms that feed directly into the sheriffs department or police headquarters. That's the way he made it sound anyway. If that is a fact then he and the family must feel like they are all still in danger and at the very least he does since he described in detail his hurry to get to the residence and make sure they were ok.

His mentioning the address and knowing it was a Rhoden residence led me back to thinking it was the morning of the murders. I could be totally off base, of course.
The same thought has occurred to me. That someone warned them that something was going down that night. That story of the bf making a U-turn because he had a toothache does not sit well with me. Why not just continue on and drop Kendra R off at DR's and then return home or hit up the first convenience store he found and buy some Excedrin? I could more see it that someone called him on his cell and said something was going down that night so don't go there. But I stumble on Kendra R knowing her father was a target that night and not warning him.

It's the same with Meranda G. She packs a bag according to her grandfather and goes to work but when she gets off she just drives on by her sisters house and doesn't stop. Could she too have gotten a phone call telling her not to go there? But again I cannot see her knowing her sister was in danger and not warning her or stopping to get her and the baby out of there.

Then there is DS. Could he too have been warned? Just how close was he to KR and would he have not warned him that he was a target?

And then BJM showing up with a couple of witnesses the next morning but clearly not expecting to find everyone dead.

I am somehow coming to the conclusion that this whole thing was someone targeting CR1 for robbery but no one was supposed to get killed. Or maybe not even hurt. And may not have except CR1 fought back and since the others would not have been trusted to keep their mouth shut if they knew who killed their father and brother, they had to go also.

I am fast heading toward the conclusion that this was either someone in the family or someone very close to this family. The dogs and the security cameras leads us there. But I am also beginning to believe that this may have been a robbery/home invasion gone wrong and that the young people in this family knew about it before hand.

Then again I could be all wrong. Honestly I feel like someone wandering around lost in the desert on this case right now.

Whether they knew to what to degree something was going down may be another story. KR may not have even known but, maybe another person knew some sort of drama was going down, and created a reason for her not to be there.

I was browsing FB and it seems KR's siblings are much quieter, also, TM seemed pleased w/the statement that Reader released today, yet others were set to picket the LED.
I know some are distrustful, and I'm not always 100% trustful myself, of LEOs or LEDs, however, I do think Reader cares and wants this solved. Pike County is more populated, and is more developed, than the county where I live, and Pike is less so than the the counties surrounding me, and I can not even imagine what it would entail, if something like this happened here, or a neighboring county. Like Pike County, OH, we are just not set up for something like this, manpower wise, finance-wise, experience-wise. I personally feel for Reader, and think the decisions he's made, whether right, or wrong, were made in what he thought, at the time, were in the best interest of solving this case.

Am I reading Facebook right? Did Sheriff Reader make that post this morning? If so then that means the incident with the alarm at the Rhoden residence happened last night and they are out knocking on doors today. And once again interviewing people. I hope nothing has happened to any other family members. But something sure put a burr under his saddle as we say around here because it is very clear from his post he is extremely upset. Maybe someone tried to hurt another Rhoden family member and he feels it is in part due to media coverage? Or the stress of the job is weighing heavily on him. Clearly something happened last night that set him off.
His mentioning the address and knowing it was a Rhoden residence led me back to thinking it was the morning of the murders. I could be totally off base, of course.

But according to what I see on the timeline of his page he posted that 10 hours ago. He clearly implied the alarm incident was last night when he asked the reporter where he was last night and why he wasn't there interviewing people today.

Could I be wrong on the time?
But according to what I see on the timeline of his page he posted that 10 hours ago. He clearly implied the alarm incident was last night when he asked the reporter where he was last night and why he wasn't there interviewing people today.

Could I be wrong on the time?

After rereading I believe I misunderstood. Thanks to all who pointed out the context.
But according to what I see on the timeline of his page he posted that 10 hours ago. He clearly implied the alarm incident was last night when he asked the reporter where he was last night and why he wasn't there interviewing people today.

Could I be wrong on the time?

I do believe an incident occurred last night. Note his use of the words "last night" where are you "today" Barr, and the alarm mention with the team rushing to residence to check it out.

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Am I reading Facebook right? Did Sheriff Reader make that post this morning? If so then that means the incident with the alarm at the Rhoden residence happened last night and they are out knocking on doors today. And once again interviewing people. I hope nothing has happened to any other family members. But something sure put a burr under his saddle as we say around here because it is very clear from his post he is extremely upset. Maybe someone tried to hurt another Rhoden family member and he feels it is in part due to media coverage? Or the stress of the job is weighing heavily on him. Clearly something happened last night that set him off.

Could it be this Reader is referring to?

[FONT=&quot]The alarm sounded at 3:30 a.m.—sharp. It was Thursday morning, long before the sun would come up over the hills that surrounded Waverly and the day’s first light would hit the Rhoden evidence warehouse.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Our crew grabbed the hotel cart and loaded our cameras, tripods and lights back into the news car.[/FONT]
What could possibly be one of the mobile homes! Evidence is usually browned bag and removed.

It seems like it would be easier in daylight to chain and lock a fence.
I got the impression that an alarm went off at an occupied residence. A member of the Rhoden family's home. but WHY did the alarm go off? Somebody snooping around the property? Somebody trying to break in, or did it go off because an animal was scratching at the door wanting in? And once LE arrived, was it just a false alarm? If Charlie thought it was important enough to mention, I feel like he should have elaborated on the call.
I don't believe for a minute that Kendra, Donald, or Meranda had inside info about something going down that nite. And I don't think BJ knew anything, either. I think BJ would have told her dad if she had heard anything.
I feel like we can safely assume that Hanna was feeling OK enough to spend the eve alone if she was out driving around. Jake probably had S so Hanna could rest, and I doubt he and Hanna had visitation times carved in stone because of his job schedule. He probably picked up S whenever he had a day or two off.
Even tho Charlie was ranting and raving, I think we would all agree he's definitely stressed over this case and probably hasn't had enough sleep in months. However, as somebody said earlier, he could have called Jody or wrote him a letter, instead of making all of his feelings public. And I do not like the way Charlie has refused reporters access to public info. I know, even tho there is info sensitive to the case he doesn't want out, county spending has nothing to do with sensitive info to this case, or any other case, for that matter.

The alarm sounded at 3:30 a.m.—sharp. It was Thursday morning, long before the sun would come up over the hills that surrounded Waverly and the day’s first light would hit the Rhoden evidence warehouse.
Our crew grabbed the hotel cart and loaded our cameras, tripods and lights back into the news car.
We’d spent the night in Piketon following our first live reports from the evidence warehouse. Our first live shot this morning would hit at 5 a.m. Our first stop would be the evidence warehouse, to look for a place to park the live truck that would be out of the way of the chemical company and their business operations.

You could be right but to me it kind of seems like the reporter was referring to his own alarm that was set to go off at that time.

Yesterday when I read the post it said it had been posted 10 hours ago and the comments replying were anywhere from 1 hour to 7 hours earlier. I am not on Facebook that much so I don't really know much about it. I could be and probably am wrong about the time the post was made.
The alarm sounded at 3:30 a.m.—sharp. It was Thursday morning, long before the sun would come up over the hills that surrounded Waverly and the day’s first light would hit the Rhoden evidence warehouse.
Our crew grabbed the hotel cart and loaded our cameras, tripods and lights back into the news car.
We’d spent the night in Piketon following our first live reports from the evidence warehouse. Our first live shot this morning would hit at 5 a.m. Our first stop would be the evidence warehouse, to look for a place to park the live truck that would be out of the way of the chemical company and their business operations.

You could be right but to me it kind of seems like the reporter was referring to his own alarm that was set to go off at that time.

Yesterday when I read the post it said it had been posted 10 hours ago and the comments replying were anywhere from 1 hour to 7 hours earlier. I am not on Facebook that much so I don't really know much about it. I could be and probably am wrong about the time the post was made.

The reporter is obviously talking about his alarm. :) Reader is, as far as I can see, talking about an alarm "last night", and he posted Saturday aprox. 2 pm. Looks to me something happened Friday night. PC inmate roster is showing one arrest due to *trespassing that is still not registered with the court, meaning it happened sometime after office hours Friday. The name doesn't mean anything to me, though.

Edit: *Not trespassing. Breaking & entering
That is one radical Sheriff. Did he actually say that an alarm went off at one of the Rhoden's houses? Here is the post for all those of you not on facebook. Hope I am not violating TOS by copying to here.

Mr. Jody Barr, Chanel 19, the Cincinnati Enquirer, and Chillicothe Gazette

I was appointed the Sheriff of Pike County, Ohio in May 2015. I was the only one to step up when our Sheriff stepped down. I took the reins, I accepted the responsibility, I stood tall through it all, the bad, the tragic, and the most horrifying things that's ever happened. I organized and logistically dealt with nearly 700 men and woman of law enforcement, ran my office, a mobile command dispatch center, and an investigative command center in times never faced by any man before me. Ego? None! I called upon the best professionals that were available in the State of Ohio. They answered the call and came from everywhere. BCI, CRIME SCENE, SHERIFF'S, DEPUTIES, INVESTIGATORS, FBI, if we needed it, we found it. Are we there yet? No. Closer? Yes. Will we solve the Rhoden/Gilley murders? No doubt in my mind, body, or soul. Property and evidence secure enough for trial? No question about it. The norm? Process the crime scene and leave. Leave the homes, leave the cars, leave all those sentimental items, leave all those valuable assets, LEAVE, be done, gone... Did we do that? Did we Mr. Jody Barr with Channel 19 and your expert? "NO" We went above and beyond anything imaginable.... That's right, we took the homes, the cars, the property, "WE DID NOT LEAVE IT !!' Hear me, we took it, we did things that no one, hear me???? NO ONE has done before.... While you try to make a name for yourself in the media world with your pathetic misguided stories, I have one.... It's Sheriff "Charlie" Reader of Pike County, Ohio. A proud Sheriff, a caring Sheriff, a Sheriff that worked around the clock to do the right thing. No, not for you Mr. Barr but for the 8 people murdered in cold blood. Do you hear me Mr. Barr? Was you there, did you see it, feel it, the pain, the hurt, the things that will never leave my or many others mind that are involved. Did you live it? Did you lose a family member? Are you being a victim every time media comes to town to remind you of that horrific day? "NO!!!" So while your trying to manipulate a family in distress that lost 8 loved ones, while you try to make a name for yourself with the blood of 8, hear me??? 8 human lives lost, we are working, day, night, any hour called upon to solve the most horrific event in our lives and those of the victims family. Do you sleep Mr. Barr? When was the last time you were up all night in your suit and shiny shoes? Oh, I forgot... Trying to film a Sheriff doing all that he can for a county he loves and 8 victims of a homicide. We are their voice, We work for them!!!! We care about them, not your part 1, part 2, or part 3 or 4 of the chopped up edited garbage your reporting. Was you there last night? Did you see me? Did you see my Chief Deputy, my Major, Waverly Police K-9, or my undercover unit? Must have been one of those days where we were there and you were not. When I heard over our radio that an alarm was sounding at a residence and the address was given.... Would you have known the last name of the person that lived there? I did, it's Rhoden. Did I go? Was I there? Did we get there quick enough for you? I was the Sheriff still out in my truck that knew exactly who needed help in my county, the one with the lights and sirens on thinking I can't get there fast enough, watching out for motorist, the safety of myself and others as I race with my men and women and other local law enforcement to check. So, Mr. Barr with Chanel 19 out of Cincinnati, you missed it. You were not here. You did not get the story nor are you attempting to interview anyone today. Your not knocking on doors demanding answers are you? Your not here asking my citizens about anything bad they know on me, of me, the Rhodens, Gilleys, where are you? Home? I hope, I pray that your with your family today and that you can hear them, touch them, laugh with them, enjoy more memories being made. As I sit here in my office, I pray that you someday get that story, that break, be the leading journalist in the world. When you make it big my friend, will you be ready? Will your family be by your side? Will your shoulders be big enough to withstand everything, to face tragedy, to live up to expectation, to not fold or show emotion when your insides are screaming because of what you witness or see a family go through? I pray, I pray with everything in my soul that you will. I can promise you this Mr. Barr and channel 19, the Rhodens, Gilleys, and Manleys, their friends, and neighbors and especially their Sheriff, my staff, and BCI want answers and will solve this case but we don't need you to do it. I give you 4 hours of my time and the only guilt that I have is that I can never get it back and it would have been much better spent on trying to find killers, not to accommodate you.

PS. I challenged you and the rest of the media in raising more money for the reward on information leading to an arrest and conviction of those responsible for the death of 8 human beings. Where is that story?


Sheriff Charlie Reader, Pike County, Ohio

— withBill Kelly.


Went back and re-read, and I agree with Raisin, I think he is talking about something going on Friday night, the 28th, based on when he posted.

Was you there last night? Did you see me? Did you see my Chief Deputy, my Major, Waverly Police K-9, or my undercover unit? Must have been one of those days where we were there and you were not.
Sounds like one, or all, of those named, were, at some point, at the storage location that night. Seems he's asking if Barr was snooping around out there.

When I heard over our radio that an alarm was sounding at a residence and the address was given.... Would you have known the last name of the person that lived there? I did, it's Rhoden. Did I go? Was I there? Did we get there quick enough for you?

When they got the alert that an alarm was sounding, it almost seems as if he's implying that Barr was watching them go to the scene.

Went back and re-read, and I agree with Raisin, I think he is talking about something going on Friday night, the 28th, based on when he posted.

Sounds like one, or all, of those named, were, at some point, at the storage location that night. Seems he's asking if Barr was snooping around out there.

When they got the alert that an alarm was sounding, it almost seems as if he's implying that Barr was watching them go to the scene.

I missed that! It does seem like he thought the reporter was there Friday night and was watching them as they responded to the call. Then he implies the reporter missed a story and asks why he in not there interviewing and asking questions.

That begs the question, how big of a story did the reporter miss? Did someone break into one of the Rhoden homes? Try to harm one of them? Or did one of the Rhodens just forget to turn off the alarm when they came home?

I wonder if the Sheriffs department installed those alarms as protection for the family or maybe to catch the killers trying to harm other family members. He has stated he thinks the 2 children are still in danger. Does he think the adults are also?

Was it a slip of the tongue about the alarm being at a Rhoden house? It occurs to me that information would be something kept secret. After all if the killers didn't know alarms had been installed it could have been a prime opportunity to catch them in the act.
That seems a little absurd, to me! Unless he actually saw a reporter's car, identifying the station or paper on the side of the car!
The reporter is obviously talking about his alarm. :) Reader is, as far as I can see, talking about an alarm "last night", and he posted Saturday aprox. 2 pm. Looks to me something happened Friday night. PC inmate roster is showing one arrest due to *trespassing that is still not registered with the court, meaning it happened sometime after office hours Friday. The name doesn't mean anything to me, though.

Edit: *Not trespassing. Breaking & entering

Wow. If someone broke into a Rhoden home ( and I am not saying that is what happened or that arrest was even related) it could mean someone is still trying to harm family members.

The enormity of this case just boggles the mind.
That seems a little absurd, to me! Unless he actually saw a reporter's car, identifying the station or paper on the side of the car!

After Barr's multi-part story in the paper, and the interview, I guarantee that they know if he, or any other folks, are parked around there, and if someone is following the LE cars. Reader sounds p*ssed. They are cops, they have the ability to run plates, model, makes, of vehicles in the area and they have their own undercover cars, that reporters would not know.
After Barr's multi-part story in the paper, and the interview, I guarantee that they know if he, or any other folks, are parked around there, and if someone is following the LE cars. Reader sounds p*ssed. They are cops, they have the ability to run plates, model, makes, of vehicles in the area and they have their own undercover cars, that reporters would not know.

Yes and the reporter admitted in the article they followed one of the undercover officers from the warehouse to the SD and was warned not to show film of the officers face.

I wonder if the sheriff wanted that warehouse to look like it was wide open to entice the killer back.

The thought just occurred to me that this whole thing could be the sheriff dangling bait for the killers. That article stressing the warehouse is wide open. The comment of the reporter about something still being inside the CR1 and Gr trailer. Then the sheriff's seemingly furious but very public post railing against the reporter.

Yes and the reporter admitted in the article they followed one of the undercover officers from the warehouse to the SD and was warned not to show film of the officers face.

I wonder if the sheriff wanted that warehouse to look like it was wide open to entice the killer back.

The thought just occurred to me that this whole thing could be the sheriff dangling bait for the killers. That article stressing the warehouse is wide open. The comment of the reporter about something still being inside the CR1 and Gr trailer. Then the sheriff's seemingly furious but very public post railing against the reporter.


Very possible, and maybe the newspaper guy just about messed that up w/the article, and their sitting around there, about no one being there, and Reader is trying to repair the damage.
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