OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #22

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Charlie needs a xanax and needs to lay off the Mountain Dew! I never allowed my kids, and now my grandkids to drink that stuff! May just be a pet peeve with me, but the majority of the time they got pop W/O caffeine. No wonder he's tied in knots! He needs half-caff coffee! Having a stressful job, not getting enough sleep, and turning into a extra large bottle of caffeine certainly doesn't help him!
And, unless the warehouse has 24hr monitoring at the SD, I can't see leaving the warehouse accessible to the killers. It can't be used as bait if there are no cameras and 24hr monitoring at the SD. No way to catch somebody trying to get in the homes, if that were to happen. That would be like somebody having a camera monitoring their home without a recoding tape.
Yes and the reporter admitted in the article they followed one of the undercover officers from the warehouse to the SD and was warned not to show film of the officers face.

I wonder if the sheriff wanted that warehouse to look like it was wide open to entice the killer back.

The thought just occurred to me that this whole thing could be the sheriff dangling bait for the killers. That article stressing the warehouse is wide open. The comment of the reporter about something still being inside the CR1 and Gr trailer. Then the sheriff's seemingly furious but very public post railing against the reporter.


It wouldn't be very sophisticated of the perps to gamble on a chance to get back into the homes, so I don't believe that's the reason for not keeping the warehouse secure.
Readers temper is starting to surface, he's not on top of the situation and is lashing out. He should get himself a media advisor, outbursts like that are so unprofessional, and can not be excused with him being under a lot of pressure. That's his job. Does he think he's going to scare the reporters away? Or scare people from talking to the press? The smartest thing he can do at this point is give the reporters at least some of what they want, and buy himself some time until the election is over.

Let me be very clear:

If this starts to turn once again into the lets discuss the local politics, who mistrusts the AG, who dislikes or likes Charlie Reader thread I will not hesitate to shut this thread down until something develops in this case.

I get the frustration with the lack of new info and those overseeing the investigation playing their cards close to the chest. Some departments give frequent pressers and updates, some do not. IME LE agencies vary a great deal in their handling of what and how much info they release, and often even within the same agency it will vary from case to case.

Discuss the case. Discuss the facts, discuss your theories, discuss what is covered in the MSM and the statements made by LE.

I personally believe if the reporters get the opinion he is trying to run them off, they will just be that much more determined to stay on top of things.
Granted, Charlie's job carries a lot more responsibility than a reporter's job, but he chose to take the job of sheriff, and from working in that field for years, he knew the job of sheriff anywhere would be considered a high stress job. He certainly seems passionate about his work, which is good, but he has to learn to slow down a bit, and delegate some of the load to trusted employees and not to try to do everything at once! Good way to wind up in the hospital!
Charlie needs a xanax and needs to lay off the Mountain Dew! I never allowed my kids, and now my grandkids to drink that stuff! May just be a pet peeve with me, but the majority of the time they got pop W/O caffeine. No wonder he's tied in knots! He needs half-caff coffee! Having a stressful job, not getting enough sleep, and turning into a extra large bottle of caffeine certainly doesn't help him!
And, unless the warehouse has 24hr monitoring at the SD, I can't see leaving the warehouse accessible to the killers. It can't be used as bait if there are no cameras and 24hr monitoring at the SD. No way to catch somebody trying to get in the homes, if that were to happen. That would be like somebody having a camera monitoring their home without a recoding tape.

Think about the casinos here. They have surveillance cameras that are so sophisticated they can read a car tag from a mile away. And there is not one inch of that casino or its parking lot that is not under surveillance 24/7. Those cameras are so well hidden and so tiny you would never know they were there. I know this because I know many people who work both in surveillance and security at those casinos.

The point is if casinos have them then you can bet your last casino chip that LE does too. They could set up in a building or house near the warehouse or even in a parked van and monitor every square inch of that warehouse and even inside the trailers themselves. We have no way of knowing what was installed in those trailers after they were taken to the warehouse. For that matter that could be why they were taken there. It might have made any vehicles or LE vans too obvious out there in the rural area where the Rhodens lived. So they moved them to town where there is lots of buildings and lots of traffic. Food for thought anyway.
Yes and the reporter admitted in the article they followed one of the undercover officers from the warehouse to the SD and was warned not to show film of the officers face.

I wonder if the sheriff wanted that warehouse to look like it was wide open to entice the killer back.

The thought just occurred to me that this whole thing could be the sheriff dangling bait for the killers. That article stressing the warehouse is wide open. The comment of the reporter about something still being inside the CR1 and Gr trailer. Then the sheriff's seemingly furious but very public post railing against the reporter.


Yes, I've thought that since the a$@ reporter came out with those articles. I've no doubt those homes are secure. Maybe not to the eye but I've thought all along there is hidden surveillance that is under constant supervision. I am totally on Readers side. I feel for this family and totally understand any animosity between Them and the way the case is being handled. There are 2 sides to every story. I believe the 3 that were suppose to sleep over had no warning not to stay. If they knew or suspected any foul play, they'd be 9, 10 and 11 regardless of their location. And I think Reader is genuinely angry with that news outlet.

Furthermore, Readers only responsibility is to protect and serve and get these people off the streets. He owes no explanation to anyone for his actions as long as in the end it proves to be justified. I know I'd not want to be in his shoes.
This is just an opinion... The moving of the trailers could have had a financial motivation, not an evidentiary one. Someone thinking, "Hey, we can make some big money for so-and-so if we say we need to move these trailers! Who is going to question it, and if they do, how could they possibly prove it?" Then those nosy newspapers had to start digging...

ALH Contracting received contracts for the Rhoden murder scene without going to bid.

What we found:
ALH did receive a $20,200 contract for "securing property" and a $40,000 contract to "preserve evidence" - a combined $60,200. While the commissioners can forgo competitive bid for work up to $100,000 due to an emergency, they have to unanimously agree and note the reason in meeting minutes. While minutes reflect Charles Reader met with commissioners in executive session on May 12 - the day the trailers were towed - there is nothing about forgoing the bid process and no minutes at present show the commissioners approved any contracts from the Rhoden case. A public records request for the contracts was made to the Pike County Sheriff's Office on Oct. 12, but has not been fulfilled.

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I certainly hope you're right about the security cameras! I understand Charlie's frustration with the media, and it would definitely be hard NOT to be able to make it common knowledge about the way the homes are being monitored. It's hard to sit on private info if you feel like you're being attacked by almost everybody who has followed this case! But again, that is just one of the stressors that go with the job.
Has anyone else noticed DS is no longer associated with the Rhodens. He was before. I don't want to say any specific sites where they were associated, but they used to all be friends. Not anymore. Even KR, who said she called DS to look for her dad, doesn't seem to be associating. I know we can't speculate much on social media, but it does seem telling who has cut who out of their circle.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Has anyone else noticed DS is no longer associated with the Rhodens. He was before. I don't want to say any specific sites where they were associated, but they used to all be friends. Not anymore. Even KR, who said she called DS to look for her dad, doesn't seem to be associating. I know we can't speculate much on social media, but it does seem telling who has cut who out of their circle.

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He's missing some siblings on that list too.
He's missing some siblings on that list too.

I am not sure if I know how to PM correctly on this site but I just tried to send you one.

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This is just an opinion... The moving of the trailers could have had a financial motivation, not an evidentiary one. Someone thinking, "Hey, we can make some big money for so-and-so if we say we need to move these trailers! Who is going to question it, and if they do, how could they possibly prove it?" Then those nosy newspapers had to start digging...


Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Well that was interesting.
Maybe Donald has upset some of his relatives due to his divorce and talk of marrying another person as soon as possibly legal. I have a cousin by marriage, and when he was in his early 20's, he kicked his pregnant wife out and moved his ex wife and son in. That lasted three months, and she left him, so, then he moved his wife and newborn daughter in! Maybe his marriage was meant to be, they are still together. Everyone in the family acted like everything was hunky-dory when the first wife and child came back, and talked about him behind his back! What a mess that was! Sure caused a lot of family members to bite their tongues and reevaluate their feelings over that situation.
I was thinking that was a company set up for Dana so she could do private duty work and home health without being employeed by a company that set her wages and hours. I don't know this to be a fact, but I've always thought that was what it was for. Sorry, but I cannot use the "reply with quote" on this tablet. I've tried several times, and it won't let me separate my words! Would end up looking like one big run on word.
I was thinking that was a company set up for Dana so she could do private duty work and home health without being employeed by a company that set her wages and hours. I don't know this to be a fact, but I've always thought that was what it was for. Sorry, but I cannot use the "reply with quote" on this tablet. I've tried several times, and it won't let me separate my words! Would end up looking like one big run on word.

For some reason, it does that to me too, sometimes. If it's the same issue I have, it's like my space bar stops working. I figured out a workaround that you might try. It is working for me so far. If I just type one character, (I use the period "."), and then press "Enter" to start a new line, I can type whatever I want, use my space bar, and my typed characters no longer run together. Hope this might help.
Sort of off topic, but there is a link on the last page of the Lori Heimer thread. Three people found in the driveway of a residence in Kansas dead from GSW. An 18mo old child now an orphan. OK, with grandparents.
That is one radical Sheriff. Did he actually say that an alarm went off at one of the Rhoden's houses? Here is the post for all those of you not on facebook. Hope I am not violating TOS by copying to here.

Mr. Jody Barr, Chanel 19, the Cincinnati Enquirer, and Chillicothe Gazette

I was appointed the Sheriff of Pike County, Ohio in May 2015. I was the only one to step up when our Sheriff stepped down. I took the reins, I accepted the responsibility, I stood tall through it all, the bad, the tragic, and the most horrifying things that's ever happened. I organized and logistically dealt with nearly 700 men and woman of law enforcement, ran my office, a mobile command dispatch center, and an investigative command center in times never faced by any man before me. Ego? None! I called upon the best professionals that were available in the State of Ohio. They answered the call and came from everywhere. BCI, CRIME SCENE, SHERIFF'S, DEPUTIES, INVESTIGATORS, FBI, if we needed it, we found it. Are we there yet? No. Closer? Yes. Will we solve the Rhoden/Gilley murders? No doubt in my mind, body, or soul. Property and evidence secure enough for trial? No question about it. The norm? Process the crime scene and leave. Leave the homes, leave the cars, leave all those sentimental items, leave all those valuable assets, LEAVE, be done, gone... Did we do that? Did we Mr. Jody Barr with Channel 19 and your expert? "NO" We went above and beyond anything imaginable.... That's right, we took the homes, the cars, the property, "WE DID NOT LEAVE IT !!' Hear me, we took it, we did things that no one, hear me???? NO ONE has done before.... While you try to make a name for yourself in the media world with your pathetic misguided stories, I have one.... It's Sheriff "Charlie" Reader of Pike County, Ohio. A proud Sheriff, a caring Sheriff, a Sheriff that worked around the clock to do the right thing. No, not for you Mr. Barr but for the 8 people murdered in cold blood. Do you hear me Mr. Barr? Was you there, did you see it, feel it, the pain, the hurt, the things that will never leave my or many others mind that are involved. Did you live it? Did you lose a family member? Are you being a victim every time media comes to town to remind you of that horrific day? "NO!!!" So while your trying to manipulate a family in distress that lost 8 loved ones, while you try to make a name for yourself with the blood of 8, hear me??? 8 human lives lost, we are working, day, night, any hour called upon to solve the most horrific event in our lives and those of the victims family. Do you sleep Mr. Barr? When was the last time you were up all night in your suit and shiny shoes? Oh, I forgot... Trying to film a Sheriff doing all that he can for a county he loves and 8 victims of a homicide. We are their voice, We work for them!!!! We care about them, not your part 1, part 2, or part 3 or 4 of the chopped up edited garbage your reporting. Was you there last night? Did you see me? Did you see my Chief Deputy, my Major, Waverly Police K-9, or my undercover unit? Must have been one of those days where we were there and you were not. When I heard over our radio that an alarm was sounding at a residence and the address was given.... Would you have known the last name of the person that lived there? I did, it's Rhoden. Did I go? Was I there? Did we get there quick enough for you? I was the Sheriff still out in my truck that knew exactly who needed help in my county, the one with the lights and sirens on thinking I can't get there fast enough, watching out for motorist, the safety of myself and others as I race with my men and women and other local law enforcement to check. So, Mr. Barr with Chanel 19 out of Cincinnati, you missed it. You were not here. You did not get the story nor are you attempting to interview anyone today. Your not knocking on doors demanding answers are you? Your not here asking my citizens about anything bad they know on me, of me, the Rhodens, Gilleys, where are you? Home? I hope, I pray that your with your family today and that you can hear them, touch them, laugh with them, enjoy more memories being made. As I sit here in my office, I pray that you someday get that story, that break, be the leading journalist in the world. When you make it big my friend, will you be ready? Will your family be by your side? Will your shoulders be big enough to withstand everything, to face tragedy, to live up to expectation, to not fold or show emotion when your insides are screaming because of what you witness or see a family go through? I pray, I pray with everything in my soul that you will. I can promise you this Mr. Barr and channel 19, the Rhodens, Gilleys, and Manleys, their friends, and neighbors and especially their Sheriff, my staff, and BCI want answers and will solve this case but we don't need you to do it. I give you 4 hours of my time and the only guilt that I have is that I can never get it back and it would have been much better spent on trying to find killers, not to accommodate you.

PS. I challenged you and the rest of the media in raising more money for the reward on information leading to an arrest and conviction of those responsible for the death of 8 human beings. Where is that story?


Sheriff Charlie Reader, Pike County, Ohio

— withBill Kelly.

5 stars, for Charlie Reader !! Look at the "likes" and whatnot on that article. Not the first "angry" face.. Speaks volumes to how people locally feel about him.
He is a red head, I wondered how long it was going to take for him to come unglued on someone stepping on his toes !
He really IS a pretty nice guy. I think what folks need to remember, this is Pike County, a very rural Ohio county... not a place like New York City. He just laid it out like it is. The TV station, stuck their nose in where it did not belong, interfering with an ongoing mass murder investigation. Earlier in April days were like usual, then on that day toward the end of April a crime that was heard about across the country happened in HIS county. 8 people dead, murdered, some in their beds. One day he's the average local Sheriff and the next he gets up to this. Biggest single crime in the history of the state if I recall.
I respect him, and I believe him. There will be arrests one day. I am anxious for that day.
"5 stars, for Charlie Reader !!"

I'm with you. Since the first news conference I've seen nothing but determination on that man's face. I think he is as genuine as it gets.
Has anyone else noticed DS is no longer associated with the Rhodens. He was before. I don't want to say any specific sites where they were associated, but they used to all be friends. Not anymore. Even KR, who said she called DS to look for her dad, doesn't seem to be associating. I know we can't speculate much on social media, but it does seem telling who has cut who out of their circle.

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Very interesting.
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