OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #23

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Just finished catching up...I still think this was an inside job and the killer was either family or a close friend.
This is such a tough one! Sheesh I change my mind daily on who this could be. Cartel would make most sense due to sophistication and getting out without evidence, and skating out of town. However, I have to wonder who CG's connections are. Who are his friends, family, etc? Does he have anyone who could help carry this out? He does not seem sophisticated enough. However, he would make perfect sense. Maybe KR CR CRjr and FR have been threatening him, if he was abusive to little HR. Like I said before, maybe he was ousted from the group, and under threat to stay away. Maybe is own sister was a traitor and it pissed him off that she sided with them. However, at the end of the day, he doesn't seem smart enough to pull it off without someone knowing. Someone seeing him come home with blood, someone finding something.
The only people I think would be sophisticated enough, would be a motorcycle gang, or a drug running gang, or someone in law enforcement or military, who had help (so a group). This is where RAC would come in (her man looks like he's in a motorcycle gang). I just don't get it.
Still wondering if Billy Harper's car was used. No one has found him yet. Odd.
Didn't the Sheriff say they believe these murders were planned?

I've said this a few pages back & I still think it has to do with something that got changed that night. An excuse didn't really seem like a good one. I still think it has to do with HR but not child custody. DR and HHG were victims because they were close to her and HR confided in them. CR2 & FR were victims because they live with the intended victims. CR1 & GR heard commotion at FR's & possibly came outside to investigate 1st. KR makes sense only because he knows of the killer if it is who I think it is (I don't know how close they were though). If any family member's are not being truthful as Reader has stated it is female and that female could be in denial. DS & BJM no nothing, but act strange because they don't want to get caught for anything illegal.
I do see your point on that as we always knocked on our own son's bedroom door if it was closed before we entered. We taught him to always knock on our bedroom door if it was closed. No one in my family, immediate or extended, would enter my house without knocking. It just isn't done. We don't leave spare keys around but my son does have one. But he would call first and if for some reason he thought something was wrong enough for him to come to our house to investigate he would definitely knock first.

Same here. My parents had the knock rule and we did too. Even if the main door was open, we'd knock on the frame of the screen. Of course, maybe BJM is just one of those folks that just didn't think about that. It's given me thought though that she may have suspected something was wrong. I'd have walked back to the car and phoned GR or CR1 to see what was up. I've done it at my own parent's home when I've run by and thought they were home but they weren't answering the door. It says she found the key. Was it in her purse? Hidden on the property? Were those people going to just sit in the car while she took care of goodness knows how many animals? I know she was obviously in distress but as much as she was at the property and taking care of grandkids and animals, she obviously knew that the toddler was there, too.
She pounded on the door, calling for Frankie or for Brentley to open the door for “Aunt Jo.’
Why not call out for Frankie or HHG? The adults? Or just HHG, since Frankie should have been at work?

I'm probably overthinking this but I feel like she knows something.

The Wendy Camp case is just mind blowing, however, I'd not be surprised to see something similar in this case.
Wow. I agree, ChG couldn't pull this off himself. But, I don't get any kind of feeling he did anything. RAC? I don't know what her hubby looks like, but she's rough herself. She seems to stay in minor trouble, and no decent parent would give a nickel for her parenting skills. Cannot mention a name, but she's related to somebody who looks like she could whip John Cena with one hand tied behind her back! If she was involved, I wouldn't be too surprised.
I have always wondered if somebody killed Billy, stole his car, and dumped him somewhere the sun doesn't shine. I wonder if he could have camped too close to a grow op and overseers got nervous and did away with him? This is kinda where I believe JJ could possibly come into the picture.
Yes, LE has always said this was planned, and sophisticated...to what extent, IDK. Another reason JJ could have come in to play. IDK if anybody agrees with my theory about him or not, but even tho Junior didn't get much on that phone video when JJ killed the guy in the PU, I got the feeling that Junior could have bragged about that, and of course, JJ would have heard, and had him under the radar. Not that I think that would be the reason behind these murders. YouTube has a video on their site about that incident that is really worth a listen.
The only reason I think Hannah might have had so many shots is she could have tried to sit up, and if it was because somebody was holding a grudge against her, I think it could be a former boyfriend, maybe somebody she broke up with in order to date Frankie.
I hope all of this makes since, and I don't sound like a babbling idiot!
Wow. I agree, ChG couldn't pull this off himself. But, I don't get any kind of feeling he did anything. RAC? I don't know what her hubby looks like, but she's rough herself. She seems to stay in minor trouble, and no decent parent would give a nickel for her parenting skills. Cannot mention a name, but she's related to somebody who looks like she could whip John Cena with one hand tied behind her back! If she was involved, I wouldn't be too surprised.
I have always wondered if somebody killed Billy, stole his car, and dumped him somewhere the sun doesn't shine. I wonder if he could have camped too close to a grow op and overseers got nervous and did away with him? This is kinda where I believe JJ could possibly come into the picture.
Yes, LE has always said this was planned, and sophisticated...to what extent, IDK. Another reason JJ could have come in to play. IDK if anybody agrees with my theory about him or not, but even tho Junior didn't get much on that phone video when JJ killed the guy in the PU, I got the feeling that Junior could have bragged about that, and of course, JJ would have heard, and had him under the radar. Not that I think that would be the reason behind these murders. YouTube has a video on their site about that incident that is really worth a listen.
The only reason I think Hannah might have had so many shots is she could have tried to sit up, and if it was because somebody was holding a grudge against her, I think it could be a former boyfriend, maybe somebody she broke up with in order to date Frankie.
I hope all of this makes since, and I don't sound like a babbling idiot!
I may be confused, but if it's the video of a LEO shooting, and killing, the fella in a pickup truck, CR2 didn't video that incident. The deceased's sister videotaped the incident, from all indications. CR2 shared it to his FB. CR2 seems to have been friends w/the sister's fiance.
I could be confused, I thought it was Junior. I also heard that Frankie and Hannah were friends of the sister of the guy in the PU who was killed by JJ and other cop. I do remember that somebody here at WS said that video didn't show much.

Sort of O/T: Mother shot and killed in Wichita and newborn daughter taken on Thurs. Baby was found this morn in Dallas alive and well. Two people jailed.
I've been waiting for someone to suggest child *advertiser censored* / sexual abuse . That comment about deeper than drugs has been haunting me. The hatred and anger that drove the killer or killers must have been very deep.
Looking for updates this morn, and came across these two articles I don't remember reading.
Ohio's Rhoden clan frustrated at slow pace of probe into mass killings www.usatoday.com
Pike County shootings:Sheriffs seek financial help I... m.Springfield news sun.com
If these have already been posted, sorry!
I've been waiting for someone to suggest child *advertiser censored* / sexual abuse . That comment about deeper than drugs has been haunting me. The hatred and anger that drove the killer or killers must have been very deep.

This makes sense, too.
I hope computers (if there were any) were seized and examined.
I really don't see child *advertiser censored* here, but if any of the family members except Junior were involved in making *advertiser censored* movies, I think it would still be illegal. Somebody(s) could have agreed to doing that for extra money, and then later wanted to have the tapes back because they chgd their mind, could have become absolutely furious when they were told no.
I think it could have. Child custody were the first words out of LM's mouth. Maybe DR told him or hinted at something.

Poor LM and his wife. I do feel so bad for them, truly.
I don't think LM or the wife know anything. Children DR's age more often than not do not burden their older parents with things that might worry them. Not totally dissing what LM said about child custody either. Me thinks this isn't so much about custody but the child, and someone waiting for that child to be born to carry out their plan. DR and daughter seemed close. Moms know what is bothering daughters usually, especially pregnant ones. I think LE needs to step back.. rediscover and revisit close friends Mom or Daughter may have had and confided in. Rethink their questioning. My guess is one of these two had at least one friend who had been confided in about someone who had them worried. Heck HG too...go to her friends. Not family. People will confide in friends many times before family.
Poor LM and his wife. I do feel so bad for them, truly.
I don't think LM or the wife know anything. Children DR's age more often than not do not burden their older parents with things that might worry them. Not totally dissing what LM said about child custody either. Me thinks this isn't so much about custody but the child, and someone waiting for that child to be born to carry out their plan. DR and daughter seemed close. Moms know what is bothering daughters usually, especially pregnant ones. I think LE needs to step back.. rediscover and revisit close friends Mom or Daughter may have had and confided in. Rethink their questioning. My guess is one of these two had at least one friend who had been confided in about someone who had them worried. Heck HG too...go to her friends. Not family. People will confide in friends many times before family.

The Rhodens were not what I'd call a private family. Their FB pages alone show that. The Manleys seem to be a bit more-so, as do the Gilleys. All of the family's best friends appear to be their cousins, or siblings. It's hard to get information out of families, sometimes. If it is hillbilly justice, and I still lean that way, then those who do know something, may consider the matter settled and decide to say no more, because, as horrible as this was/is, speaking up, would re-open the wound, and bring unwanted publicity, increased spotlight, not to mention an outpouring of judgement, and another deluge of outsiders, back to Pike County.
If we don't get an update soon, I may scream!
Yesterday, I gave update on the baby taken from Wichita. Somebody from the PD flew to Dallas for identification, and brought her home to her family. Now, if we could get some happy news from Pike Co., things would really brighten up. Especially since we have two babies whose permanent homes are still in limbo!
The Rhodens were not what I'd call a private family. Their FB pages alone show that. The Manleys seem to be a bit more-so, as do the Gilleys. All of the family's best friends appear to be their cousins, or siblings. It's hard to get information out of families, sometimes. If it is hillbilly justice, and I still lean that way, then those who do know something, may consider the matter settled and decide to say no more, because, as horrible as this was/is, speaking up, would re-open the wound, and bring unwanted publicity, increased spotlight, not to mention an outpouring of judgement, and another deluge of outsiders, back to Pike County.

You speak the truth. This is bigger than just the family though.
Any of us, as long as we live inside the law we are afforded our privacy, as it should be.
I recall reading about the fitness instructor in Texas on Websluths, Missy Bevers (spelling?). She had received some strange or scary text message on her phone and showed it to a friend.
I guess what I am trying to say, some kind of hillbilly justice, yep maybe. But the day this person started pulling the trigger, everyone's privacy went out the window.
I can't imagine living the rest of my life, watching family members grieve and let the guilty one walk free. Scared, yes I am sure they are. But at the end of the day, the family grieves, and babies grow without parents and victims lay forever in their graves. They killed once, there is nothing stopping them from taking the notion to do it again. If someone knows something they need to swallow that knot in their throat and visit Reader. I am sure arrangements could be made speak anonymously.
I'm leaning towards this being done by or with help from someone close to the Rhodens. I just can't imagine someone who (according to LE) was able to plan the murders, but not able to see the consequences this would have for everyone. The last months must've been hell for all the surviving Rhodens, their extended family and friends. A motive bigger than the concern for the people you care about? Someone who was estranged from the family would make more sense, wouldn't it?
Oh, I don't know. We have looked at so many angles, probably also the right one. Problem is we don't get any confirmation when one of us is right, so we keep on guessing. Reader might've guessed to, but he needs proof and he doesn't have any. His only chance is someone confessing to what they know. When is he going to start arresting people?

Edit: I actually see a familiar name: http://wp2.pikecosheriff.com/?page_id=893
You speak the truth. This is bigger than just the family though.
Any of us, as long as we live inside the law we are afforded our privacy, as it should be.
I recall reading about the fitness instructor in Texas on Websluths, Missy Bevers (spelling?). She had received some strange or scary text message on her phone and showed it to a friend.
I guess what I am trying to say, some kind of hillbilly justice, yep maybe. But the day this person started pulling the trigger, everyone's privacy went out the window.
I can't imagine living the rest of my life, watching family members grieve and let the guilty one walk free. Scared, yes I am sure they are. But at the end of the day, the family grieves, and babies grow without parents and victims lay forever in their graves. They killed once, there is nothing stopping them from taking the notion to do it again. If someone knows something they need to swallow that knot in their throat and visit Reader. I am sure arrangements could be made speak anonymously.

I guess what I was getting at, is, that if this is deeper than drugs or a couple stolen cars, and they know the reason, they may consider it justified and rather than have to have all of the aforementioned raining down, not to mention the fear they're probably dealing with, and the possibility of media prying into every corner of their lives, they may just keep their mouths shut. Especially if it is a young person, or someone who has questionable activities going on in their own lives. Personally, I think it's time to man, or woman, up and come forward. Eventually, I think they'll solve these murders, and I'd rather be on the side of LE solving them, than to be found on the side of covering up the murder of eight people.
I posted a few times early on in this case and have regularly been following since then.
This is a very perplexing and tragic case with so many victims and multiple possible persons of interest. My heart goes out to the victims, their loved ones, and to everyone who lives in the area.

In watching the recent interviews given by Sheriff Reader, I believe he knows who did this, but IMO, evidence needed for an arrest and successful prosecution is apparently not enough, and LE either needs for one of the conspirators to slip up, or for a witness with information to come forward.

What Reader said in his last interview is absolutely chilling and if I lived in the area, I would take his words to heart. I don't think a man as respected in his community as he seems to be would intentionally mislead the people who have entrusted him with his office.

What he said is that he doesn't believe the killers ever left the area. He also continues to advocate being armed.

I do believe he knows exactly what he is talking about and I pray the lucky break LE needs happens very soon so the process of serving justice can begin.
I'm leaning towards this being done by or with help from someone close to the Rhodens. I just can't imagine someone who (according to LE) was able to plan the murders, but not able to see the consequences this would have for everyone. The last months must've been hell for all the surviving Rhodens, their extended family and friends. A motive bigger than the concern for the people you care about? Someone who was estranged from the family would make more sense, wouldn't it?
Oh, I don't know. We have looked at so many angles, probably also the right one. Problem is we don't get any confirmation when one of us is right, so we keep on guessing. Reader might've guessed to, but he needs proof and he doesn't have any. His only chance is someone confessing to what they know. When is he going to start arresting people?

Edit: I actually see a familiar name: http://wp2.pikecosheriff.com/?page_id=893
Holy cow look who is in the clink! Thanks for pointing it out. And obviously on charges you normally wouldn't actually go to jail on.

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