OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #25

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It sure might help. What possible new information does everyone think could help move this case forward? IMO, it would be interesting to see details about the times of death. What do you all think?

As information, here's a link to the most recent DEA National Drug Threat Assessment Report

https://www.dea.gov/resource-center/2016 NDTA Summary.pdf

BBM. I read this in a recent news article - the legalization of marijuana in some states has actually led to an increase in demand in the US. US growers (mostly still illegal) are increasing production here as is the competition and growth of gangs.

States are struggling with new changes in marijuana laws. Within a few weeks of the Rhoden family massacre, the Ohio General Assembly passed a law to legalize use of medical marijuana. The rules are still being written and first public review will be sometime this spring. The deadline for final implementation of the rules is sometime in September. This will continue to increase demand for product in Ohio and, hopefully, the state will develop a system whereby these Ohio growers can pursue production in a legal and regulated fashion.

The financial aspect of marijuana production and sales is something states are still struggling with. Not sure how it's going to be handled in Ohio, but in Colorado, proceeds from sale of MJ cannot go through the legal banking system.

Lot of good information in this report. Interesting section on US gangs. While not all of it is relevant to the Rhoden case, it provides a lot of context to the drug related criminal activities in the area. It's changing.

A more accurate time of death would be real interesting.
They may have run upon someone who they'd been in business with for a few months or so, and something went haywire. The Rhodens underestimated the situation, not realizing the danger, in which they'd placed their family.

Given their "hobbies", I can also see this possibility. At the same time, such a person or group would have needed to view the Rhodens as an entire family of being say, business rivals and not just those Rhoden men directly involved in an illegal business.

The only group that I can think of that routinely uses over kill violence in business disputes and also targets family members are the narco cartels. Yet, there is no evidence that the Rhodens were playing in this league regarding either pot (no evidence of other drugs) or say, stolen cars.

In the end, I think an honor based motive is more likely and would have led to the family as a whole being targeted because in the course of the dispute, they presented themselves as a united family acting as one on an issue or matter.
GR's niece ADR died in October 2015. She was from South Shore, KY. Does anyone know what happened to her?
Given their "hobbies", I can also see this possibility. At the same time, such a person or group would have needed to view the Rhodens as an entire family of being say, business rivals and not just those Rhoden men directly involved in an illegal business.

The only group that I can think of that routinely uses over kill violence in business disputes and also targets family members are the narco cartels. Yet, there is no evidence that the Rhodens were playing in this league regarding either pot (no evidence of other drugs) or say, stolen cars.

In the end, I think an honor based motive is more likely and would have led to the family as a whole being targeted because in the course of the dispute, they presented themselves as a united family acting as one on an issue or matter.

I think I agree that it's unfair to imply the entire Rhoden family was involved in illegal activities. That's the stuff of ugly internet rumors. It's one of the reasons I prefer Websleuths as it's a victim friendly forum. People aren't allowed to use rumors and gossip to trash the reputations of deceased crime victims. Such a horrible thing to do.

As for the rumors of car theft, all the vehicles seized by LE were released to surviving family members a while back, so that debunks the stories of trading in stolen vehicles. From all accounts they were hard working people, like most others in their area. From the facts we know, it doesn't seem they were involved in large scale drug trading and there's no evidence that anyone other than CR1, GR and KR were involved in the grow ops or selling MJ.

One of the reasons I'm still not subscribing to the "honor" killing (including all the disgusting rumors spread elsewhere to justify the theory) is that there's simply no precedent for a crime like this in US history based on some family disagreement. Eight people killed in 4 different homes, some miles apart with little or no evidence remaining, no one leaving the area, no one showig signs of having committed such a heinous attack on family.

Perhaps it's the first of it's kind in the US, but there's just no evidence to back it up a this point.
A more accurate time of death would be real interesting.

It's a reasonable thing to expect. Can't see how revealing that information would compromise whatever case they may have.
Well, they probably do know who the father is by now, but just like everything else, let's not tell the public....which IS sad. If possible, they need to be with family. BUT the sheriff said they are in danger....

The sheriff and DeWine have actually sent mixed messages about that, relating to the children, other family members and the community in general. Not sure if they don't know what's going on or are trying to confuse the public. Not an ethical or productive strategy, IMO.

The longer the secrecy, lack of progress,mixed messages and hostility to the media and public continues, the more I think they either don't know who did it or don't know how to pursue those who did. They need some outside professional help and they shouldn't feel embarrassed to seek it.. JMO
Given their "hobbies", I can also see this possibility. At the same time, such a person or group would have needed to view the Rhodens as an entire family of being say, business rivals and not just those Rhoden men directly involved in an illegal business.

The only group that I can think of that routinely uses over kill violence in business disputes and also targets family members are the narco cartels. Yet, there is no evidence that the Rhodens were playing in this league regarding either pot (no evidence of other drugs) or say, stolen cars.

In the end, I think an honor based motive is more likely and would have led to the family as a whole being targeted because in the course of the dispute, they presented themselves as a united family acting as one on an issue or matter.

You'd be surprised. I'm still leaning toward revenge based mountain justice within the family or extended family as still in my top three.
GR's niece ADR died in October 2015. She was from South Shore, KY. Does anyone know what happened to her?

I've been told it was a car accident. Don't know the specifics though.
DeWine and Reader want everything quiet. They have been determined not to release these autopsies. We won't get pictures, I don't want pictures. What I cannot wrap my mind around is what could possibly be in those autopsy reports that they declare will jeopardize this case? I can't think of anything unless something was done to one or more of the bodies, but the perpetrators know what they did. No surprise to them.

At first I was ok with holding this back. But since they have shut down giving updates, I am for it. 8 people killed, the public and families have rights.

I wonder if this hearing will be private. If not, I might just make it my business to go. Incognito of course. I don't want my face on anyone's front page.
I think I agree that it's unfair to imply the entire Rhoden family was involved in illegal activities.
Ok, I see and accept your point.

I did not mean to imply that all were involved in illegal activities. Rather, I meant to state that some members were. Furthermore, the police confirmed commercial marijuana growing and evidence of *advertiser censored* fighting. Thus, these are not rumors. I do apologize about the reference to stolen vehicles if that is not accurate.
One of the reasons I'm still not subscribing to the "honor" killing (including all the disgusting rumors spread elsewhere to justify the theory) is that there's simply no precedent for a crime like this in US history based on some family disagreement.
I disagree.

There is no precedent in recent times for these types of attacks. There is, however, older precedence in the Appalachians and in say, Texas for these types of honor motivated attacks. I do think you have a point regarding the scale of the attack (extreme even in older times) and the lack of readily identifiable perpetrators.

Even still, baring Cartel invovlement, I just don't see a local group with criminal motivations resorting to that kind of violence over the scale that the level of marijuana growing and *advertiser censored* fighting implied. Even the pot, though commercial, was evidently not major league. Thus, I would go for "mountain justice" motives- even with the unusual scale of violence and lack of identifiable perpetrators.
Ok, I see and accept your point.

I did not mean to imply that all were involved in illegal activities. Rather, I meant to state that some members were. Furthermore, the police confirmed commercial marijuana growing and evidence of *advertiser censored* fighting. Thus, these are not rumors. I do apologize about the reference to stolen vehicles if that is not accurate.

I disagree.

There is no precedent in recent times for these types of attacks. There is, however, older precedence in the Appalachians and in say, Texas for these types of honor motivated attacks. I do think you have a point regarding the scale of the attack (extreme even in older times) and the lack of readily identifiable perpetrators.

Even still, baring Cartel invovlement, I just don't see a local group with criminal motivations resorting to that kind of violence over the scale that the level of marijuana growing and *advertiser censored* fighting implied. Even the pot, though commercial, was evidently not major league. Thus, I would go for "mountain justice" motives- even with the unusual scale of violence and lack of identifiable perpetrators.

It was not as well thought out, obviously, but there was one not long ago. Family against family. The individuals had stewed over the situation for months, then, one day, they acted. Shot one of them dead, in their bed. The other fought back and survived, and the kids were able to run. Trial is upcoming in a few months.
If memory serves it was a car accident.

I had read about a car accident, too. It was posted on fb somewhere last year. A RIP had been posted by a former classmate.. in that RIP post, a male classmate was also mentioned and he had passed away the same day as GR's niece, in a car accident. She was not a passenger in the vehicle. I have searched the net high and low and can find nothing more than her obit. Not too long ago, I read her death was a suicide. I have no idea if it is true or not, but could explain why no other info can be found. I did articles about another young female, a Rhoden relative, that did pass away in a car accident, but it wasn't AR.
Well, they probably do know who the father is by now, but just like everything else, let's not tell the public....which IS sad. If possible, they need to be with family. BUT the sheriff said they are in danger....

The thing is if LE believe family and/or locals are involved they may not know who the kids are safe with...as with anyone there is no way to know everyone they associate with..until they know those children can be safe they are better off in state care
Well, they probably do know who the father is by now, but just like everything else, let's not tell the public....which IS sad. If possible, they need to be with family. BUT the sheriff said they are in danger....

Maybe they think that the baby daddy did this and that is a good reason to keep the child from going to that parent
It was not as well thought out, obviously, but there was one not long ago. Family against family. The individuals had stewed over the situation for months, then, one day, they acted. Shot one of them dead, in their bed. The other fought back and survived, and the kids were able to run. Trial is upcoming in a few months.

I would not be surprised if the depressed economic conditions in the area from the decline of coal mining and manufacturing are going to make these types of incidents more common. Depressed economic conditions can make honor that much more valuable as that is all one has. It also means that an offended person is more likely to spend time at home with no distractions other than stewing about something.
I feel this Dr. has the right idea. If you read where I have been advocating this is a family member and who in PMs this only solidifies my theory of who it was.

I had truly forgotten about this case :( I cannot believe there is no news.
I feel this Dr. has the right idea. If you read where I have been advocating this is a family member and who in PMs this only solidifies my theory of who it was.


I don't know about this theory. Sure it's possible, but in these cases, the family killer usually commits suicide afterwards.

It also doesn't justify the extreme secrecy of LE and the great expense and manpower they've incurred to keep any and all details of the case secret. If it were a disgruntled family member, they would have solved the case by now.

Why are LE so worried about the public finding out about even the most minor details?

Actually, there's a comment farther down on that video page that sounds interesting.

Whomever did this lacks a tremendous amount of common sense.
You got a problem with someone, stay clear of them, or talk the problem out. No excuses for this.
I aim on living long enough to attend their trial, watch them get the death penalty, then go to the Lucasville penitentiary to watch it carried out. Got it on my bucket list.

Economy is in the basement in southern Ohio. I have heard unemployment Pike County south to Portsmouth easily exceeds 50%. East and West in all the rural areas it's much worse.
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