OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #25

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I'm not a medical professional, either, but it sounds like routine healing after childbirth. She had just given birth 4 days prior and there wasn't any indication that her baby wasn't full term, nor was their any mention of complications. The baby was already home with her, so was in good health. It takes a while for a woman's body to heal after birth.

That's what I thought at first, but, this was HHG's report. Her child was six months old.
IANADr but, I'm going to put this as delicately as possible. The terms used, read to me, of a pregnancy not carried to full term. "Postpartum" is a specific time period, and when combined with "healing uterine lining", tends to point in that direction even more-so.

So, does this read to you like she might have gotten pregnant immediately after the birth of her son and then either miscarried or aborted?
So, does this read to you like she might have gotten pregnant immediately after the birth of her son and then either miscarried or aborted?

If it wasn't related to the cause of her death, is it really relevant? Feeling a little uneasy thinking about where this discussion might be going. Since no one here is a medical professional, it might be best to avoid speculation. :(

ETA: Below is a link to all of the redacted autopsy reports


Hannah Gilley's begins at p.58 of 66. I'm not seeing anything to indicate an abnormality WRT her reproductive organs (p. 63 of 66)

Hanna Rhoden's autopsy report begins at p. 45 of 66. The portion of the report dealing with her reproductive organs begins on p. 49 of 66. In my non-expert view, the description seems consistent with a woman who had just given birth.

According to news media reports, Hanna Rhoden gave birth to a child just 4 days prior to the murders


Am I missing something? It's been easy to get the two Hanna/Hannahs confused in these discussions. It's also easy to lose track of which victim's report you're reading in this long document.
I just read the prilimary autopsy reports( also redeacted) and it says something about postpartum with___________ healing uterine lining on HHG's report. Does anyone know what that means? I looked it up and all I get is healing after a birth or some kind of infection after a birth. But R---r Rhoden was 6 month's old and all that birth healing should have already have been healed.

Are you sure you're looking at the right report? I'm not seeing this on HHG's report.
Are you sure you're looking at the right report? I'm not seeing this on HHG's report.

Maybe it would help if I put a table of contents on the link to these reports. It's over in the Media & Timelines thread for this case. I know I get cross-eyed trying to scroll through and read it sometimes.

Page 1 - Christopher Rhoden, Jr - CC16 - 01419

Page 9 - Christopher D Rhoden, Sr. - CC16-01416

Page 21 - Clarence Franklin Rhoden - CC16-01417

Page 29 - Dana Rhoden - CC16-01420

Page 37 - Gary Rhoden - CC16-01415

Page 45 - Hanna Rhoden - CC16-01421

Page 52 - Kenneth Rhoden - CC16-01422

Page 58 - Hannah Hazel Gilley - CC6-01418

Link to Media & Timeline thread

Im with Betty. HHG's or any of the females uturus lining is really not relavant. It could take a year to fully repair from a 9 month pregnancy for all we know. It is not relavant to the case. 8 people did not get murdered over a pregnancy and i can almost guarantee that based on common sense.

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Im with Betty. HHG's or any of the females uturus lining is really not relavant. It could take a year to fully repair from a 9 month pregnancy for all we know. It is not relavant to the case. 8 people did not get murdered over a pregnancy and i can almost guarantee that based on common sense.

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I agree totally. The OB-GYN stuff to me is not relevant.
The one thing I do find relatively close is HRs baby 4 days old. I think the killer waited for the baby to come, to them HR was on their list, shows some planning went into this.
So, does this read to you like she might have gotten pregnant immediately after the birth of her son and then either miscarried or aborted?

That's what I'm leaning toward. Many women mistakenly think that if they are breastfeeding that they are "safe". This is only true, 98% of the time, if they are breastfeeding frequently and regularly. This protection fades away after the child is around six months old.
If it wasn't related to the cause of her death, is it really relevant? Feeling a little uneasy thinking about where this discussion might be going. Since no one here is a medical professional, it might be best to avoid speculation. :(

ETA: Below is a link to all of the redacted autopsy reports


Hannah Gilley's begins at p.58 of 66. I'm not seeing anything to indicate an abnormality WRT her reproductive organs (p. 63 of 66)

Hanna Rhoden's autopsy report begins at p. 45 of 66. The portion of the report dealing with her reproductive organs begins on p. 49 of 66. In my non-expert view, the description seems consistent with a woman who had just given birth.

According to news media reports, Hanna Rhoden gave birth to a child just 4 days prior to the murders


Am I missing something? It's been easy to get the two Hanna/Hannahs confused in these discussions. It's also easy to lose track of which victim's report you're reading in this long document.

The link that amauet posted did not have all of HHG's info redacted re; reproductive organs.
Ok, the link I posted was from the coroner of pike county ohio, the preliminary report. Not the Hamilton County Ohio report. Go back and look at the link again. And as for not wanting to discuss obgyn things, why are we dicussing the killers waiting until the birth of HR's baby? Theories about them "waiting" for her to have the baby. If the babies paternity had something to do with the murders? Aren't those personal to? I'm just trying to find New information and putting it out there with a link to back it. At some time we will know how they were killed and what was done to them. I'm trying to approach this as a murder case with the facts, sometimes those facts might offend people, if they do, just go on by it.
If it wasn't related to the cause of her death, is it really relevant? Feeling a little uneasy thinking about where this discussion might be going. Since no one here is a medical professional, it might be best to avoid speculation. :(

ETA: Below is a link to all of the redacted autopsy reports


Hannah Gilley's begins at p.58 of 66. I'm not seeing anything to indicate an abnormality WRT her reproductive organs (p. 63 of 66)

Hanna Rhoden's autopsy report begins at p. 45 of 66. The portion of the report dealing with her reproductive organs begins on p. 49 of 66. In my non-expert view, the description seems consistent with a woman who had just given birth.

According to news media reports, Hanna Rhoden gave birth to a child just 4 days prior to the murders


Am I missing something? It's been easy to get the two Hanna/Hannahs confused in these discussions. It's also easy to lose track of which victim's report you're reading in this long document.

If the supreme court rules that the autopsies can be released, what are we going to call on limits, or off limits, as far as the discussion of them? Honest question.
Ok, the link I posted was from the coroner of pike county ohio, the preliminary report. Not the Hamilton County Ohio report. Go back and look at the link again. And as for not wanting to discuss obgyn things, why are we dicussing the killers waiting until the birth of HR's baby? Theories about them "waiting" for her to have the baby. If the babies paternity had something to do with the murders? Aren't those personal to? I'm just trying to find New information and putting it out there with a link to back it. At some time we will know how they were killed and what was done to them. I'm trying to approach this as a murder case with the facts, sometimes those facts might offend people, if they do, just go on by it.

I went to your link and read it with my own two eyes, and then thought about it for a bit, before posting what I thought, then went back to make sure it was not HMR. It was not, it was HHG, as you stated. I just went to the link, again, as I was going to get the page number, and re-post it, and unless something is off w/my browser, and reader, the info is no longer showing up, re; postpartum and uterine healing. Could you check amauet?
I agree totally. The OB-GYN stuff to me is not relevant.
The one thing I do find relatively close is HRs baby 4 days old. I think the killer waited for the baby to come, to them HR was on their list, shows some planning went into this.
But why? If the assailant(s) were sympathetic toward children, enough to wait on one baby, why would they not be waiting on a (hypothetical at this point) second one? We have a second potential instance of pregnancy. If HHG had a pregnancy, that was not carried to term, did that speed up the date, to 4/21? The link that amauet1 shared was un-redacted info (when I saw it).
I went to your link and read it with my own two eyes, and then thought about it for a bit, before posting what I thought, then went back to make sure it was not HMR. It was not, it was HHG, as you stated. I just went to the link, again, as I was going to get the page number, and re-post it, and unless something is off w/my browser, and reader, the info is no longer showing up, re; postpartum and uterine healing. Could you check amauet?

Yes dear it is still there, but when I typed in the link it brought up the scribd site and under it was pike co documents, clicked on it and it was still there. I know how sometimes we find things on line and then they just all of a sudden dissappear! And thank you rsd, that was my point. I don't think we have censorship on this site. Rules yes. My biggest point was how delicate is the murderers of 8 people? If we can't talk about the facts without hurting someone's feeling, then what are we doing here? I mean we already have some idea that they weren't just shot.
Finding that little bit of new info was more info than we've had in a long time. The reason it interested me was the number of times HHG was shot and maybe an unplanned pregnancy, or misscarriage, or even an abortion could have something to do with it. We don't know.
Yes dear it is still there, but when I typed in the link it brought up the scribd site and under it was pike co documents, clicked on it and it was still there. I know how sometimes we find things on line and then they just all of a sudden dissappear! And thank you rsd, that was my point. I don't think we have censorship on this site. Rules yes. My biggest point was how delicate is the murderers of 8 people? If we can't talk about the facts without hurting someone's feeling, then what are we doing here? I mean we already have some idea that they weren't just shot.
Finding that little bit of new info was more info than we've had in a long time. The reason it interested me was the number of times HHG was shot and maybe an unplanned pregnancy, or misscarriage, or even an abortion could have something to do with it. We don't know.

If un-redacted, and out there for all to see, there will have some info that will be unsavory to talk about, however, that's part of the reason we are here. To look at all angles and try to come up with a reason that this happened. If something has not been redacted then I feel it is open for discussion. I too think it is a valid point to discuss, same as HMR's full-term birth. I'm going to check it out again and see if I can get it to load properly.

Page 8 is HHG's autopsy.

Thank you again rsd, we all know when it comes to links, I'm just not good at it!! LOL I try but..... I'm not trying to start any argument with anyone. Like I've said before, I value everyone's opinion's just like I've noticed most here on the thread do. When I found this, I was excited to find something new, and may have been a little angered that some didn't want to "value" it in anyway. I contribute what I can, but do know that compared to some on here, I'm just a rookie! I'm just an ordinary person doing what I can. I've always been interested in things I consider unjust and this family is one of them. This could have been my family back in the day, and when this happened it not only scared me to death, but made me realize how stupid and niaeve I had been in the past where it concerned my children.
I had never considered that I had put their lives in danger as not only being a drug addict, but by putting unsavory person's in their world (dealers, other addicts, etc.) I just didn't really "think" that much back them, except about getting my next "fix". Does that mean because I had this "desease" I deserved to die? and my innocent family? No, every life human matters!! Addiction is a desease! I myself was one of the "lucky" ones to have gotten sober and stayed sober for 20 years. But sadly, most are not. I know it could happen to me again and do what I have been "taught" to do to keep it at bay.
Anyway, if this had happened to me, I would want them to get the one's responsible and in a case like this one IMO all avenue's available to us must be explored. If you feel uncomfortable discussing some things, I understand and respect that. Some of this info may not be important to some, but it might be to other's. I'm just putting it "out there", it's your choice to do with it what you want.
Sorry for the book/lecture/?
When I found this " Postpardum with________________ healing uterine lining." I looked it up online. I know that post=after but I'm not a doctor/nurse and have a limited background in medical terms ( worked for healthcare agency once). I found something that said it only took a few weeks after a birth for the uterine lining to heal. HHG's child was 6 month's old, so this wasn't from his birth. But, like I said, I don't have the background to answer the question of what that statement meant. So I put it on here hoping that someone would.
Since our info is so limited I couldn't check that. Rumors of course are running all around and some have been true. But this is a "fact" based website, so I won't post them here. Some concern HHG and I just wanted to know what that terminology meant.
Ok, the link I posted was from the coroner of pike county ohio, the preliminary report. Not the Hamilton County Ohio report. Go back and look at the link again. And as for not wanting to discuss obgyn things, why are we dicussing the killers waiting until the birth of HR's baby? Theories about them "waiting" for her to have the baby. If the babies paternity had something to do with the murders? Aren't those personal to? I'm just trying to find New information and putting it out there with a link to back it. At some time we will know how they were killed and what was done to them. I'm trying to approach this as a murder case with the facts, sometimes those facts might offend people, if they do, just go on by it.

Thanks for the clarification. Can you repost the link? I'd like to add it to the media & timeline thread.

I'm on my tablet and just can't seem to make the link in your post work, even with copy paste. Thanks!
The lining of the uterus is not considered to be back to normal until normal menstruation has restarted. Breast feeding would account for the delay as it suppresses ovulation (in most cases) and the need for the blood vessels that line the uterine wall.
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