OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #27

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I did an incredibly dumb thing, came home and noticed lights on in my house, the door was slightly opened, I walked right in and yelled at my robbers who promptly beat the crap out of me.
I would never do that again but I haven't gotten a chance for a do over, fortunately.
I reacted so quickly, I didn't stop and think.
If you started finding your family members dead, maybe adrenaline and your instinct to see if your loved ones are okay would overwhelm thoughtful, reasoned, common sense too. Maybe you would be all over the place in the telling, afterwards, to the cops too.
It's easy to think of how together you would be when you've never found your family slaughtered and pulled a baby covered in blood from its mother's breast, the reality may find you different.

She may be a violent killer but I don't think walking into the crime scene proves anything, innocent people do it all the time, especially for family, and their babies.


A few years ago I walked into the clinic where I worked at 6:00 am. The door was unlocked but I just assumed another employee came in early. Then I walked into the hall to find the alarm had been ripped off the wall and the clinic had been ransacked. I walked around for a minute, stunned, before I realized someone might still be inside so I ran out to my car and called 911.

People don't always react sensibly in situations like this.

i can't imagine how it would have been for BM to walk into a horrific science of blood and bodies.
Thanks for that information! So there are no extended family, etc. in those photos. Wonder if the others are still back at Flying W Farms? Chris Graves said a woman answered the phone there last Saturday when LE conducted the raid.

We don't know who took the picture. Could have been a friend, or a relative, or a stranger passing by.
At least 3 people were pursuing custody of KR and RR.

CG is so confident that he is K's dad that he and an older sister, MG, have rented a four-bedroom house. They have painted it and fixed it up in hopes they will bring K home one day soon along with RR, he said. It's even near a daycare and not far from their jobs, he said.

RR's mom, HG, was their sister.

MG is also working with a lawyer in hopes of winning custody of her nephew, who was the light of her sister's life.


If JW knows he is not the father then CG knows if he is the father or not.
He's going by a different name now? I just cannot believe that LE is fine with him leaving the state with an active murder investigation. They must not have told him not to leave or else they never thought he would leave since he has claimed money troubles from the beginning. . .

The site is acting wonky for me too. Google Chrome is better than IE for me. I wondered if it had something to do with the cyber attack earlier this week.

I use Chrome, and I was wondering if was the cyber attack also. I hadn't heard if it was still affecting folks but I've been avoiding the news the past few days. I think that E.W. is his given name and that J. is his middle name. Not 100% on that though.
I have watched and read a lot re this case and today, for some reason this scenario popped into my head.
One or two of the men that were killed were the prime targets,the rest were killed because they would have known who the murderers were. I belive that surviving members of the families know, or have a very good idea what this is all about and who did this. Somewhere along the line there will be retribution. I think if JM failed his poly it would have been a question that asked if he" knew who did this". No one is going to speak up and tell who and what due to fear of being killed or waiting in hopes that the case goes very cold and then "make things right"

It's logical to assume fear is a big motivator in keeping quiet. What if revenge was important because the surviving family members know the people responsible won't be punished? What if the killers and/or people behind them have gotten away with this before, with LE looking the other way?

Takes me back to one of LM's first interviews after the murders when he says

"That's my daughter layin' up there. And they won't do nothing about it."

"There's been a lot of things covered up here in Pike County". When asked what was covered up, he backs away and says "No, no, I can't say that..yet."


Maybe LM and JM think LE knows who did it or at least who was behind it. They're giving them a chance to follow through, but they're not going to put themselves in danger by telling. Maybe if LE doesn't go after the killers, they will plan their own retribution.

You get the feeling they've been through this routine with LE before or have seen it happen with other local criminal activity.

Every time I watch this interview with LM, I learn something new.

ETA: This is LM's take on things. He may be wrong, but it's what he believes. It just helps explain why their family may be keeping quiet about anything they know.
We had a few Jehovah Witnesses in our family. It was my understanding that they were pacifists and only had firearms for hunting (and even then it was not encouraged). The guns I saw were not what I'd think of as used for "hunting". I don't know a lot about the religion but a few things I remembered some of the family telling me. I've been very clear that idk if he's a Jehovah Witness or not. Just b/c he doesn't allow his child to trick or treat doesn't make him a Jehovah Witness. Many churches around here provide "Trunk or Treat" for the community. The kids dress up and go to the church, and the church members even dress up, and pass out candy from the trunks of their cars. eta: Some folks though, don't do the trick or treat thing and they aren't Jehovah Witnesses.

Yes, pacifists - owning guns for hunting isn't encouraged or discouraged it's a non-issue. However owning guns so that you can use them against humans definitely is discouraged.

Nothing I've seen in any FB of the W's makes me think any of them are Witnesses, I did notice one of JW's Friends is from Alaska and is an Evangelist pastor in a Baptist Church.
Every time I try to edit a post it deletes it and sends me back to the 1st page! After the 4th time I've learned to copy my message 1st!!!

Has this been discussed? What is the W's connection to Alaska? I noticed that a FB friend from Alaska was at their farm in January of 2017. A preacher and his wife and kids. Is that it? And are they related? (Can I say that?)
Yes, pacifists - owning guns for hunting isn't encouraged or discouraged it's a non-issue. However owning guns so that you can use them against humans definitely is discouraged.

Nothing I've seen in any FB of the W's makes me think any of them are Witnesses, I did notice one of JW's Friends is from Alaska and is an Evangelist pastor in a Baptist Church.
At one point HMR seemed to be attending what Id call a stricter type of church. The pastor checked in on her a couple of times to say they missed her. Oddly enough, to me, crickets after she was murdered. Most all churches Ive attended would have done something in memory of the family, or to help the surviving family.

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I have kids, as ya'll already know. I have one not too far from JW's age and another a bit older. JW was not working that next night and was not in school. I'm not sure how many, and how old, JM's kids are, but that would make a difference for my scenario. I have called/texted my kid's friends if I'm looking for my own and they've not checked in. Some of my kid's friends will just drop by my house (even if my kids aren't here) and just ask how we are, drink a pop, and head back out. If they see me on FB they'll send me an IM and ask how I'm doing. Stuff like that.

If AM and DM were both night owls, and were good friends, then I could see her calling her. I'm a night owl so I'm on til way into the morning. It's not uncommon for me to be talking to friends at 1,2,3, am, online, while I watch a movie.

Now, this was JM's niece's bf. My niece has a bf. She's a teen, and does typical teen things. We are not friends on FB. I do not know who her bf is, and even if I did know who her bf was, I'd never think to text him in the middle of the night (or at any time). I don't even call my own family after 11:00 unless it is an emergency.

However, if JW had befriended JM's son and he'd been in and out of their home too, then I could possibly see him making the text (of course we've no clue what it was about). The reason why, is b/c, again, my kids' friends calling/texting me or stopping by. One of the kid's friends called me one night around 9 and needed a ride to another town, 80 miles away. It was very important that he get there that night. Me and the better half loaded up and took him.

So, I guess it's kind of who it is, and what the context of the relationship has been. I have family members, who, if they called me at night and asked me to drive a 160 mile round trip for them, I'd likely say "No" and they'd likely say "No" to me too.

Now that that is as clear as mud, I hope it helps somewhat.

I have taken my sons friends places when they called. I have also taken my grandsons friends places if they asked. But they don't call us after 8:00 PM since we usually go to bed at 7:00 PM and sometimes earlier if we have a heavy schedule of appointments the next day. We are usually up and about by 5:00 AM every morning.
I did an incredibly dumb thing, came home and noticed lights on in my house, the door was slightly opened, I walked right in and yelled at my robbers who promptly beat the crap out of me.
I would never do that again but I haven't gotten a chance for a do over, fortunately.
I reacted so quickly, I didn't stop and think.
If you started finding your family members dead, maybe adrenaline and your instinct to see if your loved ones are okay would overwhelm thoughtful, reasoned, common sense too. Maybe you would be all over the place in the telling, afterwards, to the cops too.
It's easy to think of how together you would be when you've never found your family slaughtered and pulled a baby covered in blood from its mother's breast, the reality may find you different.

She may be a violent killer but I don't think walking into the crime scene proves anything, innocent people do it all the time, especially for family, and their babies.

Great point. I'm sorry that happened to you!

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Every time I try to edit a post it deletes it and sends me back to the 1st page! After the 4th time I've learned to copy my message 1st!!!

Has this been discussed? What is the W's connection to Alaska? I noticed that a FB friend from Alaska was at their farm in January of 2017. A preacher and his wife and kids. Is that it? And are they related? (Can I say that?)
I think that they traveled a lot obtaining those unique breeds of animals. I have a friend who breeds horses and puts on "clinics" all over the U.S., to show them off and sell them. He's made friends all over! They may have done business up there, made friends, and fell in love with AK.

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Piketon is a small town. The Manleys and Rhodens have lived there for a couple of generations and are/where considered locals. If you check their criminal records (before the murders) they had dealings with the "local" law for traffic violations, domestic violence, restraining orders, and other things that could be considered petty crimes compared to the murders.
So they had a reputation for violence and fighting with the local law already and in a small town like that the local LE probably knew them on a first name basis. Animosity againest the "law" or authority figures (especially if you get in trouble a lot) is natural with some strong proud folks. IMO that's what's been going on with the Manleys in this case. They already had an atittude (sp) with LE in the past. LM in one interview said something like they "couldn't catch a cold" and in another (before they arrested his son) he said he was 90% sure they were going to solve the murders.
In addition to the Manleys having some info about what happened that night,(IMO) I think LE knows how to get Leonard worked up and uses it againest him and his family. And wasn't there something in one of those articles they (LE) considered JM a "witness"? Of course they didn't say to what.
Between texts from the victims to/from/about, evidence they have collected, raids, tips to BCI, IMO, they know who,why and how. They just need "witnesses" testimony to take it to court and connect all the dots. I'm sure that LE (as we do) want to get every single person involved in this monsterious crime.
The more people who knew, the more times there where to stop it before it happened. IMO, those people who knew about this, are just as guilty as the ones who actually committed this crime.
IMO, the Manleys have some information that LE needs and that's why they continue to question, (harrass if you will) their family. I think that constant pressure on them is working, and by the inconsistancy (sp) of LM's comments it shows. Even though some feel it's his "grief" and harrassment that's making him so upset, I feel it's the opposite. To me, he seems more concerned about LE picking on his​ family, than trying to "get" the murderers of the Rhoden/Gilley families. JMO.
Not sure if this has been discussed recently . I apologize if it has, its tough to keep up on these threads, as well as working and taking care of a newborn . Anyways, has there been any talk of CH? Where has he been ? It has been confirmed that he isn't the father of R? I suppose if he was the bio father, custody would be granted to him. However, that has not been stated. The infant was four days old, why wouldn't he be staying the night with HR- especially if they were together and R was believed to be his??

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Okay this is bothering me. For whatever reason, it's bothering me right now .
So, I imagine that CH believed that he was father of that child- prior to her birth and upon the day she was born. There is no indication that he knew otherwise ? If he believed that R was his child, why wasn't he with HMR that night ? Even if he knew that it wasn't his child , if he was truly dating HMR, wouldn't he still be there for her following the birth? Why is this troubling to me?
If he believes he is the father of R, what could possibly be going on in his head right now? I remember seeing a picture of CH at the baby shower. That leads me to believe that he thought he was the father. What changed that ? Am I missing something ? Why does everyone think that JW is the father ???

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At one point HMR seemed to be attending what Id call a stricter type of church. The pastor checked in on her a couple of times to say they missed her. Oddly enough, to me, crickets after she was murdered. Most all churches Ive attended would have done something in memory of the family, or to help the surviving family.

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it seems that many people distanced themselves from the family after it was announced that marijuana grow operations, cockfighting and possible other illegal activity had been going on. Remember how quickly Jeff Ruby pulled his $25,000 reward offer?
I have taken my sons friends places when they called. I have also taken my grandsons friends places if they asked. But they don't call us after 8:00 PM since we usually go to bed at 7:00 PM and sometimes earlier if we have a heavy schedule of appointments the next day. We are usually up and about by 5:00 AM every morning.
They know you well, like my kid's friends know that us. I'm normally not awake and fully functioning til at least 10 a.m. or later. I'd get up, and take one if it were an emergency, but theyd know I'd have to be their last ditch effort if it was before noon. lol

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I use Chrome, and I was wondering if was the cyber attack also. I hadn't heard if it was still affecting folks but I've been avoiding the news the past few days. I think that E.W. is his given name and that J. is his middle name. Not 100% on that though.[/QUOTE

I think it may have something to do with the number of people on the thread at the same tIme. I noticed all the problems started around the same time that all the news reports started. The mods, or whoever is in control of the website need to check it out and fix it. I have a red line under the word "time" and I know it's spelled right!
it seems that many people distanced themselves from the family after it was announced that marijuana grow operations, cockfighting and possible other illegal activity had been going on. Remember how quickly Jeff Ruby pulled his $25,000 reward offer?

Yes, that's when all the "victim blaming" began. Not sure if that messaging was intentional or not. Long after the fact, LE did come out and admit that:

None of the cars on the property were stolen

None of the birds had been used in *advertiser censored* fighting

None of the dogs were involved in dog fighting

But the damage had been done.

Pretty shameful, but I guess that's how small town gossip goes. People deal with their own fears of something similar happening to them by pretending the victims brought the murders upon themselves. There's not much that's "Christian" about that.
What a horrible experience and you are lucky to be alive! I recently took a course for conceal/carry and it was very good. It is hard to spend most of our time being "on guard", but in today's world, we really need to be.

The older I get, the more I realize just how much I learned from my uncle who was a homicide detective. He spent a lot of time talking to my sisters and me about how to avoid becoming a victim. I've had a couple of close calls but was able to recognize what was happening around me and was able to avoid it.

The most frightening experience was at 11:00 on a weekday morning. I had a red light and I was stopped. No one was around and then I noticed two young men in the street behind my car and they were down on their haunches and they were making a beeline to the back of my car. I looked both ways and I ran the red light. One of the guys actually had his hand on the back door handle!

I think the scariest thing that ever happened to me was in the late 70's. My sister in law and I went to a mall in the city. We pulled in and parked in the parking lot, got out and went into the store. I paid for my purchases and walked out leaving my SIL to do the same. As I walked toward our car and got close to a van parked beside us, a man stepped out of the van and walked toward me. Suddenly he grabbed me pinning both arms at my sides where I couldn't move. I was so shocked I couldn't speak. Just then my SIL walked up. He let go of me and said "Oh I thought you were someone I knew" and quickly got into the van and left. I shrugged it off, it was the 70's after all, and went on home. One week later a woman disappeared in that very same parking lot, to be found a few days later strangled and raped. She had the same color hair, same height and build as me. Several other women disappeared in the following months that resembled her as far as hair color and general build. The never caught the killer. I have lived with guilt for a long time because I believe if I had reported to police what happened to me that woman may still be alive.

Sometimes the choices we make are the wrong ones.
I use Chrome, and I was wondering if was the cyber attack also. I hadn't heard if it was still affecting folks but I've been avoiding the news the past few days. I think that E.W. is his given name and that J. is his middle name. Not 100% on that though.[/QUOTE

I think it may have something to do with the number of people on the thread at the same tIme. I noticed all the problems started around the same time that all the news reports started. The mods, or whoever is in control of the website need to check it out and fix it. I have a red line under the word "time" and I know it's spelled right!

Anyone having a problem can send a note to the Mods. Just click on the red triangle w/ explanation point in the bottom left of each comment box. They're very helpful!
it seems that many people distanced themselves from the family after it was announced that marijuana grow operations, cockfighting and possible other illegal activity had been going on. Remember how quickly Jeff Ruby pulled his $25,000 reward offer?
Yes, sadly enough, it seems some did. I doubt HMR, CR2, HHG, DR, and especially the babies whose lives were forever changed that night, had little say in what went on at those two other locations. The game *advertiser censored* checked out as being okay, and we have never been told exactly how much pot rhey had, nor shown any pictures as proof of the changing size and sophistication of the grow. The pot is about the only thing, other than the victims were shot, while most were in their beds, that LE has divulged. Much of the rest of what we know has come from family. Wonder why they chose that one damnimg piece of information to release, and then tell us just this past week, in so many words, not to judge them?

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