OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #28

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I think I was misunderstood. What I meant was all the characters who have been mentioned in connection with this crime has some involvement with the transport area of vehicles, not necessarily in a sport arena. Maybe I can put it like this so my train of thought comes through more clearly.

CR1- bought vehicles and hauled them from auctions to fix and sell.
KR- worked on said vehicles and also hauled them from auctions.
DR- sold cars through FB and by other means.
FR- worked on cars and transported them to demo derbies.
GR- helped CR1 and KR working on cars.
JW- drove semis and fixed diesel engines.
GW- drove semis and fixed diesel engines.
JM- involved with/friends with people who own a trucking company who sold him a truck according to LE that was used in the commission of aggravated murder.
JW's parents- involved in animal husbandry involving the selling of animals to be transported via horse trailers.
JW's grandparents- well known for horse ranching involving the selling of horses who had to be transported to buyers via horse trailers and maybe semis that transport animals. .
Sellers of the pickup- owns a trucking company.

All these people had in common the transport of vehicles or the operating of transport vehicles.

Combine that with the huge amount of vehicles towed at the onset of this crime by LE of which some (we have no way of knowing if LE kept some of the vehicles) were returned to family.

Then you have the fact that the Highway 23 drug task force was at the searches of the W's property.

All of this points to there maybe having been a ring that used the hauling, buying, selling, transporting of goods ect as a means to traffic drugs along the Highway 23 corridor. The goods brought in to Pike county by others, processed out then transported further north or south via cars, trucks, semis, horse trailers.

OP mentioned that when they visited relatives they were stopped and searched by the Hwy 23 DTF. They said this was a regular occurrence.

If LE in Ohio hold true to LE everywhere then if CR1 and the others made frequent trips and were searched a number of times and nothing was found, then the task force would be used to seeing them and may not have stopped them to search them after a period of time.

I don't know if I am explaining this very well but hopefully my meaning comes through.


One thing I want to add to this is none of these individuals other than GR who I suspect was a minor player limited to the fixing of vehicles, have any drug convictions to tip off the Highway 23 drug task force that they may be involved in trafficking drugs. As far as we know none of them used drugs other than MJ besides GR.

So if they made frequent trips hauling cars, horses, driving transport vehicles ect and were stopped a number of times over the years, and the tags on the vehicles ran, along with drivers licenses and no drug convictions or even arrests came back, the the HWY 23 DTF's suspicions regarding these individuals would be very low or non existent. In other words seeing the same people traveling the same highway, not having any drug convictions or arrests or connections the DTF LE officers would after a while just wave them through without checking them.
I keep wondering who was the last person to see CR1 and GR, before they were murdered. We know of everyone (we think) who say they were at the homes of the others or spoke to them, fairly late in the evening. It's probably been discussed over and over but it nags at me that no one seems to know a lot, or say a lot about CR1 or GR. Could the assailant(s) paid a casual visit, that night, with the intent to kill all of CR1's family (of course GR would have to go b/c he was there) but just walked up to the door, as they're let in, CR1 lets the the dogs out for as simple a reason as for their nightly bathroom business, and they're just never let back in. Maybe they're finishing up at one of the places and KR drives by and waves, or stops and yells, "Hello", b/c he knows their car and them. They have to take him out then. I really wish they'd solve this and I can't imagine how the families must feel they have to replay all of this too. I think this is the only thing I've ever been addicted to. I want to know why someone would shoot 16 and 19 year old kids, mothers, w/ babies. If it comes out that CR , GR, and KR put their family in danger through illegal actions, it will be just awful for the families. If it is over custody, it will be just horrible for the child that fight was about, when they learn about it as they grow older. I hope it is some far out kind of thing like a deranged serial killer, or an "In Cold Blood" type of thing, because if it is, to my way of thinking, it won't be as hard a blow to the families. They won't have to lose more family. If it's family, or even people known to them, it's going to be even harder. At least with a stranger there's no more loss, you can just direct your anger at them and not have your family, or your heart, ripped apart any further. Sorry for the book, I just got to thinking about this case, again, as usual, and just so want for those who did this to be brought to their knees.

One thing I want to add to this is none of these individuals other than GR who I suspect was a minor player limited to the fixing of vehicles, have any drug convictions to tip off the Highway 23 drug task force that they may be involved in trafficking drugs. As far as we know none of them used drugs other than MJ besides GR.

So if they made frequent trips hauling cars, horses, driving transport vehicles ect and were stopped a number of times over the years, and the tags on the vehicles ran, along with drivers licenses and no drug convictions or even arrests came back, the the HWY 23 DTF's suspicions regarding these individuals would be very low or non existent. In other words seeing the same people traveling the same highway, not having any drug convictions or arrests or connections the DTF LE officers would after a while just wave them through without checking them.

You are right. I've been told that by someone who did not have a clean record. They said that as soon as they hit the county where their record was in, that there was usually a cop on their tail, and they'd be pulled over. It was as if by magic that they knew they'd crossed the county line. When they were still under parole, it was a really good chance that their vehicle would be torn apart on the side of the road and a dog might even be brought in, and when they found nothing, they'd tell them, Good Day, and leave them there to put their vehicle back together (literally). If they found so much as an unopened can of beer, they could take them to jail, have their vehicle impounded, and put a bond on them for parole violation. If their p.o. wanted to they could revoke them on that. If the officer was having a good day, he'd maybe let it slide, and they'd go on, again, after they'd put their vehicle back together . This person told me that folks w/o any record, some who didn't even do drugs, could haul dope all day long, and make a bundle, and LE would never bat an eye at them. One of the big problems with that scenario is that if you get into it you have a really hard time getting out alive, or there's a good chance that at some point you'll be caught in a sting someday and your kids will be visiting you in prison during the holidays.. I'm not saying that's what the Rs or the Ws were doing, but, with no real drug records, they are the type that could get by with it unless the LE on 23 were prone to using dogs at some of their random stops.
You are right. I've been told that by someone who did not have a clean record. They said that as soon as they hit the county where their record was in, that there was usually a cop on their tail, and they'd be pulled over. It was as if by magic that they knew they'd crossed the county line. When they were still under parole, it was a really good chance that their vehicle would be torn apart on the side of the road and a dog might even be brought in, and when they found nothing, they'd tell them, Good Day, and leave them there to put their vehicle back together (literally). If they found so much as an unopened can of beer, they could take them to jail, have their vehicle impounded, and put a bond on them for parole violation. If their p.o. wanted to they could revoke them on that. If the officer was having a good day, he'd maybe let it slide, and they'd go on, again, after they'd put their vehicle back together . This person told me that folks w/o any record, some who didn't even do drugs, could haul dope all day long, and make a bundle, and LE would never bat an eye at them. One of the big problems with that scenario is that if you get into it you have a really hard time getting out alive, or there's a good chance that at some point you'll be caught in a sting someday and your kids will be visiting you in prison during the holidays.. I'm not saying that's what the Rs or the Ws were doing, but, with no real drug records, they are the type that could get by with it unless the LE on 23 were prone to using dogs at some of their random stops.

My DIL who I mentioned is from Mexico has a friend who buys cars in the USA and takes them to Mexico to sell, as used cars a few years old are more expensive there than here. He brings things back to the US with him such as pottery and hand made goods to sell in the USA. She was talking to him a few days ago and he said he has been doing this for about a year. She asked him if it was a big hassle at the border and he told her that for about the first three months he was stopped frequently at both borders going in by the Federales and coming back by Border Patrol. Most times they would use drug dogs, but he doesn't have any type criminal record and is a citizen of the USA and they never found anything. After a number of times they just stopped searching him and his vehicles. Now most of the Border Patrol and Federales know him and they just motion him on through with a wave.

When she was telling me this a few days ago I instantly thought of the R's, W's and M's and how easy it would be to transport drugs along the Hwy 23 pipeline, because they had no drug convictions or drug connections. They had the means with hauling all those vehicles and driving all the transport vehicles.

But like you said, if they got involved in it, they certainly did not make it out alive. Or maybe due to the W's trying to take little SW, the R's threatened to take them all down and that was passed on to the big boys higher up the food chain. IDK but most LE are like the Border Patrol and Federales, they see the same people and know they don't have record or connections to any criminal activity and they tend to let their guard down. They are all human after all.
My DIL who I mentioned is from Mexico has a friend who buys cars in the USA and takes them to Mexico to sell, as used cars a few years old are more expensive there than here. He brings things back to the US with him such as pottery and hand made goods to sell in the USA. She was talking to him a few days ago and he said he has been doing this for about a year. She asked him if it was a big hassle at the border and he told her that for about the first three months he was stopped frequently at both borders going in by the Federales and coming back by Border Patrol. Most times they would use drug dogs, but he doesn't have any type criminal record and is a citizen of the USA and they never found anything. After a number of times they just stopped searching him and his vehicles. Now most of the Border Patrol and Federales know him and they just motion him on through with a wave.

When she was telling me this a few days ago I instantly thought of the R's, W's and M's and how easy it would be to transport drugs along the Hwy 23 pipeline, because they had no drug convictions or drug connections. They had the means with hauling all those vehicles and driving all the transport vehicles.

But like you said, if they got involved in it, they certainly did not make it out alive. Or maybe due to the W's trying to take little SW, the R's threatened to take them all down and that was passed on to the big boys higher up the food chain. IDK but most LE are like the Border Patrol and Federales, they see the same people and know they don't have record or connections to any criminal activity and they tend to let their guard down. They are all human after all.

That makes sense. We'd been in NM and noticed that everywhere we looked there were cars being pulled over. Our hostess said that it was a very poor county and NM was a poverty state in general, drug sales/trafficking, other crime, was a problem b/c of those of lesser means needing income. She'd also said that they pulled over folks for just going a little over the speed limit to be able to try and search, and to just add to the county coffers. We were told to just stay at the speed limit and we'd be fine. We did, we're grandparent age too, and we were never even noticed by LE. They weren't really worried about two middle aged people sight seeing. We could have driven right through with anything if we'd wanted to.
You are right. I've been told that by someone who did not have a clean record. They said that as soon as they hit the county where their record was in, that there was usually a cop on their tail, and they'd be pulled over. It was as if by magic that they knew they'd crossed the county line. When they were still under parole, it was a really good chance that their vehicle would be torn apart on the side of the road and a dog might even be brought in, and when they found nothing, they'd tell them, Good Day, and leave them there to put their vehicle back together (literally). If they found so much as an unopened can of beer, they could take them to jail, have their vehicle impounded, and put a bond on them for parole violation. If their p.o. wanted to they could revoke them on that. If the officer was having a good day, he'd maybe let it slide, and they'd go on, again, after they'd put their vehicle back together . This person told me that folks w/o any record, some who didn't even do drugs, could haul dope all day long, and make a bundle, and LE would never bat an eye at them. One of the big problems with that scenario is that if you get into it you have a really hard time getting out alive, or there's a good chance that at some point you'll be caught in a sting someday and your kids will be visiting you in prison during the holidays.. I'm not saying that's what the Rs or the Ws were doing, but, with no real drug records, they are the type that could get by with it unless the LE on 23 were prone to using dogs at some of their random stops.

I hate it when I delete my own post.

The 23 drug task force covers a large area, not sure how many counties. I can speak of Pike and Ross Counties. Seems 23 is kind of central, meaning I hear of arrests and what have you in areas not directly on 23.
They do use dogs. I have seen many times State Patrol cruisers with cars or what have you pulled over. Not always of course, but its nothing to see a vehicle pulled over and officers with the drug dog searching the vehicle. I can't speak of counties north and south but I do know its common here, I believe north towards Columbus as well. They catch quite a few on 23 transporting drugs.
I hate it when I delete my own post.

The 23 drug task force covers a large area, not sure how many counties. I can speak of Pike and Ross Counties. Seems 23 is kind of central, meaning I hear of arrests and what have you in areas not directly on 23.
They do use dogs. I have seen many times State Patrol cruisers with cars or what have you pulled over. Not always of course, but its nothing to see a vehicle pulled over and officers with the drug dog searching the vehicle. I can't speak of counties north and south but I do know its common here, I believe north towards Columbus as well. They catch quite a few on 23 transporting drugs.

The "US Route 23 Drug Task Force" was started between Ohio and Kentucky in the mid 90s to stop the pot from coming out of Kentucky and up into Ohio, until the pills became a bigger, and deadly, problem being transported on the highway. Then it was focused more on eradicating illegal pill distribution. I've heard that there's something else coming out of Kentucky that is not drug related, but is also illegal. Again, it's rumor so I don't want to say. US-23, in Kentucky, was originally known as the "The Country Music Highway" because of all of the country music stars that came from the region surrounding 23. It's kinda sad that it's now known as the 23 Drug Route too.
The "US Route 23 Drug Task Force" was started between Ohio and Kentucky in the mid 90s to stop the pot from coming out of Kentucky and up into Ohio, until the pills became a bigger, and deadly, problem being transported on the highway. Then it was focused more on eradicating illegal pill distribution. I've heard that there's something else coming out of Kentucky that is not drug related, but is also illegal. Again, it's rumor so I don't want to say. US-23, in Kentucky, was originally known as the "The Country Music Highway" because of all of the country music stars that came from the region surrounding 23. It's kinda sad that it's now known as the 23 Drug Route too.

One of the most interesting things with the trafficking theory in connection with the R's is that GR is from Greenup KY, which I believe was said to be a central distribution area for illegal drugs.

I have always found it odd that GR lived with his cousin CR1 who supposedly was getting him off drugs. We know that GR was into hard drugs, is it possible he is the connection between the Greenup KY distribution and the R's? Did he talk CR1 and KR into doing a little bit of transporting to make some fast money? I suspect the W's have been in it for quite a while given the ready cash they had to pay for houses ect. And as RSD1200 mentioned raising horses is an expensive endeavor that is not profitable, so was their cash coming from a more profitable venture?

Did the R's get into the middle of that through GR?

We have no proof that GR knew the W's other than JW, but we do know he knew JM who we know had a connection further north through those "friends" who sold him a truck that LE said was used in an aggravated murder.

All of this transporting/trucking connections is leading me along that avenue, simply because of my assessment of the characters of CR1 and KR. He worked hard but they weren't above doing something illegal to make money.

Being involved in something that dangerous could have been the reason for moving DR and the kids into a different house.

I still believe very firmly that the W's trying to get HR to sign away her parental rights to SW was the trigger in these murders and that the murders occurred after the birth of little K simply because they did not want to risk killing an unborn child who could be their relative.

What do all of you think about that possibility?
I hate it when I delete my own post.

The 23 drug task force covers a large area, not sure how many counties. I can speak of Pike and Ross Counties. Seems 23 is kind of central, meaning I hear of arrests and what have you in areas not directly on 23.
They do use dogs. I have seen many times State Patrol cruisers with cars or what have you pulled over. Not always of course, but its nothing to see a vehicle pulled over and officers with the drug dog searching the vehicle. I can't speak of counties north and south but I do know its common here, I believe north towards Columbus as well. They catch quite a few on 23 transporting drugs.

Coming from the area would you say that it would be a lower risk if the same people hauled cars they bought at auctions through there on a regular basis and had been stopped numerous times over the years without anything being found and having no drug connections?

What I am trying to ask is do you think someone like the R's would be at a lower risk of being stopped and could they get away with transporting drugs on say every third or fourth haul? Or say that once a month they hauled with drugs in one of the cars they bought at auction?

In your opinion would that be possible?
I still believe very firmly that the W's trying to get HR to sign away her parental rights to SW was the trigger in these murders and that the murders occurred after the birth of little K simply because they did not want to risk killing an unborn child who could be their relative.

What do all of you think about that possibility?

I do wonder about this. Crazy MF's if this many people were murdered to get custody of a child.
Coming from the area would you say that it would be a lower risk if the same people hauled cars they bought at auctions through there on a regular basis and had been stopped numerous times over the years without anything being found and having no drug connections?

What I am trying to ask is do you think someone like the R's would be at a lower risk of being stopped and could they get away with transporting drugs on say every third or fourth haul? Or say that once a month they hauled with drugs in one of the cars they bought at auction?

In your opinion would that be possible?

IMO, it's possible they were doing something like this. If true, they hadn't been involved very long. These people weren't wealthy or even middle class by any means. DR and all the kids were working. DR was putting in double shifts at the nursing home, a grueling way to earn a living. KR & CR Sr were commuting long distances every day for their jobs, FR was working and supplementing his income raising the birds. They were all working to fix up damaged cars for resale.

Perhaps it was something they tried for a short while, wanted out, then the whole custody issue blew up.

If they were hauling, what were they transporting? Where did it originate? Who was in charge of the operation? Did some or all of LE know who was behind the operation? Re the latter question, I'm inclined to think BCI, at least, knew what was going down considering how quickly they took over the investigation and closed it off from the public and news media.
Coming from the area would you say that it would be a lower risk if the same people hauled cars they bought at auctions through there on a regular basis and had been stopped numerous times over the years without anything being found and having no drug connections?

What I am trying to ask is do you think someone like the R's would be at a lower risk of being stopped and could they get away with transporting drugs on say every third or fourth haul? Or say that once a month they hauled with drugs in one of the cars they bought at auction?

In your opinion would that be possible?
Taken as a whole that seems quite a fanciful tale, one that just might be true.
IMO, it's possible they were doing something like this. If true, they hadn't been involved very long. These people weren't wealthy or even middle class by any means. DR and all the kids were working. DR was putting in double shifts at the nursing home, a grueling way to earn a living. KR & CR Sr were commuting long distances every day for their jobs, FR was working and supplementing his income raising the birds. They were all working to fix up damaged cars for resale.

Perhaps it was something they tried for a short while, wanted out, then the whole custody issue blew up.

If they were hauling, what were they transporting? Where did it originate? Who was in charge of the operation? Did some or all of LE know who was behind the operation? Re the latter question, I'm inclined to think BCI, at least, knew what was going down considering how quickly they took over the investigation and closed it off from the public and news media.


I am thinking some kind of high value drugs like Oxy or Fentanyl. A small amount of that would be worth a lot of money and not to profile, but given the state and area the R's lived in, those two drugs would be a very hot item. If you were transporting those kinds of drugs, you could haul 100,000.00 worth in a shoe box. Very small, easy to hide in something as big as a car or truck.

I am going to say it originated from the Greenup KY area and the connection between KY and the Pike county outfit was GR.

I too, do not believe the R's had been in it very long, but I think certainly long enough to get 30K to buy DR's house.

I believe the W's were in charge of the Pike county operation and have been in it quite some time, given the amount of cash paid for that house. Let me put it this way, I have clients who's yearly business revenue is over 5 million but they do not have 175K in cash to buy a house. I have clients who's yearly salary is over 600,000.00 but they do not have 175K in cash to buy a house. So to me that shows a huge cash flow and since there is zero proof that any of the W's were in high revenue businesses or high salary careers I would say that cash flow came from somewhere else.

I think JM was the connection between the Pike county outfit and north Ohio.

I think LE or at least the HWY 23 DTF suspected the R's were in this for a while and had their eye on the W's for even longer. These are the reasons I think that.

1. How fast the crime scene was shut off, to the point of shutting down the entire road from anyone but LE.

2. The towing of the 150 plus vehicles the first few days in. They wanted those vehicles somewhere that they could go over them with a fine tooth comb.

3. The towing and securing of the trailer houses. they also wanted them somewhere they could go over them inch by inch.

4. The using of a text message between JM and JW as an excuse to search the W's property.

5. The Highway 23 DTF being on the scene when they searched the W's property. They spent 3 days going over it.

6. Putting the GPS tracker on JM's truck. They wanted him to lead them to the rest of the players further north or south.

7. LE stating that particular pickup truck had been used in a crime of aggravated murder (they did not say the R murders) so this could be a different murder by the same players involved with the Pike county outfit.

8. And last but not least. How fast Kendra R beat a path to the W's as soon as she heard their property was being searched. This tells me she, at least, believed they would find something on that property to bring to justice her fathers killer.

Anyone else have any ideas on this?
One of the most interesting things with the trafficking theory in connection with the R's is that GR is from Greenup KY, which I believe was said to be a central distribution area for illegal drugs.

I have always found it odd that GR lived with his cousin CR1 who supposedly was getting him off drugs. We know that GR was into hard drugs, is it possible he is the connection between the Greenup KY distribution and the R's? Did he talk CR1 and KR into doing a little bit of transporting to make some fast money? I suspect the W's have been in it for quite a while given the ready cash they had to pay for houses ect. And as RSD1200 mentioned raising horses is an expensive endeavor that is not profitable, so was their cash coming from a more profitable venture?

Did the R's get into the middle of that through GR?

We have no proof that GR knew the W's other than JW, but we do know he knew JM who we know had a connection further north through those "friends" who sold him a truck that LE said was used in an aggravated murder.

All of this transporting/trucking connections is leading me along that avenue, simply because of my assessment of the characters of CR1 and KR. He worked hard but they weren't above doing something illegal to make money.

Being involved in something that dangerous could have been the reason for moving DR and the kids into a different house.

I still believe very firmly that the W's trying to get HR to sign away her parental rights to SW was the trigger in these murders and that the murders occurred after the birth of little K simply because they did not want to risk killing an unborn child who could be their relative.

What do all of you think about that possibility?

I've wondered about GR being the key to getting them into something harder than pot. We've never heard anything about them selling anything harder than pot though, other than rumor, so I hate to think it is so, but it very well could have been something that they jumped on, thinking they'd do it for a few runs for fast, easy, big money. You can make thousands, in a matter of days. That's how tempting it is, and I believe that GR could have opened a door for them. If you're living with someone with a grow, no matter how small, you're going to be around folks who have the same problems that you do, if you are an addict. Pot is no big deal, I'd rather my kids smoke pot than drink alcohol. Not all pot dealers sell other drugs, but most do, or know where to get the other stuff, so you have people coming around and asking if you have it, or can you get it, or do you know where to get it. GR would have a hard time not jumping into the car with those folks and getting high w/them, and making connections. It's like an alcoholic working in a bar. Some might could but I doubt most could stay on the wagon. Maybe he just told everyone that's why he was staying with his cousins in Ohio. And yes, you are right, Greenup was the hub. I don't think that they'll ever have enough LE to stop all of it though. People are dying left and right. If only they were just smoking pot.
IMO, it's possible they were doing something like this. If true, they hadn't been involved very long. These people weren't wealthy or even middle class by any means. DR and all the kids were working. DR was putting in double shifts at the nursing home, a grueling way to earn a living. KR & CR Sr were commuting long distances every day for their jobs, FR was working and supplementing his income raising the birds. They were all working to fix up damaged cars for resale.

Perhaps it was something they tried for a short while, wanted out, then the whole custody issue blew up.

If they were hauling, what were they transporting? Where did it originate? Who was in charge of the operation? Did some or all of LE know who was behind the operation? Re the latter question, I'm inclined to think BCI, at least, knew what was going down considering how quickly they took over the investigation and closed it off from the public and news media.

I agree, it would have to have been just recently, and for a very short time period, for both families. The Rs were obviously not making bank, and little S's father was tapped out from legal expenses to retain custody of her, and had to take a lower paying job, driving 2 hours one way to get there. If they were in it big time, they'd have had money laundering set up, and cozy little nothing jobs, and no problems paying lawyer fees.


I am thinking some kind of high value drugs like Oxy or Fentanyl. A small amount of that would be worth a lot of money and not to profile, but given the state and area the R's lived in, those two drugs would be a very hot item. If you were transporting those kinds of drugs, you could haul 100,000.00 worth in a shoe box. Very small, easy to hide in something as big as a car or truck.

I am going to say it originated from the Greenup KY area and the connection between KY and the Pike county outfit was GR.

I too, do not believe the R's had been in it very long, but I think certainly long enough to get 30K to buy DR's house.

I believe the W's were in charge of the Pike county operation and have been in it quite some time, given the amount of cash paid for that house. Let me put it this way, I have clients who's yearly business revenue is over 5 million but they do not have 175K in cash to buy a house. I have clients who's yearly salary is over 600,000.00 but they do not have 175K in cash to buy a house. So to me that shows a huge cash flow and since there is zero proof that any of the W's were in high revenue businesses or high salary careers I would say that cash flow came from somewhere else.

I think JM was the connection between the Pike county outfit and north Ohio.

I think LE or at least the HWY 23 DTF suspected the R's were in this for a while and had their eye on the W's for even longer. These are the reasons I think that.

1. How fast the crime scene was shut off, to the point of shutting down the entire road from anyone but LE.

2. The towing of the 150 plus vehicles the first few days in. They wanted those vehicles somewhere that they could go over them with a fine tooth comb.

3. The towing and securing of the trailer houses. they also wanted them somewhere they could go over them inch by inch.

4. The using of a text message between JM and JW as an excuse to search the W's property.

5. The Highway 23 DTF being on the scene when they searched the W's property. They spent 3 days going over it.

6. Putting the GPS tracker on JM's truck. They wanted him to lead them to the rest of the players further north or south.

7. LE stating that particular pickup truck had been used in a crime of aggravated murder (they did not say the R murders) so this could be a different murder by the same players involved with the Pike county outfit.

8. And last but not least. How fast Kendra R beat a path to the W's as soon as she heard their property was being searched. This tells me she, at least, believed they would find something on that property to bring to justice her fathers killer.

Anyone else have any ideas on this?

Where did you read that $175,000 cash was paid for JW's and GW's house?


I am thinking some kind of high value drugs like Oxy or Fentanyl. A small amount of that would be worth a lot of money and not to profile, but given the state and area the R's lived in, those two drugs would be a very hot item. If you were transporting those kinds of drugs, you could haul 100,000.00 worth in a shoe box. Very small, easy to hide in something as big as a car or truck.

I am going to say it originated from the Greenup KY area and the connection between KY and the Pike county outfit was GR.

I too, do not believe the R's had been in it very long, but I think certainly long enough to get 30K to buy DR's house.

I believe the W's were in charge of the Pike county operation and have been in it quite some time, given the amount of cash paid for that house. Let me put it this way, I have clients who's yearly business revenue is over 5 million but they do not have 175K in cash to buy a house. I have clients who's yearly salary is over 600,000.00 but they do not have 175K in cash to buy a house. So to me that shows a huge cash flow and since there is zero proof that any of the W's were in high revenue businesses or high salary careers I would say that cash flow came from somewhere else.

I think JM was the connection between the Pike county outfit and north Ohio.

I think LE or at least the HWY 23 DTF suspected the R's were in this for a while and had their eye on the W's for even longer. These are the reasons I think that.

1. How fast the crime scene was shut off, to the point of shutting down the entire road from anyone but LE.

2. The towing of the 150 plus vehicles the first few days in. They wanted those vehicles somewhere that they could go over them with a fine tooth comb.

3. The towing and securing of the trailer houses. they also wanted them somewhere they could go over them inch by inch.

4. The using of a text message between JM and JW as an excuse to search the W's property.

5. The Highway 23 DTF being on the scene when they searched the W's property. They spent 3 days going over it.

6. Putting the GPS tracker on JM's truck. They wanted him to lead them to the rest of the players further north or south.

7. LE stating that particular pickup truck had been used in a crime of aggravated murder (they did not say the R murders) so this could be a different murder by the same players involved with the Pike county outfit.

8. And last but not least. How fast Kendra R beat a path to the W's as soon as she heard their property was being searched. This tells me she, at least, believed they would find something on that property to bring to justice her fathers killer.

Anyone else have any ideas on this?

All good points. W's may have been in the transport business longer. Agree also about possibility of opiods, fentanyl, possibly heroin and adding in weed as well. If CRSr was growing it, he had to have some way of selling it. Just not sure how long he and KR had been growing it.

The idea of GR having connections is also possible. IIRC, back in the early days there were old news stories retrieved about GR's mom & step father being involved in moving MJ & drugs back in the day. IIRC, the connection then was in Detroit, MI.


I also recall mention in the past of CRSr going to auto auctions in Detroit. If they were doing this for Detroit gangs/cartels, it was probably for more local distribution - southwest Ohio, KY, etc.

Reading status reports by the DEA, they discuss a lot of the heavy duty drugs moving from Mexico to California and on to Chicago & Detroit. Black gangs in Detroit can easily distribute product to northern Ohio cities, but prefer to use locals to distribute in areas like SW Ohio because, obviously, having black dealers/distributors do the work would attract a lot of attention in these mostly-white areas.

The Detroit angle has been on my mind for a long time, but California is still a possibility as many recent busts in KY have been connected to California, right? Somewhere, the Eapmon murders are still part of this, IMO. It's hard to decide where this might have been coming from, there are a lot of origins for heavy drug distribution and a lot of transport methods.

If Rhodens weren't involved long, it seems more likely the motive for their murders would have been their desire to get out of the business or fear of them snitching than ripping someone off. The local distribution/dealer network in Pike & surrounding counties is probably also pretty extensive, so there are probably quite a few locals who know the who, why & what details. That brings us to some of the cast of characters in Jody Barr's recent news report- wars between small local dealers that have been going on for over 10 years. During that time, it seems a lot of those locals have been pulled in, questioned, called before GJ's with not a lot of progress towards stopping the violence related to local drug dealing and more than a few people not getting jailed after being busted for drug related activities. JMO, some in local LE knew what was going on and didn't mind a few murders if they thought it was just some local druggies. But someone disrupted the whole ecosystem by killing 8 members of a family, including young adults and a teenager.

All good points. W's may have been in the transport business longer. Agree also about possibility of opiods, fentanyl, possibly heroin and adding in weed as well. If CRSr was growing it, he had to have some way of selling it. Just not sure how long he and KR had been growing it.

The idea of GR having connections is also possible. IIRC, back in the early days there were old news stories retrieved about GR's mom & step father being involved in moving MJ & drugs back in the day. IIRC, the connection then was in Detroit, MI.


I also recall mention in the past of CRSr going to auto auctions in Detroit. If they were doing this for Detroit gangs/cartels, it was probably for more local distribution - southwest Ohio, KY, etc.

Reading status reports by the DEA, they discuss a lot of the heavy duty drugs moving from Mexico to California and on to Chicago & Detroit. Black gangs in Detroit can easily distribute product to northern Ohio cities, but prefer to use locals to distribute in areas like SW Ohio because, obviously, having black dealers/distributors do the work would attract a lot of attention in these mostly-white areas.

The Detroit angle has been on my mind for a long time, but California is still a possibility as many recent busts in KY have been connected to California, right? Somewhere, the Eapmon murders are still part of this, IMO. It's hard to decide where this might have been coming from, there are a lot of origins for heavy drug distribution and a lot of transport methods.

If Rhodens weren't involved long, it seems more likely the motive for their murders would have been their desire to get out of the business or fear of them snitching than ripping someone off. The local distribution/dealer network in Pike & surrounding counties is probably also pretty extensive, so there are probably quite a few locals who know the who, why & what details. That brings us to some of the cast of characters in Jody Barr's recent news report- wars between small local dealers that have been going on for over 10 years. During that time, it seems a lot of those locals have been pulled in, questioned, called before GJ's with not a lot of progress towards stopping the violence related to local drug dealing and more than a few people not getting jailed after being busted for drug related activities. JMO, some in local LE knew what was going on and didn't mind a few murders if they thought it was just some local druggies. But someone disrupted the whole ecosystem by killing 8 members of a family, including young adults and a teenager.



All good points, but BBM, agree. If they were in it and found out they were in something they didn't realize they were into, and pulled out suddenly (I could see something like that happening), then it would be very bad.

This is going on everywhere. I've loosely followed the Doug Eapman and Carolyn Tomlinson murders too but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I've also been watching this LE bust out of Bullitt county, near L'vlle, Ky. These guys are in hot water.


All good points, but BBM, agree. If they were in it and found out they were in something they didn't realize they were into, and pulled out suddenly (I could see something like that happening), then it would be very bad.

This is going on everywhere. I've loosely followed the Doug Eapman and Carolyn Tomlinson murders too but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I've also been watching this LE bust out of Bullitt county, near L'vlle, Ky. These guys are in hot water.


Very interesting. It looks like the former sheriff was very helpful in the MJ distribution business when he was in office. Interesting also it took the feds to investigate and prosecute this case.

Still no feds involved in the Rhoden case. It's like Pike County is a federal agent-free zone.
I think I was misunderstood. What I meant was all the characters who have been mentioned in connection with this crime has some involvement with the transport area of vehicles, not necessarily in a sport arena. Maybe I can put it like this so my train of thought comes through more clearly.

CR1- bought vehicles and hauled them from auctions to fix and sell.
KR- worked on said vehicles and also hauled them from auctions.
DR- sold cars through FB and by other means.
FR- worked on cars and transported them to demo derbies.
GR- helped CR1 and KR working on cars.
JW- drove semis and fixed diesel engines.
GW- drove semis and fixed diesel engines.
JM- involved with/friends with people who own a trucking company who sold him a truck according to LE that was used in the commission of aggravated murder.
JW's parents- involved in animal husbandry involving the selling of animals to be transported via horse trailers.
JW's grandparents- well known for horse ranching involving the selling of horses who had to be transported to buyers via horse trailers and maybe semis that transport animals. .
Sellers of the pickup- owns a trucking company.

All these people had in common the transport of vehicles or the operating of transport vehicles.

Combine that with the huge amount of vehicles towed at the onset of this crime by LE of which some (we have no way of knowing if LE kept some of the vehicles) were returned to family.

Then you have the fact that the Highway 23 drug task force was at the searches of the W's property.

All of this points to there maybe having been a ring that used the hauling, buying, selling, transporting of goods ect as a means to traffic drugs along the Highway 23 corridor. The goods brought in to Pike county by others, processed out then transported further north or south via cars, trucks, semis, horse trailers.

OP mentioned that when they visited relatives they were stopped and searched by the Hwy 23 DTF. They said this was a regular occurrence.

If LE in Ohio hold true to LE everywhere then if CR1 and the others made frequent trips and were searched a number of times and nothing was found, then the task force would be used to seeing them and may not have stopped them to search them after a period of time.

I don't know if I am explaining this very well but hopefully my meaning comes through.

I tend to agree that cars are a part of the picture, which also involves the 23 pipeline. Rhodens may or may not have been heavily involved in growing. But the entire enterprise of drug dealing has many parts to it--production, transport, "packaging," sales. These murders have always looked to me like a slap-down of some sort. Maybe they were producing and wanted to move into sales--infringing on someone else's livelihood. But some folks who are frequently buying, working on and selling vehicles out in the middle of nowhere could be very useful in terms of tearing down a hot vehicle just spotted at the scene of a drive-by. And it is generally advantageous to change vehicles frequently if one is transporting illegal stuff for sale. Maybe in the course of buying/selling/trading the R's stumbled onto some sort of evidence (of the magnitude of a body in the trunk or something) and tried to use it to their advantage. Wouldn't necessarily go over well.
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