OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #29

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I'm not sure of her medical insurance situation at the time of pregnancy and birth, but in Ohio if she put him on the birth certificate as father and he had not had paternity established - the Dept of Job & Family Services would force him to have paternity test and then go after him for payment of anything that Medicaid paid out on child's behalf. That might be a reason that there was no "official" custody arrangement because if he owned up to parentage he would have to pay the state back if she received ANY benefits for the child.

In Ohio, unmarried fathers have no rights to their children until a court order has been set in place, according to The Law Offices of Virginia C. Cornwell. A court order is needed even after establishing paternity by signing the Acknowledgment of Paternity form or getting a DNA test. Establishing paternity will give the child the rights for medical and child support--it will not guarantee the unwed father visitation or custody. A court order is needed for these in order for visitation and custody agreements to be upheld.

She didn't need to formalize custody arrangements to get child support. She just needed to have a signed Acknowledgment of Paternity form to get child support.

There was something else occurring with Hanna and her toddler. Her dad had recently purchased a much nicer trailer for Hanna and her mom. Since there were custody issues occurring (statements from AW and LM verify this), I think the nicer trailer was purchased to ensure CPS couldn't find a reason to take S if people (S's paternal family) were calling the CPS hotline about HR's home.
I'm glad for your son. He should pursue child support from her now. A friend did, he said it wasn't about the money, it was the principle. She just pushed the child out, and moved away shortly after. Then again, at some point it's just easier not to have to deal with someone anymore.

In my son's case, she doesn't work and the youngest is eighteen now.. In my case, I got $10/week support from my ex for my youngest child. That almost covered school lunches.
At the time, investigators and prosecutors had acknowledged three of the four murder scenes contained marijuana grow operations of a commercial scale, with at least one of them indoors.


This is new. First time we have heard one was indoors.

[FONT=&quot]At the time, investigators and prosecutors had acknowledged three of the four murder scenes contained marijuana grow operations of a commercial scale, with at least one of them indoors.

It's now been stated that there were three commercial grows at two locations. DS found plants in KR's garage. That would be considered indoors. Reader called it a couple little grows at one point. If I grown ten plants with intent to sell, and make a profit, I am a commercial grower. Honestly, I don't think they remember what they say from day to day.[/FONT]
BREAKING: Pike County Sheriff issues alert about criminal gang, heroin

“MS-13, an International Criminal Gang and or Konvicted Family gang members are allegedly coming into Pike County this weekend,” the alert reads. “Possibly planning on ‘taking out’ believed snitches and spread (sic) ‘HOTSHOTS’ of heavily laced Heroin into the area that could cause an extremely large amount of overdoses in Pike County and surrounding counties.”

“This is according to very limited intelligence deputies have gathered in recent drug related investigations across the area in the past weeks,” the notice stated.
Have you considered the following sequence of events regarding the discovery at DR:

JM arrives at DR, he knows BJM found CR, GR, FR, HG deceased. He enters the home sees DR lying on the floor. He does not want to enter further. He said he did not want to see her niece this way.

Cops arrive and go in. Fetch the baby. Then I imagine the logical questions: Should there be anyone else? Where is S*?

How long did it take to find her with JW and how did it happen? My fair guess is LE spoke very rapidly with JW.

It was reported JM, JW, AM, DR exchanged messages according to LM. Therefore it is very possible JM had early on some knowledge that confirms or contradicts JW's story. The time the texts took place and what they say about the presence of SW are essential.
The Konvicted Family angle could tie this in with the Timmons murder. The boyfriend of the girl that was convicted for helping the killers get into the house to kill Theodore Timmons was a member of Konvicted Family. Then those murderers (James Nelson and Jesse Hanes) went on to New Mexico and killed a NM state cop also. When they were arrested it was originally announced the they may have been the Rhoden murderers also, but then officials quickly changed the story. Maybe they really did kill the Rhodens, and LE has known they had the trigger pullers in custody all along, but they've been trying to get to who ordered the killing.
The Konvicted Family angle could tie this in with the Timmons murder. The boyfriend of the girl that was convicted for helping the killers get into the house to kill Theodore Timmons was a member of Konvicted Family. Then those murderers (James Nelson and Jesse Hanes) went on to New Mexico and killed a NM state cop also. When they were arrested it was originally announced the they may have been the Rhoden murderers also, but then officials quickly changed the story. Maybe they really did kill the Rhodens, and LE has known they had the trigger pullers in custody all along, but they've been trying to get to who ordered the killing.

The Timmons killing seems a bit sloppy to have been committed by the same folks that killed the Rhodens. Not saying that it isn't possible, but just doesn't seem likely.

Someone is going to have to show me a link (approved meaning MSM) that gives us reason to be sleuthing a certain "C" family or this needs to come to a screeching halt for now. I know you will sleuth who you will sleuth but you cannot talk about it here unless I see something that allows discussing it that falls within our TOS.

We have been given cause to be looking at a specific family and that one is not it.

If Reader is making this announcement, it's a legitimate threat. Everyone stay safe in Pike County!

This also demonstrates why so many of us here are right in complaining that Ohio is wrong to not offer some folks witness protection in helping with this case.

If any of the witnesses who are providing information about the Rhoden murders are hurt or killed, their blood will be on the hands of DeWine and Gov. Kasich. They're the people who have the power to get funding for some kind of witness protection. So far they've refused most federal help and financial assistance on this case.

From the linked article:

Jill Del Greco, a spokeswoman for Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine, said, “We are not involved with this.”

Wow. Of course the safety of the Ohio public is your responsibility, as it is Gov. Kasich's.

I'm going to call bull crap on this, but it really is being reported here.

I think that the Konvicted Felons are mostly an "inside" gang. Long-term, lifers, on the inside. There's a prison right there in Lucasville, where I'd say some of those folks arrested may be headed. If I were in their shoes, and was labeled a snitch, that would be where I'd fear going. I'd not be feeling too good about going anywhere if I was labeled a snitch. I think some of this may be rumor, started by others who fear getting caught, due to all of the arrests, and fear of folks snitching to get lower sentences, so they want to shut that down. In other words "witness intimidation".
Have you considered the following sequence of events regarding the discovery at DR:

JM arrives at DR, he knows BJM found CR, GR, FR, HG deceased. He enters the home sees DR lying on the floor. He does not want to enter further. He said he did not want to see her niece this way.

Cops arrive and go in. Fetch the baby. Then I imagine the logical questions: Should there be anyone else? Where is S*?

How long did it take to find her with JW and how did it happen? My fair guess is LE spoke very rapidly with JW.

It was reported JM, JW, AM, DR exchanged messages according to LM. Therefore it is very possible JM had early on some knowledge that confirms or contradicts JW's story. The time the texts took place and what they say about the presence of SW are essential.

Hopefully, we'll find out some day what happened. Perhaps some day the public will know what evidence LE has about that night and the next morning.
Hopefully, we'll find out some day what happened. Perhaps some day the public will know what evidence LE has about that night and the next morning.

One scenario could be that HR did not know that JW was going to arrive to take S at 10.30pm, they argued, JW took her anyway, HR rang DR, she was upset at work. When she got home she texted AM to talk about it, then JM texted JW to ask why he wasn't sticking to the agreed custody arrangement.
I've never known ANYONE who had a c-section that wasn't in serious pain and serious recovery. Of course, they weren't 18 years old either....

I had one apx 6 months ago (I'm 34), and went home after 48 hours, and was able to bathe & rock to sleep then put my 4 year old to bed that first night we were home. I was in some pain, but it was manageable with ibuprofen & Tylenol. I think everyone heals/reacts differently. My daughter was 9.12, so it was a fairly large incision. That being said, I still wouldn't have gone fishing for $1,000, but I'm a germaphobe & wouldn't want to risk infection that fresh out of surgery.
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