OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #30

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Seems like people are slowly losing interest in this case with nothing happening. Lately when I log in to check foe news on the case, I'm the only one about 8 out of 10 times I check.
Raisin- you make some great points. i'm following from Texas so dont have any local knowledge. Ms seem involved but puzzling if they shiw no signs of any drug $ benefit.

Perhaps this really was a W enterprise more than R (Rs worker bees). would be even more likely they kill them all off to avoid any talking). normally i would think big time drug dealers would avoid a mass murder at all costs, but they decided to pull plug on operation, cash in all their profits, assure themselves custody of S, and ride off to their Alaskan dream which their baptist pastor said has been their plan for 10yrs.

so the whole family participates in the killing or hires some pros. i dont think a cartel would approve of this at all due to spotlight. maybe Ws tell their bosses
"look, we're out of here and weve killed all those with any real knowledge of the operation. we're done in yhe business and miving out of state. if you DO try to
off us, we've left detailed info of this operation in hands of some who will bring in feds if we are harmed."

i'd be scared shitless if i were the Ms unkess they are somehiw completely clueless about the operation- which seems almost impossible. maybe they are cooperating w LE and all this harassing claims is a show.

fascinating case, and i believe the whole lynchpin is custody of S.

p.s. can someone tell me what happened to the dogs? did they ever show up after the murders?
Far as I remember, dogs were there. Those usually inside were outside IIRC. KRs dog was at his place, had to be restrained for LE.
Raisin- you make some great points. i'm following from Texas so dont have any local knowledge. Ms seem involved but puzzling if they shiw no signs of any drug $ benefit.

Perhaps this really was a W enterprise more than R (Rs worker bees). would be even more likely they kill them all off to avoid any talking). normally i would think big time drug dealers would avoid a mass murder at all costs, but they decided to pull plug on operation, cash in all their profits, assure themselves custody of S, and ride off to their Alaskan dream which their baptist pastor said has been their plan for 10yrs.

so the whole family participates in the killing or hires some pros. i dont think a cartel would approve of this at all due to spotlight. maybe Ws tell their bosses
"look, we're out of here and weve killed all those with any real knowledge of the operation. we're done in yhe business and miving out of state. if you DO try to
off us, we've left detailed info of this operation in hands of some who will bring in feds if we are harmed."

i'd be scared shitless if i were the Ms unkess they are somehiw completely clueless about the operation- which seems almost impossible. maybe they are cooperating w LE and all this harassing claims is a show.

fascinating case, and i believe the whole lynchpin is custody of S.

p.s. can someone tell me what happened to the dogs? did they ever show up after the murders?

The dogs were never gone. They were there the morning the bodies were discovered. Relatives have taken most of the pets. Not sure what became of the hunting dogs...
Perhaps this really was a W enterprise more than R (Rs worker bees). would be even more likely they kill them all off to avoid any talking). normally i would think big time drug dealers would avoid a mass murder at all costs, but they decided to pull plug on operation, cash in all their profits, assure themselves custody of S, and ride off to their Alaskan dream which their baptist pastor said has been their plan for 10yrs.

so the whole family participates in the killing or hires some pros. i dont think a cartel would approve of this at all due to spotlight. maybe Ws tell their bosses
"look, we're out of here and weve killed all those with any real knowledge of the operation. we're done in yhe business and miving out of state. if you DO try to
off us, we've left detailed info of this operation in hands of some who will bring in feds if we are harmed."

Respectfully snipped for focus on your point

This seems pretty likely. It's also possible those involved in planning the killings felt a little too secure about their status and power in the area. They may have gotten by with smaller scale crimes and dealt with LE and prosecutors who looked the other way or allowed cases to go cold. Perhaps their arrogance got the best of them and they really thought they could hire someone to pull this off for them. No doubt they were under pressure from others higher in the organized crime food chain. They felt safe, protected and so far, they still are. W's know if they're arrested, they'll start naming names of all the other big fish who've been tied to organized crime in the area over the years. LE & AG know it, too.

ETA: I also think it's possible the local crime network felt they could set everything up to frame the M family along with some other lower level workers in the chain. Thanks to national attention and ongoing focus on the case, that's probably becoming more difficult to accomplish.
Seems like people are slowly losing interest in this case with nothing happening. Lately when I log in to check foe news on the case, I'm the only one about 8 out of 10 times I check.

I've been kinda following Irma. I've been visiting Fla since my 1st birthday and that was a while back. It's like my second home state was being destroyed. I've been checking in here and there and a lot of times it's just me, or maybe one or two others. I'm so frustrated about this case. In the very beginning, as I've said so many times on here, my family and I, figured that they had messed someone over, really bad, and it was very, very, personal, from the git-go. One line of thought was, that they were somehow going to expose someone, somehow, whether knowingly or unknowingly, and that someone just couldn't have that.


The Rs did someone really dirty, and that person has sat, and mulled this over for months, and put a plan into place.Who would be common to all of those homes to know that everyone was there that night, except for them. With as complex, and seemingly rather dysfunctional (My family puts the FUN in dysfunctional, so I'm not judging), and disorganized, lifestyle, someone had to know they were where they were. They had to know that they were all home. They'd not want to use a phone of any kind unless it was a burner. They'd want to do a drive-by, maybe a couple if everyone wasn't into place.

I kinda got to thinking about the Manson Murders, what with Leslie Van Houten being in the news and all. Those were subdivisions in fairly well off neighborhoods. They were just driven to a point and let out. No one was aware. It's dark and lonely on those roads in that part of the region where the Rs lived. I'm guessing between 12-1 a.m. someone did a drive-by to scope things out, and it was over before 5:00 a.m..
Raisin- you make some great points. i'm following from Texas so dont have any local knowledge. Ms seem involved but puzzling if they shiw no signs of any drug $ benefit.

Perhaps this really was a W enterprise more than R (Rs worker bees). would be even more likely they kill them all off to avoid any talking). normally i would think big time drug dealers would avoid a mass murder at all costs, but they decided to pull plug on operation, cash in all their profits, assure themselves custody of S, and ride off to their Alaskan dream which their baptist pastor said has been their plan for 10yrs.

so the whole family participates in the killing or hires some pros. i dont think a cartel would approve of this at all due to spotlight. maybe Ws tell their bosses
"look, we're out of here and weve killed all those with any real knowledge of the operation. we're done in yhe business and miving out of state. if you DO try to
off us, we've left detailed info of this operation in hands of some who will bring in feds if we are harmed."

i'd be scared shitless if i were the Ms unkess they are somehiw completely clueless about the operation- which seems almost impossible. maybe they are cooperating w LE and all this harassing claims is a show.

fascinating case, and i believe the whole lynchpin is custody of S.

p.s. can someone tell me what happened to the dogs? did they ever show up after the murders?

If they, the Ws, are in with someone else in some sort drug thing, and they have bosses above them, cartel type, having that info would not stop them from killing the Ws. That would get them killed quicker. If someone said, here, hold this information about the illegal and deadly activities of this cartel/gang/local bad guys for us, that we, by the way have been involved in, because we have to leave due to killing eight people, just in case the cartel boss wants to kill us, I'd say a big ole H3LL NO!

First off, you wouldn't give it to a stranger so it wouldn't take the cartel long to figure out who had it, I'd want no part in it, I have enough drama in my life already; Secondly, it's the Cartel. After the cartel tortures you for essentially blackmailing them, until you tell, and you WILL tell them, where the blackmail info is, they will then murder you and go to the person's home who made the poor decision to hang onto your info. One does not mess with drug bosses. It just is what it is. You can't just tell drug bosses when you are walking away and what you are going to do. They'll make it look like a horrible accident up there in AK, and the person with all your data, if they're still alive, will then shred it. Not meaning this in a snarky way at all.
Thanks for sharing. Do any names look familiar? Again, makes me wonder about money laundering and how much drug cash flows through southern Ohio every week. Where does it go? Who manages the laundering?

It's all related to one family.

"This comes after a two year investigation was authorized by the Ohio Organized Crime Investigations Commission directed by Attorney General Mike Dewine

The Washington Morgan Noble Major Crimes Task Force was authorized to conduct this narcotics investigation at certain locations in Washington, Morgan, Muskingum, Athens, and Franklin counties involving members and associates of the Mayle family.

This investigation involved the transportation, possession, and distribution of large quantities of cocaine and prescription pills."


Makes you wonder about large families and what they get each other caught up in.

[emoji237]Always My Own Opinion[emoji4]
I've been kinda following Irma. I've been visiting Fla since my 1st birthday and that was a while back. It's like my second home state was being destroyed. I've been checking in here and there and a lot of times it's just me, or maybe one or two others. I'm so frustrated about this case. In the very beginning, as I've said so many times on here, my family and I, figured that they had messed someone over, really bad, and it was very, very, personal, from the git-go. One line of thought was, that they were somehow going to expose someone, somehow, whether knowingly or unknowingly, and that someone just couldn't have that.


The Rs did someone really dirty, and that person has sat, and mulled this over for months, and put a plan into place.Who would be common to all of those homes to know that everyone was there that night, except for them. With as complex, and seemingly rather dysfunctional (My family puts the FUN in dysfunctional, so I'm not judging), and disorganized, lifestyle, someone had to know they were where they were. They had to know that they were all home. They'd not want to use a phone of any kind unless it was a burner. They'd want to do a drive-by, maybe a couple if everyone wasn't into place.

I kinda got to thinking about the Manson Murders, what with Leslie Van Houten being in the news and all. Those were subdivisions in fairly well off neighborhoods. They were just driven to a point and let out. No one was aware. It's dark and lonely on those roads in that part of the region where the Rs lived. I'm guessing between 12-1 a.m. someone did a drive-by to scope things out, and it was over before 5:00 a.m..

I understand your thoughts on Florida. My family had been going there since I was five. At first it was the east coat at Lantana, then the west coast in the Venice area. Dad had a home just east of Nokomis for about forty-five years. Venice, Nokomis, and Laurel are pretty much one city now. I haven't been there in over twenty years.

I agree the victims had to have been watched closely even on the night of the murders to catch everyone at home. Even if it was a pro hit, if they were patrolling the road with a raised 4x4 with mudder tires, no one would pay attention to them. It could be they were being watched and interacted with for a while to determine what needed to be done. Being a close family may just be why they were all taken out. The killers may have assumed what one knew they all knew. And on the other side, it it could have been a cousin feeling slighted by being kept out of the money making scheme. It could have been a neighbor that didn't like junk cars sitting around. The possibilities are endless when you include outrageous, but plausible, reasons...
Respectfully snipped for focus on your point

This seems pretty likely. It's also possible those involved in planning the killings felt a little too secure about their status and power in the area. They may have gotten by with smaller scale crimes and dealt with LE and prosecutors who looked the other way or allowed cases to go cold. Perhaps their arrogance got the best of them and they really thought they could hire someone to pull this off for them. No doubt they were under pressure from others higher in the organized crime food chain. They felt safe, protected and so far, they still are. W's know if they're arrested, they'll start naming names of all the other big fish who've been tied to organized crime in the area over the years. LE & AG know it, too.

ETA: I also think it's possible the local crime network felt they could set everything up to frame the M family along with some other lower level workers in the chain. Thanks to national attention and ongoing focus on the case, that's probably becoming more difficult to accomplish.


IMO the W's were the big fish in the operation.

That there was an organized drug trafficking ring is without doubt because it has been proved by the arrest of 20 plus people in Pike county all related in some way to the M's and the W's. The ones arrested were all related by blood or marriage to AM, JM's wife and most of the arrested lived on property owned by the elder W's.

That JW and JM were more than casually acquainted is proved by the late night texts between them. I have seen on other websites that AW and AM are related. I have no proof of this so can only consider it a rumor, but people living in that area usually know who is kin to who. If true that would mean that AW is also related to most of the 20 plus people arrested for drug trafficking.

AW claimed BW and CR1 were best friends. It stands to reason if the W's were in drug trafficking BW would ask his good friend CR1 if he wanted a part of it. Plus that branch of R's at least was related to the M's and if the rumor is true, by extension to the W's.

IMO this was a drug trafficking organization run by the W's (and I do not exclude the elder W's in this) involving a large amount of extended family members. That would tend to make the enterprise safer since family rarely rats out family.

IMO the truck that JM bought back in March of this year that LE put the GPS tracker on was bought from the W's. IMO LE put that tracker on there so JM would lead them to the W's and whatever connection the W's had for moving the drugs after they were delivered.

Consider also that the elder W's own a large horse ranch with a lot of expensive stock. As someone, I think RSD1200 pointed out, horses are a very expensive venture. It takes a lot of money to run an outfit like that and the market for purebred horses is not that large overall. It also involves a lot of traveling with horses and horse trailers to horse shows, delivering sold stock, etc. So I could see supplementing their income with a cash venture. A lot of drugs could be hidden in a horse trailer. And let's not forget that LE took an enclosed trailer in those raids on the W properties. We all saw the photos of the large trailer with household possessions strewn about on the ground.

The W's cutting and running 4000 miles away with an elderly, gravely ill father back in Ohio says volumes.

The pastor might think the W's had been planning to move to AK for 10 years, but I suspect that was a wish more than a plan. I too have visited AK and stated many times to many people since that visit that I would like to move there to live. Does that mean i would sell everything I own and relocate? Highly unlikely since I also have elderly sick relatives.

IMO the W's ran because LE was getting too close for comfort and indeed a large portion of the trafficking ring was arrested after they left. Arrested on property belonging to the elder W's and related to the M's. Not too much of a stretch to connect the dots.
I understand your thoughts on Florida. My family had been going there since I was five. At first it was the east coat at Lantana, then the west coast in the Venice area. Dad had a home just east of Nokomis for about forty-five years. Venice, Nokomis, and Laurel are pretty much one city now. I haven't been there in over twenty years.

I agree the victims had to have been watched closely even on the night of the murders to catch everyone at home. Even if it was a pro hit, if they were patrolling the road with a raised 4x4 with mudder tires, no one would pay attention to them. It could be they were being watched and interacted with for a while to determine what needed to be done. Being a close family may just be why they were all taken out. The killers may have assumed what one knew they all knew. And on the other side, it it could have been a cousin feeling slighted by being kept out of the money making scheme. It could have been a neighbor that didn't like junk cars sitting around. The possibilities are endless when you include outrageous, but plausible, reasons...

OT: We've been going to the gulf side for the most part for decades. We hit the east coast to visit some things and Daytona Bike Week but the gulf coast is my favorite. We usually stick around Old Naples or Sarasota areas. I've been to Venice. It has been awhile but it was really nice. Loved the pier, and Sharkey's.

We've had people riding up and down the lane late at night on quads, and I don't know if they're the other farm owner's kids or who they are. Someone was target shooting 24/7 for a week or so a little bit ago. They got a little carried away and the pellets bounced off our roof (they were skeet shooting). They backed up though after they realized. So sounds like those are very common in this area and I'd say in that area too. People have been murdered for some very odd reasons. I agree with your close family theory. It could have been just targeting 2-3 of them but, then again, it seems that KR2, JM, DS, or one of the others who claim to be so close with the victims would know SOMEthing. Maybe they do but they're scared to talk.

IMO the W's were the big fish in the operation.

That there was an organized drug trafficking ring is without doubt because it has been proved by the arrest of 20 plus people in Pike county all related in some way to the M's and the W's. The ones arrested were all related by blood or marriage to AM, JM's wife and most of the arrested lived on property owned by the elder W's.

That JW and JM were more than casually acquainted is proved by the late night texts between them. I have seen on other websites that AW and AM are related. I have no proof of this so can only consider it a rumor, but people living in that area usually know who is kin to who. If true that would mean that AW is also related to most of the 20 plus people arrested for drug trafficking.

AW claimed BW and CR1 were best friends. It stands to reason if the W's were in drug trafficking BW would ask his good friend CR1 if he wanted a part of it. Plus that branch of R's at least was related to the M's and if the rumor is true, by extension to the W's.

IMO this was a drug trafficking organization run by the W's (and I do not exclude the elder W's in this) involving a large amount of extended family members. That would tend to make the enterprise safer since family rarely rats out family.

IMO the truck that JM bought back in March of this year that LE put the GPS tracker on was bought from the W's. IMO LE put that tracker on there so JM would lead them to the W's and whatever connection the W's had for moving the drugs after they were delivered.

Consider also that the elder W's own a large horse ranch with a lot of expensive stock. As someone, I think RSD1200 pointed out, horses are a very expensive venture. It takes a lot of money to run an outfit like that and the market for purebred horses is not that large overall. It also involves a lot of traveling with horses and horse trailers to horse shows, delivering sold stock, etc. So I could see supplementing their income with a cash venture. A lot of drugs could be hidden in a horse trailer. And let's not forget that LE took an enclosed trailer in those raids on the W properties. We all saw the photos of the large trailer with household possessions strewn about on the ground.

The W's cutting and running 4000 miles away with an elderly, gravely ill father back in Ohio says volumes.

The pastor might think the W's had been planning to move to AK for 10 years, but I suspect that was a wish more than a plan. I too have visited AK and stated many times to many people since that visit that I would like to move there to live. Does that mean i would sell everything I own and relocate? Highly unlikely since I also have elderly sick relatives.

IMO the W's ran because LE was getting too close for comfort and indeed a large portion of the trafficking ring was arrested after they left. Arrested on property belonging to the elder W's and related to the M's. Not too much of a stretch to connect the dots.

JM was never named as a suspect. The warrant to put that tracker on there was to actually track the truck and not JM. That was about the most ludicrous reason for a warrant being granted that I've ever heard of, they didn't have enough to track JM, so the way I see it, they got a warrant to track the truck.

Horses are an extremely expensive venture. Good horses around here are languishing in pastures and being sold at the yards for dog food because the market fell through. The Ws have unique breeds but still that's a lot of food and help that they'd need to care for them. I do believe that the elder Ws are old money though just from some research I've run across. However with the expense of the horses and upkeep of the the farm, (and possibly funding children's/ grandchildren's failed ventures) they may not be as flush with cash as they used to be.

I don't see it odd that they'd leave with the elder W being gravely ill. Not everyone is close with their parents. I've a friend whose father was elderly, sick, and alone, and they just up and moved one day. Quit their jobs, packed up and left, because they'd wanted to move to this particular state for years, so, they just up and went one day. I was standing in their office when their s/o called and said, Let's go. The resignation letter was on their boss's desk that afternoon. Left kids, grandkids, and their father, and moved away. He found him a woman and moved even further in the opposite direction. I don't think they've spoke in several years now. Not all families are close.

Ohio can call AK and have them detain the Ws if they come up with enough evidence to call them suspects, and arrest them. Thus far no one has even been named as a suspect (iirc).

The elder Ws may be the biggest drug ring in the state of Ohio though, who knows. It's possible their own son and grandkids want distance from THEM. It's surprising to some folks who the main suppliers are in their communities. Cops pick up the nickel and dime dealers and act like they've done something. They know who the fat cats are... but as long as they toss a few low, to mid-level, dealer arrests across their FB page, the community will be happy, happy, joy, joy.
Raisin- you make some great points. i'm following from Texas so dont have any local knowledge. Ms seem involved but puzzling if they shiw no signs of any drug $ benefit.

Perhaps this really was a W enterprise more than R (Rs worker bees). would be even more likely they kill them all off to avoid any talking). normally i would think big time drug dealers would avoid a mass murder at all costs, but they decided to pull plug on operation, cash in all their profits, assure themselves custody of S, and ride off to their Alaskan dream which their baptist pastor said has been their plan for 10yrs.

so the whole family participates in the killing or hires some pros. i dont think a cartel would approve of this at all due to spotlight. maybe Ws tell their bosses
"look, we're out of here and weve killed all those with any real knowledge of the operation. we're done in yhe business and miving out of state. if you DO try to
off us, we've left detailed info of this operation in hands of some who will bring in feds if we are harmed."

i'd be scared shitless if i were the Ms unkess they are somehiw completely clueless about the operation- which seems almost impossible. maybe they are cooperating w LE and all this harassing claims is a show.

fascinating case, and i believe the whole lynchpin is custody of S.

p.s. can someone tell me what happened to the dogs? did they ever show up after the murders?


I hope you were not in the flooding from Harvey.

I don't think the Mexican cartel was involved in any of this. I believe it was all local with drugs being made/grown in Pike county and transported to larger cities in Ohio and adjoining states.

I believe the reason all the R's were killed was twofold. First and foremost because they all knew who was in charge and how the operation ran. I think that is why only this particular branch of the R family was killed. KR and GR were just there and also probably knew and helped with the operation. Keep in mind that the killers passed numerous homes containing members of the R family (TR and BR and children of those two brothers) on their way to kill KR. Indeed they passed LM's home which was between CR1's trailer and DR's trailer. So only this particular branch was targeted. The second reason was custody of SW. Everyone who might have had a claim to custody of her on the R side was killed. Her mother, grandparents, and uncles.

I think BW and CR1 got into a fight (per LM) over BW wanting HR to give up parental rights and in anger CR1 threatened to turn BW in and bring the whole operation down.

That gives the W's two huge motives for murder. Money/fear of jail and passion/family/revenge.

As a side note, a drug operation doesn't necessarily mean the participants were making boatloads of cash. The worker bees, if you will. may not have been paid that much (in our view anyway, but in that area a small amount of cash to us is a huge amount to residents of an area as economically depressed as Pike county). That may be the reason that JM appears not to be that well off, although AM had no trouble raising bail money. Then again JM could be hoarding the cash and not spending much so as to not draw attention to himself. Maybe he too was hoarding cash and planning to one day move to AK where setting up a trafficking ring would be easier in the sparsely populated areas of that state. And consider the growing season in AK is much longer (six months) as opposed to the growing season in Ohio.

But I would bet hubby's last pair of cowboy boots that the R's, M's and W's were all in together in a trafficking operation out of Pike county.


I hope you were not in the flooding from Harvey.

I don't think the Mexican cartel was involved in any of this. I believe it was all local with drugs being made/grown in Pike county and transported to larger cities in Ohio and adjoining states.

I believe the reason all the R's were killed was twofold. First and foremost because they all knew who was in charge and how the operation ran. I think that is why only this particular branch of the R family was killed. KR and GR were just there and also probably knew and helped with the operation. Keep in mind that the killers passed numerous homes containing members of the R family (TR and BR and children of those two brothers) on their way to kill KR. Indeed they passed LM's home which was between CR1's trailer and DR's trailer. So only this particular branch was targeted. The second reason was custody of SW. Everyone who might have had a claim to custody of her on the R side was killed. Her mother, grandparents, and uncles.

I think BW and CR1 got into a fight (per LM) over BW wanting HR to give up parental rights and in anger CR1 threatened to turn BW in and bring the whole operation down.

That gives the W's two huge motives for murder. Money/fear of jail and passion/family/revenge.

As a side note, a drug operation doesn't necessarily mean the participants were making boatloads of cash. The worker bees, if you will. may not have been paid that much (in our view anyway, but in that area a small amount of cash to us is a huge amount to residents of an area as economically depressed as Pike county). That may be the reason that JM appears not to be that well off, although AM had no trouble raising bail money. Then again JM could be hoarding the cash and not spending much so as to not draw attention to himself. Maybe he too was hoarding cash and planning to one day move to AK where setting up a trafficking ring would be easier in the sparsely populated areas of that state. And consider the growing season in AK is much longer (six months) as opposed to the growing season in Ohio.

But I would bet hubby's last pair of cowboy boots that the R's, M's and W's were all in together in a trafficking operation out of Pike county.

LM's place is not between. Just to avoid confusion.

If you turn right onto UHR, off of 32, LM's & JM's place is on the left. DR's home is about a 1/2 mile away on the rh side of UHR, and then CR1's & FR/HHG's trailers are around a mile from DR's place, but on the lh side of UHR.

Edit: KR is, if you take OH 772 N, to Salyers Rd. (which passes the Flying W., fwiw), then take Unger Hill Rd,to Left Fork Rd, it's less than 8 miles from CR1's trailer.

There's several ways they could have come in and out though.
Thanks for sharing. Do any names look familiar? Again, makes me wonder about money laundering and how much drug cash flows through southern Ohio every week. Where does it go? Who manages the laundering?

Bitcoin can be used for laundering, used car sales, and gambling boats are just a few that come to mind. I had a very close family member who had never had an interest in casinos before in his life, until just this past year. I know why now. I likely won't be seeing this person for the next 3 years.

I hope you were not in the flooding from Harvey.

I don't think the Mexican cartel was involved in any of this. I believe it was all local with drugs being made/grown in Pike county and transported to larger cities in Ohio and adjoining states.

I believe the reason all the R's were killed was twofold. First and foremost because they all knew who was in charge and how the operation ran. I think that is why only this particular branch of the R family was killed. KR and GR were just there and also probably knew and helped with the operation. Keep in mind that the killers passed numerous homes containing members of the R family (TR and BR and children of those two brothers) on their way to kill KR. Indeed they passed LM's home which was between CR1's trailer and DR's trailer. So only this particular branch was targeted. The second reason was custody of SW. Everyone who might have had a claim to custody of her on the R side was killed. Her mother, grandparents, and uncles.

I think BW and CR1 got into a fight (per LM) over BW wanting HR to give up parental rights and in anger CR1 threatened to turn BW in and bring the whole operation down.

That gives the W's two huge motives for murder. Money/fear of jail and passion/family/revenge.

As a side note, a drug operation doesn't necessarily mean the participants were making boatloads of cash. The worker bees, if you will. may not have been paid that much (in our view anyway, but in that area a small amount of cash to us is a huge amount to residents of an area as economically depressed as Pike county). That may be the reason that JM appears not to be that well off, although AM had no trouble raising bail money. Then again JM could be hoarding the cash and not spending much so as to not draw attention to himself. Maybe he too was hoarding cash and planning to one day move to AK where setting up a trafficking ring would be easier in the sparsely populated areas of that state. And consider the growing season in AK is much longer (six months) as opposed to the growing season in Ohio.

But I would bet hubby's last pair of cowboy boots that the R's, M's and W's were all in together in a trafficking operation out of Pike county.

Yes, this usually seems like the most logical explanation, especially where motive, means and opportunity are concerned. But the question always remains: If these are the only perps, why hasn't LE solved this yet? How could a few guys with grudges against members of the R family, but with no previous murder experience, manage to execute this many people in the space of a couple hours without getting caught? These people just aren't that smart. None of them has military or LE experience.

Just speculating, but it's more plausible if you take this crew and include some current or former LE who might also go to jail if CR Sr exposed the trafficking network. In that scenario, you would have killers who knew how to avoid leaving evidence or attracting attention, who could get past the dogs and into the Rhoden homes without a struggle.

Local LE had it's problems before these murders

Four Pike County deputies run afoul of the law in recent years


Former Scioto Co sheriff's wife used to own a pill mill


There are many more examples we've looked at over the last year and a half.
Yes, this usually seems like the most logical explanation, especially where motive, means and opportunity are concerned. But the question always remains: If these are the only perps, why hasn't LE solved this yet? How could a few guys with grudges against members of the R family, but with no previous murder experience, manage to execute this many people in the space of a couple hours without getting caught? These people just aren't that smart. None of them has military or LE experience.

Just speculating, but it's more plausible if you take this crew and include some current or former LE who might also go to jail if CR Sr exposed the trafficking network. In that scenario, you would have killers who knew how to avoid leaving evidence or attracting attention, who could get past the dogs and into the Rhoden homes without a struggle.

Local LE had it's problems before these murders

Four Pike County deputies run afoul of the law in recent years


Former Scioto Co sheriff's wife used to own a pill mill


There are many more examples we've looked at over the last year and a half.

Someone had to be handy with firearms, and had to be capable of this. Right after this happened, this stayed stuck in my head;

The official said the killings happened before dawn. “This was a preplanned execution of eight individuals,” DeWine said. “It was a sophisticated operation and those who carried it out were trying to do everything they could do to hinder the investigation and their prosecution.”


There had to be at least one person who was the boss, who knew exactly how to keep the plan in line. There could have been a driver and an extra person to help inside but there had to be a leader who knew how to easily get in, kill eight folks in cold blood, take out the cams at the locales that had them, and try their best to stage the scene, and quick. That took a lot of thought, planning, and surveillance. It takes a special kind of evil to be able to execute one person, let alone eight, with one a teen mom, and another one, a barely 16 y/o kid. I can't see that plan evolving in just a week or two.

Edit: But I'm a super detail oriented person who over details...
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