OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #31

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I thought Saturday was the agreed upon date for swapping the kids out (according to Angela W's story). He picked Sophia up on Friday (his original story). His second story after distancing himself from the crime scene, both physically and literally, was that Hannah dropped Sophia off at the Wagner's home.

In my timeline there were events that were likely to be highly emotionaly charged.The ongoing conflict in JW and HR custody dispute was one that stood out. Who were the last people who interacted with and visited the CS prior to the murders?

I posted the following about a week ago.
Ah,you have already make a great point. If indeed this was ordered by someone else higher up in the food chain;just perhaps there were locals(s) contracted to do the unthinkable.

Folowing that logic could these 'people contracted' to execute the family be from the surroundings area? That possibly would explain 'their' intimate knowledge of the property layout having worked for CRsr operation. Another possibility is they were associated & friendly with family members through various side businesses (cars,roosters) or from extended family.

How convenient then 'these' contracted locals would already be familiar with the cameras,the dogs and the locations of family members homes. It is not out of the realm of possibility that at least one of the perps may have been spurned or were even engaged in a custody battle with the some of the family. Following that logic perhaps because of shared custody 'it' would not be suspicious for one of them to have been at the CS in the hours leading up to the murders.That would explain the vibe I have of someone being a mole.

Was there ever any hint of a GrandJury? I think calling a GJ would be about the best war to get to the bottom of this.At this point the only way to get JW to give a straight answer is to suspena him to testify.

I am not accusing him of any thing. But the Rhoden Family screams for justice and if he has an iota of information he needs to do the right thing.I do not know why but I never caught this before. If I had I would have been all over it.

We know JW and JR texted each other in the hours pior to the estimated time of the crimes.
"disclosure, the elder Manley said agents told him Monday that a text from his son’s phone was sent to Jake Wagner’s phone at 2 a.m. the morning of the massacre. Wagner was the long-time"

Now we know JW is giving inconsistent stories about 'who & where' Sophia
What were JW activities prior to BJM discovering the main CS is very important. I do not want his case to go cold. He's in Alaska and lawyered up at this late date we probably will never know. :sigh:

.....in my timeline because of shared custody 'it' would not be suspicious for one of them to have been at the CS in a not too distant period leading up to the murders.That would explain the vibe I have of someone being a mole.

Oh. Thank you. Her family really seemed to put Frankie on a pedestal and no problems mentioned of their co-parenting Brentley. Heck! Maybe it was the Mexican cartel. It's just crazy that LE seems no closer to solving the murders today than they were on April 22nd.

It's always seemed unlikely that Frankie's former girlfriend would drop off their child to spend the night with him and HG if she knew someone was going to come in and slaughter the family in their sleep. If she knew that was going to happen, would she really have that much trust in the skill of the killers to be able to not kill her child in the midst of murder and mayhem in a dark trailer in the middle of the night? What possible benefit would there be for her to leave her child there knowing what was about to happen?

JMO, Chelsea is off the list of suspects who knew about the murders in advance.
IMO. it doesn't matter to me what the Rhodens and H Gillley may or may not have done before they were victims of cold-blooded murder. What matters to me is someone(s) made himself/herself judge and jury and executed these people. We may never know what caused it. This case has to be the most guarded investigation I have ever heard of. I live in another state in an area that could be a mirror image of Pike County. My environs actually have a higher poverty rate than Pike County. I actually think that LE has this case solved and probably from Day 1.
Of course, something got these 8 people killed. I just don't know why we have to keep assuming it's the result of something awful they did to bring it upon themselves. How many murders have we followed here on WS where that happens?

These people had clean records, were never arrested for dealing in drugs. LE has said they were growing MJ, they did not say they were dealing in hard drugs. So why do we need to discuss them doing so, even giving them to their kids to sell to others their own age? Those parents are dead. Those kids are dead. There's no evidence they were involved in dealing drugs, other than the word of a couple of anonymous kids looking to get a reporter to buy them cigarettes. Kids who imply they buy drugs from other people.

I wasn't targeting you, specifically, Raisin with my comment. It's just a heads up when the discussion begins veering back in this direction (and it usually does). Rhodens were dealing oxy/heroin. Their kids were dealing oxy/heroin. Dina was dealing oxy/heroin. The dogs were dealing oxy/heroin. The roosters and cats were dealing oxy/heroin. If you think that somehow points to a group of suspects and who had MMO to kill 8 people,then please put that theory out. But to spend pages and pages of threads just talking about all the reasons why some think they were doing and dealing oxy/heroin/ meth, etc. it's not productive. And given the fact LE has not said that's the case (and they would know), it's borderline against the rules.

Maybe it would help for people who have the urge to write a post about one more reason why they think CR1, DR and everyone were dealing oxy/heroin/meth and teaching their kids to sell it too to just take a pause and come up with a valid theory or suspect or scenario that builds upon that. Something with links and analysis that moves the case forward instead of getting the thread stuck in the endless loop of "rumor says Rhodens were dealing oxy/heroin/meth". "Rhoden kids were dealing oxy/heroin/meth, that's what got them killed". People on that merry go round should to come up with something more substantive than that. We know you think that. Tell us where that opinion leads to some solid evidence or links we can work with.

ETA: In all fairness, anyone who needs to keep expressing their opinion that Rhodens are to blame for their own deaths, they owe it to the rest of us to provide something substantive to justify that opinion.

Sigh... Betty P for the umpteenth time I did not say they had their kids out selling drugs. I just wondered why that young man would say that when the conversation was not about pills or drugs.

That being said, these were not random killings. Someone targeted these 8 people, someone who knew them well enough to know where they all lived and where they would be and when they would be there.

You have been touting for a while now that these murders were a professional hit. So pray tell why would someone order a professional hit man to kill these 8 people? Professional hitmen are not cheap. So why would someone go to the great expense and greater trouble to order these people's death if there was no reason in their lives to do so? Did someone out there in Ohio have some spare cash lying around and wake up one morning and say just for kicks and giggles let's pay for a hit on these 8 people living out there on UHR? Give us your reason for thinking someone wanted these people dead enough to pay a hitman to go door to door and kill them all.

You may not like to think it Betty P but there was evil in these peoples lives somewhere. And as is the way with most targeted murders they brought that evil in their lives themselves. Even innocent people who are killed by spouses brought that spouse into their life themselves.

Was it HMR who brought it in through JW?
Was it CR1 who brought it in selling MJ or some harder drug?
Was it GR who brought it in by owing money for drugs in his checkered past?
Was it FR who brought it in through his squabbles about demolition derby cars?
Was it DR and CR2 who brought it in through their altercation with a relative?

I don't know. But you can bet your last wooden nickel that the evil that landed on them that night came in through a door one of them opened themselves.

Sigh... Betty P for the umpteenth time I did not say they had their kids out selling drugs. I just wondered why that young man would say that when the conversation was not about pills or drugs.

That being said, these were not random killings. Someone targeted these 8 people, someone who knew them well enough to know where they all lived and where they would be and when they would be there.

You have been touting for a while now that these murders were a professional hit. So pray tell why would someone order a professional hit man to kill these 8 people? Professional hitmen are not cheap. So why would someone go to the great expense and greater trouble to order these people's death if there was no reason in their lives to do so? Did someone out there in Ohio have some spare cash lying around and wake up one morning and say just for kicks and giggles let's pay for a hit on these 8 people living out there on UHR? Give us your reason for thinking someone wanted these people dead enough to pay a hitman to go door to door and kill them all.

You may not like to think it Betty P but there was evil in these peoples lives somewhere. And as is the way with most targeted murders they brought that evil in their lives themselves. Even innocent people who are killed by spouses brought that spouse into their life themselves.

Was it HMR who brought it in through JW?
Was it CR1 who brought it in selling MJ or some harder drug?
Was it GR who brought it in by owing money for drugs in his checkered past?
Was it FR who brought it in through his squabbles about demolition derby cars?
Was it DR and CR2 who brought it in through their altercation with a relative?

I don't know. But you can bet your last wooden nickel that the evil that landed on them that night came in through a door one of them opened themselves.


Yes, I believe the family came in contact with people who were evil or who sold them out for fear of some kind of retribution. That doesn't mean the victims were bad people who brought this on themselves, no more so than any other victim of violent crime.
In my timeline there were events that were likely to be highly emotionaly charged.The ongoing conflict in JW and HR custody dispute was one that stood out. Who were the last people who interacted with and visited the CS prior to the murders?

I posted the following about a week ago.

Was there ever any hint of a GrandJury? I think calling a GJ would be about the best war to get to the bottom of this.At this point the only way to get JW to give a straight answer is to suspena him to testify.

I am not accusing him of any thing. But the Rhoden Family screams for justice and if he has an iota of information he needs to do the right thing.I do not know why but I never caught this before. If I had I would have been all over it.

We know JW and JR texted each other in the hours pior to the estimated time of the crimes.
"disclosure, the elder Manley said agents told him Monday that atext from his son’s phone was sent to Jake Wagner’s phone at 2 a.m. the morning of the massacre. Wagner was the long-time"

Now we know JW is giving inconsistent stories about 'who & where' Sophia
What were JW activities prior to BJM discovering the main CS is very important. I do not want his case to go cold. He's in Alaska and lawyered up at this late date we probably will never know. :sigh:

.....in my timeline because of shared custody 'it' would not be suspicious for one of them to have been at the CS in a not too distant period leading up to the murders.That would explain the vibe I have of someone being a mole.


Was that when the text was sent or when it was received? Also, when it was received on the phone or when it was read. I have received texts long after they were sent. I have received them as much as 24 hours after they were sent. The same happens with e-mails. The timing and content could make it irrelevant or crucial to the case. Another one of the critical unknow things that could change the outlook of the case...
Yes, I believe the family came in contact with people who were evil or who sold them out for fear of some kind of retribution. That doesn't mean the victims were bad people who brought this on themselves, no more so than any other victim of violent crime.

I do not believe they were bad people who brought this on themselves. No one deserves this. I am against the death penalty even for the most evil of killers for that very reason. I do not believe anyone deserves to die for something they did.

And I certainly do not believe that the R's were bad people. I believe they were good hard working people who made a mistake by bringing someone into their lives that resulted in their death.

I believe those kids were innocent. FR, HG, HR and CR2 were just babies with their whole lives in front of them.

But they were targeted. That means someone they were associated with caused their deaths.

You say they were sold out. Then that means they were killed for what they knew. So if they knew it then that means they were somehow involved in what got them killed. Or at least one of them was. So why is it so hard for you to believe that CR1 might have been selling pills? Or trafficking them? You don't seem to have a problem believing he was selling MJ.

If he was selling pills that does not make him a bad person. It does not make him an evil person. He didn't kill anyone. He was trying the best way he knew how to support his family. I do not judge him for that. So why do you? Why is the first thing you say when I mention pills is that these were not evil people? Do you believe that anyone who sells pills is an evil person? Because if you do then you are so very wrong. Most dealers do it to support their own habit. They get trapped into it by their own addictions. I believe CR1 may have gotten sucked into it for the money. If so then he is no different than someone who takes a promotion at a job they hate because it pays more. It does not make him an evil person.

So like it or not evil walked into these people's lives and it walked in through a door one of them opened themselves. So which one opened it?
IMO. it doesn't matter to me what the Rhodens and H Gillley may or may not have done before they were victims of cold-blooded murder. What matters to me is someone(s) made himself/herself judge and jury and executed these people. We may never know what caused it. This case has to be the most guarded investigation I have ever heard of. I live in another state in an area that could be a mirror image of Pike County. My environs actually have a higher poverty rate than Pike County. I actually think that LE has this case solved and probably from Day 1.

The ABSOLUTE silence from everyone involved is unheard of in any situation. How many people have seen the murder scenes and victims and remained silent. All the deputies, coroners, assistant coroners, ambulance drivers, coroner employees, investigators, technicians, etc. the people that moved the homes, that were involved and ZERO leaks. How can that happen?
The ABSOLUTE silence from everyone involved is unheard of in any situation. How many people have seen the murder scenes and victims and remained silent. All the deputies, coroners, assistant coroners, ambulance drivers, coroner employees, investigators, technicians, etc. the people that moved the homes, that were involved and ZERO leaks. How can that happen?

I agree Dudly. It just doesn't seem possible. There is always a leak. There is always an anonymous source who is not authorized to speak. So why not in this case? Does Reader have his department that tightened down? Does DeWine or Junk? What about the coroner's office? No one talking there either. What about the lab or CSI or EMT's? How do you shut that many people up so not even a peep gets out? It's like this crime is some Top Secret government operation carried out in the dead of night. We are talking Roswell here. Was CR1 a secret agent for the CIA? It just doesn't add up does it?
I have even toyed with the idea that maybe the intense secrecy is because one of the victims lived. IIRC, the only people to actually see a victim, other than LE, is BJM seeing CRsr and GR, James Manley seeing Dana lying on the floor, and Donald Stone seeing KR. Please correct me if I am incorrect.
I don't think the kids were selling, at least not CR2 and HMR. But FR may have been acting as a delivery guy/ go between for some of his friends and school mates (when he was in high school). In other words it was dad's stuff but the younger ones were promoting it by telling everyone they knew took it that they could get it for them.

Does this even make sense? I am tired today.

Yes, to me it does rasin, I saw FR's "friends list" from facebook and he had over 1000 friends. I know that "kids" usually accept friend request's by just sending them. But as a person who used to be "in the life" of drugs, this seems an unusual amount to me. JMO
Here is the statement:
"Two men approached as she spoke, all rednecks and jailhouse tattoos and teeth stained by tobacco like a lot of other young men around here, and asked to borrow money for the cigarettes that sit in virtually every Pike County hand.

“I don’t have no money. My boyfriend gave me these cigarettes,” Pritchard told the pair of the dukes in her pocket. “And he’s saving his money for us to go on a date.”
The older of the two, who didn’t want to give his name, didn’t know much about Hannah, but said if you were the type of person to smoke weed or pop pills you had probably heard of the Rhodens, at least some of the younger ones.
“Tell you what, you buy me a pack of cigarettes and I’ll sit down right here with you and tell you all kinds of crazy stuff about them,” he said.
And just like that, the talk was back to the Rhodens."


That statement, I'll not give it the compliment of calling it "journalism", makes my blood boil. The author, and I use the term loosely, literally oozes, with disdain. *advertiser censored** him. (This is not intended toward you in any way Dudly.)

Okay Betty P, first of all I respect your opinion and enjoy reading your posts as I find them intelligent and well written most of the time.

But I am not spreading nasty gossip, I am quoting a MSM article. I do not live anywhere near Ohio so I am not privy to any gossip spread by the locals. I can only go on what I read in MSM articles of which this comment was a part.

I do not and never have known the victims. I do not like nor dislike the victims. I did not know them so I therefore have no opinion on them or the way they lived their lives. I do not judge other people for the way they live. But like it or not Betty P something in these 8 peoples lives got them killed. Some thing they were doing or someone they crossed led to their deaths, so the way they were living and the things they were doing is pertinent to solving this case. Anyone who knows anything about major crime investigations like murder knows the first place LE starts is with family and friends. The first thing they investigate is the victim's lifestyle and the people who shared that lifestyle. You don't have to like it Betty P but it is an iron clad fact that what the victims were doing in their lives and the people they know always leads to who killed them and why. It is just the way it is. How they lived and what they were doing is very crucial to this investigation.

I believe the rules state any quotes from MSM is allowed and this quote from the young smoker was from MSM.

Now last of all, how do you know what the young smoker said was gossip and not fact? Do you have a MSM link stating that this young man was repeating gossip or that he was spreading malicious rumors? Do you know this young man personally and know he is prone to spreading gossip and rumors? How do you know he didn't buy pills from them himself? How do you know he wasn't a regular customer out there on UHR?

You don't have to like it Betty P but something got these 8 people killed. And there had to be a pretty powerful reason to go to four homes and kill 8 people. So instead of beating down anyone who asks a question about what was said by someone who actually knew these people maybe you should ask yourself why the guy said it in the first place when drugs and pills was not even part of the conversation.

I am not trying to be nasty here but this case has gone on long enough so it is time to take the blinders off and start asking why someone wanted these people dead.


Raisin, I thought she meant the Beast story, that was just me though.
Here is the statement:
"Two men approached as she spoke, all rednecks and jailhouse tattoos and teeth stained by tobacco like a lot of other young men around here, and asked to borrow money for the cigarettes that sit in virtually every Pike County hand.

“I don’t have no money. My boyfriend gave me these cigarettes,” Pritchard told the pair of the dukes in her pocket. “And he’s saving his money for us to go on a date.”
The older of the two, who didn’t want to give his name, didn’t know much about Hannah, but said if you were the type of person to smoke weed or pop pills you had probably heard of the Rhodens, at least some of the younger ones.
“Tell you what, you buy me a pack of cigarettes and I’ll sit down right here with you and tell you all kinds of crazy stuff about them,” he said.
And just like that, the talk was back to the Rhodens."


Yes Dudley about JW, it just proves he was lying. And about the younger Rhoden's, I think FR was involved in dealing, kids are one of the biggest groups that dealers go after. Then they have customers for about 20-30 years or until someone dies and let's face it, they don't care. Most people who deal drugs are drug abusers themselves and when they can't pay anymore, skim off what their selling to get their fix.
Yes, to me it does rasin, I saw FR's "friends list" from facebook and he had over 1000 friends. I know that "kids" usually accept friend request's by just sending them. But as a person who used to be "in the life" of drugs, this seems an unusual amount to me. JMO

It is a very large friend list, I can see FR being involved in CRsr business as he has had most contact with CRsr. FR lived with CRsr when DR and CRsr split. HMR and CRjr remained with DR I have rolled this around in my mind the conclusion I have came to is possibly FR was a hand full. The list of Facebook friends also will have many derby people as he was so active in the derby scene
I agree with most of what you say. They were victims, they didn't deserve their horrible deaths. The killers need to be brought to justice.

I'm just still not seeing any connection to dealing hard drugs. LE would have said so, if that were the case. It would have lessened public pressure to solve the murders and easier for the case to go cold.

As for the link to someone saying they could get pills from the Rhodens, here's the quote verbatim, from a couple of anonymous guys with bad teeth looking for free cigarettes:

Not what I would call a reliable source, but YMMV.

As hard as CR1 was working to get GR off hard drugs, I don't see him allowing his kids to sell them. Come on, he cared about his kid, I feel silly even having to defend this here. Let's be real.

I respectively disagree with you on this. Even if we haven't heard anything from LE about this, that doesn't mean it couldn't be true. FR was around his Dad all the time and may have had his own little enterprise going learning from his father's ventures. He (FR) was raising game *advertiser censored*, breeding hunting dogs, selling trial cams, hunting equipment and guns on Facebook. As a parent myself, my kids got into a lot of things I didn't know about until they were grown. And then I heard about it. My parents didn't know about things I did when I was younger either.
Also, LE may not have wanted to say anything about the "drug connection" at all. I remember that first press conference and they hadn't mentioned anything about the mj until a reporter brought it up. Then they came back and told the public about it. And remember the cousin who lives in the area (Josh R) who was arrested for "pills" with a Mr McJ and how they got out so fast (IMO) I feel that whoever was involved are some shady characters and probably use drugs. All just my opinion.
How about if we talk about DNA? Maybe change the focus of the discussion a little. DNA is relevant to murder cases, it's how most are solved these days, certainly how most prosecutors are able to win cases in court.

So what's the status of DNA evidence in Rhoden murder investigation?

We know that various family members and acquaintances have reported providing DNA samples to LE.

Is it safe to assume that, because LE is collecting DNA that there was DNA left by the killers that they're using for comparison?

Manleys have reported in the past that they've provided samples

Inside the Rhoden investigation: Scientists work with cops



Slightly OT, but there's a quote in that article from Dr. Cyril Wecht

Wagners attorney reported last summer that they had given DNA samples


So, the Manley and, as of last summer, the Wagner family have submitted DNA. Who else? We should probably add in pretty much anyone currently serving in prison, in Ohio or elsewhere.

How about all the drug and MJ busts that have been going on in Ohio during the last few years? Everyone who is arrested and incarcerated is probably required to submit their DNA, including those busted for drugs, murder, prostitution, theft, etc. in Pike and surrounding counties.

So where do you think that puts the status of this case? Does LE have enough DNA yet to have found a match on some of the incriminating evidence?

What kind of incriminating evidence could they have that would be outside the normal things regular visitors to the Rhoden home might have touched?

DNA from a fingerprint on a bullet or spent cartridge?

DNA from the bills strewn about KR's body?

DNA or fingerprints on the walls outside or inside the open windows at CR1 & FR's trailers?

Do you think LE has the DNA of the killers from an incriminating location/source?

Do you think they've gotten any matches yet?

If it was family, friends, or associates, of the victims, then their DNA will be there in those homes or they'll have an excuse for it being there, and a cover already in place.

However, from the link below (which gives detail about local dna gathering at scenes too):

Sometimes, investigators have DNA evidence but no suspects. In that case, law enforcement officials can compare crime scene DNA to profiles stored in a database. Databases can be maintained at the local level (the crime lab of a sheriff's office, for example) or at the state level. A state-level database is known as a State DNA index system (SDIS). It contains forensic profiles from local laboratories in that state, plus forensic profiles analyzed by the state laboratory itself. The state database also contains DNA profiles of convicted offenders. Finally, DNA profiles from the states feed into the National DNA Index System (NDIS).

I do not believe they were bad people who brought this on themselves. No one deserves this. I am against the death penalty even for the most evil of killers for that very reason. I do not believe anyone deserves to die for something they did.

And I certainly do not believe that the R's were bad people. I believe they were good hard working people who made a mistake by bringing someone into their lives that resulted in their death.

I believe those kids were innocent. FR, HG, HR and CR2 were just babies with their whole lives in front of them.

But they were targeted. That means someone they were associated with caused their deaths.

You say they were sold out. Then that means they were killed for what they knew. So if they knew it then that means they were somehow involved in what got them killed. Or at least one of them was. So why is it so hard for you to believe that CR1 might have been selling pills? Or trafficking them? You don't seem to have a problem believing he was selling MJ.

If he was selling pills that does not make him a bad person. It does not make him an evil person. He didn't kill anyone. He was trying the best way he knew how to support his family. I do not judge him for that. So why do you? Why is the first thing you say when I mention pills is that these were not evil people? Do you believe that anyone who sells pills is an evil person? Because if you do then you are so very wrong. Most dealers do it to support their own habit. They get trapped into it by their own addictions. I believe CR1 may have gotten sucked into it for the money. If so then he is no different than someone who takes a promotion at a job they hate because it pays more. It does not make him an evil person.

So like it or not evil walked into these people's lives and it walked in through a door one of them opened themselves. So which one opened it?

The question was not directed to me, but... for me, it's because of zero disclosure from LE that they were pill dealers. LE loves to explode the numbers and worth of pot plants or anything else they find. If they were into pills, big time, we'd have seen more statements like, It appears some of the victims were trafficking drugs. They'd not have been specific to weed.
It's the Daily Beast. I'm not familiar with the reporter so can't speak to that.

For those who think the elder Rhodens were selling hard drugs, even GR (whom CR1 was trying to help overcome his addiction to hard drugs) these are my questions:

#1 Why hasn't LE mentioned this in the last 2 years?

#2 If accurate, what does it have to do with LE's failure to solve this case?

People get busted for dealing drugs every week in southern Ohio. It's something LE knows how to do down there. So why is it so impossible for them to solve this crime?

Other than just pitching dirty gossip about a dead family who aren't around to defend themselves, what else have you got? I'm as willing as the next person to share ideas, sleuth and try to solve these murders. But year after year of dirty rumors, innuendo and trash talk hasn't accomplished anything.

Let's admit: There are some people online who follow this case who dislike the Rhodens and felt they were terrible people living horrible lives. They're entitled to their opinions, but that has no place in this discussion. Ok? Nasty gossip and innuendo is not the same as sleuthing, advocating for surviving victims and family or trying to solve this case.

Sorry to be so blunt, but after two years of hearing people run down these victims and talk trash about them, I'm kind of out of patience. It's against the rules to insult and spread rumors about victims here. There are other forums that allow it and maybe it's more appropriate there.

Again with all due respect, the LE/BCI has made it possible for us to speculate about the victims and their families because of the lack of information in this case. I myself can only go by my experiences in life and my research skills. I hope I am not hurting anyone personally. I try and look at it without my emotions being involved as a cut-and-dry kinda way. It's hard to do, because this could have happened to me and mine in the past. Right now, I feel for the victims even though I did not know them. Afterward when this case is solved I will make my apologies to whoever I have offended. They were involved in criminal activities and we have and will find out even more about their business. I don't think for one minute that they deserved what happened to them and never will, but what is, is.
Yes, to me it does rasin, I saw FR's "friends list" from facebook and he had over 1000 friends. I know that "kids" usually accept friend request's by just sending them. But as a person who used to be "in the life" of drugs, this seems an unusual amount to me. JMO

I don't find it unusual, having/knowing kids in those age ranges. They'll friend each other after talking at a concert, or the demo derby, for 10 minutes. Not me. Older, wiser. As a geek, and highly interested in all new technology, I'm sooooooo glad it was not around in my day.
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