OH - Pike County: 8 People From One Family Dead As Police Hunt For Killer(s) #35 *Arrests*

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RSD1200 "Winner, winner, chicken dinner!!!" My absolutely brilliant and wise Father used to tell me, "Two can live as cheaply as one, only if the other doesn't eat!" The other brother, Bob (?) had already moved on and had his own on-going business. Buuuuut, RW (the sister, seen in the arrest video of BigGWIII in Lexington and in the courtroom) might suffer financially if her Mother continued to subsidize GIII, AW, GIV, and JW, (and the minor children), huh? Imagine the negative attention, jeopardizing the company's 50 year reputation? Her Mother (FR) forced to testify before the Grand Jury....and Mamacita is jeopardizing everything by lying, sharing info about the questions asked, etc. Frankly, did/does RW have any choice but to pull away from the insanity?? I'm not saying she doesn't love her Mother or family....but common sense says "Loyalty to a condemned man must be greatly questioned."

Here's a curious story from UPI that I had not seen before. It is about Frederika and Robert Wagner losing 20 show horses worth $1M because of a fire at the farm in 1986. According to the story, Bob Jr., then 23, breaks down the barn door to save some of the horses

Fire destroys family's top show horses

It contains this quote from FW'You know "A mother's nightmare is that someone might call in the middle of the night and say their kids have been hurt,' she said. 'But a horseman's nightmare is fire.'"
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I'll wager it was Angela and she has some fake physical injury from her time in the Air Force or when she briefly worked at the boot factory. She's a professional scammer.
If she had a "verifiable" injury from her AF days would she not be getting a disability from the AF? Which would then disqualify her from getting a S.S. disability?

speaking of balaclavas, does everyone think they masked their identities or didn't because they wanted their victims to know who was murdering them?

I had imagined the killers hiding their identities because I felt the killers were known by every one of their chosen victims. I thought that even one person escaping would result in the whole plan failing because any survivor would know exactly who had killed all the others.
Make was checking to with James Manley by text to make sure that him and all his family was home, Make played James.

Do we know that is what was discussed by phone between JM and JW for sure or this just speculation? I ask because, it seems that JM would have told LE the very next day that he had received a phone call from JW just before the murders asking him if all the family members were at home. JW would have no good excuse for asking JM that or for explaining to LE during any interviews way early on.
This may have been discussed,and if it has, I apologize. Why Kenneth R.? I don't understand because he was a great uncle and there were other great uncles and great aunts who weren't killed. Was he an attempt to throw off investigators?
This may have been discussed,and if it has, I apologize. Why Kenneth R.? I don't understand because he was a great uncle and there were other great uncles and great aunts who weren't killed. Was he an attempt to throw off investigators?
I'm just passing on some info that someone else posted earlier in the thread. They speculated that it probably had to do with the fact that KR would go shower at CR's (early) every morning. They further speculated that he was probably killed to make sure he didn't interrupt the killings or to keep him from finding the crime scenes too early.
I think the shots in the face was them making sure the victims saw who was shooting them. My opinion only...

I hate to but do a
I think the shots in the face was them making sure the victims saw who was shooting them. My opinion only...

I agree on with some of the victims being shown who their killer was even if the W's disguised their faces traveling between homes and while entering homes. Once there was no hope of escaping, I do think the W's wanted the R's to know. DR, in particular, because she was shot under the chin. I think to "hold her in place" while someone had their say and to gloat. Unfortunately, I've imagined for some time now that DR was awake and fully aware she was going to die but not before they made her listen to her own kids being killed. All speculation that I've felt for awhile but, now that I've seen who is accused of killing them and why, I'm even more convinced.
Someone asked about killer arrangement. I think the W's entered the homes in little teams. AW, imo, was in DR's house, for sure but I doubt anyone went into any home alone. Even if one person stood nearby while another killed (FR-HG's and at KR's places) ... I still think there was at least one backup nearby. They could take no chances of anything going wrong and a backup person was like insurance.
The rest of my questions in the post, I think, would also be worth some input. E.g. does anyone know if an arrestee gets detoxed when they are put in jail? As in, medically supervised? Or are they just tossed in with general population and expected to go through withdrawal with no supervision? Crazy and dangerous, if so.

ETA: I was wrong:
"However, many prisons do not provide inmates who battle addiction with proper evidence-based treatment that could save their lives. Medication-assisted treatment, which can help control withdrawal symptoms during detox, is uncommon in U.S. prisons."
Prisoners and Addiction
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(Billy) Wagner was arrested at 1:18 p.m. in Fayette County, Kentucky, on Tuesday, he was reportedly hiding in the back of a Flying W Farms horse trailer. In a coordinated mission, teams of law enforcement fanned out to make the arrests nearly simultaneously: Angela Wagner was arrested at her Scioto County home at 1:10 p.m., George and Jake Wagner were arrested during a traffic stop in Ross County at 1:13 p.m., Newcomb was arrested at home at 1:25 p.m. and, at 2:19 p.m., authorities crashed through the padlocked metal gates at Flying W Farms and arrested Fredericka Wagner.

Where was Angela Wagner's "home" in Scioto County? Were she, Billy and the boys living together somewhere? I assumed they were all back at Flying W Farms, but it seems the article would have mentioned that.

I'm still flabbergasted that they came back from AK in May, the GJ convened in July and it still took until last week for the arrrests - after a 2 1/2 yr investigation.

I'm also assuming Rita Newcomb and Fredericka Wagner were the only family members called before the GJ. Otherwise, the killers would have also been charged with perjury. FW's perjury charge must have been the result of her telling the killers what she heard in the GJ hearings. In July. It's a miracle the whole family didn't take off for the hinterlands at that point. LE sure took a lot of risks in letting them wander around for so long.

ETA: I'm surprised it took them so long to convene a GJ to hear evidence against the W's. Considering they were putting a GPS tracker on JM's car in the summer of 2017, it seems like LE spent all their time up to that point trying to pin the murders on the Manleys. JMO, it may have only been after the W's left for AK that they began trying to put the puzzle pieces together to go after them instead.

LE also appears to have had enough evidence at the July GJ hearings to get indictments or they wouldn't have convened it. DeWine and Junk were very conservative in their approach (dotting all the i's and crossing the t's), so it seems unlikely they would have convened the GJ unless they felt they had enough evidence to win a conviction.
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Where was Angela Wagner's "home" in Scioto County? Were she, Billy and the boys living together somewhere? I assumed they were all back at Flying W Farms, but it seems the article would have mentioned that.
Respectfully shortened
Rita Newcomb's home was listed as South Webster. That's in Scioto County. The family may have moved in with Angela's mom or another relative that lives in that county.
Do we know that is what was discussed by phone between JM and JW for sure or this just speculation? I ask because, it seems that JM would have told LE the very next day that he had received a phone call from JW just before the murders asking him if all the family members were at home. JW would have no good excuse for asking JM that or for explaining to LE during any interviews way early on.

Here's an old article that gives some detail. I think LM was trying to explain the delay in a text message being delivered. He also was clear that JM and JW knew each other but weren't friends. I think LM may have been trying to be very careful and not say too much.

A possible scenario with that text message that might explain it to me, is the combination of two things that can happen with text messages:

1. Accidentally being sent an unintended recipient. JM may have had a contact list in his cell phone that was uploaded through for example facebook. JM may have sent a text he intended for someone else and JW got pulled from the contact list on his cell phone and JW became the recipient and JM didn't realize it. I've had this happen to me and now I'm really careful.
2. Delay in delivery to the recipient. Text messages aren't always delivered to the recipient immediately. I've had some get hung up for hours before they were actually delivered and received.

In a different article, JW denied there was a text.


Relative of Rhoden victim accused of destroying GPS appears in court
Are the Wagners as stupid as they seem to be? What a mess they put themselves in. And for what?
I guess they thought they were really smart, and that they could be careful enough that no one could prove anything against them.

We'll have to wait till the trial to see how they slipped up: was it a mistake they made during the crime, or a failure to plan adequately, or was it something they did after the crime that gave them away.
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