OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #5

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It's sad, but I'm not really surprised. The drug issue has probably tainted everything and everyone as far as the community is concerned.

I can see why the Rhodens are getting all the attention too. Seven of them were murdered. That doesn't minimize Ms. Gilley's death of course, but 7 is going to get the focus because the huge loss to a single family. The Manleys and Rhodens have been speaking to the press as well, so that is going to get them the focus. I don't think we've heard anything about or from Hannah's family at all. Not that they have to speak; it's understandable that they don't. But, the squeaky wheels, like Leonard, are getting the attention.
Just to check I don't think it was reported that they were dollar bills - unless I missed it?
Yes!! Young voices are what I thought I had heard.

I provided a transcript of what I thought I heard back in thread 3. To me, at 00:07 in the 911 call, I can clearly hear a toddler's voice and BJM saying "Let Go Clar" and "hold on" (not spoken to the 911 dispatcher).
I would imagine she's traumatized. She's reliving it as she's telling it.

Her thought process might have been something like:

"I'm here, the door is locked, ok that's weird, where are the dogs? Where IS everyone? Why is it so quiet? Knock... no answer..... is that a baby crying? Mom will take care of it..
Ok here's the key... "

Then total panic.

"OMG OMG OMG It wasn't supposed to be like this!! I just got here, the door was locked so I went in...."

I think she's repeating what was different because she's in shock. It isn't real to her yet so she's trying to absorb the enormity of it all.

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Where I am confused is we are saying the dogs were not there. Nowhere is that stated. There is no motivation that we know about to go inside. Why do so many folks think the motivation to go in was cause of no dogs ??
Do trailers like that only have 1 bedroom? I would think they had at least two. But someone mentioned that Gary might be sleeping on the couch at Chris'. I figured at least 2-bedroom because Dana had herself, plus her son, daughter and 2(?) grandkids? With a 2-bedoom, I could see her taking one room, her daughter/grandkids taking the other room and maybe her son crashing in the living room. Or maybe the kids had bedrooms and Dana slept in the living room? I haven't really seen the trailers side-by-side, are some bigger than others? I guess since Kenneth was in a camper, it probably was one-bedroom or like a "Studio" for lack of a better word. But, I figured all the actual trailers were at least 2 bedrooms.
I think Dana probably had a double wide by the looks of the outside and her living room inside. Those will have 3 or 4 bedrooms.
So far, I've only read about KR and the dollar bills. Odd (or very telling) if he was the only one.
One thing I haven't seen in discussion of the 911 call, maybe I missed it.
She likely knew about the illegal activities...I've wondered if "feeding the chickens" has another meaning, like watering the plants or turning on the grow lights.

So now we have a woman who has just found 2 dead bodies, people she obviously cares about, and is about to call the authorities to a property she knows contains a marijuana growing operation. I would think that played a part in her state of mind as she was making the call.
More grist for the mill: a direct quote attributed to Gary Rhoden's father:


I'm picturing CR getting shot first in the living room, then someone drags him to the back room waiting for GR to come home. GR comes home and locks the door. He sees the blood on the living room floor and goes to check on CR while the perps are hiding in home. GR finds CR on the floor, hovers over him then gets shot three times in the head.

there are people in the background in the first 10 secs - I think males ...............sounds like Manny

She says give me a minute. Her father already said that he and his grandson went to join her. She called them before she called 911.
No one

Something just isn't making sense

I agree with you

I do not think she "did" it but the call in its entirity somethings is off? The more I go I understand why they went there at 3 in morning -- something is not jiving
Where I am confused is we are saying the dogs were not there. Nowhere is that stated. There is no motivation that we know about to go inside. Why do so many folks think the motivation to go in was cause of no dogs ??
Maybe she went in because the Rhodens' cars were there. Or maybe it was because she knew they were supposed to be up and about and everything was still and silent. That would prompt me to go inside.
If I came to my sister's house, knocked several times and got no answer on either cell or landline of course I'd go in. Especially if I was taking care of the animals.

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I agree with this woman. I don't think it's right to vilify the victims in this case. Nobody deserves this except the criminals that did this crime. So some of them were involved in a shady business- doesn't make this right. 19 and 20 years old....some of them were just kids. It's sickening. I hope LE is really on top of this. It would be a shame if this goes unsolved.

I don't think most intend to vilify the victims or say any of them deserved this. But, I think many of us feel that criminal activity puts you into contact with some very evil people and evil situations. I have never messed with drugs, but have someone close to me who has been into all kinds of drugs for decades. She hangs with unsavory "friends" who all just use each other. None of them can be trusted and I know she has put herself into dangerous situations with dangerous, untrustworthy people. I honestly have even considered the possibility of finding her in her home dead some day.....not because I would think she would deserve it, but because I know she has allowed some pretty low life characters in her home. The drug world is full of some pretty evil people who will use and abuse anyone....even those they call family or friends. Not a world I ever wanted any part of.

1) Why is that girl smoking a cigarette right next to that small child?!??!
2) Why is the Piketon elementary school abandoned.
3) There's good old Rev. Fulton again putting himself at the center of this story.
4) Locals are starting to talk: "if you were the type of person to smoke weed or pop pills you had probably heard of the Rhodens, at least some of the younger ones."

Also why would KR (the single person shot on his own - might have initials wrong) have security cameras on what looks like an old worthless caravan (not sure if you call them that in USA)? To me the security cameras would cost more than the "home". Could it potentially be to protect another "pot grow site" or other drug enterprise?

Not sure. His cousin, Donald Stone, said that KR was paranoid lately. I would think meaning he thought someone was after him, might want to hurt him. I wonder if that's why he put the padlock on the outside of his camper when he would leave home; so no one could break in and ambush him?
Right. Because he did not know at that time that Bobby had already told that "the dogs were missing" his story changed, when he learned that she had said that. I promised myself to let this go, but I know what I heard her say and the 911 that has since been published is an edited version. JUST MY OPINION I suspect that if and when there is a trial, the whole thing will be heard. JMO

Where is Bobby "dogs are missing" I am missing that part !!!
Not "no guns at all anywhere" but no guns next to bodies. If they had fired in self defense then been killed, their weapon would be next to their body. No weapons were found next to any bodies or this would have immediately been a suspected murder suicide.

I doubt it, but speculating if there was a gun by one of them and one of the Manley's removed it.
Also why would KR (the single person shot on his own - might have initials wrong) have security cameras on what looks like an old worthless caravan (not sure if you call them that in USA)? To me the security cameras would cost more than the "home". Could it potentially be to protect another "pot grow site" or other drug enterprise?
There is a possibility there was a grow site there. We have just heard 3 locations had them and we don't know which three. It was property Chris owned.
One thing I haven't seen in discussion of the 911 call, maybe I missed it.
She likely knew about the illegal activities...I've wondered if "feeding the chickens" has another meaning, like watering the plants or turning on the grow lights.

So now we have a woman who has just found 2 dead bodies, people she obviously cares about, and is about to call the authorities to a property she knows contains a marijuana growing operation. I would think that played a part in her state of mind as she was making the call.

We have discussed that she may be the plant caretaker. I'm not sure it would be the first thing I would worry about if I had 4 dead family members around me, though.
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