OH - Serial Killings in Stark County *ARREST in 2020*

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
I forgot to answer this for you! Sorry! The reason that the pink 63 Mercury wasn't mentioned a year later was probably because that car actually belonged to his brother and his brother was letting him borrow it that day. They probably didn't want people linking the car to the wrong brother. When they ran the car like they said they did, they probably came across his brother's name and linked who he was a sibling to.
Okay, I can buy that. What about the other two murders, though? Three "middle-aged" women sexually assaulted and mutilated in the same jursidiction within a span of a single year, and the article focuses on only one? The other two don't rate even a mention. That makes my head spin. And...the same guy was a POI in all three. The public should have been alerted. Maybe the second and third killings would not have occurred if there'd been more news coverage.

Back to the pink Mercury, I take back what I said. If a neighbor noticed a pink Mercury was at the house prior to the murder, that should have been broadcast over the entire region immediately so the next lady holding a garage sale would be wary of a customer in a pink Mercury. KWIM? I appreciate the fact that investigations require a degree of confidentiality. Absolutely. But you don't hold back an eyewitness description of the perp or the perp's car. From what I can tell, little to no reporting was done about the three killings with the exception of the article I found the other day. As one who searches archived records almost daily, I find that highly unusual. JMO
So i found the site i was looing for. its a blog so im am not sure if i can post that on here. so ill just tell a little about what i found. after reading a little more i am not sure how well these two murders match the rest. its kind of a long shot. but ill let you guys see what you think. these girls where younger then the others and seems like a diffrent MO but you never know.
Also was or is there a reason these crimes would of ended around 1991? These other two murders where in 1994.
Sarah Boehm went missing July 14 1994 from pennsylvania. she was found November 4 1994 in an Ohio state park. she was 14.
Kathryn Menendes went missing August 21 1994. Her body was found a half mile from Sarah. She was 17 years old.
Now from what i understand Kathryn was from Portage county Ohio same county both girls where found also in Portage Ohio. Unless if i read that wrong. Portage County is only 23 miles from Stark County about 42 min drive.
Now i know Kathryn was strangled and i assume Sarah was as well because LE thinks they may be linked. Also the age doesnt add up. And so they may not fit with these other murders. But 23 miles is pretty close....so you guys can be the judge on if this is a dead end.
Also i would like to say i am sorry for my typos and poor grammer. i am a touch screen phone and its a pain.
Okay, I can buy that. What about the other two murders, though? Three "middle-aged" women sexually assaulted and mutilated in the same jursidiction within a span of a single year, and the article focuses on only one? The other two don't rate even a mention. That makes my head spin. And...the same guy was a POI in all three. The public should have been alerted. Maybe the second and third killings would not have occurred if there'd been more news coverage.

Back to the pink Mercury, I take back what I said. If a neighbor noticed a pink Mercury was at the house prior to the murder, that should have been broadcast over the entire region immediately so the next lady holding a garage sale would be wary of a customer in a pink Mercury. KWIM? I appreciate the fact that investigations require a degree of confidentiality. Absolutely. But you don't hold back an eyewitness description of the perp or the perp's car. From what I can tell, little to no reporting was done about the three killings with the exception of the article I found the other day. As one who searches archived records almost daily, I find that highly unusual. JMO

Bessie, you are more than correct in your opinions! Trust me. They KNOW who is responsible and yet.............he's still living free and easy in the same town he grew up in (even in the same home) except for his 18 year stint in Kansas for MURDER! LE even has his confessions on wire as well as photographs of the inside of his home and even his drawer where he keeps his favorite gun, a knife, latex gloves, etc, that we risked our very lives to get for them. For some reason, I believe that there is some kind of cover up going on and yet I am stumped and heart-broken as to figure out just why it would be covered up and shoved under a rug. When this man was physically and verbally threatening to shoot me in the head if he so much as saw me in the yard and then threatened my children with violence he found another baseball that wasn't picked up.........LE said there was nothing they could do and I better just keep our butts in the house until we had the money to move. This was well after the fact that we were helping them. When I initially went to LE with the info I knew, I was young and naive and did not know to never trust an officer unless they give a promise in writing or on tape. I was promised that as long as I gave them all the info I knew and was willing to work with them then they would make sure no harm would come to me. They lied and lied big time. I have nightmares every night and live in fear for my children and my family. My mother is 50 and grandmother is 75 and he knows their address and phone number. I am 32 and it won't be long before I am at the age that he prefers. LE doesn't care what this man is continuing to do and the pain that he has and continues to cause. I constantly hear that they can't convict him because he's been careful about DNA, etc so everything is circumstantial. But it wouldn't be the first time that someone was able to be found guilty on circumstantial evidence. Not only that but I'm sure back in 1985,86 and 87 he wasn't worrying about DNA. When we asked about that, we were told "it's too expensive to test evidence that old". What I really suspect? They no longer have it.

Something else that greatly bothers me. He had always told my husband that he would remain being a "good" man until the death of his parents because he had promised that to them. Maybe that's why there is only a murder here and there and not back to back like before. But his parents are extremely elderly with his father being nearly 90 and his mother being in her upper 80's. His father has such severe dementia that he no longer recognizes anyone around him and his mother has been having to have multiple surgeries lately. How much longer before these murders start happening again and on a much more regular basis?

There is so much more to this story that I'm too afraid to go into but would answer the questions of "Why the cover up?" I don't know why I'm afraid because it is no worse than these murders, and perhaps I"ll get over my fear and it will be what opens this all up. My husband insists that I go into it without giving names so that we can get more help. But it would add so much more confusion (IMHO) and, honestly, I"m afraid of making people feel "Wow! This chick is out there! That's just TOO bizarre!" and I want more than anything for this man to stop and for everybody to trust me.

Sorry for my rambling! I suffer from insomnia since this all started in 2009 and my brain seems to get the most going around 4AM or so.

Thanks so much to all of you for helping me with this and giving me faith that there may come a day that this will all end for me and my family and that there is the possibility that, while we can't take back the pain that has been caused to many of these families, we may be able to offer an apology and give them some kind of closure.

While doing my nightly searching I came across this article from The Toledo Blade dated 8/1/2012 by Erica Blake:

Just to summarize, it is an article describing the Ohio Attorney General's new Cold Case section on it's website. Nothing new for those familiar with it as I am, but what I found so interesting is that it states that it is up to each Police Department to submit the cases. Could this be why there are no listings for any of these known murders? Are they simply not adding them for some unknown reason? Just something I'm pondering now that I know that and could be why it hasn't offered me any help in the hours I've spent there.
Not to my knowledge. He was arrested at 18 in Topeka, Kansas and sent to Leavenworth for a life sentence for murder. He served 18 years there and was paroled. He immediately came back here to Ohio. He then served another 5 years from 98-2003(approximate dates) for assault.
While doing my nightly searching I came across this article from The Toledo Blade dated 8/1/2012 by Erica Blake:

Just to summarize, it is an article describing the Ohio Attorney General's new Cold Case section on it's website. Nothing new for those familiar with it as I am, but what I found so interesting is that it states that it is up to each Police Department to submit the cases. Could this be why there are no listings for any of these known murders? Are they simply not adding them for some unknown reason? Just something I'm pondering now that I know that and could be why it hasn't offered me any help in the hours I've spent there.
I'm the last person to look for conspiracies and cover ups, but some things just can't be ignored.

Yes, I'm inclined to agree with you that the murders were not submitted to the cold case database for a reason, and not a good one. Then there's JS stating in the article that the suspect died. I wonder who told him that. None of this adds up. What motive would someone have to cover for this type of crime?
So i found the site i was looing for. its a blog so im am not sure if i can post that on here. so ill just tell a little about what i found. after reading a little more i am not sure how well these two murders match the rest. its kind of a long shot. but ill let you guys see what you think. these girls where younger then the others and seems like a diffrent MO but you never know.
Also was or is there a reason these crimes would of ended around 1991? These other two murders where in 1994.
Sarah Boehm went missing July 14 1994 from pennsylvania. she was found November 4 1994 in an Ohio state park. she was 14.
Kathryn Menendes went missing August 21 1994. Her body was found a half mile from Sarah. She was 17 years old.
Now from what i understand Kathryn was from Portage county Ohio same county both girls where found also in Portage Ohio. Unless if i read that wrong. Portage County is only 23 miles from Stark County about 42 min drive.
Now i know Kathryn was strangled and i assume Sarah was as well because LE thinks they may be linked. Also the age doesnt add up. And so they may not fit with these other murders. But 23 miles is pretty close....so you guys can be the judge on if this is a dead end.
We have a thread here for this case.

OH OH - Sarah Boehm and Kathryn Menendez murders - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
It has been a while since I have posted in this thread. There really hasn't been any new information but there has been some new help. We were recently contacted by the retired detective that was featured in the article above. From what he told us, LE had nothing to do with the article and what LE told us was not true at all. The detective truly did think that my FIL was deceased because that is what LE told him after he retired. He was not aware that anything new had been opened and was extremely upset with the way things are being handled at this point. He told us that he was going to get in contact with the Sheriff's dept. and try to use what influence he has to get this done and taken care of. We asked for the names of the initial three women but he said he didn't want to give them to us just yet. Probably making sure that everything we were telling him was the truth. But the most recent murder that we are aware of was of Linda E. Smith of Osnaburg Township in East Canton, OH. That was only about a mile from where we lived and the murder matched FIL MO to a T. This murder happened in 2009 but, of course, no arrests.

So nothing really new but hopefully enough that we may be able to give some of these families closure soon.

If the retired detective is upset, then he must know the names of the victims. I'll keep reading, but it the names of the victims haven't already been posted, would you please post them? The retired detective should be able to provide that information.

If the retired detective is upset, then he must know the names of the victims. I'll keep reading, but it the names of the victims haven't already been posted, would you please post them? The retired detective should be able to provide that information.


Sure, he knows the names. He worked the cases.
Not to my knowledge. He was arrested at 18 in Topeka, Kansas and sent to Leavenworth for a life sentence for murder. He served 18ars there and was paroled. He immediately came back here to Ohio. He then served ther 5 years from 98-2003(approximate dates) for assault.

OK. Just wondering because his MO is VERY similar to some serial murders that happened in Columbus GA.
If the retired detective is upset, then he must know the names of the victims. I'll keep reading, but it the names of the victims haven't already been posted, would you please post them? The retired detective should be able to provide that information.


He does know the names. Just didn't want to give them to us in case we were BS'ing him. We haven't heard back from him.

Bessie helped track down the name of the first victim and her name was Kay E Gulosh. That's back on the second page I believe. There is an article featuring her murder and the aftermath with her husband.
Well, I'm going to just go ahead and go full hog with everything I know minus identifying information. This is the part that scares me the most. I don't know why it does but, perhaps, this is why it seems that a lot is being covered up.

The suspect has not only done these serial killings. Quickly after he got out of prison in 1985, he began working for one of the "crime families" out of Youngstown and Massillon OH. At first he just did things like deliveries and things of that nature. As time went on (and I don't know how much time) he was being used as a "hitman" and arsonist. My husband was raised with this family and was aware of what his father did. It scared him and of course that fear kept him from ever saying anything. The funny thing is, however, that his father has a HUGE mouth when it comes to this aspect of his crimes. Give him a couple of beers and he'll tell you all about it. He'll tell you how much he is paid for "jobs", what his rules are (never any children or women involved) and he would purposefully force us into being his alibis if we were ever questioned by police about his whereabouts. If he came to us one night and said "I'm heading down to the Ohio River to go fishing for the weekend. Don't call." then we knew what he was really doing.

When we went to the police, finally, they were aware of all this. The detective on the case even told us that they believed that this was why it was so difficult to arrest him. They believed that he was getting help to cover his butt in the murders that were happening outside of these "hits". That's why they were initially so happy to have us come forward and so willing to do what we could.

I don't know what has happened since then. Is this why there is no info out there? Is this why these murders that are committed are just "forgotten"? Our area is well known for it's corrupt LE. Look up Stark County police and you'll find plenty to back me up on that. Bobby Cutts was only the tip of the iceberg on just how bad some of our police officers and detectives are. Here's a link to just a few of the stories:
I can attest, from my own personal experience in the Stark County Jail, that this is VERY common and that I also suffered at the hands of male police officers.

I also wanted to note that all of the above information that I have given here, was verified with the site. I was just too scared to talk about it before. I can't be scared anymore. You guys are working too hard for me to hold back info that may be able to help.
Min, your news doesn't come as a surprise. I suspected as much. There are very few circumstances which would prevent this man from being arrested. Very few. When you said -- was it a store clerk? -- knew you'd moved, that was a big clue to me.

As for Stark County, I've learned a lot since you started posting. I came across the articles about the " Abu Ghraib" jail torture while researching the murders a couple if weeks ago. It's horrible, but par for the course, I suppose. I mean, why are there no Stark County cold cases listed on the AG's site? You figured out that answer -- because none were submitted. I guess all we can do is keep plugging away and try to dig up information on murders that match the MO. Obviously no one else will if we don't.
Excellent! :)

I've been doing lots of research and have found about 20 unsolved murders that fit the MO that has been provided. I focused on stabbings (also included arson after the fact given the info he was a hit man/arsonist).

Is it okay to post names of victims who may or may not be attached to this suspect?
Sure, if you have links. Please do!

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