Found Deceased OH - Sierah Joughin, 20, Fulton County, 19 July 2016 #4 *Arrest*

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I wonder if more women will come forward who escaped him like Robin Gardner. Yesterday and today the story went national (even international), so there is a chance someone recognizes that scary dude from way back then.
Quick question. Has a sexual assault been mentioned. Or what.

Now I'm sure he probably tried since that was why he did what he did.

But I need to know if he was able to get her to the house or if he had to leave her there after the struggle.

Just asking?

Btw. I'm just trying to see if Sierah was at the house of horrors or if the guy had to truly just kill her right there after realizing that she wouldn't be his lucky catch of the day?

Wait, let me use that new word I learned on WS.
He was probably GACKED out on meth.

Lmao. Curious Me. Lol.

He was actually probably geeking as well. Lol.

Shhhhhh. Hugs. And great memory my friend. Lol.

And you may be right. And this could be why he left so much evidence in the fields. Jmo.
Do any locals know who the man in the red golf shirt on the left side of the video at the 1:00 mark is? (No need to identify him by name. Just can't help but wonder if he is related to JDW.)

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No, he's LE. I saw what appeared to be either a badge or a firearm on his belt in another photo.
I tend to agree that his preferred prey were young adult females. I also think that it isn't too far fetched to believe that he could have abducted adolescents (male or female) to test out different methods of restraint, abuse, torture, etc. It would be easier to try something new on a child because they would be less likely to escape and then he could learn from the experience gaining confidence to repeat the same on an adult. We already know he admitted to the therapist he learned from each abduction, children could have been easy practice tools for him.
That's a scary thought. And opens up possibilities for other missing children.
Yes, like Lyric and Elizabeth, because of the bikes and the remote recovery location, although I agree with others that the SOB didn't have to go far to get victims and was likely "lazy" in that regard. Grrrr

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I read that DPP suggested that the Lori Ann Hill rape and murder from Toledo in 1985 be checked against the accused, JW in Sierah's case.
Prosecutors point to the case of 14-year-old Lori Ann Hill as one Worley might also be potentially guilty of. Hill went missing from her home in 1985 and was found naked and dead four days later in a wooded area of Wauseon. In a statement, Smithmeyer explained "these types of offenders will often keep trophies."

Apparently male DNA is on file from the 1985 case (that exonerated boyfriend who had been charged). I can't provide a link for that - perhaps someone else can.
I have a question in relation to the Sierah Joughin murder, that I hope can be answered in the thread.

Is fraternal DNA (not identical twins) different enough to be obvious. Am considering the possibility of a potential collusion. All IMO.
Do any locals know who the man in the red golf shirt on the left side of the video at the 1:00 mark is? (No need to identify him by name. Just can't help but wonder if he is related to JDW.)

The man in this photo? He is court security.

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Agree my friend.

But if county inspectors simply notify people that we need to check the property to make sure things are up to county code.

Then this would make it easier to search the homes and properties of people that you know are up to no good without needing a warrant. Jmo.

Now most will argue. But once they realize that the county is doing this actually and only to benefit missing people while catching predators. Then most people will feel relieved that the county will notpenalize me for basic things as long as that don't find a dungeon or bodies or kidnapped victims on my property. Jmo.

Fruit of the poisonous tree IMO. If the purpose of the search was for code violations.
Quick question. Has a sexual assault been mentioned. Or what.

Now I'm sure he probably tried since that was why he did what he did.

But I need to know if he was able to get her to the house or if he had to leave her there after the struggle.

Just asking?

Btw. I'm just trying to see if Sierah was at the house of horrors or if the guy had to truly just kill her right there after realizing that she wouldn't be his lucky catch of the day?

Fruit of the poisonous tree IMO. If the purpose of the search was for code violations.

Agree. But.

If a cop notices drugs on your front seat during a traffic stop. Then that is cause for an arrest without a warrant needed.

So if a code enforcement officer notices victims tied up in your basement during a county inspection while LE is present.

Then a warrant isn't needed for arrest and rescue as well. Jmo

But they will need a warrant for further investigation of evidence at the scene to seal the perps fate.
Updated again:
Items found in this case per MSM and warrants published:

female underwear - one with blood
freezer with carpet in it, locked from outside, rachet around it - blood in it
zip ties for restraints (in truck)
hidden cameras, incl nanny cam (one source calls them security cams)
hidden room with bales around it, in barn, locked from outside
restraints in hidden room
mace (in truck)
duct tape at property with Ce and JDW DNA
ski mask (in truck)
firearms, ammo
Multiple video and still image recording devices and film
clothing and jewelry from several locations on the property
shock collar
meat hook
plastic sheeting
Okay. Let me clarify the point that I'm trying to get across for a good way to find missing victims that went missing 2 seconds ago or whatever.

Okay. A person is reported missing and LE has some people in mind that may not be registered sex offenders or parolees.

So LE is automatically stumped from checking their properties since they don't have enough for a warrant.


Well this is when the county inspectors can come and do a quick up to county code check while LE is present. Jmo.

It may walk a fine line. But it can hold up in court and also may save lives. Especially since perps like Worley don't play by the rules as well. Jmo.

We will battle it in court later.

But the victims and suspect is coming with us now. Jmo.

We could do this for abused kids and spouses and senior citizens as well. Jmo
Okay. Let me clarify the point that I'm trying to get across for a good way to find missing victims that went missing 2 seconds ago or whatever.

Okay. A person is reported missing and LE has some people in mind that may not be registered sex offenders or parolees.

So LE is automatically stumped from checking their properties since they don't have enough for a warrant.


Well this is when the county inspectors can come in and do a quick up to county code check while LE is present. Jmo.

It may walk a fine line. But it can hold up in court and also may save lives. Especially since perps like Worley don't play by the rules as well. Jmo.

We will battle it in court later.

But the victims and suspect is coming with us now. Jmo.

We could do this for abused kids and spouses and senior citizens as well. Jmo

I'm sorry but I disagree. Would you be okay with your house being searched just because?
In regards to the 1990 search and LE going back to the house.

That was in 1990 he probably didn't have it then. I'm guessing, total guess, it is less than 10 years old. He may have had other victims that were not at his house he may have raped or they got away. So then he had to have a place. My mind makes me sick to think any of that. But telling the therapist he learned a lesson from each one.

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The 1990 victim escaped and was not missing. There was no reason (probable cause essentially) to search his house at that time. They would have needed probable cause for a search warrant. There wasn't any.
He has a decent haircut. I wonder who his barber is. And then I wonder what his/her thoughts on JDW might be.
Bringing this post over for anyone that may want to read it. Gives some insight to the way sexual predators and serial killers think. How they choose their victims, etc.
Imo, due to JDW's escalation and three year sentence served in the pokey, I would not rule out the two boys mentioned in a prior post that he called police on as intended victims.

Victim Selection

How does a serial killer select victims? The traditional school of thought holds that generally they select victims based on certain physical and/or personal characteristics. This assertion presupposes that, within the mind of each serial killer, there evolves synthesis of preferred characteristics and, ultimately, a clear, specific picture of his "ideal" victim, be it male or female, black or white, young or old, short or tall, large busted or small, shy or forward, and so on. Then, when that "typical" serial killer begins an active search for human prey, he will go to certain lengths to capture and victimize only those individuals who closely fit the mold.

Unexpectedly, I have observed that most serial killers never actually find and kill their "dream victim." People fitting such detailed and perfected images may not only be hard to come by, but may also not be easily available in the venues haunted by "hunting" serial killers. So when that ideal victim cannot be found, and when their internal impetus becomes powerful enough, they will settle for a substitute.

In theory, a serial killer could reject all other easy prey until; at last, his "ideal" victim was to appear in circumstances perfectly suited to his caution. If that were often true, however, we may not have run across many instances of serial murders. But this intense and mounting hunger for real-life violence against a real-life captive can be contained only so long before it inevitably compels him to settle for second-best.

The ideal victim of a human serial killer may be a voluptuous blonde movie star or a beautiful brunette model, but his search for this richly imagined victim may well meet with failure. Failure is something the serial killer cannot tolerate, so he settles for an easier target, usually a prostitute, or a homeless or drug-addicted woman. These types of victims, although not the killer's "ideal or dream" victim, make easy targets. They are usually willing to go with the killer to another location with the lure of money and/or drugs, thus giving the serial killer the opportunity to have the victim on his turf.

Additionally, the killer may have prepared a killing scheme that can include restraints, knock-out drugs, or a variety of contingency plans that he has carefully prepared to snare his victim.

The first time he kills may not be perfectly choreographed. Sometimes it may actually take the perpetrator by surprise or be accidental in nature. But, inspired by the intense satisfaction the killing produces, he starts to plan in earnest. As he perfects his trade, future victims may increasingly undergo a more torturous, orchestrated, even ritualistic death.

<snipped from>
Serial Killers - A Homicide Detective's Take - By Nelson Andreu

Credentials and Interest
Common Knowledge
Genesis of a Serial Killer
Victim Selection
Victim Objectification
Case Histories
In regards to the 1990 search and LE going back to the house.

That was in 1990 he probably didn't have it then. I'm guessing, total guess, it is less than 10 years old. He may have had other victims that were not at his house he may have raped or they got away. So then he had to have a place. My mind makes me sick to think any of that. But telling the therapist he learned a lesson from each one.

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I would agree that he hasn't always had the room. I believe that most predators not only perfect/develop their "craft", but they also escalate in their fantasies, desire for violence, etc. He may have started with perversion and the cat calling, then acting on those feelings with those living with him, then sexual assault, then sexual assault with more time and torture, then imprisoning the victim with bizarre fantasies and assaults, extending and shortening the time with the victim depending on his needs being met or fears becoming to great. The room may have come as his needs couldn't be met any longer by not having a place to do what he does in the room. It added another element of satisfaction for him. As did some of the other items he possessed. The escalation took time, IMO, so the room to me may have come along after the release after the MJ charge, mostly because he probably escalated severely after that incarceration and when he was likely being checked for drug drops and couldn't use drugs to subdue some of the sick urges. Again, just guesses for me.

Also, in my professional life, I have had to study the addiction and sexual escalation associated with *advertiser censored*, particularly with guys like JDW. I would imagine that if he didn't have a computer, LE found a ton of horrific *advertiser censored*, and if he did have a computer, it was laden with hardcore *advertiser censored* of all types. This would likely be his soothing drug, but also his escalating and agitating mechanism, making him desire worse and worse, darker and darker activity. JMO.
I have a question in relation to the Sierah Joughin murder, that I hope can be answered in the thread.

Is fraternal DNA (not identical twins) different enough to be obvious. Am considering the possibility of a potential collusion. All IMO.

Fraternal DNA can be close but is distinguishable.
inspired by the intense satisfaction the killing produces

My apologies for snipping most of your excellent post but I wanted to focus on just this sentence, because this is what I don't get. Why does killing satisfy them? Do they project something onto the victim that has to be eliminated (in their minds)? Or what goes on in their minds? I just never get it.
My apologies for snipping most of your excellent post but I wanted to focus on just this sentence, because this is what I don't get. Why does killing satisfy them? Do they project something onto the victim that has to be eliminated (in their minds)? Or what goes on in their minds? I just never get it.

According to what I've read, it's usually a sex thing &#128563; From the list of bondage and torture gear, I'd say it's safe to assume JDW is into sexual sadism.
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