Found Deceased OH - Sierah Joughin, 20, Fulton County, 19 July 2016 #4 *Arrest*

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My apologies for snipping most of your excellent post but I wanted to focus on just this sentence, because this is what I don't get. Why does killing satisfy them? Do they project something onto the victim that has to be eliminated (in their minds)? Or what goes on in their minds? I just never get it.
I read am article where a psychologist said they lack impulse control. So they fantasize about something to the point where they cannot overcome the impulse and need to fulfill their craving. They get a temporary fix by following through on their fantasy but the one time fix isn't enough and while they make take breaks due they eventually kill/harm again. She also said that as they get older their mental capacity starts to diminish and they make more mistakes making it likely they'll eventually get caught. I'll try and find the link.

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I read that DPP suggested that the Lori Ann Hill rape and murder from Toledo in 1985 be checked against the accused, JW in Sierah's case.

Apparently male DNA is on file from the 1985 case (that exonerated boyfriend who had been charged). I can't provide a link for that - perhaps someone else can.
Okay. Let me clarify the point that I'm trying to get across for a good way to find missing victims that went missing 2 seconds ago or whatever.

Okay. A person is reported missing and LE has some people in mind that may not be registered sex offenders or parolees.

So LE is automatically stumped from checking their properties since they don't have enough for a warrant.


Well this is when the county inspectors can come and do a quick up to county code check while LE is present. Jmo.

It may walk a fine line. But it can hold up in court and also may save lives. Especially since perps like Worley don't play by the rules as well. Jmo.

We will battle it in court later.

But the victims and suspect is coming with us now. Jmo.

We could do this for abused kids and spouses and senior citizens as well. Jmo

Okay, I swore I wasn't going to post today and was just going to pray. But this thread is moving so quickly, I can't help myself. We have a system in place for abused kids and abused senior citizens. There is a hotline and JFS (Ohio) or DCS or CSB or whatever you call it in your State responds. There is also a system for search warrants that require probable cause because we all have the expectation of privacy in our homes. I do however, believe that the public should be fully informed of who is in their neighborhoods. This was the reason for SORN laws and the resultant SORN system (Sex Offender Registration and Notification) system and the many private websites and Sheriffs sites that also post that information. I think there should be a similar registration requirement for other violent offenders (such as abductors, murderers and maimers in particular). We have the right to know they are in our neighborhoods. I would call that, for the most all-encompassing word, the "Psychopathic" Offender Registration and Notification system (although I don't like the acronym for this). I'm not sure what all the requirements could be to have to register for this, but certainly if a psychological evaluation was one of the requirements, JDW would have been registered.
My apologies for snipping most of your excellent post but I wanted to focus on just this sentence, because this is what I don't get. Why does killing satisfy them? Do they project something onto the victim that has to be eliminated (in their minds)? Or what goes on in their minds? I just never get it.

No apologies necessary Elainera. The reason that I have posted the article 'Serial Killers - A Homicide Detective's Take' By Nelson Andreu, is because it is one of the most comprehensive articles that I have read over the past decade. It contains most of the answers to the questions that arise when studying the nonhuman soulless creatures like JDW. Hope this helps..


Once a serial killer is in possession of a living victim, and has this victim where he feels safe enough to act out his fantasies, the acts he carries out are often performed as if on "auto-pilot." The killer's acts appear to be a close reenactment of what he previously did in his imagination. So, from among an array of violent fantasies, he picks and chooses the individual cruelties that he feels will assure the most in the way of "self-fulfillment.

" Yet, if a serial killer places this kind of special emphasis on the careful and systematic acting out of his favorite mind pictures, it is only because of the tremendous meaning and pleasure he derives from watching the degrading, dehumanizing effect they have upon his victim as he methodically carries them out. To him, nothing is more important than to see his victim reduced to the very lowest depths of misery and despair. For if there is any single reason that a serial killer does what he does, it is so that he may feel enlarged and magnified in his own eyes-through the willful and violent degradation of another human being. This need for self-magnification is always, I believe, a mandatory pre-requisite to any episodes of violence.

As for the actual commission of the murder itself, I believe this is usually nothing more than a postscript to a serial killer's overall scheme of violence. His real gratification comes from the subjugation, terrorizing, and brutalization of his victim, and almost not at all from the actual murder itself.

Thus, from a serial killer's viewpoint, his victim might be likened to a disposable paper cup, from which he takes a long and satisfying drink of water. Once the water is gone, his thirst quenched, the cup has served its purpose; it is useless, and therefore can be crushed without thought and thrown away without concern. Since he has met his need to terrorize and abuse, his victim is perceived as an object of inconvenience, a worn-out and no-longer-needed piece of baggage.

So, his only concern now is for quick extermination and safe disposal of the victim he no longer needs or wants.
Okay. Let me clarify the point that I'm trying to get across for a good way to find missing victims that went missing 2 seconds ago or whatever.

Okay. A person is reported missing and LE has some people in mind that may not be registered sex offenders or parolees.

So LE is automatically stumped from checking their properties since they don't have enough for a warrant.


Well this is when the county inspectors can come and do a quick up to county code check while LE is present. Jmo.

It may walk a fine line. But it can hold up in court and also may save lives. Especially since perps like Worley don't play by the rules as well. Jmo.

We will battle it in court later.

But the victims and suspect is coming with us now. Jmo.

We could do this for abused kids and spouses and senior citizens as well. Jmo
I do not recall seeing that this room was built in any fashion. They just used the term "hidden room" or "secret room concealed by hay bales". That very well could mean it is just a room that existed in his barn and he concealed it's existence with bales of hay. Just a thought.

I found this article "The Making or Breaking of a Serial Killer" to be extremely enlightening as well.

Addiction to anything starts with an introductory act; the anticipation of the act will be coupled with feelings of promise and exhilaration, and once the act has been completed there will be an elevated sense of satisfaction. The child’s lack or absence of empathy could mean that feelings of pain will not be reciprocated and the animal will not be afforded any special rights or immunity in the child’s eyes. A child’s destructive nature and curiosity (usually with respect to toys), coupled with CD, therefore, is a recipe for killing animals. And once the child has felt the exhilaration, something that the psychopathic crave, given their physiology, the antisocial behavior will be reinforced. This sets the ground for addiction, particularly given the high level of exhilaration.
Those with psychopathy and CD also show poor impulse control (Barry, et al., 2000), which seriously increases the likelihood of any behavior that has been met with high levels of reinforcement in the past. If you toss in the awakening of sexual feelings and impulses brought on by puberty, those with CD will inevitably start to see humans in a different way.
We must also look at the role of fantasy. Most people fantasize about things that they cannot have, but the psychopath has every intention of getting everything they desire. Psychopathic serial killers know that rape and killing provide exhilaration, and so in order to maximize that exhilaration they will plan out and fantasize over their next act. As they gain experience and learn what kinds of things provide maximum levels of reinforcement, they are likely to try and replicate the experience, perhaps trying to make it better than the time before. It must not be underestimated how much time and planning goes into this process, as they are expecting a huge physiological payoff. If the anticipation and the fantasizing goes as planned, the killer will get the stimulation they crave, but if not, all of that anticipation, planning, and personal investment will turn into frustration or rage.
Eventually, the serial killer is likely to meet a number of personal problems that frustrate their efforts for stimulation. Firstly, if the stimulation is contingent upon ever complex rituals and acts, then they will become harder and harder to fulfill. Secondly, if the well-planned and researched avenues for killing are shut off, due to police investigations or economic or social problems, then there is no promise of a forthcoming fix. And thirdly, there could be biological problems in the aging killer’s brain that make it harder for them to control their impulses.

REPLY to post 470.... Earlier on I seen where someone mentioned that they found a FB page for JDW. I tried to find it but all I came up with were a couple old accounts and an account that showed a man with a woman and like 4 kids. Is there a link to his FB? Was he married, have children, or other family?
Who calls the police when they see lights in the sky?
I don't know why, but I find that one bolded call to the police incredibly odd.
He must have been worried about being abducted by aliens.

"A review of records on sheriff's runs to his home shows he called the department seven times since the beginning of 2014, reporting suspicious activity and other minor incidents — once saying he saw three red lights in a triangle pattern in the sky."

I figured he thought it was a drone that was going to see something he didn't want them to see.

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REPLY to post 470.... Earlier on I seen where someone mentioned that they found a FB page for JDW. I tried to find it but all I came up with were a couple old accounts and an account that showed a man with a woman and like 4 kids. Is there a link to his FB? Was he married, have children, or other family?

No wife or children that we know of yet. I never actually found the page that was in the screenshot but in the screen shot the profile picture was of a group of people like you are describing but too small in the screenshot to really see. After I saw it I went on FB right away and tried searching for that profile and couldn't find it and when I came back here to double check the picture/name/etc and try to enlarge profile pic from the screenshot I couldn't find the post so I think it might have been deleted. I think others have tried searching for him on FB with no success
I figured he thought it was a drone that was going to see something he didn't want them to see.

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Hadn't thought of him thinking it was a drone. Assumed (I know - don't do that) he thought aliens/UFO.
I do not recall seeing that this room was built in any fashion. They just used the term "hidden room" or "secret room concealed by hay bales". That very well could mean it is just a room that existed in his barn and he concealed it's existence with bales of hay. Just a thought.
I live on a farm in Fulton County. I've been in plenty of barns around the area, almost all of them have concrete/stone floors and they aren't built with rooms in the floor. The others are dirt and used to house animals, but his barn does not appear to be a livestock only barn. I don't think the room came with the barn. I believe he built a room and concealed it.

Unless I'm mistaken but I could've sworn multiple sources said the room was in the floor with hay bales over it and the door held shut by a ratchet strap.
Thanks button isn't enough...and hugs!
RSBM - I needed that last night, instead I just sat and :tears:

I think I bury myself in the pain of others, because it feels heavier than my own. Sometimes it's just all too much, and not having DH here.......

Last night I questioned why I still do it, but here I am again this morning!

We're here because we want to make a difference, we see the wrong, we feel the pain and we want to help make it better. Sleuthing is our way of trying to do that.
Okay, I swore I wasn't going to post today and was just going to pray. But this thread is moving so quickly, I can't help myself. We have a system in place for abused kids and abused senior citizens. There is a hotline and JFS (Ohio) or DCS or CSB or whatever you call it in your State responds. There is also a system for search warrants that require probable cause because we all have the expectation of privacy in our homes. I do however, believe that the public should be fully informed of who is in their neighborhoods. This was the reason for SORN laws and the resultant SORN system (Sex Offender Registration and Notification) system and the many private websites and Sheriffs sites that also post that information. I think there should be a similar registration requirement for other violent offenders (such as abductors, murderers and maimers in particular). We have the right to know they are in our neighborhoods. I would call that, for the most all-encompassing word, the "Psychopathic" Offender Registration and Notification system (although I don't like the acronym for this). I'm not sure what all the requirements could be to have to register for this, but certainly if a psychological evaluation was one of the requirements, JDW would have been registered.

Although this registry would be a good idea, I could foresee the lines getting blurred. At what point do HIPPA laws weave into this as well? I don't know, I am asking because wouldn't that jeopardize things here?
I live on a farm in Fulton County. I've been in plenty of barns around the area, almost all of them have concrete/stone floors and they aren't built with rooms in the floor. The others are dirt and used to house animals, but his barn does not appear to be a livestock only barn. I don't think the room came with the barn. I believe he built a room and concealed it.

Unless I'm mistaken but I could've sworn multiple sources said the room was in the floor with hay bales over it and the door held shut by a ratchet strap.

Like a cellar "in the floor"?
I live on a farm in Fulton County. I've been in plenty of barns around the area, almost all of them have concrete/stone floors and they aren't built with rooms in the floor. The others are dirt and used to house animals, but his barn does not appear to be a livestock only barn. I don't think the room came with the barn. I believe he built a room and concealed it.

Unless I'm mistaken but I could've sworn multiple sources said the room was in the floor with hay bales over it and the door held shut by a ratchet strap.

hobbit --
While I have only pictured the rooms as "built", probably because I too am from NW Ohio farms with barns without "rooms", I have not thought at all that the room was IN the floor. I can't think of any of the media stating in the floor, just "in the barn". And then straw bales surrounding the walls of the room.
I live on a farm in Fulton County. I've been in plenty of barns around the area, almost all of them have concrete/stone floors and they aren't built with rooms in the floor. The others are dirt and used to house animals, but his barn does not appear to be a livestock only barn. I don't think the room came with the barn. I believe he built a room and concealed it.

Unless I'm mistaken but I could've sworn multiple sources said the room was in the floor with hay bales over it and the door held shut by a ratchet strap.

Yes, I thought that the room was a bunker of sorts, in the ground. I could be mistaken though.
Yes, I thought that the room was a bunker of sorts, in the ground. I could be mistaken though.

It could be -- I'm just sharing what I understood based on info released from LE. However, I know in these threads or elsewhere there were rumors of a bunker that he had contracted to have built, so I would imagine if you're a local, you might read the statements released differently.
He has a decent haircut. I wonder who his barber is. And then I wonder what his/her thoughts on JDW might be.

I had to chuckle at that. It was nice to chuckle! But seriously, you are right. The barber's insight would be interesting.
Yes, I thought that the room was a bunker of sorts, in the ground. I could be mistaken though.

Me too. I kind of wondered how and why LE moved the bales. I reasoned that they likely had a cadaver scent dog, and it hit on that area, as well as where they dug.
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