Found Deceased OH - Sierah Joughin, 20, Fulton County, 19 July 2016 #5 *Arrest*

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Perhaps, Paranoid Schizophrenia? Seeing red lights in the sky. His statements and responses are rather "off" almost like what we call in mental health, "loose association."JDW mentioned his brother was"off his meds." From the sounds of it, JDW should be on meds, himself. Could it be they both are mentally ill? IMO and IMO of their childhood. I'd say so. (There is no way in hell he came from a normal or happy home as a child. I have future insight and opinion to that based off other family members that can't be discussed.)

I also wonder with the location of Sierah's bike in relation to his house, combined with the things left and found at his residence and/or barn then adding having to bring her back to place, that there wasn't an accomplice. That's a lot of work for one person to do on a motorcycle. Not suggesting anybody in particular.......... But think of the time frame. There is not a lot of time from 9:40pm, sunset to MN for one person to go back and forth without causing a scene or noise.

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That second person is my biggest fear. Imo, he called or texted someone to get that ping to know he was in that location for 2 hours.
I was thinking similar thoughts at 3am this morning. Inviting the police to his home himself via 911 or other calls to LE is easier to control than a couple of kids snooping on his property. Also, I think he wanted to have a rapport with LE (as mentioned before I think). Maybe having the police come to his sinister property was just another part of the thrill. The paranoia fits in there too, but who knows if that's drug fueled or he's mentally insane or both. I apologize if this doesn't make sense - lack of sleep makes my brain funky.

Also, court records indicate he owned a 1948 Ford F-4 in 2009. A question was asked about that earlier.

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Just a thought......has anyone thought that maybe he doesn't care about getting caught. That he's that out of his mind that being caught doesn't register. We are all thinking like normal people. We need to think like him. If only we cld get a better profile of the kind of killer he is.

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Just a thought......has anyone thought that maybe he doesn't care about getting caught. That he's that out of his mind that being caught doesn't register. We are all thinking like normal people. We need to think like him. If only we cld get a better profile of the kind of killer he is.

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He probably thinks he'll get out of it, like before.
This case stands out for the quick work that led to an arrest, and additionally, that of an apparent serial killer living undetected being unmasked. Had he gotten too confident, or had he become so consumed by evil desire that he (thankfully) slipped up?

Just a thought......has anyone thought that maybe he doesn't care about getting caught. That he's that out of his mind that being caught doesn't register. We are all thinking like normal people. We need to think like him. If only we cld get a better profile of the kind of killer he is.

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I have thought that, but I have also wondered if he is so arrogant and believes he is smarter and superior to everyone that he truly believed he would not get caught.
I have to agree..I've lived here my whole life and it is not common that girls go missing. We have our shares of runaways etc. but for girls to go missing because they were kidnapped? Those are few and far between. This was and continues to be absolutely shocking and traumatic for MANY communities in this area.
Just bc the media hasn't posted it, doesn't mean it's not happening. With that said, what is put out by the media is quite a bit. Fulton County, alone just this year has had at least 3 people found dead (including men). Lucas county and wood county plenty. You have to look at NWO not just one isolated area. I'm more than willing to post link after link of missing persons in NWO JUST put out in the news.

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"Bishop also said officers were interested in, "one piece of information we are looking for specifically. A motorcyclist, with a black, open-face helmet, not a skull cap, but an open face helmet, that was riding on Co. Rd. 6, at the intersection of of Co. Rd. T, on that day that we believe she may have been abducted, Tuesday, July 19, sometime between 6:30 pm and 8 pm.

"If anyone has any information on this motorcyclist, please contact the tip line," Bishop said."

I believe it was said a few pages back that LE made this request after JDW gave his side of the story, that he was riding his motorcycle and it broke down. I think they were making sure no one could corroborate his story.
Definitely possible he left his phone there and wasn't actually at the site for the 2 hours. The only thing that bothers me about that theory is if he came back to get the lost phone why didn't he get the other evidence at the same time? It's possible that he couldn't find he other things but you would think he would take her bike since it had his prints on it. IMO the bike is what got the whole search going as quick as it did and helped LE zero in on a specific search area
People would see a flashlight in the field. So he couldn't leave it on long if he was going to go back when it was dark.

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This doesn't even make any sense. He's a liar. Why would he be pushing his bike thru a cornfield that was 6 feet high? He lived a straight shot up the same road. Not to mention a farmer wouldn't be to pleased to see some jerk pushing a motorcycle thru his planted corn. The only thing that has been cut down is wheat and there was no wheat planted where abduction site was. There is NO WAY and NO REASON that he would be pushing his motorcycle THRU a cornfield.

He's a liar and a really BAD on at that!!
bbm - I know we all don't think it very likely that he transported Sierah on his bike. But how did her blood get on it? Doesn't this fact prove that he was in fact at the abduction site with his bike? So then most likely is that he either went to get the van and came back, or someone helped him.

I know nothing about motorcycles, so forgive if this is a ridiculous question. Could Sierah have easily ripped (and possibly thrown it) something off the motorcycle that would make it inoperable? Then JW would have had to walk back to the house for a vehicle, return, and spend time looking for his other lost items
I used to have that same theory about human trafficking. I drove truck for 20 years, almost entirely long haul; mostly from the Midwest to the West. About four years ago a guest speaker was at our church (at the time) and shocked me with details of a local girl who ended up being trafficked.

Because of the internet, social media and smart phone apps; young people are very easily stalked and exploited. The girl in his story was not from a troubled family, she was just an attractive, naive girl who got fooled into the crime by scum. I won't go into detail of how this was done; creeps might be reading this and don't need ideas. These sickos stop at nothing to get victims.

There was also a (rumored) child prostitution bust very near here which involved the family members of migrant workers. This was never publicized due to minor family members being involved. Anytime the victims are underage, the details aren't publicized to protect the victim. I also remember the story of the two girls from Toledo; who were offered a ride on their way to Wendy's; in the rain. There have been three stories in the last year or so; that I recall of teenage girls in my hometown going missing; and found alive in the Detroit or Toledo area.

I feel that regardless of a victim's geographical location, age, family circumstances and social status; victims from all walks of life are targeted and exploited. Please research this for yourself. Most cases of this involving minors aren't public info.
You are right. It's very real and very prevalent. It's a huge problem that the task force is trying to stop. It happens to any girl now, not just ones from broken homes.
Since they have so much to process, analyze, and peice together it will take time. All the DNA testing is a priority so it will take time but they'll get it sooner than later. IMO The next big news from LE will most likely be within the days of his next court hearing to add more charges possibly.

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After dark it is very very dark. He lived 7 miles down 6 from where the abduction site happened, and 120 and Rd.S are travelled more than T. He would have taken her past T- main Rd name Brint then S, main rd Sylvania Ave, and where Evergreen is and fairly travelled close to Sylvania, the next area with lights would be 20 main Rd Central ave, lots of trucks. , but I don't think 20 is lit at 6. Once past there little traffic he was at 6 @L, and the speed limit is 50+. Some newer houses between his and 20, I believe a State Trooper even lives in one. So if he used zip ties he could have feasibly left her to get his truck and retrieved her. The corn rows are tight, and obscure view. He could have waited until dark and then went to get a vehicle. Im guessing he figured he had clean up time, and was going to go back to retrieve items left. His house is in the middle of nowhere, obscured by trees and bushes. The only maintained building is the hell barn. The neighbor across from him is a distance and caddy corner, a field is directly across from him. His house is on the corner of L fields to the n. He has a neighbor at k, but fields in between and I believe the property steetches back to 7, where a trailer is on the back. He had the perfect setup straight out of a horror movie. It's dark, really dark. I live in a suburb east of there that is well travelled and even there where I live it is black at night. There are coyotes, foxes and lots of animals that make noise.

Harleys go down T frequently. It's safer to drive the country roads anymore.

The reason I ask about an older car is because I do have a concern he may have approached my then 17 year old after a car show in 2014 in Sylvania.

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Am I the only one who does NOT think she stopped to help what appeared to be a man with a broke down motorcycle? I would never stop to help a man on the side of the road. Yes I've given money to the homeless at red lights when I'm in my VEHICLE surrounded by other cars, but I would never stop to help a man while I'm on a bike of while walking. I might even be too afraid to help a woman. Sad, I know but on a bike or walking you are really defenseless. I would try to avoid the man completely and take a Difft route if possible or at least stay on the other side of the road.

I think he stunned her by hitting her with his motorcycle- either rode out from the corn or from behind her or from the other side of the street. Then he hid in the corn until dark then went home then came back with his truck to move her body that very night. It's possible he even had a shallow grave dug prior to hitting her.

If she did stop to help him, I am NOT victim blaming in any way, but I really don't think she did. Didn't her mom say she took self defense lessons?

One last thing, the boyfriend was on a bike not a motorcycle.

I don't think she stopped to help him. I think he ran her off the road or bumped her gently enough not to damage the bike. The reason I think that is because LE stated early on that Ce's bike was undamaged.
Am I the only one who does NOT think she stopped to help what appeared to be a man with a broke down motorcycle? I would never stop to help a man on the side of the road. Yes I've given money to the homeless at red lights when I'm in my VEHICLE surrounded by other cars, but I would never stop to help a man while I'm on a bike of while walking. I might even be too afraid to help a woman. Sad, I know but on a bike or walking you are really defenseless. I would try to avoid the man completely and take a Difft route if possible or at least stay on the other side of the road.

I think he stunned her by hitting her with his motorcycle- either rode out from the corn or from behind her or from the other side of the street. Then he hid in the corn until dark then went home then came back with his truck to move her body that very night. It's possible he even had a shallow grave dug prior to hitting her.

If she did stop to help him, I am NOT victim blaming in any way, but I really don't think she did. Didn't her mom say she took self defense lessons?

One last thing, the boyfriend was on a bike not a motorcycle.

Josh was on a motorcycle
Yes. Agreed. The motorcycle was somehow involved. I don't believe for a second that Sierah was on the bike. I would believe that he (or SJ) somehow transfered her blood to the motorcycle when he was leaving the scene to get a different vehicle.

Yes. I don't think she was on the motorcycle either.

Anyway If her bike was not damaged then maybe he just cut her off/wouldn't let her pass with his motorcycle then snatched her and went into the corn

Then after it was dark he left on his motorcycle leaving her body, bike, helmet etc there
then went back with another vehicle to get her and everything else he left there. He may have heard a car etc coming at that point- so he panicked and took only her body and left Everything else behind?
He then buried her in the middle of the night? But it's still strange that he didn't go back for his things and the bike after burying her. He must just be incompetent?? I give up. I'll just wait for LE to tell us
Josh was on a motorcycle

Yes. Sorry I've been corrected. I'll go back and change that post. Last week I read someone saying a motorcycle and someone told them a bike so I went back to thinking a bike.
If we are to assume that JDW was at the scene with his phone for the almost 2 hours they saw his phone pinged there, you would think that someone would have drove by in that time and noticed a motorcycle or car/van/truck parked alongside the road. Maybe someone did and they never reported it or maybe no one ever drove by. I know it was said that road doesn't get a lot of traffic so it is possible but 2 hours is a long time for not one car to go by

I believe it's possible he he may have dropped his phone in the struggle and returned later to retrieve it.
People would see a flashlight in the field. So he couldn't leave it on long if he was going to go back when it was dark.

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I think he was banking on at least 24 hours before a search. If she would have come from a dysfunctional family police may have considered her a runaway, she was off with a boy, other things and waited to see if she came home.

She was a stellar girl with a good family and the search started asap. Otherwise why not take the biggest piece of evidence the bike?

Now fuses zip ties, all items a mechanic would have and easy to explain if stopped. Also items for a kidnap kit, add a few extras like fuses to cover. Maybe while trying to subdue her she kicked his kit and these items fell. He probably thought he could get back to get the stuff, but maybe the search had started so being common items in lots of vehicles he wasnt concerned. Then he concocted the 2nd bike to frame the boyfriend.
This is what I am wondering too, and I have asked jashrema twice if there were tire tracks in the cornfield and whether enough corn was disturbed to show that his motorcycle could have been hidden in there, but she has not answered those questions.

I answered this a few pages back I believe Speechless. Or at least I think I did. Yes..when I was there all the grass, from the start of the corn to the edge of the street was tamped down. There were obvious tire marks but big tires..not motorcycle tires. BUT LE had it cordoned off the first 24...then they opened it..then they closed it..then they opened it again. Numerous people had been there, stood there..whatever. I do not recall seeing a small width tire track for a bike or a motorcycle but like i said..everybody and his brother had tramped all over the place.
My confusion of how far into the corn field the bike and evidence was found comes is based on what is considered a row of corn. I was under the impression that a row of corn is typically 15-38" with a few inches between rows. That would put 3-4 rows in at minimum 4 feet into the field.

Also confusing me further about how far into the field this occurred was an article from this site


"According to police documents, when investigators found Sierah’s bike, they also found evidence of a struggle, as well as a two pairs of sunglasses, one of which belonged to the 20-year-old, along with a screwdriver, a motorcycle helmet covered in human blood with a partial palm print on it and male DNA."

Of course I'm assuming that the male DNA is semen.
That second person is my biggest fear. Imo, he called or texted someone to get that ping to know he was in that location for 2 hours.

LE has his phone. I would think if there was evidence of calls or text during that time period, a second arrest could have been made by now. I hope so anyway.
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