GUILTY OH - Summer Inman, 25, abducted & murdered, Logan, 22 March 2011

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I am not the owner of that site, nor do I know who is - I found that site only in the last week or so, and have posted on there 3, maybe 4 times.

I am not surprised that my posts might sound familiar to theirs, as most people that knew the Inman's could not believe the Inman's were capable of such a horrible crime. When my husband and I first heard about this, we too thought Summer was either in hiding, or being held a hostage while Will pleaded with her to come back - we were aware of the problems...but never dreamed they would murder her.

I don't think that site is necessarily maligning SI's character - but exposing a lot more of the story than what the press was telling - and there is far more to be told than what that site is saying.

While several of you don't think Summer needed to go to a DV shelter to protect herself and her children - see how that decision worked out for her. Maybe when the trial comes up, and you hear the details, you will see things differently.... then again, maybe not.

Once one deserves to lose their life like SI has, and I am heartsick for her, her children and loved ones. May she rest in peace.

BBM: What exactly are you alluding to here, Gummieshoe, what else is to be told?

How "what" decision worked out for her? I just don't understand what you mean.
I am not the owner of that site, nor do I know who is - I found that site only in the last week or so, and have posted on there 3, maybe 4 times.

I am not surprised that my posts might sound familiar to theirs, as most people that knew the Inman's could not believe the Inman's were capable of such a horrible crime. When my husband and I first heard about this, we too thought Summer was either in hiding, or being held a hostage while Will pleaded with her to come back - we were aware of the problems...but never dreamed they would murder her.

I don't think that site is necessarily maligning SI's character - but exposing a lot more of the story than what the press was telling - and there is far more to be told than what that site is saying.

While several of you don't think Summer needed to go to a DV shelter to protect herself and her children - see how that decision worked out for her. Maybe when the trial comes up, and you hear the details, you will see things differently.... then again, maybe not.

Once one deserves to lose their life like SI has, and I am heartsick for her, her children and loved ones. May she rest in peace.

I don't think we should automatically believe the stories the murderers and their family is telling. If they are murderers it's not a stretch to believe they are big fat liars too.
This was a highly contested, nasty, child custody divorce. The situation was escalating rapidly....and tempers were flaring. Divorces are generally disturbing for anyone but this one was really out of control.

I doubt there was any question in Summer's mind that her and her children were in danger...If there was a doubt in her mind, someone should have spoke up to remind her of the following.......

Her "friends" freely talk about the horrible, abusive relationship she was in and how she desperately wanted out. It has been written in the newspapers and documented in court records how Will hid her cell phone, hid her keys, would hold her captive, and threatened to kill her if she tried to leave him and took the children. She was granted a restraining order because she feared for her life and her children's. She was basically living in a cultish environment and supposedly told how to dress, when to eat, and when to go to bed. Summer had a safety plan in place for when she left work.

In the newspapers, it has been discussed how people in their social circle knew Bill was the king and controlled his household and his cultish Mercy Ranch. BI was losing control, his daughter-in-law was an adulteress, a sinner, took the kids, left the 'cult", broke sonny's heart, and was costing them a fortune in legal fees, they were being evicted with no where to go, and the judges last ruling ( March 1st I think it was) was against the Inmans.

We all saw the video of a volatile Bill Inman when she went to get her clothes, where he is fist fighting with a police officer, until they tazered him and took him to jail where charges were filed.

All of the things mentioned are the tip of the iceberg.

I don't know what other "signs" one might need to know their life is seriously in danger, or why they would have a safety plan in place with family members, if they thought the Inmans were just being idiots and simply blowing hot air.

Had Summer been immediately taken to a DV shelter by a parent, friend, or boyfriend....she would probably be alive today. Summer would not have been working late hours at the bank, because the shelter would have provided her and her children with food, clothes, and amenities she needed as long as necessary. She would have been given a free atty that specializes in these types of cases, and her DV case would have been a priority in the court system. Counselors would have been there to guide her, and go to court with her when needed. Her safety and her children's safety would have been the priority.

Last, you can't compare the "nice" Inmans who worked for people and paid them, or the Inmans that went to church services and social church functions....with the "Inmans" that were religiously fanatic, mind controlling and abusive to their wives in their home.


Actually no she would not have been given a very lengthy stay She would need to work because they don't provide everything some shelters only allow you to stay a week they can transfer you to another shelter if there is space Choices is always full, The Lighthouse rarely has room either. It's too bad we don't have more shelters or better shelters but in a bad economy donations and funding dry up
I am not the owner of that site, nor do I know who is - I found that site only in the last week or so, and have posted on there 3, maybe 4 times.

I am not surprised that my posts might sound familiar to theirs, as most people that knew the Inman's could not believe the Inman's were capable of such a horrible crime. When my husband and I first heard about this, we too thought Summer was either in hiding, or being held a hostage while Will pleaded with her to come back - we were aware of the problems...but never dreamed they would murder her.

I don't think that site is necessarily maligning SI's character - but exposing a lot more of the story than what the press was telling - and there is far more to be told than what that site is saying.

While several of you don't think Summer needed to go to a DV shelter to protect herself and her children - see how that decision worked out for her. Maybe when the trial comes up, and you hear the details, you will see things differently.... then again, maybe not.

Once one deserves to lose their life like SI has, and I am heartsick for her, her children and loved ones. May she rest in peace.


I have a feeling Summer didn't think her husband would murder her either. Unfortunately I think a lot of women think that way. I don't think it would matter if she went to a DV shelter or not. These people wanted her dead and if someone doesn't want to let go then you are going to have problems.

I think Summer did everything she could do to protect herself and her children and she shouldn't have to be put away somewhere for a year or longer until they decide to let her go and if they decide to let her go. How many women have we read about that are murdered by the ex or estranged husband. She had to work to take care of her children.

I feel so bad for Summer, her children and her family, such a sad sad story and so familiar too.

The site you all are talking about "Summer Inman The True Story" Is that the one where the preacher was talking so badly about her?

By the way everyone, we do not discuss rumors here, if its not in the main stream media its a rumor. So most of what's on this website can not be discussed here unless it has been in the main stream media.


Actually no she would not have been given a very lengthy stay She would need to work because they don't provide everything some shelters only allow you to stay a week they can transfer you to another shelter if there is space Choices is always full, The Lighthouse rarely has room either. It's too bad we don't have more shelters or better shelters but in a bad economy donations and funding dry up

I hadn't thought about this, but I agree with you on this.

I don't think we should automatically believe the stories the murderers and their family is telling. If they are murderers it's not a stretch to believe they are big fat liars too.

I agree with this too! I have a feeling the Inman's are going to be working very hard to discredit Summer in any way they can. It started even before she was found and if I'm not mistaken it was supposadley by a preacher if you can believe that.!

Thats not true! I dont think anyone is blameing Summer but Summer knew she was in danger...

The writing was on the wall...

When women leave a spouse that really wont let her go and is controlling she is in danger and so are the children. We see it every dAY. We see it every day wives missing, wives dead, families dead,,, its very scarey!

I don't think Summer thought they would go to the extreme and murder her. Who would think that a mother in-law, father in-law and estranged husband would plot to kill?

We do see it every day and I just don't think Summer could have done anymore than she did. The husband was never going to let her go.

I just went to check out this website "Summer Inman The True Story." I am not going to allow it to be posted here. It is full of rumors, they are pretty much blaming the victim and law enforcement as well. :nono:

Looks to be the opinion of someone, and not fact from what I can see.

I just went to check out this website "Summer Inman The True Story." I am not going to allow it to be posted here. It is full of rumors, they are pretty much blaming the victim and law enforcement as well. :nono:

Looks to be the opinion of someone, and not fact from what I can see.


Thanks, Ima.

I never went there, figured it was probably carp.

One thing I can't take, is blaming the victim and blaming LE. :maddening:

Actually no she would not have been given a very lengthy stay She would need to work because they don't provide everything some shelters only allow you to stay a week they can transfer you to another shelter if there is space Choices is always full, The Lighthouse rarely has room either. It's too bad we don't have more shelters or better shelters but in a bad economy donations and funding dry up

Actually, Summer would have been given the oppertunity to stay for quite a own daughter was in one here in OH so I was familiar with how it worked... she had 2 children with her......the shelter was fantastic.

My daughter did not work while she was there - had everythng provided for her and the children. They never transferred her anywhere.

Let me daughter was given a free atty that specialized in DV - a hearing was scheduled immediately for a restraining order, then a second one for temporary support. I wanted her to come to our home, but her atty insisted she remain at the shelter ( 175 miles away from him and us) and not to place my husband or I in danger too. When court hearings were scheduled - we were escorted from our car at the courthouse, to the court and back by LE. When leaving, he was told by LE to walk on the other side of the road as LE stood there and watched. My daughter's atty immediately placed us in a separate room from him at all times in the courthouse. This wonderful atty took the time to tell my daughter to keep her nose clean, and not to talk to, or provoke her ex in any way - she said to let her and the judge do her talking... the counselors at the DV shelter reiterated the same. Supervised visitation was granted for him at a court ordered facility. He was to arrive, and be sitting in there 15 minutes prior to us dropping off the kids.

There was no "moving on with her life" for over 3 years....she did as she was told by her attorney and survived.

That was 7 years ago - how things might have changed since then - I don't kmow.
She tried to get help, and it didn't happen. Why the delay after the abduction was reported? Sadly I think when someone decides to murder, they do it, and police involvement and all the restraining orders in the world won't stop it. There has to be a better way, to protect and ultimately save those in danger. But how? People can't have bodyguards 24/7. I just don't know. :(
She tried to get help, and it didn't happen. Why the delay after the abduction was reported? Sadly I think when someone decides to murder, they do it, and police involvement and all the restraining orders in the world won't stop it. There has to be a better way, to protect and ultimately save those in danger. But how? People can't have bodyguards 24/7. I just don't know. :(

I wish I know the answer.

I thinking that a woman that is scare for her life (and I been there) that maybe they should carry a device like that they can push if threaten kind like gps or onstar thing. Something like the life alert.:waitasec:

I think one should be given out with RO. I don't know but you got me thinking.:waitasec: Something got to be done way to many wives being murder.:banghead:
She tried to get help, and it didn't happen. Why the delay after the abduction was reported? Sadly I think when someone decides to murder, they do it, and police involvement and all the restraining orders in the world won't stop it. There has to be a better way, to protect and ultimately save those in danger. But how? People can't have bodyguards 24/7. I just don't know. :(

there was a case in Hocking County years ago where a woman was shot on the Courthouse steps while leaving her divorce proceedings I took care of her in an area Nursing Home
What gives anyone the right to start a page like that about Summer and be anonymous? I find it totally disgusting and disrespectful. The same thing with alot of the FB's for missing people who are strangers.
I will never understand it. I don't need to know if Summer was unfaithful or whatever and peoples opinions on if she was on drugs or not. There is NO EXCUSE EVER for kidnapping and murder. You can't hide forever from your ex and Summer was working to make a living when she was kidnapped. I respect the fact that she was working and not trying to live off the state to support herself and 3 children. :twocents:
What gives anyone the right to start a page like that about Summer and be anonymous? I find it totally disgusting and disrespectful. The same thing with alot of the FB's for missing people who are strangers.
I will never understand it. I don't need to know if Summer was unfaithful or whatever and peoples opinions on if she was on drugs or not. There is NO EXCUSE EVER for kidnapping and murder. You can't hide forever from your ex and Summer was working to make a living when she was kidnapped. I respect the fact that she was working and not trying to live off the state to support herself and 3 children. :twocents:

That person who has the page has serious issues It's scary I think they comment to them self with 5 or 6 different names I also strongly feel they are in the Inman inner-circle.
I just went to check out this website "Summer Inman The True Story." I am not going to allow it to be posted here. It is full of rumors, they are pretty much blaming the victim and law enforcement as well. :nono:

Looks to be the opinion of someone, and not fact from what I can see.


I completely agree as it has been filled with crap - and crap against Summer - since before she was even found. The guy that wrote the original postings there claimed to be a pastor. They are still maligning Summer and placing blame everywhere (even the police). They are spreading rumors and I do not believe that anyone should listen to someone who was so obviously biased (clamining that the Inmans were innocent and being framed) since the beginning. My problem is that I will NEVER listen to anyone that is affilitated with that horrible blog. :maddening:

Summer was a beautiful mom trying to get on with her life after an abusive relationship. I cannot believe that these horrible monsters (the Inmans) would take away the mother of the precious children.
That person who has the page has serious issues It's scary I think they comment to them self with 5 or 6 different names I also strongly feel they are in the Inman inner-circle.

Yes, if you read that horrible blog early on - it showed exactly whose side they were on - The Inmans. They have NEVER been on Summer's side; and SHE is the victim here.
Hello again iam kinda new to this one only know i seen it on nancy grace...i know she was found and it wasnt good but is someone arrested. I hope so what they did to this girl is unthinkable.
I am not the owner of that site, nor do I know who is - I found that site only in the last week or so, and have posted on there 3, maybe 4 times.

I am not surprised that my posts might sound familiar to theirs, as most people that knew the Inman's could not believe the Inman's were capable of such a horrible crime. When my husband and I first heard about this, we too thought Summer was either in hiding, or being held a hostage while Will pleaded with her to come back - we were aware of the problems...but never dreamed they would murder her.

I don't think that site is necessarily maligning SI's character - but exposing a lot more of the story than what the press was telling - and there is far more to be told than what that site is saying.

While several of you don't think Summer needed to go to a DV shelter to protect herself and her children - see how that decision worked out for her. Maybe when the trial comes up, and you hear the details, you will see things differently.... then again, maybe not.

Once one deserves to lose their life like SI has, and I am heartsick for her, her children and loved ones. May she rest in peace.

Gummie, this sentence points out one reason why I do not side with any of your statements on here. I have read that horrible blog since the beginning. The people there and in other places on the internet keep claiming to feel "sympathy" for what happened to Summer; however, they continue to inflate the Inman's greatness. They also continue to push this "nasty" horrible divorce that was escalating. While I am certain that the Inmans are upset that the children are no longer in their home, I am not willing to listen to rumors that Summer was pulling horrible stunts to keep the kids from the Inmans. And I will NOT believe anything that the Inmans claimed about Adam. That is heresay and not relevant. I do NOT believe that they have told the truth in their probable many rants against Summer and where their lives have been taken.
Well Iam sorry for your loss and i dont care what people say about anyone nothing was deserving of what has happened to her she i said i have no clue i know nothing other then the name but as far as i know she never hurt no one and to have done to her what has happened is just dispicable and i hope they all pay and pay dearly ..

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