OH - Three students killed in Chardon High School shooting, 27 Feb 2012

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He killed 3 people. SOMETHING will happen to him. He's not just going to walk.

However, if they know something we don't, and TJ is indeed mentally ill, then obviously he belongs in a hospital or mental institution. I am not in favor of sending genuinely ill people to jail.

CeCe, I agree. The fact that he acted the way he did after the shooting proves he knew right from wrong. He may have mental issues but he is not insane. Sowell has mental issues also, he is on death row. He will not walk.Hough and Cutts are still trying to get out of LWOP...aint gonna fly!:great:
Nick W., who was a facebook friend, may be the key to how random this just was.

snowdaze, latest word from mom has Nick doing a bit better. She said the Doctors are cautiously optimistic he will regain use of legs..For Nick, xoxoxo

His girlfriend reportedly broke up with him a week before and started dating one of the victims. That's not random either way I look at it and certainly doesn't point to insanity. Jealousy is the oldest motive in the book.
Prayers for the true victims of this horrible tragedy & praying for swift justice & a determent for others who are "heart-broken" or "bullied" . . . there are other methods of vengeance such as turning the other cheek, not bringing a loaded gun into the "game"!

Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people! Gotta respect firearms
I agree jj. One week after they broke up. Not random. With the young man still in the hospital with 4 gunshot wounds, it wasn't random.

Here's an article about the other Ohio student who was posting threats online that was arrested. Hope it's not a repeat.


I personally think he deserves his punishment but also feel he needs some mental help while serving.
snowdaze, latest word from mom has Nick doing a bit better. She said the Doctors are cautiously optimistic he will regain use of legs..For Nick, xoxoxo


Thank God :please: I have been so worried about him and for him.
The full report said they will decide at the March 19 session if he will be tried as an adult. My money is on yes..:seeya:

Mine too. I think it's a no brainer.
???? You mentioned him by name when you said he might have gotten the worse outcome than the ones that died. So I am very confused as to why you think that.

I am pretty sure when his mother was asked today by a member of the press if Nick could feel anything, she said "No."
I don't know, but I think Nick is quite lucky...and that for the most part, what he's experiencing now is a type of trauma that will hopefully resolve itself over time...meaning, that for some reason, even with 4 bullets, the damage that was done is LESS than the body's ability to protect itself.

In some instances, when there is spinal trauma, the spinal cord responds by swelling, inflammation, and shutting down nerves. Over a period of 48-96 hours, feeling will return, beginning slowly, and then continue to return over a period of up to several years.

There are various modalities of treatment, but the most effective treatment starts within 5 hours of trauma. Steroids, cold therapy, anesthesia, and all sorts of other things are done to reduce the swelling, and return circulation, while allowing the spine NO movement.

It speaks highly of Nick's ER team, and trauma team, and surgery team, that he's beginning, right on time, to recover some feeling in his lower extremities. It also speaks to a lower level/chance of spinal trauma than say, a shattered vertebra, a shear force trauma in spine, neck or brain, or axonal trauma in his brain.

The neck is a very techical, complicated structure. In a very small area, a lot of things are going on; circulation, bone, nerve, breathing, vocal, swallowing, and a lot more happen in the neck, and considering Nick was shot in the neck, for him to still have verbal ability, breathing ability, intact circulation, possible swallowing...not to mention a head shot as well as a spine shot.

I'm gonna say that boy was being cared for by angels, and, unlike the other three boys, it was not Nick's time to go. Please God that he doesn't get an infection (bullets are VERY dirty things) or pneumonia...and that he can keep making progress.

Go, Nick! Keep on recovering...just keep taking it one moment at a time!

Herding Cats

PS: I'm glad to read it's SOP to charge as a juvenile before adult charges are levied. That's reassuring.
If i was misunderstood by prior post i wanted to clarify. I just didn't want Nick to suffer for months and eventually succumb to his injuries. That's all.
Huge mistake. An incredibly dumb thing for a prosecutor to say. The case was lost right there, imo.

but.....what if it's just the truth?

what then?

i don't see any winners here, no matter how it goes. i see heartache and grief.
Troubled Life of Alledged Shooter, TJ Lane

Try this twitter link. If that doesn't work goe to CBS news. Padlocked bedroom doors when he lived with his dad. Locked on the outside. oh my.

CBSNews CBS News
The troubled life of alleged HS shooter TJ Lane http://bit.ly/xU0hiy (via @CBSEveningNews)

I'm not surprised by this. I have expressed from the beginning i never felt that TJ was one of the typical profiles. He looks hollow to me. Void of emotion. Gaunt in appearance from pictures we saw of somebody who once had some muscle yet still slight. Somebody who was failing in school yet was excelling in his program now and working to Graduate early. Early reports hinted of some trouble in the home over the years. We heard of the Grandparents who stepped in and tried. I think it was too late. He was damaged and fractured. It just took one trigger to set him off. One last rejection. I wish he could have been saved and the lives of those he took. He deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest for what he has done. I just never felt he was a vicious killer who gained delight from what he had done. He is a killer and now he must pay. Yet there may be some horrors of his life we may never learn. Yet his Parents will live on. Heartbreaking all of it.
but.....what if it's just the truth?

what then?

i don't see any winners here, no matter how it goes. i see heartache and grief.

I do too. I dont have sympathy for TJ's choice he made and the horror he has inflicted upon so many. I have sympathy that long ago the wheels were in motion for him and his victims.
but.....what if it's just the truth?

what then?

i don't see any winners here, no matter how it goes. i see heartache and grief.

It's not prosecutor's job to decide who is well or not well before any psych evaluations have been carried out.
snowdaze, latest word from mom has Nick doing a bit better. She said the Doctors are cautiously optimistic he will regain use of legs..For Nick, xoxoxo


Thanks Nore. I had a post previous about this. She also mentioned his memory is not quite there. As much as I hate to say this, I'm sure the police are anxious to speak with him about this randomness. He may provide a lot of answers to this puzzle. But he will need time to heal first. From what I have read he has knowledge of what happened to his friends. Tragic all the way around. He's got a long road ahead of him...
Troubled Life of Alledged Shooter, TJ Lane

Try this twitter link. If that doesn't work goe to CBS news. Padlocked bedroom doors when he lived with his dad. Locked on the outside. oh my.

CBSNews CBS News
The troubled life of alleged HS shooter TJ Lane http://bit.ly/xU0hiy (via @CBSEveningNews)

I saw that report also. How horrifying! It said they moved out 5 years ago which would have put TJ living with his father at 12?
First, my prayers and condolences to the victims and community in Chardon.

I think we need to wait and see the evidence with regards to his mental state. After a tragedy like this, people are angry and want the person responsible to pay for what they did. No one wants to hear that the shooter may be mentally ill, because they feel that he won't suffer enough in a mental hospital. That fact is mental illness is very real and can cause people to do things they wouldn't normally do.

So many defendants cry wolf, that those that are truly sick have a hard time claiming insanity. I do not know the nature of this young mans mind but obviously something is very wrong. Does he meet the courts defintion of insanity? We'll have to wait and see. When the story of Andrea Yates first broke and her attorneys claimed insanity, people became very angry. They wanted her punished because her crime was so horrible and refused to listen to any evidence showing that she was indeed a very, very sick woman. Most people now accept the fact that Yates was mentally ill.

Sometimes the anger has to subside to view a case rationally.
It's not prosecutor's job to decide who is well or not well before any psych evaluations have been carried out.

I didn't see the Prosecutors remarks as a Psych evaluation. I think anyone who commits such a crime is not well. For me it was just a blanket statement. Even after a Psych evaluation which i believe will find a whole lot not well this kid under the law he will not even remotely qualify for Insanity. Not to say a Defense may not push for it.
First, my prayers and condolences to the victims and community in Chardon.

I think we need to wait and see the evidence with regards to his mental state. After a tragedy like this, people are angry and want the person responsible to pay for what they did. No one wants to hear that the shooter may be mentally ill, because they feel that he won't suffer enough in a mental hospital. That fact is mental illness is very real and can cause people to do things they wouldn't normally do.

So many defendants cry wolf, that those that are truly sick have a hard time claiming insanity. I do not know the nature of this young mans mind but obviously something is very wrong. Does he meet the courts defintion of insanity? We'll have to wait and see. When the story of Andrea Yates first broke and her attorneys claimed insanity, people became very angry. They wanted her punished because her crime was so horrible and refused to listen to any evidence showing that she was indeed a very, very sick woman. Most people now accept the fact that Yates was mentally ill.

Sometimes the anger has to subside to view a case rationally.

I do agree with most of what you are saying. I do think the Prosecution has a strong case and will prove under the Law he does not qualify. The Premeditation is there. It's all they need. Do i see a difference with this young man and other killers. Yes. Just my opinion.

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