Identified! OH - Troy, Miami Co., 'Buckskin Girl' WhtFem 133UFOH, 15-25, Apr'81 - Marcia King

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Thanks, Irish:

Until now, I wasn't able to pinpoint exactly where she was found. But here's the Google Street View of the location:

Horseshoe Bend Rd at South Greenlee Rd - Google Maps

This is a very convenient dumping spot for someone who is exiting I-75 @ W. Market Street. I was hoping to figure out whether it was more likely that the perp was driving northbound (i.e., from Kentucky) or Southbound (i.e., from Michigan). But it is just as easy a location for someone heading Southbound on I-75 as it is for someone heading Northbound.
Strange you should mention her. I was just looking in her high school yearbook for better photos of her. I was looking at her as a possible for this 1976 Lopez Canyon CA Jane Doe:

CA CA - Los Angeles County - White Female 587UFCA, 16-26, April 1976

Classmates has the San Rafael HS 1970 yearbook, which has her name listed among the Sophomores, but no photo.

However, she was said to have left to Mexico with a guy named CK. <MOD SNIP>
As for Linda being Buckskin Girl, Linda seems to have very prominent cheekbones that I don't see in BG.


BG's lack of cheekbone definition is more noticeable in the postmortem photo.

I know this is off-topic, but I wonder if Linda and Cary could be found near Ludlow, CA?

Red hair, brown eyes, 5'6", at older end of age range, and would have had to travel from Canada.


Previous Case - Next Case

Name : HARVEY (ROUSSEAU), Pamela
Case : ON-MF-1978-12-01004

Date Of Disappearance : 15 December 1978
Location Of Disappearance : Sudbury, Ontario
Age At Disappearance : 23 years
Height (estimate) : 168 cm (5'6")
Weight (estimate) : 57 kg (125 lbs)
Hair Colour : Red
- reddish/blonde hair, worn long
Eye Colour : Brown
Gender : Female
Race : Caucasian

Dental Information :
Medical Information :
Notable Identifiers :
Clothing/Jewelry :
Other Personal Items :
Additional Information :
In December 1978, Pamela left her son with a neighbour and never returned. Her family had expected her during the Christmas holidays but Pamela did not attend. Further inquiry showed that Pamela had been missing for some time.

Since the exact date of her disappearance is unknown, the 15th should be viewed as an estimate only.

All of Pamela's identification and personal belongings were left behind.

Contact :
Greater Sudbury Police Service


Crime Stoppers
705-675-8477 or 1-800-222-8477
Source Links :
Greater Sudbury Police Service
Last Modified :

Red hair, brown eyes, 5'6", at older end of age range, and would have had to travel from Canada.



Here is an illustration of what I look for when comparing possible matches to Buckskin Girl:

In the close-up of BG's right temple (on the right), if you draw a vertical line down from the outside of the eye socket, you can see that her right cheekbone doesn't extend at all outside of that vertical plane. Most people have at least a little lateral definition of the cheekbones, but BG has absolutely none. The only portion of her head that extends to our left (her right) of the red line is her temple.

With Pamela Harvey, you can see (as illustrated by the dashed line), that her cheekbones have a moderate degree of lateral extension.

I do see what you're saying. So this makes BG fairly unique then?
I do see what you're saying. So this makes BG fairly unique then?

I wouldn't say it's unique or extremely rare. but I would say it's fairly unusual. And for the people who look like BG in other respects, you can usually eliminate them on that basis.

Over the past few weeks, I've been browsing yearbooks for high schools along I-75 from Troy OH to the Michigan Border, including the entire city of Toledo, and I've come up with only a few who really look like her. I saw one girl from Piqua OH who looked like her spot-on, but she appeared to be missing an upper left lateral incisor (#10), and I found her listed on the internet in a people search site.

There's also a girl (initials BAR) whose senior photo is in the 1974 St. Ursula Academy (Toledo OH) yearbook who looks alot like BG, and has a similar lack of cheekbone definition. But I think I may have found her listed in an online obituary as a surviving relative of the decedent, so I don't want to post her photo online. Her name is fairly uncommon, but I see other people with the same name who are not the same age, so it's hard to tell whether I've found her online or not.

ETA: If anyone is curious about who I'm talking about, PM me, and I will show you the photo.
Interesting. I would guess that a girl who went to St. Ursula probably would have had boy or girl friends who attended the University of Dayton. It is a popular choice of colleges for Catholic students (or those who can afford it, anyway.)
Here is an illustration of what I look for when comparing possible matches to Buckskin Girl:

In the close-up of BG's right temple (on the right), if you draw a vertical line down from the outside of the eye socket, you can see that her right cheekbone doesn't extend at all outside of that vertical plane. Most people have at least a little lateral definition of the cheekbones, but BG has absolutely none. The only portion of her head that extends to our left (her right) of the red line is her temple.

With Pamela Harvey, you can see (as illustrated by the dashed line), that her cheekbones have a moderate degree of lateral extension.


I'm not sure its fair to compare the facial shape of a living upright person with that of a dead prone women with head trauma. In the post mortem pic, BG seems to be really swollen in the face IMO. In fact, her head seems tilted up as if resting on a support. I'm wondering if these two things are distorting her natural facial shape and giving her a sort of wider double chin/neck look. The cause of death included head and neck injuries...maybe she even had a broken cheek.

I'm just saying, the pic may be a misleading representation of her face shape.

What is interesting to me are the very pencil thin eyebrows and the micro-short bangs (if thats what they are) in the front which just don't make for an authentic hippie look. I can see the braids and buckskin as an attempt at a native American look but again those eyebrows kind of clash so I would guess she wasn't hardcore into the look. Maybe it was a temporary fad for her that she was trying out. The eyebrows and the eyes in general make me think she was in her 20's too.
I'm not sure its fair to compare the facial shape of a living upright person with that of a dead prone women with head trauma. In the post mortem pic, BG seems to be really swollen in the face IMO. In fact, her head seems tilted up as if resting on a support. I'm wondering if these two things are distorting her natural facial shape and giving her a sort of wider double chin/neck look. The cause of death included head and neck injuries...maybe she even had a broken cheek.

I'm just saying, the pic may be a misleading representation of her face shape.

I agree that the double-chin look is probably a postmortem effect, and it's somewhat difficult to assess the shape of her chin and jawline. but her cheekbone structure is what it is. She was hit on the top of the forehead, but there don't appear to be any injuries or significant swelling near her cheekbones. The front of her cheeks probably appear less fleshy as the result of the postmortem lack of blood pressure. But that wouldn't affect the areas that I outlined in my illustration.
This is my first post here. The jacket interested me as well. I googled buckskin jacket and I found the picture below on ebay. I e-mailed the seller for info and he replied that there was a white tag inside the jacket that said "made in mexico". That was the only information he had on the jacket. I believe it's the same jacket, in better condition. I found another one made identical just in a different color and have emailed that seller to see what if any info they can provide. I don't know if this helps, but I'll keep searching for info on the jacket.
Thanks for letting me share,

I had the same thought about the poncho looking like a Mexican poncho. Good eye.
Carl's initial braided hair depiction reminded me of Melissa Gilbert's portrayal of Laura Ingalls Wilder on Little House on the Prairie. I know the show was popular around that time. I even looked to see if there were any prairie themed festivals going on around that time. There was a sugar maple festival not too far away from where she was found. Looking at the schedule for this year's festival it didn't seem to me that it would be the type of thing people would dress up for. Probably it is mostly attended by people in the very local area also, and if she went missing from nearby I think we'd know who she was by now.
Carl's initial braided hair depiction reminded me of Melissa Gilbert's portrayal of Laura Ingalls Wilder on Little House on the Prairie. I know the show was popular around that time. I even looked to see if there were any prairie themed festivals going on around that time. There was a sugar maple festival not too far away from where she was found. Looking at the schedule for this year's festival it didn't seem to me that it would be the type of thing people would dress up for. Probably it is mostly attended by people in the very local area also, and if she went missing from nearby I think we'd know who she was by now.

I am from Troy and live near Piqua, they have a heritage festival just outside Piqua each year, where they have Re-enactments of Mountain men and Indian emcampments each year at the old Col. Johnston farm, there used to be an Indian agency located there. Not sure what year the festivals started.
I am from Troy and live near Piqua, they have a heritage festival just outside Piqua each year, where they have Re-enactments of Mountain men and Indian emcampments each year at the old Col. Johnston farm, there used to be an Indian agency located there. Not sure what year the festivals started.

I had only just looked at the PM photo's of BG and had the exact thought before I even read this post. I was already googling local events in in Troy to see if they had Indian Wars reenactments or something. The over all look, the eyebrows and sweater underneath etc, paired with the poncho and braids just screams costume to me, jmho tho.
I am from Troy and live near Piqua, they have a heritage festival just outside Piqua each year, where they have Re-enactments of Mountain men and Indian emcampments each year at the old Col. Johnston farm, there used to be an Indian agency located there. Not sure what year the festivals started.

What month is the heritage festival held?
I grew up in Ohio and it suddenly dawned on me that her remains were located in Miami County, Ohio. The county is named after the Miami Indians. As a child we visited many indian villages and historical settlements in Ohio. People were dressed in costume in all of the villages. She might have worked in one of these settlements or villages.
In my opinion Lisa Marie Mott is similar enough in appearance to mention but from completely wrong continent and several years too young. Height difference could be accounted for by time lag between disappearence and death. Her face is close though especially when you allow for 6 months of maturation, and her coloring too, if she got more sun (maybe doing agricultural work?) she might be both more freckled and ruddier.

Also, could the odd cut of the girl's fringe be down to the killer taking a lock of hair?
There's no way IMO, that Buckskin girl was only 12-13 years old. All of her wisdom teeth were fully erupted. She does look quite similar though.
I received an email from NamUS stating that an exclusion was added today to the rule out list. I am not exactly sure who the recent exclusion is, the list now has 54 people listed.
lonene rogers is not on the rule out list, but after some sleuthing i found a podcast with her daughter and apparently she has been ruled out...

darn, the looks were really similar.
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