GUILTY OH - Two women & child killed, 13yo abducted, Apple Valley, 10 Nov 2010 #4

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MH does own the home on Columbus Road, per Knox County Auditor. His name is on the deed for the home.

And earlier back someone mentioned cell signals being poor in Mount Vernon.... I've lived in the Mt. Vernon area for 11 years now, and honestly, I've never had a real problem getting a cell signal or having dropped calls. Only time I've had an issue is in the back end of Kroger or Walmart. *shrug* I even lived in the woods in Fredericktown (DEEP in the woods) and still had a signal! Though some of the rural areas you do roam or have no service at all... but usually in MV and along the main routes (such as 36, 229, 13, and 3) I haven't had problems.

I can't help but wonder why he kept the girl alive and not the other 3. It seems to me she was a target of some sort, and I pray (though my gut tells me otherwise) that he did not do things to her while she was captive.

What scares me the most about this whole ordeal, even though I don't live anywhere near Columbus Road... my daughter is a student at Columbia Elementary right down the street.
If he was stalking the child, why would he not just kidnap the child when she was by herself, such as going to or from school, etc.
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I think this is a great question! If the female child was the sole target....why abduct so many others? It would have been much simpler to accost her, only, and away from the residence. To me that complicates the crime, unnecessary hindrances and ups chances of getting caught a great deal imo.

I think all of them were targets.....not just the teen girl. Why?.....good question.
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I think this is a great question! If the female child was the sole target....why abduct so many others? It would have been much simpler to accost her, only, and away from the residence. To me that complicates the crime, unnecessary hindrances and ups chances of getting caught a great deal imo.

I think all of them were targets.....not just the teen girl. Why?.....good question.

He could of been in the house waiting for her to come home. Stephanie and Tina might have been out house hunting and walked in on the whole thing. Kody would have been easy for him to handle with his age. I am sure Sarah would do whatever it took to make sure her little brother was not hurt. Then when T&S walked in things just escalated out of control.
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I think this is a great question! If the female child was the sole target....why abduct so many others? It would have been much simpler to accost her, only, and away from the residence. To me that complicates the crime, unnecessary hindrances and ups chances of getting caught a great deal imo.

I think all of them were targets.....not just the teen girl. Why?.....good question.

Unless he was invited to the home, and then saw the child, but he couldn't very well just take the child because of course he would be immediately reported to the police.
i don't know - haven't we seen cases where the crime escalates from what's intended? whether due to panic or poor planning? i wonder if that's the case here... if the beer cans found belonged to KH, perhaps he was drunk and not thinking as clearly as he might have been.

plus, TH could have been insistent that she wasn't leaving her child(ren).

Post snipped a little....

I think this is a great question! If the female child was the sole target....why abduct so many others? It would have been much simpler to accost her, only, and away from the residence. To me that complicates the crime, unnecessary hindrances and ups chances of getting caught a great deal imo.

I think all of them were targets.....not just the teen girl. Why?.....good question.
New here. This case has intrigued me.

A few thoughts I have had that I haven't seen mentioned:

1. Is is possible that the dog just got out of the house during whatever was going on and ran off? I don't know much about dogs, but seems like some will get out and be gone for several days. I am hoping that maybe he/she just ran off and may be found in a few days.

2. Where was HIS car during all of this? I keep thinking that maybe his car was as the house (in the garage?) at the beginning of this and that he may have put Sarah in the trunk and left her there, instead of taking her all the way back to his house, while he took care of everyone else. Or that he ordered her to go and get in the truck or car under threat of hurting the family if she didn't. I seem to recall that is basically what happened to the Groene kids. Then he was able to control them by the fact that he had "control" of Sarah. Just something about the words used like "she was under his control" and "didn't leave of their own volition" and/or "under their own power".

3. Where was the mom during that day? Is it possible that somehow he was stalking her/them, she was near the university where the truck was found, he flagged her down for a ride home with some story (leaving his car in the area). She may have recognized him as the son of a neighbor and then they/he could have had a few beers at the house being social, until kids came home and whatever else happened. This would explain leaving her car on campus, he would have transferred to his car and driven home where he had already left Sarah. If they were hanging out then maybe mom mentioned that boyfriend wasn't going to be home that day and he saw an opportunity?

For those speculating how he got them under control, all he had to do was grab one of the children (probably Sarah). If he was in the house in a social way in an instant he could grab her, with a weapon or not, and be in complete control of the situation.

I really hope that it doesn't end up that any of them were in that house on Wed night when the police went by. That would be absolutely heartbreaking.

Going back to lurkdom now. Thanks for all the great information and great forum. :)

Bubblesdoe. Great first post.
OT: Hello all, just joined and want to say it is certainly interesting (and informative) reading all your posts! Have so many questions about this case and hope the 3 missing persons are found asap, hopefully alive. Can't imagine what I would do if my teen went missing...

I found this piece of info on Matthew John Hoffman/Appeal in Colorado, it is from 2005, so he must have still been in their system then. Wonder if he is still on parole/probation, as he got 5 years supervision when he was sentenced to 8 years for the arson in Steamboat Springs? If he was supposed to be under supervision, wouldn't he have to check in periodically with a PO, have some type of a house visit, keep a job, and make payments on the $2 million fine from the arson? How was he able to get a loan for $30k to buy his 5-bedroom house last year?

IIRC, he was on parole till last month. His parents may have bought the house in their name and they gifted it to him. The entity owed the 2 million probably hadn't spotted it yet.
Considering the history that's coming out about his treatment of animals, I highly doubt the dog made it out of that situation alive. :(
I wasn't able to quote the post for some reason :waitasec: but anyway....about him eating squirrels.....I live in Louisiana and people here LOVE squirrel meat so I don't find that him doing that is so unusual. I do wonder though if that would be something atypical, and not usual in that area of OH. Now...him killing dogs (if true)....does up the notch for me as far as him being a possible psychopath and/or serial killer.
I have to say, that the dog being missing, combined with MH's known nefarious activities with animals, is not good. :(
I was talking about the speculation of him killing dogs. I see nothing wrong with eating squirrel, in fact, they're nuisances here in Ohio. Eat all the squirrel you want! LOL
New here. This case has intrigued me.

A few thoughts I have had that I haven't seen mentioned:

1. Is is possible that the dog just got out of the house during whatever was going on and ran off? I don't know much about dogs, but seems like some will get out and be gone for several days. I am hoping that maybe he/she just ran off and may be found in a few days.

2. Where was HIS car during all of this? I keep thinking that maybe his car was as the house (in the garage?) at the beginning of this and that he may have put Sarah in the trunk and left her there, instead of taking her all the way back to his house, while he took care of everyone else. Or that he ordered her to go and get in the truck or car under threat of hurting the family if she didn't. I seem to recall that is basically what happened to the Groene kids. Then he was able to control them by the fact that he had "control" of Sarah. Just something about the words used like "she was under his control" and "didn't leave of their own volition" and/or "under their own power".

3. Where was the mom during that day? Is it possible that somehow he was stalking her/them, she was near the university where the truck was found, he flagged her down for a ride home with some story (leaving his car in the area). She may have recognized him as the son of a neighbor and then they/he could have had a few beers at the house being social, until kids came home and whatever else happened. This would explain leaving her car on campus, he would have transferred to his car and driven home where he had already left Sarah. If they were hanging out then maybe mom mentioned that boyfriend wasn't going to be home that day and he saw an opportunity?

For those speculating how he got them under control, all he had to do was grab one of the children (probably Sarah). If he was in the house in a social way in an instant he could grab her, with a weapon or not, and be in complete control of the situation.

I really hope that it doesn't end up that any of them were in that house on Wed night when the police went by. That would be absolutely heartbreaking.

Going back to lurkdom now. Thanks for all the great information and great forum. :)

The poor dog could have ran off. I sure hope so. The first I even heard that he had a vehicle was today I think. I have often wondered the whole idea of if he drove there or not. I would assume that he did. After he had one of the children he could have made the mom drive her vehicle to the college grounds following her because she would have feared for their safety I suppose. This is just my guessing though.
Now that we know that Matthew Hoffman's parents live right around the corner from Tina's house, he may have driven his own vehicle to his parent's house and left it there. He committed the crime and used both Tina's truck and Stephanie's Jeep (sheriff stated in yesterday's presser that there was evidence recovered from both vehicles).

A possible scenario, although I don't know how plausible this is: He leaves his car at his parents house or somewhere near Tina's house but concealed. He goes to Tina's house and commits the crime. He leaves, taking Sarah with him in his car and goes back to his house in Mount Vernon. He leaves Tina, Stephanie, and Kody incapacitated and not visible if anyone should look in a window. That's why when the sheriff deputy came by twice during the evening no one answered the door.

After leaving Sarah bound and gagged in the basement of his house. He returns to Tina's house sometime in the wee hours of Thursday morning. He may have even been there when the deputy came by the second time late in the evening. He put Tina, Stephanie, and Kody in the truck and took them wherever he took them and left Tina's truck at the college and walked home.

If I remember correctly, the deputy said that the second time he came to the house (late evening) the lights were on inside but there was no response. MH could have come back by this time and was in the house when the deputy came. Perhaps it was MH that turned the lights on.

Sometime on Thursday, he either took a cab to his parents house to retrieve his car, or asked someone for a ride. I doubt his car was parked on his parent's was probably somewhere near the parents house concealed.

Do you have a link to where the sheriff said there was evidence recovered from both vehicles?

I thought he said that both vehicles were being processed for evidence.

He said he could not go into specifics about the blood that was collected at the home for investigative reasons. Barber added that blood samples, as well as Hermann's and Sprang's vehicles, are being processed by BCI, but he could not give a time when the lab results will be available.
LE hasn't said that Hoffman didn't have help, they just said he didn't have an accomplice. What if he walked about 2 miles from the college and then called a friend and asked to be dropped off at his parents house? That wouldn't seem that suspicious until the truth unfolded.
I have to say, that the dog being missing, combined with MH's known nefarious activities with animals, is not good. :(
I think it is very odd the dog is missing too. If the dog had managed to sneak out a door at some point....I think it would have showed back up at the house sooner or later......or at a neighbors.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a probable cause statement to be released after the hearing tomorrow.
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